International Journal of Geosciences, 2014, 5, 122-130 Published Online January 2014 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ijg) http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ijg.2014.51013 Provenance, Tectonics and Paleoclimate of Permo-Carboniferous Talchir Formation in Son-Mahanadi Basin, Central India with Special Reference to Chirimiri: Using Petrographical Interpretation Khansa Zaidi1*, Sarwar Rais1, Abdullah Khan1, Mohd Masroor Alam2 1Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India 2Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Email: *[email protected], [email protected] Received October 28, 2013; revised November 29, 2013; accepted December 24, 2013 Copyright © 2014 Khansa Zaidi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accor- dance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2014 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intellectual property Khansa Zaidi et al. All Copyright © 2014 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian. ABSTRACT The present study deals with the petrographic interpretation of Talchir Formation sandstone, in and around Chirimiri area, Koriya district, Chhattisgarh state India located in Son-Mahanadi basin. This basin is an elon- gate graben showing northwest-southeast trend and considered to be one of the largest intra-cratonic rift basins of Indian peninsula. Talchir Formation is the lowermost unit of thick classical Gondwana sedimentary succes- sion and rests unconformably on Precambrian basement. The petrographic studies consisting of point count show the presence of quartz as a dominant framework mineral with subordinate amounts of feldspars and rock fragments. The data plot in the fields of cratonic interior and transitional margin of continental block prove- nance. In the Qt (quartz)-F (feldspar)-L (lithic fragments) triangular diagram, indicating the source of these sediments was located in transitional margin and continental block provenance. The petrographic classification suggests that this formation in the study area dominantly contains compositionally immature to submature ar- kosic, sub-arkosic and lithic-arkosic sandstones. The bivariate plot between Qp/(F+R) vs. Qt/(F+R) indicates changes in climatic conditions from semi-arid to semi-humid during Permo-Carboniferous period. KEYWORDS Son-Mahanadi; Talchir Formation; Chirimiri; Provenance; Tectonics; Petrography; Paleoclimate 1. Introduction The Gondwana sediments of Peninsular India mark the resumption of sedimentation during Permo-Carbonifer- The compositions of sandstone have been widely used by ous after a long hiatus since Proterozoic. The sedimenta- sedimentologists during past several decades to decipher tion in Gondwana basins of India evolved through a the provenance, paleoclimate and tectonic setting of the complex interplay of faulting, changes in sea level and source areas [1-9]. The characters of detrital framework climate [12]. The basinal geometry was modified by tec- grains are substantially affected by the nature of proc- tonic movement during different periods. Indian plate is esses that act in the depositional basin and also by the an assembly of several micro continents, sutured along type of transporting medium and distance of transport early/middle Proterozoic Mobile belts [13-15]. These [8,10]. Determination of different aspects of provenance mobile belts became the locales of rift nucleation and viz its location with respect to depositional basin, lithol- played a fundamental role in the mechanism of rift pro- ogy, climate and tectonic setting is some of the important pagation along reactivated ancient shear zones [15-18]. parameters of basin analysis [11]. These intra-cratonic rifts are referred to as Gondwana *Corresponding author. basins. OPEN ACCESS IJG K. ZAIDI ET AL. 123 The Gondwana basins are linearly arranged along the suggested to be of glacial, glacio-fluvial, glacio-lacus- present day river valleys viz. Koel-Damodar, Son- trine and/or glacio-marine depositional environment Mahanadi and Pranhita-Godavari (Figure 1(b)). The [20-32]. The Talchir Formation is marked by uniformly sediments are mostly made up of clastics of glacial and deposited olive green sandstone, conglomerate, thinly glacigene rocks at the base followed by coal measures laminated shales, siltstone, and varves with typical and red beds at the top [19]. The Talchir Formation, the glacigene facies tillite mostly at the base. lowermost member of Gondwana sequence of India, is The present study is based on modal analysis of 80˚ 84˚ 24˚ 20˚ Bay of Bengal (b) (a) 82˚17' 82˚25' 23˚15' 23˚15' 23˚8' 23˚8' 82˚17' 82˚25' Geological Units (c) Dolerites Barakar Talchir Precambrian basement Figure 