Miscellaneous Clippings from Pinkerton File

Miscellaneous Clippings from Pinkerton File

\ ( ( -I \ y,,",j .",··.'.Tl1bQEJ ~lIir'J.'a.,,> ;>~ Who, W!!I1"r.eside at th•• 'I'dalSc are ,,:'~:e~.r,:to -; 'Jll~' .',:O:ot;;rii,: :':"b~~.'"lmD illh.~d!' unne~eI3SariIy,'b~t,'tq,:,-l,fe:Ji~jd,:~JJ.f_el~:;:fqrl triaL-':'{fI~_<li~, n~t i'~,~ogj:liz:~,: t~i-::_M'~ye.r;i Haywoocl, :~tli:o::,Pe,tti})onemen,>c),~', the 'prison de~o~l' class,:._ ," H,~:ha~r;a:ceor~~ in~,lY, t.reaty~: themJt~;::)f~ '.,."treat~, ,o,~ller; '~tr~,l;l_ties" ,attiong th~jn;I§:p:ner~.. :.~~,.~i sJi;!el?::in a room with'two '1~~~~'lle~YllYl grated Window,s. TheYare'given,'good; J~od~\, The.Y,may write letters.andhave] ~n'~h,e reading matter ,ther ~boose. tal !>uJ!~ Thairattorne>:-B', may see themi at· '",)flU. They are".- ,allowed-'-,to.. see) friendB. The attorneys. for" the. d~': fen~e, however•. wJtllb.0ld eucb. nermts-: ston.from newspaper :im~:n~, ' , " ,: rr:here are boxing"gloves. and dumb I bells for exercise, ' Singly themen are' p,e,rDliUed. to walk about in th'!3 sun on II t,¥e big lawn ,beside ._the j~U •. - Extra.l .-guards an~, handcuffs..do' not figure in' tneir-:tr~atmenJ. MOJ.o·~.r, 'has recovered and the three men are now in excellent health and Spiritf;. ',/. " WaJ~ecli:~~),th.ird)trtfcle tomorrow wfli' fell '0(': tli,~: '~urder" of:;~~~G()v-. Steunen-: berg.,and incidents,tl1iit;,l~c1;UPJ(}}t; of, ttieerrest (l~.,Orchar~}andAd~rns.~nd-: "thetr "coufessio:ns," antr,the arrest aud; kidhat>ing of, :M:.oyer.Ha~;?wood' and ',Pet< tfbone; ",- "':-' ," ,.. 1 \ ( { \ '-le4rt'lJin;fll!ts,< B_~'i) _"S ~J:"~i­ d/\:;ouji¥i~~F;f6f<-:th~;- __ -'. _'" lay '" k~p:" epa,fq.:l?rQUi,bt )1U)1 :ffp~)~_~?i~~~(~~it~~te :,'. :M5:]brwl~ifri(1?r..-; -:].1)' ~11i1l!f(.tWO t6rtnet'" , 'i ,~ "- - -', ::t1i~t1p~,,~gjllird;_:_ d . ,ornerM -trom. the' 'JQu.rtel!lD . a , ft~1fo:r;'.t,he'; defense" .~~ ,~videnc~, eo .a\'brlef,. UiterView; de!enllt& goe. 'to" p.roV~.' X~'tJr..,f,' ii~V!-': ,_ s~J:v_es-,'-_to_ ,',A.ttQrney ko()wln,g ot': the !)IOw-hi.-'ut\:":'-(jf,' ieba thig thltt·'"they had val~:11 nero Hill And BlJnlva~- '~C'en bl~:Y~t1~q~_~ to o!,fer,ll1.iJGh8-,lf of Ha:r:~. '1800: of the nplO$lon -ju :.tfie', .. ~d-.,';fQch~~da:on mylted' them 'into bl~ mlpe; o.f the N()wlnlr ,u.P, ct, t lyat~,:o-~fjt:e_;;,:.:tnd,beg,ap,~o -lltieBti~n: theI».;: j penaenc.8 4ep()~J' o~·; thi3 '~ll'ing efor~ .m(i.King ah~w~r ~b _~em!lnded $7,)",! tjregory. enu Qf t4e e~plil!lo'P'.. d 'l'etuih tiCkets to! CrIpple Creelt. I ley'is reElJdJl:Q!Je, 11.1 San Jrrandblco T.he 'int.el'Yl~w waft' end~d rIght there,! hluLlSell: .0J.;'bayIng, committed' d tlit} pa,1r took t.hetr- war- to the head~ j an4 the tnurd~l;' of Reve~tEie­ uarters of the Pinkerton detectives in the 1 In ,fa.ct, he lia.d lItUe 01~\iijl: anh8i hotel. • neoHoft with' any ot"-,Wi,em. ha.ys 6WOrIJ th"-t Orl;:ha.r4 ~ Wardner on the day tb:e:'Bu oBey Is Light ' Su,UJ"'au concent.ni.tor. ~ I Tb~''1$an~,,'(;'~ :R61f1~,':"ha~A :'tighf~niri.'