4 Page Four THE DAILY > WORKER Death of Millionaire Meetings | MINOR TO SPEAK AT . Starts Poison Search Workers (Communist) Party | SocUdFAffab! Russian Anniversary RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Number Following upon a request from a MEET IN LOS ANGELES brother of Francis Jones, 66 year NEW YORK WORKERS PARTY ISSUES old millionaire president of the Mel- BELLAIRE MAYOR company November Issue of N. Y. WORKERS’ ba Manufacturing who died LOS ANGELES, Nov. STATEMENT ON RECENT ELECTIONS 10.—*The by workers of Los Angeles will cele- Saturday, an inquiry was ordered anniversary Coroner Oscar Wolffc An autopsy on BANS MEETINGS NEW YORK, Nov, 10.—The Workers (Communist) Party has issued a SCHOOL FILLED brate the eighth of the Russian revolution at the Music the body by the coroner's physician, statement the results of the municipal of on electoral campaign in the city 233 Irving Porgeß, found symptoms of THE Arts Hall, South Broadway, A. New they OF THEWORKERS York in which declare that from the standpoint of labor, the most WITH SCHOLARS Sunday afternoon, Nov. 15, at 2 diabetes and of bronchial pneumonia. obvious conclusions deductible from the results of the election are that a o’clock with Robert Minor, member The dead man’s organs were sent Dr. single, all Inclusive, labor party, two William D. McNally, coroner’s chem- Has Little Czardom in separating the workers from the capital- as of the Central Executive Committee ist parties, is the most vital necessity of the workers. Their statement attacks All Classes Crowded of the Workers Party, as speaker. ist for an analytic search for poisons. WORKERS Suspicions by JOpen Shop Steel Town the socalist party for “sabotaging such political labor unity.” The statement Courses Start This meeting is being arranged un- have been aroused the signing a deathbed will last Sun- follows: 44 . der the joint auspices of the Los of Angeles branch of the Workers day by Mr. Jones. | By W. J. WHITE “The election campaign just closed call for a conference to unite on a (Special to The Daily Worker) Party and the .Voung Workers MONTHLY demonstrates strikingly united labor result of NEW YORK CITY, Nov. 10— The A BELLAIRE, Ohio, Nov. 10.—The the weakness ticket. The League. birthday anniversary meeting of the workers political these tactics On the part pressure of heavy registration In Eng- ' ■Soviet’s on the field. divisional This meeting Furniture Finishers is one of a series of INCLUDING} , ■for stopped by Mayor The vote for the successful Tammany of the socialist party was what was to lish continues at the New York Work- Beiialre was meetings that Robert Minor is now Tonight William Komport and chief of Pb’ice candidate, Mr. Walker, was about be expected. The worker*, confused ers’ School and has obliged it to open Form Union ■ making in the western states. Com- Eight Years Proletarian m Leo Corbett. They ordered the Janitor 750,000 the overwhelming bulk of and divided into small fractions did additional classes for the teaching of of rade Minor has been in Russia a phonograph Dictatorship v and of the hall to lock It up which was the vote of politically un- not win the more backward of their English to foreign-born workers. To- Every piano, and fur- owners number of times. Every worker is circumstances to per- conscious workers. A couple hundred brothers away from the democratic night a new class in higher interme- niture finisher regardless of whether and under no urged to attend these meetings. By P. GREEN. Jugo-Slav Bolsheviks’’ thousand workers re- and republican parties and the total diate English will begin* at 8 p. m. he works in a factory or in any of mit “then damn also voted the Comrade Minor wilt also speak on hold the meeting. This was the re- publican ticket. While we do not vote for all these organizations claim- This class will be run once a week the furniture stores and wants to The features of the first years to the bolshevization and reorganiza- mark made to Fred Walch and com- know the vote of ing to represent labor was smaller for a period of three months, fee is join the union, is requested to attend of the first workers’ government the Communist cam tion of the party at meetings ar- call all workers to by didates as yet, that of by far than the vote cast for the mil- $2.50, the instructor will be either the meeting, arranged to organize a —and a to its mittee Corbett. nor the social- ranged for that purpose. defense. The Young Workers League intend- ist and socialist labor candidates, it lionaire candidate of big business, Mr. Anna Jacobson or Ray Bennett. union in