r.' * / TWCNTT.>X)TJB fAXm iKanr^ifBtpr lEtirafng ¥?ral!t THURSDAY, DECEMBER ' l l 1961 Paat Noble Oiands of Sunaet ; Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 o^Clock for Christmas Shoppers Rfcbekah Lodge w ill hold a Cbrlst- About Town mas party at the home of Mrs. LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, MONDAY thru FRIDAY AT 1:10 P.M. - SATURDAY 11:10 A.M. EMith smith. 136 Pine S t, Tueeday Average Daily Net Press Run Th« KanchMtAr Squadron of tha at 8 pjn. Members are to bring Main MandiMlwv-MI 3-4123 D.S. Poarar Squadrona will meat gifts fcir secret pala. T%ers will For the Week Ended The Weather tomorrofw at i, p.m. at North also be an electian of officers. Mrs. Gome Fot Christm^ To • race PARKING raor of flora Peeember t, 1661 ForeeMt of O. S. Weather Bawau Mathodist Church. After a hualneaa Maurtoe. Waddell and committee meettaf, Dr. Stanley Wuren paat are in charge of refmhments. 13,508 Clear and oeld^totUgfal,. Low la commander of the Hartford ^uad- ilie 20e. Satarday fair with aa»> ron, win narrate fUmg depicting hla Fred Thrall, superintendent of Member of Hie Audit aailing experlencea from Naaaau ' the water and eewer department, Buresu of OIrenlatton ■. masMe temperaitaren. High near Nova Scotia. Refreshmenu will is attending a meeting of the 7 Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm 40. nerved. American Waterworks Associa­ tion today at the Waverly Inn In A talent show will be aponeored Cheshire. The Connecticut Water­ VOL. LXXXI, NO. 58 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES->1N TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1961 Iw the Manchester Registered works Association is host for. the (CUaetlled Adverting ea Page 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS Niirses Club tomorrow at 8 p.m. meeting. Ways of coping with fall­ l l at the Waddell School, ^ e show out in public water supplies is the will be presented by 'Kathy God main topic of the meeting. New Britain Native frey and the Musical Menimakers, children from area dance studios, Mary Bushnell Clheney Auxiliary, State News accompanied by Tony O’Bright and United Spanish War Veterans, will his orchestra. Process will benefit hold a Christmas supper party at the nurses’ scholarship fund. Cavey’s Restaurant Monday at 6 Archbishop Keough Roundup p.’m. Members will exchange gifts. OPEN TONIGHT.TILL 9:00 P. M.! U.S. Asks Allies, Non-Reds The Polish American Club plans Reservations must be made by a New Year’s Hve dance and cele­ Monday noon by calling Mrs. Mil­ bration. Reservations are now be­ dred Tedford, 65 Broad St., paat ing accepted. Members and friends department president. Dies at 70; Head of Goldfine H as may call the clubhouse, 106 Clinton WISH ON A St. Mias Poppy Gerard, daughter of FOR A CHRISTMAS SETTING ‘Small Stroke^ Mr. and Mrs. John Gerard, 75 Ol- Two Mancdieeter men are serv­ cott Dr., recently was elected Baltimore Diocese In U. S. Prison ing with the crew that placed the president of pledges for the Ohio CHRISTMAS STAR SYRACUSE CAREFREE CHINA Help Build South Viet Nam w'orld’s first nuclear-powered air­ Delta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi at Danbur.v, Dec. 8 (JF)—Ber­ P , c ra ft carrier, U.S.S'. Ehiterprise, in Ohio Wesleyan University, where Baltimore, Dec. 8 (/P)—The oomrniseion at Newport News, Va^ she is a freeman. nard Goldfine, the gift-giving Most Rev. Francis Patrick! friend of person.s in high They are Ernest J. Sherman Jr., Keough, 11th archbishop ,of| .yeoman second clasa VSN son of ’The Kaffee Klatsche group will places, suffered “an apparent Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Sherman. meet at the YWCA Wednesday, the oldest Roman Catholic 1 small stroke” last night in the ' U.S. Bares 41 H>yle St.: and John C. Kensel. Dec. l3. Coffee and cookies will be the lovely, ever-popula diocese in the United States, | Paper Cites seaman. USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. served at 9:30 am . Eiach person at F'ederal Correctional Instilu- died today. fion, where he is .serving time Robert E Kensel. 