Food Addiction Institute Bibliography on Science and Treatment of Food Addiction up to 2009 This is a bibliography making the case for food addiction as a Substance Use Disorder. While all of the publications are a part of the argument for food as a biochemical dependency, those books and articles which are either original in making a part of the case or which give an overview of a section of the peer- reviewed professional literature are emphasized in bold type. There are 2,734 citations: 1) A majority are specific findings in peer reviewed scientific journals studying aspects of chemical dependency on food; - biochemical effects of sugar, fat, caffeine - interacting with dopamine and serotonin receptors; 2) Several are studies of other biochemical mechanisms effecting chemical dependency including leptin deficiency curtailing satiation, glycemic and insulin malfunctions, and allergies to wheat and other food substance; 3) Over 200 are journal articles showing the similar or identical biochemical or brain imaging results in studies of addiction to alcohol. cocaine, heroin, morphine, nicotine, gambling, sex and marijuana; 4) Over 100 are basic science studies mapping brain pathways or biochemical reactions to stress; 5) Over 100 are basic texts about obesity, eating disorders or addiction; and texts of self help treatments of food addiction, cookbooks eliminating addictive foods, 6) The rest are clinical studies including case studies of recovered food addicts, research on the effectiveness of food-related Twelve Step Programs, quantitative outcome research on food addiction treatment programs and qualitative research on food addiction denial. PW October 2009 For some of these 105 references there is a brief explanatory comment PW October 2009. Aalto, S., Bruck, A., Laine, M., Nagren, K., & Rinne, J. O., 2005, "Frontal and Temporal Dopamine Release During Working Memory and Attention Tasks 1 in Healthy Humans: A Positron Emission Tomography Study Using the High-Affinity Dopamine D2 Receptor Ligand [11C]FLB 457," Journal of Neuroscience, 25(10), 2471-2477. Abbott, D.W., de Zwaan, M., Mussell, M.P., Raymond, N.C., Seim, H.C., Crow, S.J., Crosby, R.,D., and Mitchell, J.E., 1998, "Onset of Binge Eating and 2 Dieting in Overweight Women: Implications for Etiology, Associated Features and Treatment," Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 44, 367-37. Abelow, B.J., Holford, T.R., Insogna, K.L., 1992, "Cross-Cultural Association Between Dietary Animal Protein and Hip Fracture: A Hypothesis," Calcif 3 Tissue Int, 50:14-18. Aberman, J.E., Ward, S.J., Salamone, J.D., 1998, "Effects of Dopamine Antagonists and Accumbens Dopamine Depletions on Time-Constrained 4 Progressive-Ratio Performance," Pharmacology and Biochemical Behavior, 6J(4), 341-8. Abler, B., Erk, S., & Walter, H., 2007, "Human Reward System Activation is Modulated by a Single Dose of Olanzapine in Healthy Subjects in an Event- 5 Related, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled FMRI Study," Psychopharmacology (Berl), 191(3), 823-833. 6 Abrahamson, E.M., and Pezet, A.W., 1951, Body, Mind and Sugar, Avon Books, New York, NY. Ackroff, K., Bonacchi, K., Magee, M., Yiin, Y. M., Graves, J. V., & Sclafani, A., 2007, "Obesity by Choice Revisited: Effects of Food Availability, Flavor 7 Variety and Nutrient Composition on Energy Intake," Physiology and Behavior, 92(3), 468-478. Acosta, J. I., Boynton, F. A., Kirschner, K. F., & Neisewander, J. L., 2005, "Stimulation of 5-HT1B Receptors Decreases Cocaine- and Sucrose-Seeking 8 Behavior," Pharmacology and Biochemical Behavior, 80(2), 297-307. Acquas, E., Carboni, E., & Di Chiara, G., 1991, "Profound Depression of Mesolimbic Dopamine Release after Morphine Withdrawal in Dependent Rats," 9 European Journal of Pharmacology, 193(1), 133-134. Acquas, E., Di Chiara, G., 1992, "Depression of Mesolimbic Dopamine Transmission and Sensitization to Morphine During Opiate Abstinence," Journal of 10 Neurochemistry 58, 1620-1625. Acquas, E., Carboni, E., Di Chiara, G., 1991, "Profound Depression of Mesolimbic Dopamine Release after Morphine Withdrawal in Dependent Rats," 11 European Journal of Pharmacology 193, 133-134. 12 Adair, L.S., and Popkin, B.M., 2005, “Are Child Eating Patterns Being Transformed Globally?” Obesity Research 13, no. 7: 1281-99. 13 Adam, T.C., and Epel, E.S., 2007, "Stress, Eating and the Reward System," Physiology and Behavior, 91, 449-458. Page 1 10/14/2009 Food Addiction Institute Addolorato, G., Leggio, L., Abenavoli, L., & Gasbarrini, G., 2005, "Neurobiochemical and Clinical Aspects of Craving in Alcohol Addiction: A Review," 14 Addictive Behavior, 30(6), 1209-1224. 15 Agras, W.S., 1997, "Pharmacotherapy of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: Long-term Outcomes," Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 33, 433-436. Agras, W.S., and Apple, R.F., 2008, Overcoming Eating Disorders: A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder, Guided Self- 16 Help Workbook, Treatments That Work. New York: Oxford University Press. 17 Agras, W., and Apple, R., 1997, Overcoming Eating Disorders Therapist's Guide, San Antonio, TX; The Psychological Corporation. 