Canadian Monarchist News Les Nouvelles Monarchiques du Canada Summer/Été 2021 – No. 52 An occasional Newsletter for members and friends of The Monarchist League of Canada The Monarchist League of Canada / La Ligue Monarchiste du Canada, PO Box 1057, Lakeshore West PO, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K 0B2 905-855-7262 (800) 465-6925 www.monarchist.ca THE MONARCHIST LEAGUE OF CANADA – 51th ANNIVERSARY 1970-2021 MARY SIMON SWORN GOVERNOR GENERAL A new beginning at Rideau Hall Full coverage pages 2-8 GOVERNOR GENERAL SIMON ASSUMES OFFICE: SOME IMPRESSIONS Clearly no “bossy old lady.” is evident that few folk who should know in fact do know how to stand to attention during an Anthem, and how to perform a neck bow. One supposes that of all the challenges facing Governor General and na- tion, the latter will not figure first! Our Governor General is evident- ly a thoughtful person – and how bravely she uttered a good many words in French. Not a natural “pub- lic speaker” in the popular sense of the phrase, the gravitas of the day al- luded to earlier was served well in Her Excellency’s solemn delivery, one of authority and determination rather than oratory and bombast. Thus a good thing. We leave you to read Mme Simon’s text. It was solid and evidently sin- cere, the substantive elements fo- cused on three points to be her agenda – environment, recovery, reconciliation. How she finds a way for the vice-regal office to make these watchwords without straying into the partisan political area will be a challenge in which her long ex- perience as a diplomat and negotia- tor will be of enormous use. Policy apart, standing out were a gracious reference to The Queen’s “abiding love for Canada,” the ability to ad lib in stumbling over a multi- syllabic French verb – “I have a little trouble with this, but I am learning”; her thanks to unsolicited corre- n a July 26 ceremony which ran CF Band to play the Victory March spondents who had even offered to like clock work, and was attended from Aida during what was billed in help her learn French; and the GG’s Iby only 44 people, due to pan- “Interlude” while the 21-gun Salute revealing that her Inuit name actu- demic restrictions, Mary Simon be- was rendered might have been re- ally means “bossy old lady.” came Canada’s 30th Governor considered, both in terms of the in- Your Ex, you don’t come across General. The lack of the customary auspicious plot of Verdi’s opera and that way at all: serious, determined, crowded Senate Chamber in fact the availability of many stirring thoughtful, modest, yes – and good added gravitas to the occasion – in- Canadian melodies. on you for that subtle reference of stead of the good and great gabbling The reference to the event’s tak- bossiness during which you turned energetically prior to one of the ing place on the historic territory of to address the Prime Minister. All in great ceremonies of State, there was the Algonquin people was repeated fun, to be sure. But every politician a sepulchral silence, reflective of the by the excellent Master of Cere- needs reminding that you represent moment and the importance of the monies, as well as the Prime Minis- the Head of the Nation, even one as Office upon which Ms Simon was ter and Governor General. A day respectful of the Crown as M. about to embark. when the emphasis was appropri- Trudeau! At times the musical elements of ately on reconciliation. Madam, we wish you well, and the occasion seemed to constitute Long-time observers of these have every confidence that you will almost a concert performance with- types of events might properly represent The Queen with distinc- in such a ceremony; but the per- lament the lack of corporate singing tion, restore trust and high stan- formers were all highly talented. rather than a soloist, though this dards to Rideau Hall which now be- Highlights for many were the might be excused this time in a comes your family home and earn haunt ing Armaq, an Inuit song cele- masked environment. Still no place the affection of Canadians, so many brating the strength of women; and was found on this of all occasions of whom see their aspirations for a a soulful rendition by Lourin Zuc- for the singing of the Royal Anthem better country incarnated in you chini of a moving melody sung in which we continue to find inexcus- and your office. French. Perhaps the choice of the able. And to descend to quibbles – it 2 – Canadian Monarchist News – Summer/Été 2021 Installation Speech of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, 30th Governor General of Canada With great respect, I would like to ac- began very far from here. knowledge that today we are standing on the I was born Mary Jeannie May in Arctic unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishin- Quebec, now known as Nuna vik. My Inuk abe people, who have lived and cared for this name is Ningiukudluk. part of the world for thousands of years. I spent my adolescence in Nunavik, living To Prime Minister Trudeau, thank you for a traditional lifestyle with my parents. My your faith in me and for your commitment mom, Nancy, was Inuk. My father, Bob, who to reconciliation. I am honoured, humbled was from the south, managed our local Hud- and ready to be Canada’s first Indigenous son’s Bay company post. governor general. Many months out of the year we lived on Where we gather today is of enor mous the land – travelling by dog team or boat … significance to me. 39 years ago, when this hunting, fishing and gathering food. was the Government Conference Centre, I Over the years I have exchanged stories worked with other Indigenous leaders and with Canadians about fav ourite childhood First Ministers to have our rights affirmed in memories. This is mine: lying in our family’s the Constitution of Canada. That moment tent along the George River, on a bed of made this one possible. spruce boughs and caribou skins, listening to I also want to offer my heartfelt gratitude the early morning sound of birds, and the to Her Majesty The Queen for placing her crunch of snow under the feet of our dog trust and confidence in me. I know she has team. an abiding love for this magnificent country. What I valued most about my upbringing And to my family: thank you to my hus- was my parents teaching my siblings and I band, Whit, to my children, Richard, Louis, how to live in two worlds – the Inuit world and Carole, to my step-children, Rhonda, Di- and the non-Inuit southern world. service organizations, there are ordinary anne and Whitney, to my siblings, and, of This foundation of core values has both Canadians doing extraordinary things. course, to my grandchildren and great-grand- served and shaped me throughout my life, As governor general I will never lose sight children. All of you have given me strength, and I believe helped me get to an important of this – that our selflessness is one of our purpose, love and inspiration over the course turning point as a young girl, when I stopped great strengths as a nation. of my life. being afraid. I pledge to be there for all Canadians. To the Canadian Armed Forces, I am hon- It took time before I gained the self-con- Canada is an Arctic nation. Our Arctic is oured to be taking on the role as Comman- fidence to assert myself and my beliefs in the one of the most unique places on the planet der-in-chief of Canada. Thank you for em- non-Indigenous world. But when I came to – from spring geese to winter darkness, to bodying the meaning of sacrifice, valour and understand that my voice had power and that some of the largest wildlife migrations any- service on behalf of all Canadians. Your con- others were looking to me to be their voice, where on earth. Our North is also a well- viction and courage is of the highest order I was able to let go of my fear. lived and lived-in homeland for Inuit, First and represents the very best of all of us. I’m My first language – Inuktitut – is the lan- Nations and Métis people. looking forward to meeting those serving in guage that defines Inuit as a people, and is The Arctic matters a lot to Canada and to the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Canadian the foundation of our very survival. the world. Canada has championed the cre- Rangers and other Reserve units in the days My second language – English – became a ation of the Arctic Council and the Central ahead. gateway to the world beyond. Arctic Ocean Fishing Agreement. We have Since the announcement of my appoint- And now, I am committed to add ing settled modern treaties with Inuit. We have ment, I have been deeply touch ed by the re- Canada’s other official language, French. passed the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act sponses from Canadians who have reached At this point in our shared his tory it is to assure sov er eignty over the Northwest Pas- out to me. clear that many languages are part of the fab- sage, and developed a circumpolar dimension • I have heard from Canadians who describe ric of our nation, as are the stories of those to its foreign policy, which recognized that a renewed sense of possibility for our who have come to Canada in search of a new human security must include environmental country and hope that I can bring people life.
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