COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SENATE Official Hansard No. 10, 2001 TUESDAY, 7 AUGUST 2001 THIRTY-NINTH PARLIAMENT FIRST SESSION—TENTH PERIOD BY AUTHORITY OF THE SENATE INTERNET The Votes and Proceedings for the House of Representatives are available at: http://www.aph.gov.au/house/info/votes Proof and Official Hansards for the House of Representatives, the Senate and committee hearings are available at: http://www.aph.gov.au/hansard SITTING DAYS—2001 Month Date February 6, 7, 8, 26, 27, 28 March 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 26, 27, 28, 29 April 2, 3, 4, 5 May 9, 10, 22, 23, 24 June 4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28 August 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 September 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27 October 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25 November 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22 December 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13 RADIO BROADCASTS Broadcasts of proceedings of the Parliament can be heard on the following Parliamentary and News Network radio stations, in the areas identified. CANBERRA 1440 AM SYDNEY 630 AM NEWCASTLE 1458 AM BRISBANE 936 AM MELBOURNE 1026 AM ADELAIDE 972 AM PERTH 585 AM HOBART 729 AM DARWIN 102.5 FM Tuesday, 7 August 2001 SENATE 25723 Tuesday, 7 August 2001 Senator ABETZ—I am not sure how this ————— follows on from the Governor-General’s al- leged comments; nevertheless, I can assure The PRESIDENT (Senator the Hon. the honourable senator that I am fully ac- Margaret Reid) took the chair at 2.00 p.m., quainted with the report. I can also indicate and read prayers. to the Senate that the government’s policy on QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE pursuing property sales was based on good, Commonwealth Property Holdings: sound economic reasoning and also on the Divestment basis that we saw investment in the social Senator SCHACHT (2.01 p.m.)—My wellbeing of the Australian people by paying question is to Senator Abetz representing the off debt and therefore freeing up money as Minister for Finance and Administration. I being better than owning bricks and mortar. refer to the minister’s admission in response DISTINGUISHED VISITORS to a question without notice yesterday that: The PRESIDENT—I draw the attention ... the ANAO did make some comments in rela- of honourable senators to the presence in the tion to Commonwealth properties that have been chamber of a parliamentary delegation from sold. United Kingdom led by the Rt Hon. Donald And his claim that: Anderson. On behalf of honourable senators, ... the sales program has been highly successful. I welcome you to the chamber and trust that your visit to this country will be informative Senator Alston—Tell us about Centenary and enjoyable House? Honourable senators—Hear, hear! Senator SCHACHT—Has the minister actually read the ANAO report? Does he QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE realise that this is a damning indictment of Workplace Relations: Workers’ the Howard government’s incompetence? Is Entitlements he aware that the Governor-General’s com- Senator MASON (2.03 p.m.)—My ques- ments include the finding that the property tion is to the Leader of the Government in sell-off is likely to result in a negative return the Senate, Senator Hill. Will the minister to the Commonwealth within the lease-back inform the Senate how the coalition govern- period? ment’s policies have protected workers’ enti- Senator Hill—Are you sure it was the tlements? Is the minister aware of any alter- Governor-General? native policies? Senator SCHACHT—Is this what the Opposition members interjecting— minister regards as a highly successful deal Senator HILL—I do not understand the for the Australian taxpayer? guffaws on the other side of the chamber, Senator ABETZ—I understand that the when this country has been subject to totally Governor-General has made no comments on irresponsible and potentially ruinous strike this. action within the motor vehicle industry that Senator SCHACHT—Madam President, has been justified by the union concerned on I ask a supplementary question. In view of the basis that it is to protect the entitlements the fact that Senator Alston interjected about of workers. During the time of the last Labor Centenary House, I ask Senator Abetz—as government, the workers might have had an he and other ministers have drawn the anal- argument in that regard because, under 13 ogy with the Centenary House rental agree- years of Labor in this country, there was no ment—whether he will ask the Prime Min- government scheme in place for the protec- ister to set up a royal commission to examine tion of workers’ entitlements. the property