-'ti~\,,! ina-to the ffl-CtA'connected' wit '.1).d pic llrc.g~cution", con({uc~ing" t!l~~'{M!l~~ catqr t~pd;, to the' (l9~,cl ' ~ ." ~€<It~Y\\'OO(r is,threat~J1ed" w:Wlt:,:ftti~~;l;,'j expl(ulkln ,W8t1 ::u,cldflntiH: ·_~:,,:1t'thi};.enc:,· > . :vfhi~b may::: 6eri()'4S~Y:':. a~-. J chard may have beeri pr ,cb "Jti;' .~~?-lf.S: as,c,reifa~~~{:;J¥~tA~~S~~,;"at',~'l Independence depo~iJ Q !:tber aetalJs.:Qrthe. case.'-',' r- , : :~_.' , .' , Adams was. In' teet,.. t~le ;.m4n<:, , 'J:'hci ]a-~t session'pf-; tl:!:e,~.IdahO·::'~B.~€mbl;v:,1 ~mpl(150'ad by the inlntf 6J?n,er.l'f: ',aggoo· 11- bill aitthorizing·. tile -iB!;uat;lce of.,:, up a., nteoe of ueeteea prop~q:Y,-;::. )m,'rants to cover-a doficlenc:,' or $51-,000,'; a blunder, resulted in lass 'b~4 ~'hlch ,h9'-a been contnlhed :by orders of, 1.)·t6' (}Z'eg6t'~', was murdered;·' fqyel'J!ol','G(iodlng In tll~ prellmlnan' S~~Pf!.J ccnneeted With the UnIte(kMJit~~ t . the tj-Ial. In <idd1h..n'l an, a}1propl'Ul.-j and',not'Wlth thl:t weeteen Feael'lt on .wae made- of $5.0;OO(lofor turther eX-,j that"i~Jrbbard'pceeessed it m,aJl,ia'¥ en'ses,-o.l' tHe trial, but. thIs fund was to! Ing:.'.of ..t\'1~,,·,conim!sSlon, of g ", o raised from the t1\X receipts' bt; the',1 was·lYlng -wherr-ne aatd he: ·11 uly conectforis. The mouev; c-OnsRQuEntly,( ~,ec.flon,':Vi~~)~e",rp.o,mb, ~:t: t'Ia.~U~r:~,:: f~a.S »ct beon u.vu.lfnb'lo :rct, a-nd aa ,thel : rarlou,; items. of .axpense nave b~e.n con.~1 irected; vouchers, have~'l:lee", ~s"u~' bY~ brchard'sJ!1o(ive/' . hI?- bOl)kkl?-f'p~r' fb:o the_ prO!l~utlon, ,1l1\d, ~vldence':-.,ha8 Il-l~o, been :-i1lti',Ql1uced' ,~".1i jhese-vouchera. have been prCl':H,!!l~ed to thej :.'show, that: both Orchard' :·und,,· Sirnukt-n' Dca) hankR 1.0 he ca"h~. ,The ,vQ~lch~rsj "hlld::' pere,e.,nal IlloH~',e .f.n- WHh;tG,' :ror~ ,~ 1a.ve. ,lt~n 'acc~n:mJ~~~I,"g:.at a ~a,ll!_d ,r,~t~;,:,":~ GQvarnQ.r.-;Steunenberg and·: 'that Stmp'~ ~il1J:\' motJve w-aa t1':'3, 8iWP.l!~f;1;r,.<, ot- 'the~ p:Th~:~a1iorne~'~'i .- ':frtt\.)~~~' ":l1ij~f~~~~tl~~j'1 t",:o' ~tn .that he was SUbje~~'-lO,'UtlJ,~8t7i "IlD(..Du'yn l\'nd (Jtl1el's, hav~' dl>'kWn POt':r" 1 '~unlIJJ~Jllent ij.nd torture.. .-It<'-the': ~ndS: o,~ tions"of-.the!!e fees•.the' .. ,PlnkerWt1s .hav,," ~ itegfo 'tto01¥ ~,~~,Ae,d: II?-.' b.f:~ Steltben~'ttr'~ <l:ra'w'n down" Jarge 3UmS ~d .tbe army:: 'or,: v.-ttru3sse$':-ha~.:also, been rel~ursed,,:" p'lbsionifi.. '."'..!lil.•.......,',at":f1...,the-,~Bradteylrt~.·..,r ,avid.. al'lc:.~:¥house....:..tIa,:",yet',:'t.....".'..h.•.'.·.~.:?F-.i.~.