75_579630 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 8:10 PM Page 485 Index Address Book anti-aliasing, fonts and, 65 Symbols access, 142 anti-virus software, Virex, / (forward slash), Terminal com- backups, 141 394–396 mands tab completion, 444 Bluetooth and, 427–429 antivirus software, 393, 396–397 - (minus sign) in Google searches, BuddyPop, 142 AntiWordService, 221 252 Dashboard, 142 AOL, spam and, 275 64-bit addressing, 10 groups, 146–149 AP (access point), wireless net- ^ (Control key), keyboard naviga- iAddressX, 142 works, signals, 298 tion and, 70 iCal and, 364–365 Apache Web server, sharing and, + (plus sign) in Google searches, introduction, 141 313 252 QuickAddress, 142 Appearance dialog, font smooth- Send Updates option, 149 ing, 65 template cutomization, Apple Lossless files, 337 A 142–144 Apple menu A-Dock X shareware, 107 vCard creation, 144–146 overview, 90 AAC files, 337 Advanced pane, Finder, 87–88 representation in book, 4 accessibility AIFF files, 337 AppleScript AppleScripts and, 60 AirPort CDs, 368 assistive technology, 53 card installation, 299–300 contextual menus (CMs), AutoCorrect and, 60 network creation, 299–300 111–113 automation and, 60 optimization and, 30 iCal, 365 keyboard settings, 58–60 setup, 300 overview, 112 macros and, 60 software, 297 Script menu, 91 mouse settings, 58–60 alerts, speaking, 55 AppleScripts, accessibility and, trackpad behavior, 59 aliases 60 voice commands, 56–57 benefits, 133 AppleTalk, 294 VoiceOver, 53–56 deleting, 133 application menus, representa- Workflows and, 60 Favorites, 135–136 tion in book, 5 zoom feature, 57–58 COPYRIGHTEDintroduction, 132 MATERIALApplication Support folder Accounts panel, auto-launch and, operating system and, 133 (Library), 126 179–181 originals, locating, 162 application switching AcidSearch, 240 overview, 133 Exposé, 187–188 Actions (Automator Workflows), Terminal, creating in, 445 keyboard shortcuts, 187 471–472 UNIX, 135 overview, 81, 186–188 Activity Monitor, performance Alt key, 45–46 shareware for, 188 and, 35–37 antenna, base station, 299 75_579630 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 8:10 PM Page 486 486 Mac OS X Tiger Timesaving Techniques For Dummies applications Workflows, creating, 471–473 802.11g wireless protocol, 299 aliases, 133 Workflows, creating complex, introduction, 298 drive space and, 174–175 475–477 iTunes broadcasting, 298 hiding, 188–189 Workflows, saving, 473–474 modems and, 298 installing additional, 16 AutoPairs utility, 420 printer support, 298 keyboard shortcuts, 80–81 range, 298 launching automatically, B batteries for laptop, extending, 179–181 30–32 launching automatically, Dock, background, Icon view (Finder), BBEdit 182–183 94–95 Bonjour and, 306 launching automatically, Backup (.Mac Account) opening from Terminal, 461 Finder, 181–182 file types, 389 Services, 219 logout and, 190 finalizing, 389–390 birthdays in iCal, 362 opening files from, 194 introduction, 387–388 BlueService, 221 quitting, 190 startup, 388–389 Bluetooth shut downand, 190 backups adapters, 424 stalled, 34–35 Address Book, 141 Address Book and, 427–429 start automatically, 23–24 Carbon Copy Cloner, 376–377, Bluetooth File Exchange, Applications directory, 390 432–433 shortcut, 74 ChronoSync, 390 connection setup, 424–427 archive and install method of Deja Vu, 390 dial phone from text selection, installation, 11 frequency, 383 429 archives, drive space and, 174 Home directory to external enabled devices, 424 arguments, ls command, 445–446 hard drive, 385–387 introduction, 423–424 arrow keys iBackup, 390 iSync and, 429–431 Desktop, 74 iPod and, 373, 375–377 Bonjour Finder, 71 location, 384 BBEdit and, 306 assistive technology. See media, 384 Games and, 306 accessibility number of, 383 hardware and, 310 attachments (Mail), 269 recommendations, 383–384 iChat and, 279, 305, 306–307 audio CDs, iTunes, 370 restoring with rsync, 387 iPhoto and, 306, 309–310 Audio directory (Library), 127 Retrospect Desktop, 390 iTunes and, 306, 308–309 AutoCorrect, accessibility and, 60 rsync utility, 384–387 naming computer, 305 AutoFill, Safari, 232–233 set rotation, 384 reasons to use, 304–305 automatic login, downfalls, 23 SilverKeeper, 390 Safari and, 306 Automatic network location, 290 StuffIt Deluxe, 390 setup, 305 automatic start testing, 384 SubEthaEdit and, 306 applications, 23–24 base station, wireless networks Transmit and, 306 System Preferences, 25 antenna extension, 299 World Book Encyclopedia and, automation, accessibility and, 60 Apple manufactured, 299 306 Automator encryption, 298 Zero conf, 304 introduction, 9 Ethernet ports, 298 bookmarklets (JavaScript), overview, 470–471 firewall, 298 241–242 75_579630 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 8:10 PM Page 487 Index 487 bookmarks CalcService, 221 Cocktail RSS, 235–236 calendar. See also iCal maintenance and, 418 utilities, Safari, 