sell-off, as the Labor Party in Senator Conroy interjecting— government did in the case of Centenary Senator HILL—I will repeat that for House. Does the minister accept the Auditor- Senator Conroy. General’s—(Time expired) 25724 SENATE Tuesday, 7 August 2001 The PRESIDENT—Order! Senator lia will not also join the Commonwealth in Hill— this important task. Senator HILL—Under the last 13 years To the end of July 2001, the scheme has of the Labor government in this country, paid out almost $9 million to about 4,500 there was— employees across Australia. If the states had The PRESIDENT—Senator Hill— been a party to it that could have been up to $18 million. If the remaining states join the Opposition members interjecting— Commonwealth government, the scheme will The PRESIDENT—Order! Senator Hill, provide people in those states with, on aver- I am not surprised that you could not hear age, up to 70 per cent of their entitlements me, the level of shouting was so loud. I ask when a company is unable to pay after be- senators to abide by the standing orders and coming insolvent—so an effective safety net not shout when the minister is answering a at the national level for the first time in the question. history of our country. But state Labor gov- Senator HILL—Under the last 13 years ernments, of course, still refuse to support it of Labor there was no Commonwealth gov- and that means the workers get less than half ernment scheme in place in support of work- of what they could potentially get. One ers’ entitlements. Of course, that was the would have thought the ALP would be call- time of the great collapses: Quintex, Bond ing for the states to join the Commonwealth Corporation, Pyramid Building Society, Tri- in this regard. But would Mr Beazley do continental and so forth. So it might well that? Of course not, because he has not got have been that workers under the last Labor the ticker! government would have called for the Com- Opposition senators interjecting— monwealth to act in this regard. The contrast, The PRESIDENT—Order! There are of course, is that the Howard government has senators on my left who have been persis- already acted. Under the Howard govern- tently shouting during the minister’s answer. ment, there exists an employee entitlements That is contrary to the standing orders. Any support scheme which provides for a maxi- such conduct interpreted as wilful may draw mum of $20,000 protection for workers who certain consequences. are left without their entitlements. Senator HILL—So what is the Labor Senator Conroy—Bob Herbert walked Party alternative? It is to put up the superan- away this morning. nuation guarantee, to put up the levy, to put The PRESIDENT—Senator Conroy, stop up the price to small business and contribute shouting. to the cost that could lead to small business Senator HILL—So the first and only na- collapse. How can that be an alternative to tional scheme has been introduced under the the country as a whole sharing the burden? It Howard coalition government and is cur- is like the unionists who say ‘Take a levy off rently in force. The scheme relies on both the the payroll.’ The Labor Party says, ‘Take a Commonwealth and state governments levy in the form of an increase to the super- making equal contributions and, as all hon- annuation benefit.’ It is the same story we ourable senators will now know, and I am copped from Labor for 13 years. sure they are pleased to know, the South Senator Cook—That’s a lie! Australian government has become the first The PRESIDENT—Order! Senator state government to join the Commonwealth Cook, withdraw that remark. in this very important enterprise. That is in support of the Northern Territory govern- Senator Cook—I withdraw. The minister ment, which has already become a party. So told an untruth. we congratulate the South Australian gov- Senator HILL—It is the same old story: ernment on accepting its share of the respon- the Labor Party pushes up the cost to busi- sibility for this important task. It is a pity that ness and forces businesses to the wall. They the Labor state governments around Austra- did it for 13 years when they were last in office. (Time expired) Tuesday, 7 August 2001 SENATE 25725 Commonwealth Property Holdings: ance on welfare. All those things have flown Divestment from 5½ years of sound economic manage- Senator LUNDY (2.09 p.m.)—My ques- ment, and part of that sound economic man- tion is to Senator Abetz, representing the agement has been the strategy overseen by Minister for Finance and Administration. the minister for finance. Why did the government adopt a 15 per cent Senator LUNDY—Madam President, I hurdle rate for the sale of Commonwealth ask a supplementary question.
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