~ ',u¥r1,n.g, :-two Qr,,',tht~.e74aY5 .prtor ~Q tb.e·i co:tne,'~,', D.epo~1tionS' lx-om',' Mr, {WadJ~"~ iHf when-'--t!ifY~ro.iJ fut,1 ?1~"ft..'b,e.t~~J wit!' lH!' .llitroduced. Th~y' :nrere-·m,itd&:: re*1 'hlrty, alta ~or, !.~s 'V(ere :,dl~,mtl5~~~ cen,tt:Y:,~:San Franefsc,O; ;;~;ra~I~Y;"-~W@~~ nu.,ln.,pgylbg" e_and."y,~.__ dl,~~-! that· t.o',:'-'an~' ott--the~~~~' ,tb.!':! explosIon was.due' :: 'it4--:; " .' '" ciniiuletlbn'"Qf,::e8cap.l~g~ g~:~:. ,a:nd:; -,t)\4\(~' tlf~ tj~~r 0:t::t~e houi!~ '$~cured. '~fJ~.d:in!'~.\ rQr->'d!U'nalt;es. '.ag.alnat~' lh$ '-:"g~~:)10nlD~ beiu,'te·-it:jUl'j, 'and fLJl'thct; ~ha.t:t1:ir &i4i~&.1.~ tQ tlle,' $uperlo1",: ,.court",: ,retnll~·fi'(kEit:fi;i.:\~ ,:fu~J~r;I~~i ~~u~~~· ff.~,41:~,~,~,~f.it~~S!~i~~ :;:.'£be <leren,se ha-l'i'--not'.Qtte':Un-too·i.o d~rit@: th,~ presence of" Jack.-: Sin1pldn~B' In- ,ca~((ti -well,'-' in: 'compatlY with Or~.htU'd. '.S"hc.i'th',j l)efo~e' tb6.',,,mutder t!£ :-Ste~!1!,nber;g,"~~<5 the, e.vidence- as, to the tt'!'atfuent oi':.Stmp.;,j "",.~'~~: r,;fr,~,,~el"0'o)t~~,t",: ~~' nt'ght il,lld)J ':~e{r,:~;p~ , ;trlcts.u ':./:1,.', ,~te~.~1?er$'" ot.:;r~~hP\~. g~~ ;I'eat:il)d'r/.?~ GbI91;" ()r~lt:~.M;' __ al~o,;<,t :':i~~re'aiit .:;~,:t~~; _'U#,.:.8a,., :Jle Jip;d5 " eaul!I'f!l,~of . \'8;00 'lli!~<·,®Fl.,f",: r'~.~~~~:' }uird:.ik,:-P~U1])IE;18.r)f, h MioYer' .\'ira.8~nOt'..t'dadti:put', in:.·Millcer.l $'i ~'t~~da;-f ,tha;f 1V~~<,~f1;"iti~!,to':'~+b~>bid~r'·.'6(·.'-..·:Rl~ 11e};~~F:~t.-~~, ~n'ci',.lJttW~kJriB;.'"Wbo::h~d,.ac~~::'a.$--i ~he:ib,I1-f1':not r~tlte)~fl!j.:,a,~~l:ley;tJt::e~ie,-"8J 1t1~tliIi¢ I::;, ~'~y()U aae :,sure, a ~"., ~~i 'Crblls,;eX!lmlhr:r.tlOtt'. 1~ted .- hilt;e..'J ·kfqr::,#6'r~~::~1U;';':;;:;,:::;,::..,i,j tle;,n,Ore--,tlian. an':hour&nd~i:ha:lt; :On; .l,'~:: ':~~!irig: t~t ai,t:e.ri~:!:M'Orf!T "~~~l;tl1t~; "Atto.rne'1:.H)in' <{ .am ~~~'e~l:11[)yed:bY';,t~e-:fe4eratl()n:~t 's:eil:at6~:!-:'.'f~:;;,:.' ,<»:'>;';: __ ,-9#' OuiBide.:,o~, -Cl.!~et'f!}~ J:t~i~ek' tlnd,-Jh~~l:!" ;1!.t;I:. tnY~~~WP~.'~, ir V,rej;te~'n:, ,~¢a~!,~,!i;i>;1}­ 1lh~:~Dd~pel1defl~~ ;. f:l}([Jlolllon.; .."','.-::",;,qp; '.the. .- ~~J.-"ot~r'~edaT~ .·.be·'Ji~""F l;la.ld~ ~!'Y~~~ •. ;··tlttd::" did nothing; ,~~,·.of:.Shnp~l#~;"I...~,j!lC)Jl'~,::~.*~"~:)~ pai'tie9',' r-espo~i;lb1~':, f~:r;:· \J,iln_~.r1"~1,90~':· H:ir!:,,~~~~I.t~;)~~:'flll~' Jtepot.exploslon., ',',' ".'. "','.-" '. ",.':" ~f~I.:;':~~:.~:he:r ,Dtem1J:e:r~.-:'of:.' thei.\~~eC1!',O:-­ i{{;·f'.he, wttnese 'read inth~:-pape~, .. :ft.(vt(:~~*,*~:' ..•~~~ co:u~~ Il~t'teif(~n,;~ ','~, }~~rd and, Johnny: Nev:Jiie·w~re:sris . ~~~~~~,~;::1;~·,~,.~;, }~(t>~:·.~~t1~Ii.<ailti?~~:f '.Of the:crtme. ,TlHl fede:rlt~l~ndld.<no ~h~,t,,1t1tt!~.r"l1 ~,~.li1~.D.lltIOJl::.lilld.C~~!!--·t~~~ "t~~ardlnqUf:rln,girito~__;~;')" ,\>Wh~n )u~,~'r ~'JV-'.or~itrlt r'(!~:~,(l~~<' ~:,,:t~.~ '.

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