** rr S'S' WetdtetiWetdteti ANDAND FRANCHISE FRANCHISE SOFTSOFT DRINKS, DRINKS, POSTPOST MIX MIX AND AND SPECIALSPECIAL EVENT EVENT NEEDS.NEEDS. 210210 URANA URANA ST ST , ,WAGGA WAGGA PHONEPHONE (069) (069) 25 25 1155 1155 Carlton.Carlton. RIVERINARIVERINA FOOTBALLFOOTBALL LEAGUELEAGUE FosterFoster’s’s IP IP FARRERFARRER FOOTBALLFOOTBALL LEAGUELEAGUE ^^ 1* 1*-“ --“-“tv. tv. , , w w "y"-\"y"-\ ^^ * * c c t t \\ \\ OFFICIALOFFICIAL VV ( I( II I I II I I I I Ii iI 1 I 1 >1 >1 4 4^ ^ 'v'v J J . \\........- - * * j j ML!!ML!! SATURDAYSATURDAY 12 12 & & SUNDAY SUNDAY 13, 13, JULY, JULY, 1986 1986 FARRERFARRER FOOTBALL FOOTBALL LEAGUE LEAGUE VV -t -t\ \ ' ' vv',' ',' ' ' » »r r N‘ N‘ v v \<s\<s \ \ " " \\, , •*>- •*>- ^rv-S/T;^rv-S/T; ' '\ \» » ii nn A'A' TT MM f^TH.ERE'Sf^TH.ERE'S MAGICJN MAGICJN ASOLOMONSCARPET ASOLOMONSCARPET , , ^^^^^'C6N^AC^^^^^'C6N^AC:F,GREG^HEATHER:F,GREG^HEATHER ,OR ,ORsjOHNsjOHN;BtGLEy;BtGLEy ^^ ^^ ON ON (069) (069) 25^3400 25^3400vv&& 25.304b 25.304b bR bR CALL CALL TO TO THEIR THEIR ^^ VsfVsf *'*' showroomshowroom AT,DOBNEYAVE.,'WAGGA AT,DOBNEYAVE.,'WAGGA WAGGA. WAGGA. AustraliaAustralia’’ss favouritefavourite beer.beer. VOLVOL 4, 4, No. No. 13 13 REGISTEREDREGISTERED BY BY AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA POST POST PUBLICATION PUBLICATION NO. NO. NBP NBP 0250 0250 I I a H T i • T 42 3 2 43 ,r PICK THE WINNERS IN THE FARRER • SOCIALS • WEDDINGS I LEAGUE MATCHES AND WIN CASH . • AFTER GAME FUNCTIONS JO//V THE RHEEM TEAM for: • FOOTY BANQUETS • BIRTHDAYS ALAN HARRIS • FASHION PARADESWAGGA GAS, ELECTRIC & SOLAR Play FOSTER'S Footy Pools 7 YOUR KIND OF MUSIC ENTRYHOT FORMSWATER IN TUESDAY'S SYSTEMS EDITIONS OF McDonald & co. FLOWER BOUTIQUE THE DAILY ADVERTISER John Rush, Manager. ForPhone all your Wagga ,(069) 25 2537 J PHONE WAGGA 21 5900 S O L A R MODERN FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND MONUMENTAL fresh flower CONTRACTORS SERVING THE arrangements J- CARLTON RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE D CARLTONFOSTERS RIVERINA FOOTBALLFARRER LEAGUEDRAW EDITORIAL- 1986 ENTIRE RIVERINA AREA AND for Wedding, ( c . AUSTRALIA WIDE. New Arrivals ( A ^ JULY 12: South Wagga- $ A DIVISION ONE MAY 31: Whitton(171) v The CarltonTolland Riverina v T.R.-Y.C.; leading Temora teams v awayUranquinty-K.(86) from League; Junee(125) Headquar v­ or any special , ROUND ONE M.C.U.; North Wagga v Coll.- Rivcoll(86); Tumut-T.(62) v 10 BAYLIS STREET, WAGGA UNDER NINETEENS LADDERMEMBER OF * n Football League top four ters, but of course, they have the luxury of FIRST GRADE LADDER INTERFLORA Cootamundra(153); R.A.A.F.(70) v PHONE 21 4913 occasion. APRIL 5: South Wagga-Tolland(40) Ashmont; Barellan v Marrar. L remained unchanged af- knowning that theBoree finals Creek(98). are conducted on their l v Temora(119); M.C.U.(108) v North JULY 19: M.C.U. v South Principal: Eric Parmenter Roundll: For Ag % Pts Wa ter last weekend’s foot- home track, JUNE 7: General Bye for Div. 2 Car­ Round 11: Manager:W Bob LD Parmenter For Ag % Pts 10 BAYLIS ST., WAGGA -PHONE 21 4915 gga(46); The Rock-Yerong Wagga-Tolland; T.R.