41 Deerfield Dr. tending is asked to bring one-half ’The atvlibi.shop of 400,000 Cath­ Increased 'The ship is scheduled to begin a dozen cookies, and the cookie rec­ ‘ EVENING STAR "Mayflower" olic* in the Baltimore diocese die<l for income tax evasion. | Concern on ipe. At 10, Mrs. Anthony Salsfia shakedown cruise in February pattern in Georgetown ttniversity Hos­ Warden Frank Kenton said he after which it will Join the Atlan­ will give a demonstration and talk Is much Improved and th at his con-*' in pital In VVaahington, He would tic fleet. on Christmas gift wrappings. A have been 71 years old Dec. 30. dition today is satisfactory. , Red Airlift baby sitting service will be avail­ Archbishop Keough wa* taken Kenton issued this statement; | Rebel Gains able by calling the YWCA office CO M M UN ITY "At 7:30 p.m. last night Bernard 1 Manchester Barracks, Veterans to the hospital Nov. 30 after suf­ By ITIED .8. HOFFMAN of World War I, and ladies aux- or Mrs. Robert Kittle, 25 Crom­ THE FINEST Sll Goldfine suffered an apparent well Rd. fering his .second cerebral throm ­ \Va.shington, Dec. 8 (/F)— iliaiy. will hold an annual Christ- bosis in eight years. small stroke, with transient s.vmp- Wa.shington, Dec. 8 (,4b— The United States called on mss party and dinner at the VFW toma Today he is much Improved, The United Slates said today Erik W. Modean of Maywood. He had been Archbishop of Bal­ other Allied and non-Commu- Home, Sunday, Dec. 17, at 12:30 tim ore since Nov. 29, 1947 after w ith no paralysis. He rem ains ho.s- Paissia recently increased its p.m. N. J., son of Mrs. Ellen C. Modean pitslized under intensive care at nist nations today to help in 33 Server St., will spend three B w nng 13 years as bLshop of military supply airlift to a Providence. R. I, The Baltimore the pri.son hospital " reinforcing South Viet Nam months in New Delhi, India, where Goldfine waa returned to the Laotian border area believed Miss Georgia Potterton, daugh­ he is attending the third assembly archdiocese was the first designat- 1 economically and militarily ter of Mr and Mrs. George A. Pot­ FfN last Monday evening after to lie a major base for Com- of the World Council of Churches. ed in the United S tates in 1808 and pleading guiltv in federal court. ...,i - i I against increasing Commu- terton Jr . 171 Avery St., a senior He is publicity director for the Na­ its head outranks all other Cath­ Boston io probation violation v f'^hting inside at the University of Connecticut, olic prelates belo\v cardinal. ni.st assault. tional Lutheran Council in New charges arising from his part in \ let .Nam. Two developments dramaUzed a is one of ten coeds, majoring in York City. He is a former sports In the 45 years since he waa A Slate Depaitment lepoil home economics, recently inducted the smuggling of unauthorized let­ situation over which the Kennedy editor of ’The Herald. "Woodbine’ ordained a priest In 1916 a t H art­ ters between him and his serre- said the frequency of flights by administration showed signs of into Phi Upsllon Omicron, a nation­ ford, Conn.. Archbishop Keough Soviet transports into Trliepoiie al honorary fraternity. tar.y. Miss Mildred Paperman. | mounting concern; ’The Girls’ Guild of Community had spent all e.xcept his flr.st three only 20 niiies from .South Viet 1. The State Department publish­ Baptist Church will hold its annual .rears in administrative canaci- ' Nam lias increa.sed since mid- 2 .5 9 t o 2 1 9 ' ed a white paper warning Allies and David L. Craftsi son of Mr. and Christmas party at the home of tiftS. ; September when the airlift there neutrals alike that there is a Mrs. Roger E. Crafts. 97 Princeton Mrs. Roy Farris. 9 Durkin St., to­ He was known unofflciallv as : Hartford, Dec. 8 f.T' Tlie .State was improved. "clear and present danger" of Bt., has earned honors a t Williston morrow at 7 p.m. Members are re­ ••Archbishop of,the Poor' for his I M otor Vehicle D epartm ent's dail.y The stepup in the Ftinssian air­ Communist ccinquest in South Viet Academy, Easthampton. Mass., for minded to bring grab bag gifts. charity wxirk. He concentrated on I record of automobile fatalities as lift of military equipment to this Nam and there Is a threat that the the second marking period in the Those needing transportation may \ providing buildings for orphans, of last midnight and the totals on area has coincided with a marked balance of power in Asia would fall term. call Mrs. Farris. the aged and school children. the same date last year I increase iii tlie tempo of the Com­ be "tipped jjcrilously" against the A new cathedral costing *8.6 mil-1 ■ I960 1961 GUARANTEED AGAINST BREAKING. munist Viet Cong guerrilla offen­ non-Communist countries If South­ Second Lt. Joseph M, SuUla, 52 PIECE SERVICE lion was built and opened in Baltl- [ Killed ..................... 2.59 249 sive again.st the pro-western gov- east Asia fails. whose wife, the former Miss Helen moi'e in 1959 under his direction em inent of .South Viet Nam. 2. Secretary of State Dean Rusk L. Leduc, lives at 697 E Middle CHIPPING OR CRACKING IN HOUSEHOLD Archbishop Keough's diocese cov­ Rain tvith Snotr The document said that since told a news conforence it is the Fully Insured—Free Estimates ’Tpke., has entered the U.S.
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