. it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace . Hebrews 13:9 Issue 117—May 2005 Inside this issue: The Sabbath—Part One The Sabbath—Part One 1 Lloyd Elias Scalyer Lloyd Elias Scalyer The Parable of the Two 1 Editor’s Note: In March 2003, we began a series on the Levitical feasts. Thus far, we have Trains—Part Three of looked at eight of the nine prescribed feasts: Passover, The Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Four Feast of Firstfruits, The Feast of Weeks, The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, The Feast of Tabernacles, and Shemini Atzeret. This final article examines the Sabbath. As we Mark Webb stated in the note that accompanied the first article, the author’s intention, and ours, is that a Sainthood 3 better understanding of these feasts will increase our appreciation of God’s glorious provision of salvation through his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Additionally, we pray that it will please God to Mike McInnis equip us to use the Old Testament Scriptures to display Messiah to those of natural Israel that To Every Tribe 5 he is pleased to bring into our lives. Ministries Disagreements over the observance effect and we should celebrate it on Sat- David Harrell or the non-observance of the Sabbath urday. Some believe that since the New Do We Telegraph 7 have become an issue in the church and Covenant Scriptures do not repeat a Our Priorities? have caused many schisms, church splits command for its observance, the prac- Clyde F. Autio and name-calling in the body of Messiah, tice of keeping the Sabbath on Saturday for what seems like an eternity. The heart is invalid. They maintain that Sunday New Covenant 13 of this conflict lies in differing under- has become the Christian Sabbath. Still Theology- standings of the nature, function, and du- others say the Sabbath, as we know it in Some Characteristics ration of the Sabbath. the Old Covenant Scriptures, is no Gary D. Long longer in effect and that believers Some hold that the Sabbath is still in Scalyer (Continued on page 2) The Parable of the Two Trains—Part Three of Four by Mark Webb In my first article, I sought to covenant administrators). Dispen- ment age bringing its passengers illustrate Covenant Theology and sationalism was depicted as two over to a station where a train called Dispensationalism using the figure separate trains (i.e. Israel and the Jesus awaits on another set of of trains, tracks, and engineers. Church) running one at a time tracks. A call goes out that all pas- Covenant Theology was depicted as through history on two separate sengers are to board this new train. one train (i.e. God’s people) run- tracks (i.e. two distinct covenants), Most refuse to do so and remain in ning through history on one track with Moses the engineer of one their seats. train and Christ the engineer of the (i.e. one covenant of grace) picking The Jesus train leaves the station other. In my last article, I set forth up passengers as it goes. At the ap- and now runs through the New Tes- propriate time, Christ replaces an alternative model: A train called Moses as engineer (i.e. a change of Moses runs through the Old Testa- Webb (Continued on page 15) Page 2 May 2005 Issue 117 Scalyer (Continued from page 1) Charles Hodge, a great theologian Sound of Grace is a ministry of Grace of the last century wrote the follow- Bible Fellowship of Maryland. It is published 10 times a year. The should celebrate on Sunday (the ing: subscription price is $10.00 per year. original day of the Feast of First This is a paper unashamedly committed The second great event, which Fruits), since that is the day the to the truth of God’s sovereign grace and according to the common faith of New Covenant Theology. We invite all Lord rose to be with his Father in the church, which is to precede who love these same truths to pray for us Heaven. Another group looks for the second advent of Christ, is the and help us financially. fulfillment of the Sabbath in the national conversion of the Jews We do not take any paid advertising. Lord Jesus the Messiah, who is …. that there is to be such a na- Lord of the Sabbath. They believe tional conversion may be argued The use of an article by a particular that in Christ, there is a New person is not an endorsement of all that ... from the original call and desti- person believes, but it merely means that Creation, where the day of wor- nation of that people. God called we thought that a particular article was ship is neither spelled out nor ac- Abraham and promised that worthy of printing. centuated. through him, and in his