-. Public Uttr^ry. Valley Brook A»t,," -yailhurstvU. J.' LEADERETTE Folks air saying labor might jujrt as well ge\ maw while -**••* «^oo* S«am*j)ie goodness is running but."Tlfc»y point out that New York "and New J. rscy are so crruin of electing Republu jn governors th«t the gamblers hive calWd elections in either stale, nu bel The tame feeling u country- wide, not local. Labor hat pulled the plug in iu own bathtub, rolki are just fed up with strike.. There are good strikes AM* #F SOUTH BERCKN RFVIEV u well as bad strikes, but a strike like the truckman's u en- gineering a sharp stench uver the entire countryside vol. xxvu. No. 12 n M»lll HSI. N. J.. >MM r MHKR 12. !<*** Big Cook OU Plant Paolaxzi in France Teachers Set Married Veteran Tenant List Ready Ready November 15 Local Board Principals' Treiwfer An- For Announcement Thurs. Over 200 Jobs Will Be Open nounced •• Board —— Meeting Biggest Veteran Gathering Authority's At Schuyler Ave. Factory Tlii' board of Education waded ; through a full basket .>! bu»in«*a In Bergen Entertained Home Visits When It Opens i laat week aa it gut thr local •CfUMtllallaiH schools ready for their \outhful •Urlettvlv* a> taas AaltMai •»-. ». iKt'upanLs i I.M* «••»• \# UIIIJHCIVM Lyndhnr.l", largest iaaWtrial unit—Italian Cook Oil I., Lack of teaching help, resigna- la gffveUMfl l»inm veieraaa Conip.m i. rapidly taking isiapr oH Schuylrr avrnur. tions uf teachers who had been Ml U riglu aVn aWivauu 41*la tt«lt-K M... Fifl«t Con«id»r«tion of Al ill.- -He today it wa« aVrlarrd November 15 is Uw signed to contracts and ti-.ir.hi HarUfSM Narr> Maw—a and N«lph in »•.*• A j in the system helped <omplic»te Went O.MI 1st Ihr MM* «**•*, *n. |. »rllM«i Wi« I * UW C«ndid«»«i for Hou»- <on,|.lwi..n dt-udlinr. B»w«» 4 Son of Prim-nun, builders, ' matters for the K»«ni Jn-ahftV Htm Mart V.Mwi, Wartt>« vtUM •»» tapr to havr the- building ramplrH-d by thai dalr. They Edward Gorab, who had tugtwd a«*t J-Hit (.mini* bavr over 50 nri working »o th* nterior of. the hugr a contract fur the IM4-47 **.•.->' M»»- Marg*rvt Amelia l^iUha. * Ih* MMig#l - *v« Hlk» plant wlii.li will ban 50.M0 tquarc feet of •Derating year submitted hrt resignation lluihti <>f Mi. and Mi 1 •'•• A :•-•!'••'' n»>ai '<*"•• giwaa offering a 30-day grac* i* u.-i At > wi,.w b aw spare. The entire site has live — PFC Anthony 1. Paolani. son >*!.%••«• i .•• '•-> •••?:» XJV L>ndhuiM \-eteiatia and »'" mltnti In - i'ii«' '»'> ti,*k* ttwt. that tune it was believed at sati* ( acres. • . of Mr and Mrs Nicholas Paol- itmui 1 MI,'! •• and ' fanillim Sundo) ,!'. i.. ' *l •....!».I •IfMifth Ml in -•.<.» factory replacement had bt**n ai Walk.n» U. .i Jr., aw of ' I >...i'..i .i High aeSoal ''•''>! hw fch*. avMannasrt >4 th*-« >*wn V«Ma* A .m-m« an Italian Cook Oil Company, MZZI. is ubserving one year in , t kinged with an out nf-tnwn W ii- • diie.t >t .uf |'ut>It< ily fa Ovrr 1 000 vrU *iir among ih« which puts out Royal cooking oil. Repuoiicans the Army in France. teacher. The HVgflsj housing MMU 4 il» ta< ll.... -: uf MIMI -ii-> and Chutth ttnong ihni apent »n tftamooa al t. s ••( ii.. a>slaaan •' Paotam entered the aitrtyty, AuAu- i . N 'iilf Mr v • L i' salad die—ings and similar pfo- rt t»; ul Vh* ' M • t h«« I tl fun »ttii H-i -i.- W«la«-i INwi (..< nti duttd a is an old nwrii n .located ggu. 1 J, IMS and had training at *'"' r«', ' ai il wiallsiad) tilttv wKith Off Winging CamC p CroftC , $. C C, Camp Hood.! v'"u"<1 *• O.un.i ••( Hv* Yt>:k. ami Mi Anieitran 1 ••«.-! •> h>wta an 'Myattn^ti.Mi WM rfcaa now in the Bush Terminals in iu . i M it 0.1 UWlh Mre«t. WhHi Miyoi ll-'iatr R U •i\< • «• U" i- •• • Brooklyn. TTexa s and embarkekdd frof m CamC p ^LSA n« m* Ulf iv4uil*e«l i»rvi. Kilmer, N. J. in the month o( ht- would he unable la fulhll the *i* ' - I. I. wet*' natTWd Natm 1..1 to urge (hr sti.i.,1,, to |aM .4Fit- >(!•• -.1. -t With Its* HI »4iii Mat iititloiad *•• Than are UW working lor Uw InFoiTHt February. tMt, tor overseas. contract. • U. ltt«- .-•'.» * at* pri it.a.i aM sMk>uif. company in Brooklyn. Lyndliurst He is how stationed at the Iale In the short inu-r m\ \«• •. i M i 4i i. .,t thr I.yn4hufs4 *">i » CaswuknakW ...