-Y.C. v nival. Farrer(66) d Sapphire(47) in T T Creek(92) v Barellan(60); Collingullie- TURVEYPARK*Manageress: .. Melva I*arnu1141 ,tttcr240 475.4 44 ball, indeed,North most Wagga; sides Coll.-AshmontWhile East v Wagga-Kooringalfinal. ’s ace goalkick- GAN.-G.G.-M. 10 1 - 1496 975 153.4 40 Ashmont(32) v Marrar(115). Barellan; Marrar v Temora. JUNE 14: Uranquinty-K.(131) v WAGGA*............ 941 348 270.4 32 P 0 APRIL 12: General Bye. (A.C.withinT. 140 the top four have er, prev0r Sutton, continues to set the pace in TURVEYPARK , 9 2 - 1418 919 154.2 36 Junee(89); Cootamundra(83) v d N. S. W. 100 & Farrer 80 d R.F.L.consolidated 78). theirSPLIT posi­ ROUNDthe Senior competition, it was his team-mate EASTWAGGA-K.*.. 848 565 150.0 32 N Whitton(92); Boree Creek(167) v NARRANDERA .9 2 - 1217 914 133.1 36 V n APRIL 19: North Wagga(152)tions. v JULY 26: SouthTimWagga-Gooden, aTumut-Tmember. (45);of theRivcoll(lOl)Hawks 2ndv GOALS BEHINDS TOTAL GRIFFITH*.........GOALS BEHINDS658 465 TOTAL141.5 28 1 SouthGanmain-Grong Wagga-To11 andGrong-Matong(68); Tolland maintainedv Temora; M.C.U. v R.A.A.F.(133) GRIFFITH...... .7 4 - 1257 1010 124.4 28 Barellan(139) v M.C.U.(68); XVIH ’s that stole the show last Sunday. Ganmain-G.G.-M.* 721 602 119.7 28 Marrar(85)the top rung v onT.R the.-Y ladder.C.(136); with a Northvery solid Wagga; win T.R.-Y.C. Gooden v Barel posted­ 23 majors as his side ran riot Coolamon......IQ ..6 5 - 1119 958 116.8 24 IQ R Temora(117) v Coll.-Ashmont(88). lan; Coll.-Ashmont v Marrar. ROUND TWO Coolamon........... 798 722 110.5 28 8 over fourth placed Griffith, while Narrandera against Leeton, amassing 35.11.221 for the Wagga ..5 6 - 1022 963 106.1 20 madeAPRIL their 26: South spot Wagga-Toliand(75) in the four a little moreAUGUST secure 2: North Wagga v JUNE 21: Rivcoll(85) v Uranquinty- 2Q Narrandera*2Q ........ 343 717 47.8 12 v Barellan(131); M.C.U.(158) v afternoon’s activity. E.W.-Kooringal .... 4 7 - 1126 1045 107.7 16 r South Wagga-Tolland; Barellan v K.(64); Cootamundra(113) v Ardlethan*.......... Marrar(69);with a one T.R.-Y.C.(190) point win overv Coll.- Coolamon. M.C.U.; Marrar v T.R.-Y.C.;TT„ ., , Junee(23);, Boree, Creek(95), _ v 202 735 26.8 12 i Ashmont(51);The ‘crunch North’for Wagga(42) Coolamon, v who played with While its been good news for the League s AriahPark-Mirrool3Q 2 9 - 966 1355 71.2 8 3Q 1 Temora v Coll.-Ashmont. Whitton(121); R.A.A.F.(188) v U./n£2 Leeton............... 269 1228 21.9 4 Temora(123). Tumut-T.(71) Leeton ., 2 9 - 802 1348 59.4 8 so much character and courage inAUGUST last year ’9:s Southtribunal Wagga- this year, with very few reportable inci- (D 4Q ' 4Q finalsMAY 3:series, Marrar(181)will v Southcome Wagga-today (Sunday) when dents, last week s clashJUNEat 28:Narrandera Newcastle(107)between d * Denotes forfeit % to be adjusted Tolland(62); Coll.