•• I' •• "Getting t he Scen~ . , low Bi s ·OF I By JIM NEY 1 Ohio-unbeaten In four confer- ents' defenses for a total of 1,038 P babl lO ( Dolly lowon Sperl. £.II.r) ence games-is ineJligibIe by a yards in rushing in their four con-I ro e aneups Iowo 's Hawkeyes play the big- cOnlerence ruling for the Rose ference games. The Buckeyes, be- 'Ii gest game oC their live today Bowl trip, but it has for its in- cause of the three, are the number 10 A Position OHIO STATE when they meet Ohio State at 1:301centJve a string of 17 conference two team in the nation in rushing Jim Gibbons (200) .. .. ....... LE ......... lill Michael eeoC) (227) in Iowa Stadium. victories in a row riding into the offense. 'Mley lead the Big 10 in Alex Karras (235) ... :.. " ... LT .......... .. John Martin (205) And it will probably lake the 1, ~Dtests. The Buckeyes also could that department. Frank Iloomquist (205) ........... LO ................... Jim Park.r (251) biggest effort Qf their lives to pro-I ~inc:tlBI no w?rlsc ~th A .share of l Roseboro has gamed 391 yards Don Suchy (coC) (203) .............. C ................. Tim DiUman (201) . duce victory in the game that ua: g 1.0 til e WI a VIctory. I in 84 rushes for a 5.9 yard average, H h D k (190) .G" II Th (202) means at least a share of the Big They are rated by most dope'l Clark has netted 370 in 72 tries D,Ufl KI ra (e ) . ........ T ......... ~u,. UlDIckDmGOI (214) 10 title and a sure Rose Bowl stera as from four to six point for a 5.1 avcrage and the "Cisco IC k enl 250 .... ........... .. ..... ....... ..... uy trip. Iowa hos never represented favorites. And it's no wonder. They ' Kid" has galloped m yards in 30 Frank Gilliam (173) .. , ........... E.................. Leo Brown (161) the Big 10 In the Tollrnament of POSleSS three of the top running attempts for a 9.2 per~arry aver· Ken PI.,.n (177) ................... Q8 ..... Frank Ellwood (coC) (194) Roses. backs in the conference: age. Don Dobrino (200) .. ..... .. LH8................... Den Clark (191) ! By winning today it could assure Jim Roseboro, Don Clark and liII Happel (t 63) ............... H 8 ................ Jim .......ro (t 71, the finest Iowa football record in <lalen Cisco. HAWKS VS. OHIO-- Fred Harris (194) .................. F 8 .............. Galen CIsco.(204) history. nus, trio has terrorized oppon- (Continued Of) Page 6) Time and Place: Saturday, 1:30 p.m. (CST), lawa Stadium, . ~ , ---,Coupon 'Ot Offer I Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City when applied on PORTRAIT. 1 hoto ServlCt' Iowa CIty, This olter e:l:pires ..... .. .......... ...... .., .1 .... ....................... I !Strike ·.Cri p'ples Eastern Ports ':' te ............ .... 1 ?158 , ~ I ---.II .1SUI, IS C- U---=-e--:-:-oJ .0---:---:-:--5 -~ Largest U~S. Dock Walkout ~ ___ --'-----I Top . P~;d in Stale Idles 60,000 The Weather DES MOINES IA'I- The presidenlo/i of the SUI and Iowa State College ·u ' g'g' -'es-t- R, e v,·s ,·n 9 . (]SC I shared a tic as the highest paid slaLe employes for the 11th con· NEW YORK 111- The most wide· spread dock workers strikc In tho , s - ~ secutive year. The state salary book issued Thursday showed lhat SUI President naUon's history Friday tied up gen· ' "'i ' .' Virgil Hancher and ISC president eral hipping In all major ports ' s Cloudy ~ I J a~nes Hilton each drew checks \0' from Maine to Texas. Sf a t e Tax S tem . talmg $20,000 for the fiscal year Some 60.000 members of the In: Y and Ie nded June 30, 1956. Iowa City Airman tcrnational Lon, horemcn's Assn. DES MOINES IA'I - A complete Some people will pay less. The In third place. at $18.500 ,was Dr. independent. walked out In a con overhaul oC Iowa 's t811 structure, next eCfect will be to equalize the Warmer Norman Nt'lson. dean of the SUI Navy Iract dispute with the New York but no significant over·ali increase tax burden according to ability to I College of Medicine. who received Dies in Crash Shipping Assn., representing 17t in 'revenues, was prescribed Fri· pay and to help relieve some o[ . $14.500 as dean and an additional QUONSET POINT, R. I. IA'I- Lt. shipping and stevedor firms. ' day as a potential solution for the the property tax burden on local Fans at today's cruciaL Iowa- $4 ,000 a director of University f)''') Robert P. Stach. 