seed, all Sound of Grace Board: John G. the nations of the earth should be In actuality, in the New Crea- Reisinger, Moe Bergeron, Ken Keefer, blessed … A presumptive argu- Jacob Moseley, Bud Morrison, and Lloyd tion, a specific day of worship is ment is drawn from the strange Scalyer. not ordained; worship of our preservation of the Jews through bridegroom and master is to be Editor: John G. Reisinger; so many centuries as a distinct Phone: (717)960-9383; e-mail: continual. It is to occur no matter people. [email protected]. what we are doing, for all our As the rejection of the Jews WebMaster is Maurice Bergeron, waking hours, seven days a week. [email protected] The important point to remember was not total, so neither is it final. is that Y’shua-Jesus is the Mes- First, God did not design to cast General Manager: Jacob Moseley, siah of Israel and the savior of the away His people entirely, but by [email protected] their rejection, in the first place to nations. He and he alone deserves Send all orders and all subscriptions facilitate the progress of the Gos- all worship, all the time. to: Sound of Grace, 5317 Wye Creek pel among the Gentiles, and ulti- Drive, Frederick, MD 21703-6938 – Many worthy saints who have mately to make the conversion of Phone 1-800-376-4146 or 301-473-8781 gone before us looked for the time the Gentiles the means of convert- Fax 240-206-0373 when Israel would recognize ing the Jews … Because if the re- Address all editorial material and Y’shua-Jesus as their true Lord. jection of the Jews has been a questions to: John G. Reisinger, Sound source of blessing, much more of Grace, 1313 Woodward Drive, Carlisle, will their restoration be the means PA 17013. Contributions of good ... The restoration of the Visit the Sound of Grace Web Page at: Jews to the privileges of God’s http://www.soundofgrace.org Orders people is included in the ancient Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are predictions and promises made re- taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW IN- We accept VISA or MasterCard specting them ... The plan of God, TERNATIONAL VERSION® Copyright © therefore, contemplated the call- 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible If you wish to make a tax- Society. Used by Permission. All rights ing of the Gentiles, the temporary deductible contribution to Sound reserved. rejection and final restoration of of Grace, please mail a check to: the Jews ... Scripture quotations marked “NKJV” Sound of Grace, 5317 Wye Creek are taken from the New King James Ver- Drive, Frederick, MD 21703- He shows that the rejection of sion. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nel- the Jews was not intended to re- son, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights 6938. reserved. sult in their being finally cast Please check the mailing label to away, but to secure the more rapid find the expiration of your progress of the Gospel among the Gentiles into the church of God. subscription. Please send payment heathen, in order that their con- This, of course, supposes that God if you want your subscription to version might react upon the regarded the Jews, on account of continue—$10.00 for ten issues. If Jews, and be the means of bring- their relation to Him, with pecu- you are unable to subscribe at this ing all, at last, within the fold of liar favor, and that there is still time, please call or drop a note in the Redeemer … something in their relation to the the mail and we will be glad to The future restoration of the ancient servants of God and His continue sending the Sound of Jews is, in itself, a more probable covenant with them, which causes Grace free of charge. event than the introduction of the them to be regarded with special Scalyer (Continued on page 4) Issue 117 May 2005 Page 3 chose when he got ready. He could in us or we are yet in our sins. “ask JESUS into his heart” and SAINTHOOD Now we are quite certain that automatically he became “saved”. all of GOD’s children, who have Nothing could ever overturn that Mike McInnis been brought out of darkness and which he had “allowed” GOD to do into the light, and who have been for him. His ticket to heaven was given a revelation of the glorious punched forever. This was proudly redemption of JESUS CHRIST, are To them that are sanctified described as “once saved, always the saints of GOD. The word saint in Christ Jesus, called to be saved”. It was (and is) quite com- literally means holy one or one set saints, with all that in every place mon to see a multitude in this tradi- apart.
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