one SEE STORY BELOW CHanceof Slfeet Cloudy and cold today with FINAL chance of sleet tonight. Sunny Bank, Freehold and milder tomorrow, Brandt (See details page 2) EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92. Years VOL. 93 NO. 146 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21,1971 20 PAGES TEN GENTS Middletown Recovers Banked Deposits By BOB BRAMLEY lie took It to Mrs. Marie Mor- Mayor Foulks gave no hint $222,220 Mr. Seuffert is ac- from the FDIC of the sum of as a preferred claim on the States banking laws. Such MIDDLETOWN-The town- an of the township treasurer's of what the decision will be, cused of having deposited in $54,800. This represents the general funds of the Eaton- trust funds constitute a pre- hip has recovered its $54,800. office for deposit in an official but stressed that it has not the defunct Eatontown bank entire balance of funds depos- town National Bank in the ferred claim which is paid in Satisfaction showing in his depository within the statutory been affected by return of the without proper authorization. ited in the Eatontown National hands of the FDIC as re- full at once by tiie FDIC upon voice, Mayor Harold H; 46 hours. $54,800. The rest of the money has Bank without authorization. ceivers. receipt of proper proof of the Foulks last night announced Seuffert Ruling Set Mr. Seuffert, who has been long since been transferred to "The special audit conduct- Funds Classified claim." receipt of a check from the Mayor Foulks also an- suspended from his post as proper township depositories. ed by the Township of Middle- "Unlike claims covered by Mayor Foulks said the funds federal insurance as to which came to him in the form of a Federal Deposit Insurance nounced that after a caucus township business administra- Mayor's Statement town and review of the bank's Corp. in the amount of $54,800 session1 Tuesday night, the tor, is charged with neglig- records by the FDIC have the first $20,000 is paid and government check issued by to replace township funds in .Township Committee is pre- ence, neglect of duty and Announcing recovery of the confirmed that this is the cor- the excess is considered on a the FDIC. Recovery was made the Eatontown National Bank pared to give its decision in waste of public property un- $54,805 yesterday, Mayor rect balance due the town- general claimi the unauthor- as the result of a claim filed when it failed last Aug.7. the Richard W. Seuffert case der Civil Service rules. Foulks made this statement: ship. ized deposits were classified by Whitney Crowell, township Mayor Foulks added that as at the public committee meet- The $54,809 recovered yes- "The Township of Middle- "The sum of $54,800 has as trust funds in the hands of attorney, and Joseph X. Sea- soon as he received the check, ing next Tuesday. terday is the remainder of town has received payment been paid to the township the banker under United man, township auditor. Tonti Quits Highway Authority Post WOODBRIDGE - D. Louis because this is an action I with his hands as he outlined eyars," Mr. Tonti explained , decide in May among several Recalling his 17 years serv- Tonti of Holmdel, with the N. have long contemplated and his plans and recalled his ac- "In fact, originally I imposed opportunities," he said. ice, Mr. Tonti cited parkway J. Highway Authority 17 because the time has seeming- complishments. a 10-year deadline on myself He added that the position accomplishments: years, most of them as its ex- ly arrived when I can return Fo a few brief moments, —a deadline that was rather he takes will be with a New —"We saw the parkway cit- ecutive director, yesterday to private life without any the familiar authority meeting widely published when I first York"r City firm and will in- ed annually as one of the saf- announced his resignation. feeling of having left behind a room again reflected the vola- reached that decision . volve travel overseas. est-if not the safest-high- "There are a number of job undone," the executive tile Tonti personality as it did "I have now been with the Questioned further, Mr. ways of its kind in the world. things I would like to make director amplified. in the days before the GOP authority 17 years. Tonti said he will remain a —"We were never closed clear," Mr. Tonti said at yes- Flanked by John P. Gal- takeover. But the director "The time has come for me Monmouth County resident. because of a storm,' and we terday's press conference in lagher, appointed authority made it clear that not only his to devote my time and energy "I'll continue to live here to weathered some of the worst. the Highway Authority execu- chairman last year by Gov, tenure as executive director and whatever talent I might my dying day, I might add," —"We became known as tive offices here. William T. Cahill; and Com- will end Feb. 28 when his res- have to similar activities in he added. 