-w-n*i activities will increase tha sin ConMence—full Oorab had been notified the m <iiat CU«cfa ai » JO p, ... i . Ui. I a** conapleto ' of St. Germain,Franc*rra , with . Oorab had been notified t toar aaa» aaj fnimnii IHIi out*. A* a ujuak •»«**•-•• I>»I M b*,-. wlth the Rutherford N<lew Jeraey «•-'driver, he travrtl on convoys to ""• rwult thai the » Ti-'liTirn'"« TT..I M-tv.^ hilT^r . methods in the world will be uaed publu ans took their fall cam- wm fared with the Henry. M V a 'IMUV^II of I* all parU of France. Germany and k In the Lyndhurst plant. paign off the ground In Ruther- Belgium carting mitenai, for the the eve of thr new ;cho^l >ra< br«*r- ml Obrrlth (Vllinr was M . -.'n Italian Cook Oil Company ford Saturday afternoon. occupatiun of Uioae countrunt Mis* Philorrieniit Candio hit* natd ..l I'otUM llildewniMrdsi wei* looked • 11 over (he east for a Gubernatorial candidate, Al - Paolani will observe tits twen-' "a«kcd for a leave (if •) senrc l> good location and finally settled fred E Dliscoll. was the featured Ueth birthday annivei^ary, No- permit tier marriage <HI S> I •• IV*. • win "1 U, in Lyndh 11>t. One of the first Hurst vember 27. bet 13 ..ii.i '$ wi?ttchng trip (• ifjii Xhr- MlMJTT. 'l AI steps w.i to lay out a spur to thr Freeholder John J Dickerson. Kr^etta l!<*tu and LaKkauunna Railroad T!i: - uf Palisades Park. State cam- heen IM.H.U lo nud • «,;'•?; Ro>. i all <tf l.'tiiil brings the i i :>- .-•; to the ii.uk paign manager for the Republi- Notice H«*r~ duttiectu M irru-r .flat*t th door of tlif big plant. cans, forecast victory 'for the try ha« bn<n un*iM*e.'*fu. Hoat.t On_ Schuyler Avenue Public party in the November election. •KIMlllIIV *lr 4jVld«Ht in I" •-• 4-*-~ The •• k; ••nil,' of the Red Service Bu* Line 1 gtve-s ade- and ajjy that Bergen County actions mi Miu I'-.n-.t. ....... would lead the State. His. con- Cl '»ss II the town hall, which turn, with BM majority »f Uu.Local Woman qii.ii. bus service De Camp's bus doM-d fur the paat two line now operates along Sehuyler fidence vi as echoed by other have be opinion that the tra< hrr Kaa ffn will ie<ipen Thursday, Avenue to New York- While it leaders and candidates. month entitle thought to the Mclfan September 10, with Mi» Jalo W Honored by is not permitted to itop the even- Commend* Mate* of h« ^- pupil* So .tvtMM w.*j t»h I.ehii. and Mrs. Henry Heilshorn tuality exists that some day it Driwoll, speaking briefly, said -it <<t< the i. n ..- • hut fur thr; in charge. All women who can will i.t permitted) to take and 1.1 thai his running mate* on thr «tud> is to r*e niaiuV.on a pnaaibt* (jive some lime to newing and Democrats off pas** ngtrs Mf i ri :', County tuket are known h knittintc HI c urged to tome and to him personally and are to be Joksc Ttmrnr. prr»ilVnt of Ihr The Italian Cook Oil company work at the town hall, commended to the voters of the 8^* I.yridhtiici Taxpiavfrs-AAJt* U!-.'P will process raw vegetable oil in- material to make ga County. at wan hitb-rly criliral ul th. »l to I-'-.K :n . iHK" Great \ ,i\- <ind home. 111.1.1.- of Hlmr Irachrr* ,n ir boilers aii :• .in*, for installation. i Senator Duvtd Van Alystyne «n*< I In thru IHUKI .••.!*•• While some irfthr equipment now told his audience that he expects Tin exvi-ulivt board of thr Ur ,:.,|..,.i th.- an«art>f<i ii ai: in use in Brooklyn will 1» used \ictory by the Republicans not Jef.ft-w.n Parent-Teachei AMM Itivni U> th* tracrwr*. » Itl i^.. r. hen- must of thf equipment will only in Bergen County but in the i.tion meets Thur »di.v after n be new. country m November drfss left by the artuul INAOI (Continued on Page 9) »t 1 'Mi at the m hool. for viitlalion* of i1ixr« The company required |» I peitmssi-tn nf ~"tfrc "Civi han JF*ro - Mu» Marie Sin duct ion AdmiiM»t ration to go Lyndhurst, North Arlington emploved tn«t month aheatty*iUt the building. It won in' tine ajmnntaij school at its permit because it is necessary nalary of »1 7mi nMtA^ for food production .Football Teams Scheduled heftibv t«-legt«Tl Ittit The main building wi'll be 25<> *tie has kicn*-d « emit"**t * feet by 100 feet An oin 70 feet tht- Fort 1 .
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