Youngstown State TTniversity Youngstown, Ohio March X, 1983 Vol. 64 - Ho. 38 Council passed a motion that could be pinned down are that Monday designating its Discipline there have been complaints bv Committee to "investigate whether some Council members that Beckes or not there are grounds to impeach should not be absent from Council the president and/or vice president meetings and that she was not of Student Government," so that. accessible enough during the any rumors of impeachment could University's working hours.. be "dispelled." Beckes who was not at the "This is not an attack on the Council meeting but contacted president (Cynthia Beckes) orjhe later, said; that she had riot received vice president (Jordan Dentscheff), any complaints , from Council but rumors are floating. I am not members personally and , that- saying that I do support this or yesterday's motion came as quite a that I don't support this," said surprise. ' James Hook, sophomore, engin- "When I want to reach a Council, eering, who made the motion, member, I usually leave a note in. Jeff Hall, senior, A&S, who their mailbbx. If they have indeed seconded the motion, said, "I'd wanted to reach me, they might like to see the air cleared. • These have left a note in my mailbox,"- are very untrue rumors — rumors said Beckes. Shawn Damicb, senior, business; Kassy Vogel, junior, F&PA;and Todd IIJIIIMK-K, freshman, F&PA conspire and that 1 have been trying to push Pat Beckes said that she had talked eventually come up with a number of capers to help save the heroine in "The Red Mill" to run at 8 p.m., Sorenson, vice chairman of Council, to all three of her secretaries to March 3-5 in Ford Auditorium, Bliss Hall. '.< to initiate impeachment proceedings." find out whether or not any Hall also said that he was not in messages from Council had been appointment- during my posted favor of, or against impeachment, left for her that she was not office hours," she said. "We nsed an objective body to receiving and that from their Overall^ Beckes said that she investigate this," Hail said. reports,-no messages had been left, was dumbfounded and mystified Officials ' representing both Beckes said that if Council has over Council's recent action.spec- negot Council and Government were complaints it is "fine" for them to ulating that the motion was either "By GEORGEDENNEY has.-been pushing for day care-'for contacted earlier Monday to find investigate. "I do think though, a head-hunting party for some who Cynthia Beckes made few cam: almost 12-months, as StudentGov- out exactly where the phantom that it is silly to go to this extent, want to run for Student Govern-, paigh promises as a candidate for ernment president. One of the few rumors eminated ot what they when if they have a" complaint, -ment President in the Spring, or Student Government president last campaign promises she made before actually were. The only specifics they could easily have set up an truely a means to dispel rumors. May. _ the election was, "to personally as- Before being elected, Beckes ex- sure that there will be day care oh pressed the importance of working campus in our administration/' Revised Code heads toward Trustees with the YSU administration and Beckes, a non-traditional stu- By ANNA STECEWYCZ they can insure it as consistant with off-campus speakers was also re- bringing the issues to the students, dent, was a member of the day care A complete revision' of • the their newly revised policy. It will vised, but is not an addition, said < Now, after almost .a year in.;committee'before the election,,and. JYSU Student Code of Conduct, then go'back to the committee McBriarty.', It has been re-, office, Beckes maintains that she is also was grievance officer. As Rights and Responsibilities has for official approval and will be worded to make clear what accomplishing what she has set out Secretary of Student Grievances, just been completed and now sent to the printers. McBriarty speakers can appear so that hone to do. "I consider myself an Beckes won 95% of her cases, awaits official approval by the said that they should approve it will be invited who will offend a administrator, a seeker of informa- She; considers herself a non- Student Affairs Committee of the some time in mid-March and that particular audience. It sets para- tion, I do it in a way that can be. traditional student "because she Board of Trustees. it will be ready to distribute by meters in .which the University perceived by the students." . is over thirty years old and work- The code, last revised in 1968, May. v can pass objections to a certain Beckes believes, that as "chief ing full time, has been through a reviewing pro- One of the revisions was the speaker," said McBriarty. He negotiator for the student body," As Student Government presi- cess since September, 1980, be- wording of. Article III, regarding added that the Legal Services her duties include maintaining a dent, Beckes receives a full sti- cause the committee felt it needed Campus Student Organizations, department felt this" should be workable dialogue with the admini- pend (S3,315 per academic year, updated and better wording. McBriarty said that, in the past, spelled out. stration so • that answers to the excluding summer). Because she According to Charles M. a new organization was formed A provision to insure the safety issues can be more readily obtained. Receives a full stipend, Beckes must McBriarty, assistant dean of Stu- with no specific rules followed, of students, in various organiz- But._ two issues which remain be enrolled full time, dent Services, there are no major though it was still done offi- ations activities was added .be- unsolved — day care and athletic Her, office hours, posted in the changes. The code mainly needed dally. The: procedure taken to cause.'McBriarty -said there were funding- have faced an impasse1 student -government offices, total. re-worded and clarified. establish, an organization depended some instances that called for a - despite Beckes' well-intended hego- 12.5 per week. Student Govern- "The wording just needed, a on who was in charge at the time, rule that was not previously set. tiations. "£>ay care could be: the ment is the executive branch of 3 16 change because there were oppor- he said/rand he felt they heeded The new provision states that an S " *n. town," said Beckes, the governing; student body. Stu-: tunities for mis-interpretation," a code": to follow- for consistancy. organization must secure approval "and the emphasis/should be, on dent - council is the legislative said McBriarty. "It's not a new practice and it for ah event by the Associate Vice pre-school education; not oncusto- branch. Student council receives The revision is now unofficially may sound* bureaucratic, ".but it President of Student Services be- dial care."' ', • . a report from Beckes every week at- approved by the Student; Affairs benefits those who use it most," fore it is scheduled. The question of the need .for a 'their-meeting. Committee and will go to the he said. " McBriarty said he felt a change day care center on. campus, has" She said her past experience in Board of Trustees once again so The policy for invitation of See Code, page 6' existed; for a dozen' years.. Beckes.. See Beckes, page 6 March 1, 1983 Photocopiers down often at library By CLARENCE MOORE tral Services to service the machines library's photocopying machines It's the last two weeks of the after a number of copies have been are not due to be replaced until quarter, and you've decided that processed. July, 1984. you have put off doing that re• "We also try to call them as soon Genaway said he is also looking search paper long enough. as a machine breaks down, and we into student complaints about the You hurry over the Maag do put up signs that tell the stu• library typewriters on. the third Library, search for the books on dents the/ machine is. out of floor. reserve you need, sit down and service," he said. He said the typewriters, like the begin to read. After 'an hour (or " He offered some advice for stu• photocopying machines, are old. less) you start to get bored and de• dents who would like to schedule The library tries to liave the typing cide that you'll finish your reading their, photocopying activities and machines serviced at least onceva at home. beat the student rush on the quarter, he noted., You run down the stairs of Maag machines. Genaway said that since the to the. periodicals section to use one 'The busiest times.for photo• typewriter station is unmanned by of the five photocopying machines, copying seems to be the last few library personnel, they cannot con• "This machine is being serviced" reads the sign on top of one of the and you run right into a long line of weeks of a quarter-when students trol everything that happens to the photocopying machines in Maag. people waiting to use one machine. are doing their research papers, and machines. \ " It's the only one of the five on weekdays around lunchtime," He said that if a student finds a macMnes working. • Genaway said. "Another busy day typewriter has a worn out ribbon, David Genaway, University is Sundays." the student can take the old ribbon r~i HORIZONS IO librarian, said that he sympathizes Genaway said that under "nor• to the circulation desk and get a fworrasftHPHY air OH vi with the students* complaints about mal conditions," when all five new one.
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