'the parkway with a heart' be- "Possibly the most im- missioner Joseph C. Irwin of ignation becomes effective; he private enterprise," the, direc- He also stated without cause of our sincere concern portant of these is that this Red Bank, lifelong Republican is also leaving public life and tor stated. equivocation that lie will take for the motorist. action is voluntary on my appointed to the authority politics. Queried by the press, Mr. no further part in public serv- —"We continually, planned part. I terminate my associa- when the governor expanded "The record will show that I Tonti would give no definite ice or politics, and in answer and constructed for the future, tion with the Garden State it from three to five members, have frequently made it clear information on what job he to a pointed question, declared widening lanes and bridges, Parkway with a heavy heart, Democrat Tonti, once a guber- that I did not intend to remain may take when he leaves at he would certainly still be re- building new interchanges, but without the weight of any natorial hopeful, flashed his with the authority for the re- the end of next month. signing if the governor were a improving existing facilities. chip on my shoulder; I do it well known smile and talked mainder of my working "I have no job yet. I must Democrat. (See Tonti page 2) Former Alcoholic Finds Freedom RED BANK -r- "One of the "I am sorry, I had planned after mighty efforts to spread United States — such facts as. ,der trjal^jevery one of the do ism Council and a CBS vice rewards of being a recovered on being with you. I have the gospel of alcoholism as a that more than half or all fendants comes from an alco- president. Mr. Swofford was alcoholic is (he .freedom, to ad- even cancelled an invitation to disease rather than a moral known alcoholics are the off- holic home. introduced by Joseph F. Lord, the opening of Congress to- shortcoming, well-meaning re- spring of at least one alcoholic CALLING IT QUITS— D. Louis Torifl announced yester- mit your limitations." "It's appalling when you president of the county coun- So said movie star morrow. It would have meant porters still write "reformed parent. think of it," Miss Murphy cil. day tho» h« vMlll tlep down next month qi executive Mercedes McCambridge last a great deal to me, but I am alcoholic," which implies a •Tate Case Cited said. Offering an apology fir the director of the N.J. Highway Authority, a post he has night in a message to James too tired," the actress con- moral stigma, she said rueful- And such facts as the one Second guest speaker was absence of Miss Mc- held for 17 years. Tonti, a Democrat, told a news con- R. Deans, executive director cluded. ly. turned up by Miss Mc- Thomas Swofford, chairman Cambridge, Mr. Swofford said ference that his decision was not the result of any of the Alcoholism Council of Introduced by Sen. Alfred Commenting on alcoholism, Cambridge about the defend- of the public information com- the fact .that on the Dick Cav- pressure from Republicans who took control of the Monmouth County, to explain N. Beadleteton, R-Monmouth, the disease, she continued, "I ants in the Sharon Tate mur- mittee of the National Alcohol- (See Former page 2) authority last year. (AP Wirephoto) why she could not appear as was substitute guest speaker wanted to become a singer guest speaker Deborah Murphy, former and dancer, but I didn't want Miss McCambridge, sched- chanteuse and dancer at New to become an alcoholic. I uled to appear at the council's York's Pierre Roof and known drank because I wanted to be Head Jury Clerk third annual meeting in the the world over. A close friend sociable. Monmouth Battlefield Molly Pitcher Motor Inn dis- pf Miss McCambridge and an Developments Opposed appointed several hundred aide in her campaign to bring "I didn't want to be arrest- area residents, but reached a the truth about alcoholism, ed and thrown into a drunk much wider audience in a seg- the disease, to the American tank, but I was. Legislation Is Slated Plans to Retire ment of the Dick Cavett Show public, Miss Murphy ex- "I didn't want to be in an she taped. last night for a na- plained she has now retired to institution, restrained and By WILLIAM J.
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