240–241 Sticky Brain, 153 optimization and, 27 Bookmarks Bar (Safari) Calendars directory (Library), Cocoa folders, 247 127 Services, 219 grouping bookmarks, 246 calibration, monitor, 64 Stickies, 151 introduction, 244 calling card dialing, networks, 295 Cocoa Gestures utility, 419 Bookmarks menu (Safari) Carbon, services, 219 CodeTek Studios software, 407 deleting bookmarks, 246 Carbon Copy Cloner, 376–377, 390 color introduction, 244 cat command (Terminal), 456–457 calibration, 64 bookmarks (Safari) CDs displays, 63–65 accessing, 248–249 audio, iTunes and, 370 Color panel, Displays dialog, 64 deleting, 246 battery life of laptop and, 31 Color setting (Terminal prefer- mark a page, 245 burnable folders, 368–369 ences), 464 preferences, 247–248 burning, 369–371 ColorSync, profiles, 63–64 sharing with other browsers, iPhoto picture CDs, 371 ColorSync folder (Library), 127 249 scripting and, 368 Column view (Finder) tips, 250 System Preferences, 366–368 introduction, 97 transfer to new computer, 249 cellphone navigation, 72–73 Bookmarks window (Safari) as remote control, 431–430 command history, Terminal, folder creation, 245 Bluetooth setup, 424–427 438–440 imported folders, 245 note storage, 432–433 commands, voice commands, introduction, 243–244 picture storage, 432–433 56–57 nesting folders, 245 Character Palette, 211–212 commands (Terminal) browsers ChronoSync backup utility, 390 cat, 456–457 Cache, 231 Classic, dual-booting, drive space combining using pipes, cookies, 231 and, 176 451–454 default, 228 ClearDock shareware, 107 cp, 443–444 History, 231 CleverKeys, 111, 221 du, 450–451 BSD Subsystem, installation Clipboard find, 446–447 and, 16 Find Clipboard, 208 head, 458–459 BuddyPop, Address Book, 142 overview, 207 less, 457–458 Buffer setting (Terminal prefer- shareware, 207 ln, 445 ences), 463 ClipboardSharing clipboard alter- locate, 447–448 burnable folders, CDs, 368–369 native, 207 ls, 445–446 burning CDs, Finder, 369–370 CMs. See contextual menus mkdir, 446 Ô (Command key) mv, 444 C Desktop, 74 pbcopy, 453–454 Finder, 71 pbpaste, 453–454 Caches folder introduction, 46 ps command, 450 clearing, 28 keyboard navigation and, 70 rm, 444 Library folder, 27 Tab key and, 81, 187 caching, browsers, 231 75_579630 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 8:10 PM Page 488 488 Mac OS X Tiger Timesaving Techniques For Dummies commands (Terminal) (continued) Control key, 46 Déjà Vu backup utility, 390 rmdir, 446 conventions in book, 4–6 Del key, keyboard navigation, 70 sort, 450 cookies, browsers, 231 deleting tail, 458–459 copying Actions (Automator tee, 454 files with Terminal, 443 Workflow), 471 wc, 449–450 keyboard and, 204–206 aliases, 133 wildcards, 446 keyboard shortcuts, 79 bookmarks (Safari), 246 Comments, List view (Finder), 96 mouse and, 204–206 directories with Terminal, 444, Comments panel, Get Info, 161 tips, 207–208 446 Composing preferences, Mail, CopyPaste-X clipboard alterna- files, manually, 173–176 260–261 tive, 207 files with Terminal, 443 computer type in book, 5 cp command (Terminal), 443–444 undeleting files with Terminal, concatenation of files, viewing crash recovery/prevention, 37–38 444 multiple in Terminal, 456–457 cron utility, 416–418 Desktop configuration cross-platform fonts, 209 Desktop & Screen Saver panel screen savers, 478–480 CSSs (cascading style sheets), (System Preferences), 129 Terminal Preferences panel, Safari customization and, 238 Home directory and, 124 462–466 customization navigation, 74 Contextual Menu Items folder print settings, 201 screen saver as, 482–483 (Library), 127 Terminal Preferences panel, virtual desktops, 63 contextual menus (CMs) 462–466 Desktop & Screen Saver panel, AppleScript and, 111–113 TinkerTool freeware and, 66 preferences, 129 CleverKeys, 111 desktop printing, 202 DesktopPictureCM tool, 110 D DesktopManager, 63 Dock, 110 DesktopPictureCM tool, 110 file opening, 192–193 daemons, 37 destination of installation, 14 files, 109 Dashboard DEVONtechnologies’ services, FinderIcon, 111 Address Book, 142 221 folders, 109 Exposé, 119–120 dial phone from text selection Get Info option, 109 introduction, 2, 9 with Bluetooth, 429 Help option, 109 Stickies, 152–153 dialing from Address Book with iCal and, 361 widgets, 119 Bluetooth, 427 introduction, 108 data fork suitcase fonts, 209 dialup connections, configura- OnMyCommandCM, 111 data transfer, iPod and, 372–373 tion, 292–293 packages, 110 databases (locate command), directories QuickAccessCM, 110 447–448 deleting with Terminal, 444, Sticky Brain, 111, 153 Date Created, List view (Finder), 446 StuffIt Deluxe, 111 96 listing with Terminal, 445–446 third-party applications, Date Modified, List view (Finder), searching for files in, 446–448 110–111 96 size of, viewing, 451 windows, 109 date/time, Text to Speech, 56 Terminal, creating in,
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