-Ashmont(lOl) v Tolland v Barellan; M.C.U. v Farrer (70). Ardlethan 1 10 - 661 1597 41.3 4 M.C.U.(126); Temora(109) v T.R.- Ariah Park-M. does not field an U19 team they welcome near neighbours Marrar; Ganmain- T.R.-Y.C. the homev Coll.- side and JULYCoolamon 5: Uranquinty-K.(41) was somewhat ofv Total Total Y.C.(136); Barellan(184) v North Ashmont; North Wagga v Cootamundra(133); Junee(77) v Boree Wagga(23).Grong Grong-Matong, to Kindra Park. ™ exception, with a couple of alleged striking Temora. Creek(24); Whitton(75) v MAYTime 10: Southis rapidly Wagga-Tolland(41) running vout for the Gras- charges. Let s all hope that tribunal sittings re­ IQ IQ AUGUST 16: Marrar v South R.A.A.F.(21); Tumut-T.(50) v SECOND GRADE UDDER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Coll.-Ashmontshoppers to (89);force M.C.U. a place(80) in v the four, and last main an exception,Rivcoll(50). rather than a regular weekly T.R.-Y.C.(85); Temora(57) v Wagga-Tolland; Coll.-Ashmont v Q n i 2Q 2Q ► JULY 12: Boree Creek v Barellan(96);week’s one Northpoint Wagga(36)loss at Narrandera v M.C.U.; may Temoracost voccurance. T.R.-Y.C.; Round 11: Ists 2nds U19 Total Uranquinty-K.; R.A.A.F. v Round?o 11: For Ag % Pts Marrar(65).them dearly. Barellan v North Wagga.This week we start publishing the first of the Q< ' 3Q 3Q Junee; Tumut-T. v Whitton; Riv- GANMAIN-G.G.-M.Oqc ...... 1452 464 312.9 44 GanmainG.G.M. .. 60 33 7 100 MAYAt 17:Maher T.R.-Y.C. Oval(160) in Waggav South on Sunday, Nar-FINALS ten club entrants in this year’s Fosters-RFL Wagga-Tolland(36); M.C.U.(79) v coll v Cootamundra. ujcj 4Q...... 1445 475 304.2 36 Turvey 4Q Park..... 54 27 11 92 Temora(43);randera willColl.-Ashmont(77) be out to provev that theySat. can AUGUST play 23:‘Girl First of Semi. the Year’ Quest. Once again the League WAGGAV) ............... JULY 19: Uranquinty-K. v Griffith........... 42 18 7 67 Northpremiership Wagga(49); winning Marrar(62) football v AW ASat. Y from AUGUST the 30:is Second grateful Semi. to CarltonR.A.A.F.; and Renee Junee Frock v Tumut-T.; Shop of TURVEYPARK..... ..... 1345 538 250.0 36 Barellan(72). , Total NarranderaTotal ..... 54 9 3 66 Narrandera Sportsground when theySun. take SEPTEMBER on Narrandera 7: Prelimin­ for theirWhitton continued v Rivcoll; association Cootamundra with COOLAMON........ ..... 1130 661 170.9 30 MAY 24: General Bye. Farrer(lSO) d v Boree Creek. Coolamon....... 36 221/2 7 65V2 Newcastle(85).the Turvey Park Bulldogs, whoary they Final. share this award. The Quest will be held in conjunc­ Griffith.................IQ ...... 871'740 117.7 24 IQ MAY 31: South Wagga-Tolland(55) v Sat. SEPTEMBERtion 13: with Grand the QuinnJULY Medal 26: count Tumut-T. night as last v </> Wagga............. 30 27 8 65 second place on the ladder with. Uranquinty-K.; Whitton v Junee; E.W.-Kooringal..... ...... 1203 563 213.6 22 M.C.U.Narrandera(162); North is Wagga(lOl)yet to beat v a memberFinal.
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