412 E. Bloom. Negotiators mel again late Fri· state's financial "ills." taxing bodies. " Ohio State game have been pro· Hosplta. Is. lagtonII St., Iowa City, was killed in day but adjourned without tcaching The Iowa Tax Study Committee The COmmi[tee's report said its mised slightly warmer tempera, A study of the book, published a takeoff crash or a Navy carrier IN SPITE OF BELOW FREEZING w•• ttl.r, 200 f.ns cM.red ttl. any agre~ment. Another meeting , closing the books on a thorough first objective was "reduction in tures by the weathe:man. High annually as required by law, dis- lane ncar here shortly af\cr 8 a.m. H.wkey••• t ttl • .,.p r.lly Frld.y nI,ht. Darry Kiluffm.n, A2, A.".., was set for today . 18·month study, came up with 49 local property taxes . .. with the temperature today IS expected closed that of the 43 top.pay slate riday. left, rec.lv" • trophy for O.lt. Chi soci.1 fr.ternlty, ttl. housl", The strike has Idled more than recommendations for considera· funds to make up the reduction t b b t d P tl I unit ..lIing ttl. most Homecomi", b.dg.. 11ft' m.mber. D.lt. Chi ISO ships. lion by the 1957 State Legislature. coming from state aids which in 0 e a ou 45 egrecs. ar Y employes, all except four are iden- Divers working in choppy seas won with .n Iver.,. of 59,31 bldge. sold .,.r .".mber. Carmen Vesscls carrying cargoes such as· . G cloudy skJes are predicted.' tified with educational institutions. 200 yards oCf the seawall Frl'day At t he same time. ov. Leo turn are supplied by state taxes S d ' 11 b . I I .. (Swiv.l Hips) Pac., AI, MiI.ltnil, ri,ht, .iI", "You Ain't Mottlln' But 011 or coal. handled by pipelines Hocgh announced he does not plan of various kinds. " un ay WI . rmg coo er t~m · Gov. Leo Hoegh's $12,500 salary afternoon recovered the bodies ot A Hlwkey." In typical Elvis Presl.y Ityl •. or chutes rather than long hore· to cali a speciaL session to consider "If the people of Iowa do not peratures . agam and eonLlnumg Iplac el him in a 3·way lie for 23d three Navy airmen:' The others men, appeared to be operating the recommendations because not want taxes to go up, " the report cloudy skies . pI ace. were Lt . (.Jg ) Ch arI es F . Kles' IID' normally. enough time is available, expense declared, "they must take positive 'Among the numerous pay in- Fe~to: Mich .. ~nd .John H. ~alun • But it was an entirely difrercnt of special session is too high. action in their local units of gov. , creases given in fiscal 1955;56 HM- .·Avlation. Eleclroruc Tecluucian 2C, Huit, DOlJk~y and . ~/vis plctllro for general earlJO ships and a, Groups 'P1an t • and many changes in membership down school, city and county budg- . I cher and Hilton moved up to $20,: Grt1(!ne, N. 'I. pas sonier ships !.hat also carry of the new , Lcgi~;)al~e wbich con- ets.' . ' 000 each from $18.500 for the pre· The plane rose about 400 feet In cargo. VClles Jao. )4 make it desir~ble Besides \he 49 bills recommend- S h . I B d' IviOliS year. the air at the takeoff, lhen abrupUy Echo-Beat Ohio State The Ita! an liner Saturnia and the to leave aetlon until ,then. ed, four possible sources of ip. C 00 on ,The pay of ' ·Hawkeye luotball dropped into Narragansett Bay. Panama lincr Panama dockcd In Among the chief recommenda· crea~ed revenue ~e re offered Icoach Forest Evashevski and Di- . By ROY WALKER New York, but there were no long­ tiODS made in the committee's reo without recommendatIOn. One was rector Paui Brechler, docs not More than 200 people attended the pep rally on the SUI band practice shoremen on hand to removo pas­ port to the" governor were: the educational sales tax . o~ .~ne come entitely from tax· funds. 'Eva· field Friday and Il would probably be safe to say that a cool lime was sengers' baleage or the cargoes. Realignment of public school per cent. Tbe other posslbliJtaes Vote Dr.·ve Is hevski drew $15,000.. the same a Hungarians Urged had by all literally if not CiguriUvely. The temperature was several Personnel of UlC lines helped the financing aimed at encouragement mentioned. were legalizing liquor . l!.he previous year, all from SVI To Stop Stri ki ng degrees below freezing . when master of ceremonies Ernest Ricketl, A3, passengers let their luggage 01 school district reorganization b! the drlllk. a ~ales lax on ser· B JULIE FOSTER I Athletic Department funds. Brech· San Francisco, Cal.. took the plat· ---------.---- ashore. and holding down on local property vices an dan adjusted gross per- y.. ler also was paid $15,000, up by BUDAPEST, III - A labor Corm . Two Grace LiDe shlp$ due to sail taxes.
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