This work was performed under the auspices of the National Nuclear Security Administration U.S. Department of Energy by UCLLNL under Contract W-7405-Eng-48 P8584 Clean Energy: Humankind’s Challenge NIF-0205-10331 P8434 15EIM/sb Clean Energy: Humankind’s 30 Challenge Global factors t n 25 •Population increase e l •Developing countries a •Resource depletion v i •Climate change u 20 q E l i O 15 f o s Developing Asia n 10 o t a Middle East, Africa, and Former Soviet Union g i 5 G Developed countries 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 NIF-0205-10331-L1 P843748 15EIM/sb CCoouulldd wwee bbuuiilldd aa mmiinniiaattuurree ssuunn oonn eeaarrtthh?? NIF-0205-10343 P8481 NIF-1104-09783 P7481 17EIM/tr NIF-0105-10118 P8134 21EIM/tr NIF-1104-09784 P7488 17EIM/tr Laser Bay 2 Build Laser Bay 2 Flyover 192 beam, 1.8 MJ, laser organized into “bays,” “clusters”, “bundles”, and “quads” The National Ignition Facility Bundle End view of NIF Upper Cluster 4 Cluster 3 Cluster 2 Cluster 1 quad Lower quad 1 Top view of target 2 chamber (upper quads) 3 4 Cluster 4 Cluster 1 “Quads” are the basic building blocks of a Cluster 2 NIF experiment, 4 beams with the same Cluster 3 pulse shape and time delay NIF-0101-00068r1 P5443 NIF 1ω laser exceeds power and energy requirements for entire operational parameter space The National Ignition Facility B31BQ 1ω Performance Fluence (J/cm2) 0 5 10 15 20 8 7 0.2 ns 6 1 ns 2 ns Intensity (GW/cm 5 3.5 ns 4 5 ns 4 3 3 2 10 ns 2 ) Power (TW per beam) 2 >20 ns 1 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Energy (kJ per beam) NIF-0504-08644r1 P7280 12EIM/ld 25EIM/dj Design goals for 1ω energy and power exceeded with high overall beam quality The National Ignition Facility 2.5 18 Fluence Distributions 2.0 26 kJ, 23 ns Measured Over Central 30 cm 9 7 1.5 Avg 0 6 26 kJ F/F 1.0 σ = 6.5% 5 –9 0.5 4 0 –18 2.5 18 3 6.2 TW σ = 14.6% 6.2 TW, 200 ps 2.0 2 9 Relative Occurrence 1.5 1 Avg 0 F/F 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 –9 0.5 F/FAvg 0 –18 –18–90 9 18 Scale (cm) NIF-0803-07147 P6001 09EM/cb 2ω and 3ω performance The National Ignition Facility 2ω & 3ω Performance 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 Haan 3ω ignition pulse 2.50 2.00 1.50 Power (TW per beam) 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Energy (kJ per beam) NIF-0504-08633-r1 P7296 12EIM/ld 25EIM/dj 2 and 3 beamline energies are highest ever achieved The National Ignition Facility 11.4 kJ 2, 5 ns 10.4 kJ 3, 3.5 ns 18 18 9 9 0 0 –9 –9 Contrast = 0.13 Contrast = 0.17 –18 –18 –18 –9 0 9 18 –18 –9 0 9 18 Scale (cm) Scale (cm) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 F/FAvg F/FAvg Each beam of NIF is 10x energy of other operational lasers world wide NIF-0604-08830r2 P8232 26EIM/dj Shot cooling periods as short as 1.5 hours have been demonstrated on NIF The National Ignition Facility CFD Calculations Fit our Measured Focal Shot Cooling Periods are Calculated to Spot Size Data even at 1.5h Shot Rate only Marginally Increase Focal Spot Size 280 265 m) m) µ NIF requirement limit µ 255 252 Average 1.5 hour NEL data NIF requirement limit Linear model prediction φ 230 ( 0=11.4) 239 205 226 180 213 far-field 80% diameter ( far-field 80% diameter ( ω ω 1 155 1 200 1234567 12345678 Shot number in sequence Shot period (hours) Short shot cycles