1. (a) Map of India shown inset; (b) The outline map of Peninsular India showing Gondwana basins and paleohigh- lands. Arrows indicate direction of Permian-Triassic paleoslope modified by Tewari and Veevers, 1993; (c) Map showing study area modified after Raja Rao 1983. OPEN ACCESS IJG 124 K. ZAIDI ET AL. sandstones of Talchir Formation of Chirimiri, Koriya Table 1. Stratigraphic succession of Chirimiri, coalfield district, Chhattisgarh state, located in Son-Mahanadi Koriya district, Chhattisgarh (Raja Rao, 1983). basin (Figure 1(c)). The aim of the study is to interpret Age Formation Lithology the possible provenance, tectonic setting and paleocli- Upper Cretaceous Deccan Traps Basic flows, dykes and sills. mate variability that led to the deposition of these sand- to lower Eocene (?) stones during Permo-Carboniferous period. Essentially sandstone with Lower Permian Barakar subordinate Shales and coal 2. Geological Setting seams (230 m to 435 m). Upper Predominantly olive green The Chirimiri coalfield, the study area, is a part of Son- Carboniferous to Talchir shales and Medium to fine Early Permian grained sandstone. Mahanadi basin falls between latitudes 23˚8'N to 23˚15'N and longitudes 82˚17'E to 82˚25'E. Talchir Formation is UNCONFORMITY Precambrian Granite, Gniesses and exposed along streams flowing in the vicinity of Chiri- basement Quartzite miri town. Olive green, thinly laminated shales and me- dium grained sandstone succeeded by lemon yellow al- Table 2. Key for petrographic and other parameters used in ternate beds of shale and sandstones are found exposed in this study (modified after Dickinson 1985). this area. The Chirimiri area was surveyed by C.S Raja Rao and stratigraphic succession was proposed (Table 1) QFR Q Total Quartz grains (Qm + Qp) [33]. Qm monocrystalline quartz The Son-Mahanadi graben is one of the largest intrac- ratonic rift basins of peninsular India. The Mahakoshal Qp polycrystalline quartz supracrustal lie in the north of Son-Mahanadi Gondwana F Total Feldspar (P + K) basin. The rocks of Sausar mobile belt and Betul su- P Plagioclase pracrustals are exposed in the south, whereas the eastern K alkali feldspar and south eastern fringes of the Son-Mahanadi basin are R Total rock fragments including chert constituted by granite-gneissic complex of Chotanagpur QtFL terrain and Precambrian rocks of Singhbhum and Bastar Qt Total quartz grains (Qm + Qp) craton respectively [34]. To the west of the basin unclas- Qm monocrystalline quartz sified Precambrian migmatites and geneisses are exposed. Qp polycrystalline quartz Tectonically, the basin has been divided into three blocks F Total Feldspar (P + K) i.e., Son, Hasdo-Arand and Mahanadi separated from P Plagioclase each other by ENE-WSW trending prominent basement K alkali feldspar ridge [35]. Spatial distribution of rock units, variation in L Total lithic fragments the thickness of sediments, different disposition of struc- tural elements and contrasting lineament-trends of these QmFLt Qm monocrystalline quartz three blocks suggest that each underwent a different F Total Feldspar (P + K) sedimentation and tectonic history [35]. P Plagioclase K alkali feldspar 3. Material and Methods Lt Total rock fragments including polycrystalline quartz The current study deals with petrographic interpretations of Talchir sandstones in Chirimiri area. 50 Talchir sand- QpLvLs Qp polycrystalline quartz stone samples have been collected along the stream cut- Lv Total volcanic and Meta-volcanic rock fragments tings in and around Chirimiri, where they are found ex- Ls Total sedimentary rock fragments posed. The streams from where these samples have been collected are Halphali, Kudra, Bhukbhuki, and Ghor- LmLvLs ghera (Figure 1(c)). Out of these 50, only 29 representa- Lm Total metamorphic rock fragments tive samples of sandstone were selected for petrographic Lv Total volcanic rock fragments studies. Thin sections of the selected samples were pre- Ls Total sedimentary rock fragments pared by standard technique. Modal analysis of samples Qp/F + RF vs. Qt/F + RF was carried out using point counting method to deter- Qt Total quartz grains (Qm + Qp) mine the quantitative mineralogical aspects of these Qm monocrystalline quartz sandstones. About 350 points per thin section were Qp polycrystalline quartz counted (Table 2) using Gazzi-Dickenson’s method [36]. F Total Feldspar (P + K) The counted grains were recalculated into percentage as RF Total rock fragments summarised in (Table 3). OPEN ACCESS IJG K. ZAIDI ET AL. 125 Table 3. Recalculated detrital composition of Talchir sandstones of Chirimiri area, Koriya district. QFR QtFL QmFLt QpLvLs QmPK S.No Qp/(F + R) Qt/(F
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