Chicago, at 741 Blue Island a playlet Capital- Waterman, to vote elementary avenue, tonight at 7:30 o’clock, by ed putting on "The seems probably on the face of the not mention the Another new class in a pit s m Day, Mayor,” they were also going that less than 100,000 work- for the victorious servant of big busi- English is being formed by the divi- If you want to thoroughly un the that is arranging the C all Mobilizes ists returns Against the Social to have recitations, and singing. Be- ers voted for the candidates of parties ness, Mr. Walker. sion of the over-crowded elementary derstand Communism—study it. meeting. cause of extensive advertising the pretending to appeal to the workers “In a statement issued by Mr. English classes. This new class will Revolution comrades expected a very large as a class. This means that the over- Thomas to today’s papers, he says: meet Tuesday and Thursday at 8 By C. E. crowd. whelming majority of the workers of ‘The rise of a strong labor party in p. m„ the instructor is Sonia Gins- RUTHENBERG. Under Steel Trust Rule the city of New York are still tied to New York is inevitable, but the con- burg, the fee for this course is $4.00 An analysis of the world parties big a party will Ku kluxers are strong here. The the of business, and while ditions under which such for three months. TO forces that threaten Soviet Rus- now exist.’ THE fighting strength Carnegie steel is located here and is the bosses economically are show its do not The last week in November will see sia—and the role of Communist following We agree with Mr. Thomas as to the train- Parties In the present situation. a branch of the U. S. Steel, and the them politically. The con- the opening of the shop nucleus rain injunctions inevitability of rise a strong course, (With Photographs.) Wheeling Steel Co., a large independ- tinual of in prevent- the of ing the party training course ing strikes and picketing, the use of labor party in New York and we ind all courses in economics, politics, ent steel company. Many big cor- RESCUE!^ police point sociology, history, porations are deeply interested in the the to break up picket lines, out to him that one of the ‘con- literature, workers’ Sam Gompers Is Not Dead open shop mines. The Bethleham and the general service rendered by ditions that do not now exist’ is the jorrespondence, and public speaking. Steel and Carnegie Steel and U. S. the city to landlords, food profiteers, unity of all of labor’s forces. This Registration are now being taken. By J. LOUIS ENGDAHL. • traction and public utility interests is the basic ‘condition’ and the social- Altho high qualifications as to ac- Steel are vitally interested in keep- analysis and the employing class generally, ist party is directly responsible for tivity and previous preparation An of the A. F. of L. ing the district open shop. were Convention by the Editor not yet taught A labor party party training of the The work of the Young Workers have the workers that its non-existence. can set for the course, and Daily Worker who was present j League under the direction of Com- this is a bosses’ government and that be successful only if it is based on altho there is still a week or two to at the latest conference of the true rade Marie Suskalo had caused so their economic struggle is also a poli- the trade unions. While it is elapse before it begins, nevertheless, official body of American organ- much comment aad had attracted so tical struggle In which the political the great bulk of the trade unions in 120 odd active party and trade union ized Labor. power city express- much attention by their singing the of the master class state ma- New York have not yet workers have registered for this chinery against in favor International and the Red Flag that is used them. Thus sd themselves of the labor course and passed the preliminary Why the Anthracite Strike f the children In the Bellaire schools a striking worker will, on election party a large number of trade unions test. These names will be submitted were talking about the play the chil- day, scab on his fellow strikers by whose membership numbers to 150,- to a committee for final selection as By BENJAMIN GITLOW. dren in the Shady Side school were voting' along with his boss for a judge 000 workers have already expressed only 50 students can possibly be ad- HAIL to The DAILY WORKER rescue party—and all its modifica- Important giving going to put who will issue injunctions against his their readiness for a labor party. If mitted to the party training course.
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