18 Agras, W., and Apple, R., 1997, Overcoming Eating Disorders Client Workbook, San Antonio, TX; The Psychological Corporation. Agras, W.S., Walsh, B.T., Fairburn, C.G., Wilson, G.T., and Kraemer, H.C., 2000, "A Multicenter Comparison of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and 19 Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa," Archives of General Psychiatry, 57, 459-466. Agustin-Pavon, C., Martinez-Ricos, J., Martinez-Garcia, F., & Lanuza, E., 2008, "Sex versus Sweet: Opposite Effects of Opioid Drugs on the Reward of 20 Sucrose and Sexual Pheromones," Behavioral Neuroscience, 122(2), 416-425 Ahern, A. L., Bennett, K. M., & Hetherington, M. M., 2008, "Internalization of the Ultra-Thin Ideal: Positive Implicit Associations with Underweight Fashion 21 Models are Associated with Drive for Thinness in Young Women," Eating Disorders, 16(4), 294-307. Ahern, A. L., & Hetherington, M. M., 2006, "The Thin Ideal and Body Image: An Experimental Study of Implicit Attitudes," Psychology and Addictive 22 Behavior, 20(3), 338-342 23 Ahima, R.S., Flier, J.S., 2000, Annual Review of Physiology, 62, 413-37. Ahmed, S. H., Kenny, P. J., Koob, G. F., & Markou, A., 2002, "Neurobiological Evidence for Hedonic Allostasis Associated with Escalating Cocaine Use," 24 Natural Neuroscience, 5(7), 625-626. 25 Ahmed, S.H., Koob, G.F., 1998, "Transition from Moderate to Excessive Drug Intake: Change in Hedonic Set Point," Science 282, 298-300. 26 Ainslie, G., and Monterosso, J.R., 2004, “A Marketplace in the Brain?” Science 306, no. 5695: 421-3. Ainslie, G., and Monterosso, J.R., 2003, “Building Blocks of Self-Control: Increased Tolerance for Delay with Bundled Rewards,” Journal of the Experimental 27 Analysis of Behavior 79: 37-48. Ainslie, G., and Monterosso, J.R., 2003, “Hyperbolic Discounting as a Factor in Addiction: A Critical Analysis,” in Vuchinich, R., and Heather, N., eds., 28 Choice, Behavioral Economics and Addiction. Amsterdam: Pergamon. Akimoto-Takano, S., Sakurai, C., Kanai, S., Hosoya, H., Ohta, M., & Miyasaka, K., 2005, "Differences in the Appetite-Stimulating Effect of Orexin, 29 Neuropeptide Y and Ghrelin among Young, Adult and Old Rats," Neuroendocrinology, 82(5-6), 256-263. Aktan, G. B., Calkins, R. F., Ribisl, K. M., Kroliczak, A., & Kasim, R. M., 1997, "Test-Retest Reliability of Psychoactive Substance Abuse and Dependence 30 Diagnoses in Telephone Interviews using a Modified Diagnostic Interview Schedule-Substance Abuse Module," American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 23(2), 229-248. Alamar, B., and Glantz, S.A., 2006, “Effect of Increased Social Unacceptability of Cigarette Smoking on Reduction in Cigarette Consumption,” American 31 Journal of Public Health 96, no. 8: 1359-62. Albanes, D., Jones, D.Y., Micozzi, M.S., Mattson, M.E., 1987, “Associations Between Smoking and Body Weight in the US Population: Analysis of 32 NHANES II,” American Journal of Public Health, 77; 439-444. Alburges, M.E., Narang, N., Wamsley, J.K., 1993, "Alterations in the Dopaminergic Receptor System after Chronic Administration of Cocaine," Synapse 14, 33 314-323. Alcoholics Anonymous, 1939, second edition 1955, third edition 1976, and fourth edition 2003, Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many 34 Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism, Alcoholics Anonymous World Service, Inc., New York, NY. 1. The original text of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The opening "Doctor's Opinion" by Dr. Silkworth is one of the original and most important medical statements of the disease theory of addiction. The first 164 pages have not been changed, serving as the text for millions of recovered alcoholics and hundreds of thousands of members of food-related Twelve Step fellowships such as Overeaters Anonymous(OA), Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA), and Compulsive-Eaters Anonymous How (CEA-HOW). Page 2 10/14/2009 Food Addiction Institute 35 Alcoholics Anonymous, 1973, Came to Believe, Alcoholics Anonymous World Service, Inc., New York, NY. 36 Alcoholics Anonymous, 1952. The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous World Service, Inc., New York, NY. Aley, K. O., & Levine, J. D., 2002, "Different Peripheral Mechanisms Mediate Enhanced Nociception in Metabolic/Toxic and Traumatic Painful Peripheral 37 Neuropathies in the Rat," Neuroscience, 111(2), 389-397. Allen, J. P., P. Sillanaukee, J. Strid and R.Z. Litten., 2003, "Biomarkers of Heavy Drinking," in, Assessing Alcohol Problems; A Guide for Clinicians and 38 Researchers, 2nd Ed. Allen, L.B., McHugh, R.K., and Barlow, D.H., 2008, “Emotional Disorders: A Unified Protocol,” in Barlow, David H., ed., Clinical Handbook of Psuychological 39 Disorders: A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual, 4th ed. New York: Guilford Press. 40 Allison, D.B., Casey, D.E.M., 2001, “Antipsychotic-induced Weight Gain: a Review of the Literature,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 62 Suppl 7:22-31. Allison, D.B., Fontaine, K.R., Manson, J.E., Stevens, J.E., Stevens, J., VanItallie, T.B., 1999, “Annual Deaths Attributable to Obesity in the United States,” 41 Journal of the American Medical Association, 282: 1530-1538.
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