appear practical even for the most demanding users NIF-0504-08643r1 P7295 14EIM/ld 17EIM/dj Adaptive wavefront correction of Beamlet produced ~2diffraction limited focal spot 39 actuator deformable mirror corrects static and dynamic pump induced wavefront distortion Without pump-induced Radial integral of 1 far precorrection With full correction field spot distribution –20 –20 1.0 n o i –10 –10 t 0.8 c ) ) a r d d f a a r r y 0.6 g ( ( 0 0 r s s e i i n x x e a a - - 0.4 d V V e l calculated 10 10 c r i 0.2 measured c n E 20 20 0 –20 –10 0 10 20 –20 –10 0 10 20 0 10 20 30 40 Divergence angle (rad) H-axis (rad) H-axis (rad) 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 70-50-0595-1415A-EIM P5466 0116/EM/pmc Position, timing accuracy, and stability The National Ignition Facility Stability Scatter Plot (8 hours) Beam timing adjusted to within 6 ps (rms) 100 2 ns sweep window MS re 1σ R quir 80 µm em 0 en 10 t 60 40 20 0.0 200 ps laser pulse -20 -40 315 317 316 315 317 316 Y location (microns) 318 318 -60 1 t 0 en 0µ m -80 m σ ire 1 RMS requ -100 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0.0 20 40 60 80 100 X location (microns) NIF-0105-10150r1 P8587 31EIM/cld NIF Project Completion Criteria: Laser Performance The National Ignition Facility 96 Beam Single Bundle Current Specification Performance Performance Beamline Status Pulse Energy 500 kJ (1000 kJ) 75 kJ (83 kJ) Peak Power 200 TW (400 TW) 21 TW (32 TW) Wavelength .35 µm (.35 & .53 µm) .35 µm (.35 & .53 µm) Positioning Accuracy 100 µm RMS (30 µm) 100 µm RMS (30 µm) Pulse Duration 20 ns (0.2 – 23 ns) 20 ns (0.2 – 23 ns) Pulse Dynamic Range >25:1 (108:1) 50:1 (108:1) Pulse Spot Size 600 µm (140 µm – 750 µm) 600 µm (140 – 750 µm) Pre-pulse power <108 W/cm2 (<<108 W/cm2) <4 × 106 W/cm2 (<<4 × 106) Cycle Time 8 hours max between 8 hours max between full system shots (<4 h) full system shots (<4 h) On a beamline basis, NIF has demonstrated operation at: — All Project Completion Criteria — Long-term Functional Requirements and Primary Criteria NIF has fired 384 full system shots NIF-0604-08874r4 P7611 10CH/cld Target Chamber in Target Bay NIF-0105-10163NIF-0105-10163 P8195 31EIM/dj31EIM/dj Target Bay NIF-0803-07112-L1 P8207 31EIM/dj NIF-0501-02172 X2235 SystemsSystems EngineerEngineer TaTargetrget AlignmentAlignment SSensorensor PositionerPositioner NIF-0703-07087NIF-0703-07087 P5924P5924 DIM – VISAR CCRS DIM – GXD TASPOS DIM – FODI CCRS TARPOS DIM – SXD 17’ 6’’ Elevation (Level 2) NIF-0502-04969 F0028 09GD/tr 513GD/dj The first four NIF beamlines have been commissioned to the center of the target chamber The National Ignition Facility End-to-end functionality of all major subsystems demonstrated Diagnostic Insertion Manipulator TargetTarget AAlignmentlignment SensorSensor PositionerPositioner Q31BQ31B TargetTarget PositionerPositioner Main Laser FinalFinal OpticsOptics andand X-ray Final TargetTarget SystemsSystems Imager Optics Beam Transport NIF-0503-07003 P5896 02EIM/tr We are developing NIF into the premier facility for understanding matter at extreme conditions The National Ignition Facility P02496-pts-u-026 O0060 A series of 2D and 3D jet features were measured to benchmark ASCI radiation hydro codes The National Ignition Facility 2D Features 15 ns 21 ns 21 ns Time series measure Duplicate shots measure