Fisheries and Environmental Legislation in Force Law, Ordinance, Regulation Concerned Agency Year (in force) /t JOribAN Law no. 25 for the Organization of Fishing Council of Ministers 1943 EGYPT 1 Law No. 124 (Fisheries): Regulation of fisheries GAFRD 1983 and aquaculture Law No. 4 (Environmental Protection): Protection of Egyptian Environmental Affairs 1990 environment and conservation. Agency (EEAA) SAUDI ARABIA Council of Ministers decision No 157: Jurisdiction MEPA dated 2011111411 for prevention of Pollution in the Territorial Sea Royal Decree 7/B/l 3307: Jurisdiction for oil spill MEPA dated 221711411 response (coordination mechanism established) Royal Decree No 33 on Jurisdiction between the Saudi Coast Guard dated 271711377 border of the Territorial Sea (12 miles offshore) and 10 kilometers inland Royal Decree No 7/505M, Responsibility for ports Sea Ports Authority dated 28l311406: Royal Decree No 7/505M: Jurisdiction for fishery MAW dated 281311406 activities Royal Decree No 7/505M: Jurisdiction for preven- MEPA dated 281311406 tion of pollution including effluent from landfill ports. Royal Decree No 7/505M: Responsible for fishery MAW dated 26l311406 management Royal Decree No 7/505M: Responsibility for ports Sea Ports Authority dated 281311406 Royal Decree No 7/M/8903: Responsible for setting MEPA dated 2/14/1401) standards for the environment and for carrying out a program of environmental impact assessment; designated coastal zone management agency Royal Decree No M/22: Responsible for manage- NCWCD dated 12/911406) ment of protected areas l Royal Decree No M/9,: to enforce a moratorium on MAW dated 2i!l3/1408 landfill ports Royal Decree No M/9: Responsible for fishery man- MAW dated 271311408 agement SUDAN Amendments to Marine Fisheries Regulations Marine Fisheries Administra- 1975,1978 tion Amendments to Marine Fisheries Regulations Marine Fisheries Administra- 1975,1978 tion Environmental Health Act Ministry of Health and Local 1975 Councils Environmental Policy Act HCENR and Attorney General Draft proposal 1996 Marine Fisheries Ordinance Marine Fisheries Administra- 1937 tion Sudan Marine Conservation Committee Regula- Ministry of Environment and 1975,1995 tions Tourism 132 Living Marine Resources 133 Law, Ordinance, Regulation Concerned ~pqf :: : : :““(fy+!‘.f?~fp+$ j; Sudan Maritime Law Maritime Administration yr9; proposal DJIBOUTI ’ f :‘. I {C,.‘, .’ __ CITES Convention Mantrme Adminrstratton ? Decree 80/062/PR/MCTT extended the protection Maritime Administration 1980 to the Maskali reserve. This latter one was modified by decree 8511 OYPRIAG of 28 October 1985 to strengthen conservation of these areas. Only arti- sanal fisheries of edible species is allowed in these zones. Decree 80-062/PFUMCTT on protection of the MCTT 1980 seabottom and the marine fauna, establishment of South Maskali Islands Integral Reserve Decree 85/103/PRlAG on MPAs Maritime Administration 1985 Decree 89-085/PR/AE on oil spill response Maritime Administration 1990 Decree 89-085lPRlPM on passage of foreign ves- Maritime Administration 1989 sels Economic and social orientation law of 1990-2000 Maritime Administration 1991 (150/AN/91 2O L of 10 February 1991) Law 137lANl85, on hydrocarbon pollution Maritime Administration 1985 Law 212iANl82, fisheries regulations Maritime Administration 1982 Law 52/AN/78 article 16-l 9, fisheries regulations Maritime Administration 1979 Law 76-599 on ship based pollution Maritime Administration 1976 Law 76-600 on pollution caused by combustion Maritime Administration 1976 Law 9lANl82, on hydrocarbon pollution Maritime Administration 1982 Law no. 64183, which includes the approval of four Maritime Administration 1983 international conventions on maritime navigation Law no. 94lANl89 2’ L approves the London Con- Maritime Administration 1989 ventions of 1971,73 and 69 Law of 11 June 1985 approves the United Nations Maritime Administration 1985 Convention on the Law of the Sea. Regulation 72-13631SGICG establishes Musha Maritime Administration 1972 Part and prohibits the collection of corals and mol- Iuscs. Regulation 72-l 363/SGICG, establishment of Maritime Administration 1972 Musha Territorial Park Regulation 90-05341MPAM on passage of foreign Maritime Administration 1990 vessels YEMEN Environment Protection Law Environmental Protection 1995 L Council Free Zone Law (Law No. 4) Free Zone Authority 1993 Law No. 10 Maritime Law MFW 1988 Law No. 2 on Amendment of Law No. 8 of 1970 MFW 1972 Law No. 24 on Organizing Fishing and Exploitation MFW 1979 of Aquatic Living Organisms and their Protection issued on 22/I 0179 Published in the Gazette No. 50 on 13/I 2179 Law No. 45 on Territorial Sea, EEZ, Continental MFW 1977 Shelf and other Sea Areas - Gazette issue 51 on 22/12/l 977. This law was issued on 17/I 2/l 977 Law No. 6 concerning the Protection of the Marine MFW 1980 Environment against Pollution Law No. 8 on Territorial Water and the Continental MFW 1970 Shelf of the Republic of South Yemen g/2/70 Pub- lished in the Gazette issue 14 on 2/4/1970 Maritime Law for the Republic of Yemen (Presiden- Public Corporation for Mari- 1995 tial Decree No. 5) time Affairs 134 Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gurfof Aden Law, Ordinance, Regulation Concerned Agency Year (in force) Ministerial Decree for Specifications of Fishing Ves- Ministry of Fish Wealth 1995 sels and Gear (No. 101) Presidential Resolution on Fishing, Exploitation and Ministry of Fish Wealth 1991 Protection of Living Aquatic Resources (Law No. 42) Presidential Resolution on the Territorial Sea, Adja- Ministry of Defence, MFW 1991 cent Waters, the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf (Law No. 37) Prime Ministerial Decree No. 4 of 1996 establishing Ministry of Planning and Devel- 1996 Socotra as a protected area opment Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollu- Public Corporation for Mari- 1993 tion (Presidential Decree No. 11) time Affairs SOMALIA Convention for the Protection, Management and In abeyance 1988 Develooment of the Marine and Coastal Environ- ment of the Eastern African Region; Convention on International Trade in Endangered In abeyance 1985 Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Spe- In abeyance 1986 cies of Wild Animals; Fisheries Law No. 13 Ministry of Fisheries and 1985 Marine Resources Joint venture guideline and the National Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries and 1985 Law Marine Resources Law on Somali territorial sea and ports, No. 37 Ministry of Marine Transport 1972 and Ports Maritime Code (Basic marine fisheries legislation) Ministry of Marine Transport 1959 and Ports Protocol Concerning cooperation in Combating In abeyance 1988 Marine Pollution in Cases of Emergency in the Eastern African Region Protocol Concerning Protected Areas and Wild In abeyance 1988 Fauna and Flora in the Eastern African Region; Protocol Concerning Regional cooperation in Com- In abeyance 1988 bating Pollution by Oil and other Harmful Sub- stances in Cases of Emergency Regional Convention for the Conservation of the In abeyance 1988 Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment Sewage and Drainage Law No. 3 Water Development Agency 1983 Tourism Development Act Ministry of Tourism 1984 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea In abeyance 1989.
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