hydrodynamic evolution repeatable hydrodynamic evolution 3D Features Orthogonal 15 ns Asymmetric 15 ns Asymmetric 21 ns NIF-0904-09522r1 P8585 30EIM/tr Gated x-ray imaging measures the beam transport through the target The National Ignition Facility LASNEX Calculation for 3.5 keV X-rays t = 1.5 ns t = 2.5 ns t = 3.5 ns CO2; ne/ncr = 0.06 Incoming Laser beam Gated X-ray imaging (3.5 keV filtering) t = 0 ns t = 1.5 ns t = 2.5 ns t = 3.5 ns 2 0 x (mm) -2 -2 0 2 -202 -202 -202 z (mm) z (mm) z (mm) z (mm) We observe approximate agreement between the experimental data and the LASNEX calculations NIF-0904-09571 P7430 30EIM/mcm NIF is ready to deliver the next generation of High Energy Density Physics Experimental Capability The National Ignition Facility High Energy Density Physics Fusion Ignition Basic Science NIF-0404-08351 P6835 27EIM/mcm Is NIF a precursor to an IFE plant? The National Ignition Facility NIF Fusion Reactor Repetition frequency 10–4 Hz Electrical efficiency 0.5% Repetition frequency 10 Hz Electrical efficiency 10% NIF-0105-10159-r1 P8482 31EIM/cld NIF is about 5 orders of magnitude more energetic than its earliest predecessor The National Ignition Facility Janus 100J IR Remaining Challenge: Shiva 10KJ IR — Rep rate — Efficiency Nova 30KJ UV NIF 1.8MJ UV NIF-0105-10166-L2 P8240632 15EIM/dj The Mercury Laser is the first step toward building a MW, 10 Hz class of IFE lasers The National Ignition Facility Mercury Mercury Goals: IRE (NIF bundle) – Energy: 100 J – Efficiency: 10% – Repetition rate: 10 Hz ETF 100 J IR – Pulse length: 3-10 ns – Wavelength: 0.53/0.25 µm – Bandwidth: 150 GHz 1ω – Beam quality: 5 xDL 20 kJ UV IFE 2 MJ UV NIF-0305-10498 P8570P8586 18CB/cls Mercury Laser at LLNL 100 10 55 J for > 8.5 hours 1 0.1 0.01 Output Energy (J) ω 1 1E-3 0204060 80 100 120 Number of Shots (x 103) NIF-0305-10505NIF-0305-10505 18CB/cls18CB/cls Future IFE solid state laser The National Ignition Facility Technical laser requirements — Energy/power to drive target — Beam conditioning — Efficiency optical-optical efficiency > 0.2 — ASE α· < 4.5 safe, — Beam filamentation δB < 1.8 efficient and IFE specific constraints reliable — Cost — Rep rate — RAM Near term challenges: — Choice and size of gain medium — Reduction of diode costs NIF-0305-10403r1 P8601 03EIM/ld Projected diode costs support economic IFE driver The National Ignition Facility 100 1994 60% learning curve 1997 10 ) 2001 W / $ 0 Mercury ( 2007 e price c i r P “Soft” quote 0.1 of 35¢/W 2020 IIFFEE ggooaall 0.01 10K 100K 1M 10M 100M Cumulative bars NIF-0205-10337 P8468 15EIM/tr Innovations in new gain materials open up architectural options The National Ignition Facility Ceramic Nd:YAG Czochralski Yb:S-FAP Continuous Melt Nd:Glass Shiva (1977) Argus (1975) Continuous NIF/Beamlet melting Nova/Novette (1992) (1997) (NIF) Janus (1983 to 1987) (1973) NIF-0305-10507 P8588 18CB/cls Leveraging the NIF provides a near-term pathway to the demonstration of an IRE beam line The National Ignition Facility 2025 IFE 2020 – Direct Drive Ignition 2015 – Fast Ignition R&D – Diode pumped NIF beam line – IRE beam line demonstration 2010 NIF Ignition Campaign 2005 Mercury – 100 J/10Hz 2000 NIF Early Light NIF-0205-10338 P8469 15EIM/tr Energy Utopia NIF-0205-10240 _L1 P8341306 02EIM/ld .
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