ISOCARP REVIEW 14 CLIMATE CHANGE PLANNING ABOUT ISOCARP The International Society of City and Regional Planners In response to specific requests for ISOCARP assis- (ISOCARP) is a global association of experienced profes- tance with research and consulting services, ISOCARP sional planners. It was founded in 1965 in a bid to bring forms Technical Assistance Teams consisting of mem- together recognised and highly-qualified planners in an bers who volunteer their expertise and experience. international network. The ISOCARP network brings to- In 2016 ISOCARP officially established the Institute as a gether individual and institutional members from more “Centre of Urban Excellence” and formal body for gen- than 80 countries worldwide. As a non-governmental or- erating, documenting and disseminating knowledge for ganisation ISOCARP is recognized by the UN, UNHCS and better cities. the Council of Europe. The Society also has a formal con- The Institute’s core function is to design and deliver capac- sultative status with UNESCO. The wealth and diversity of ity building and continuing education programs; conduct professional expertise, knowledge, and experience in the research and promote knowledge transfer; as well as offer ISOCARP membership is unmatched in the planning field. advice and short-term consultancy services to government, Although ISOCARP members work in many different non-government and international bodies worldwide. fields they share a common interest in the spatial and environmental dimensions of urbanisation. They advise ISOCARP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2017/2018 key decision-makers, proposing and supporting projects President: Ric Stephens, USA for intervention in a spatial context through general or specific actions. Secretary General: Didier Vancutsem, Germany/Belgium The objectives of ISOCARP include the improvement of planning practice through the creation of a global and Treasurer: Dhiru Thadani, USA active network of practitioners. ISOCARP encourages Vice-Presidents: the exchange of professional knowledge between plan- Awards, Communication and Marketing: ners, promotes the planning profession in all its forms, Ana Perić, Switzerland stimulates and improves planning research, training and education and enhances public awareness and under- Academic Development-ISOCARP Institute: standing of major planning issues at a global level. Daniele Vettorato, Italy The association‘s main event is the annual ISOCARP Events and Congresses: Congress, which focuses on a globally-significant plan- Sławomir Ledwoń, Qatar/Poland ning theme and which takes place in a different country Members-National Delegations: each year. Since 1965 ISOCARP congresses have taken Jeremy Dawkins, Australia place in all parts of the world on cutting edge topics and have always promoted knowledge creation and sharing Publications: Małgorzata, Poland in the planning profession. Urban Planning Advisory Teams (UPATs): Prior to the congress Young Planning Professional Work- Milena Ivković, The Netherlands shops are organized. This YPP programme seeks to bring Technical Assistance-Projects: together emerging young planning professionals from all Sebastien Goethals, China/Belgium over the world to tackle ‘real-world’ planning projects. Young Planning Professionals (YPPs): All ISOCARP activities are covered in publications such Zeynep Gunay, Turkey as the ISOCARP Review, the International Manual of Planning Practice (IMPP), Congress proceedings and special project reports. ISOCARP Head Office International Society of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP recognises excellence through the Society’s Gaby Kurth, Programme Manager Awards programme. Monica Ornek, Office Manager ISOCARP Urban Planning Advisory Teams (UPATs) assists Laan van Meerdervoort 70 sponsor organizations by offering the extensive expe- 2517 AN The Hague, The Netherlands rience and expertise of ISOCARP members to work on Phone: + 31-70 346-2654 important local or international planning projects, pro- [email protected] grams and policy initiatives. www.isocarp.org II ISOCARP REVIEW 14 ↑↑ TOC ARTICLE AUTHORS Saltstraumen strøm (Saltstraumen Maelstrom), the strongest tidal current in the world Review 14 Editors ISBN: 978-94-90354-53-4 Copyright 2018 ©International Society Editor-in-Chief: Małgorzata Hanzl, Cover and colophon images are both of City and Regional Planners ISOCARP VP, Poland courtesy of Per-Inge Johnsen, All rights reserved. Editor: Jim Reilly, United States Bodø Municipality Assistant Editor: Mahak Agrawal, India No part of this publication may be Order online at: www.isocarp.org reproduced, stored in a retrieval system Coordinator or transmitted in any form or by any means Lucian Perici, Romania The city of Bodø, Norway, is the location electronic, mechanical, photocopying, of the 54th ISOCARP Congress, 2018 Graphic Designer recording or otherwise, without the prior Ricardo Moura, Portugal written permission of the Publisher. Authorship Responsibility: the original author is esponsible for the content of the manuscript. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 WELCOME TO REVIEW 14 2 ISOCARP PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD 5 EDITORS' FOREWORD 7 BODØ: THE ARCTIC CITY OF OPPORTUNITIES 28 PLANS TO MITIGATE AND ADAPT TO CLIMATE CHANGE 29 PARIS/ILE-DE-FRANCE REGION FACING CLIMATE CHANGE ERIC HUYBRECHTS 42 COLLABORATIVE STUDENT AND COMMUNITY DESIGN IN A TIME OF CLIMATE CHANGE PLANNING A FLOOD-RESILIENT WATERFRONT IN NEW ZEALAND XINXIN WANG, MATTHEW BRADBURY, LUCIA CAMARGOS, MELCHIORS HUGH BYRD 60 THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE eTHEKWINI SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK KETLAODIRELANG EMMANUEL LETEBELE 78 URBAN FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE METRO VANCOUVER’S APPROACH AMELIA NEEDOBA, JOSEPHINE CLARK, CAMILLE LEFRANÇOIS 96 URBAN FORM AND CLIMATE CHANGE LUÍSA BATISTA 114 INTEGRATING SCIENTIFIC AND INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE TO PLAN FOR FISHERIES RESILIENCE IN THE LOWER FRASER RIVER HEATHER BEARS, JIMMY ALLEN, DIONNE BUNSHA, MEGAN ROGERS 134 PLANNING FOR HEAT RISK IN VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES IN SURAT CITY LUBAINA RANGWALA, MADHAV PAI 154 PEOPLE, PLACE, PARTNERSHIPS, SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE DOUG FOTHERINGHAM 169 THE RESILIENCE OF INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS ADDRESSING QUALITY IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT RAKHI MEHRA, MARCO FERRARIO, AMARINDER ARORA 188 CLIMATE CHANGE PLANNING TOOLS 189 TOWARDS CLIMATE RESILIENT PLANNING IN VIENNA FROM MODELS TO CLIMATE SERVICES TANJA TÖTZER, WOLFGANG LOIBL, NIKOLAS NEUBERT, JÜRGEN PREISS 206 COOL PLANNING FOR ZERO EMISSION NEIGHBORHOODS THE NORWEGIAN WAY DANIELA BAER, ARILD GUSTAVSEN, INGER ANDRESEN 224 UNSUSTAINABLE HUMAN SETTLEMENTS NEW URBAN INHABITANTS, NEW EXPOSURE MICHELE MELCHIORRI, ANETA J. FLORCZYK, DANIELE EHRLICH 240 NOTEWORTHY CITY AND REGIONAL PLANS 241 PROGRESS REPORT FROM WUHAN PLANNING A NEW ECO-CITY AND A REGIONAL PARK SONG JIE, CAO YUJIE, KANG JINGJING, TONG DANDAN 269 SUSTAINABLE NORTHERN URBANITY AN EMERGING RESEARCH AGENDA MATHIAS B. REINAR, AASE KRISTINE LUNDBERG, AMSALE K. TEMESGEN, KJERSTI GRANÅS BARDAL, BJARNE LINDELØV, TONE MAGNUSSEN, INGRID BAY-LARSEN, BERIT SKORSTAD 284 THE YAMUNA RIVER PROJECT AN ESSENTIAL FUTURE IÑAKI ALDAY, PANKAJ VIR GUPTA 301 ISOCARP ACTIVITIES 302 SMART SUSTAINABLE CITY WHITE PAPER OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNERS RIC STEPHENS, IRENA ITOVA, MAŁGORZATA HANZL, BENJAMIN SCHEERBARTH 327 BOOK REVIEW 328 GERD ALBERS AWARD BOOK REVIEW AWAIS PIRACHA 331 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS 355 ABOUT THE EDITORS ISOCARP REVIEW 14 WELCOME TO REVIEW 14 WELCOME TO REVIEW 14 ↑↑ TOC ISOCARP PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD ISOCARP PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD RIC STEPHENS ISOCARP PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD RIC STEPHENS ISOCARP PRESIDENT 2015-2018 COOL PLANNING: CHANGING CLIMATE AND OUR URBAN FUTURE The defining issue of our time is anthropogenic, global, climate change. The sus- tainable equilibrium elements of environment, economy, and society are all at risk from climate change impacts. Global warming is creating ecosystem tecton- ic shifts, disrupting energy and resource economies, and spawning authoritar- ian geopolitics. Even as our glaciers are disappearing, the response to climate change is moving at a glacial pace. Previously moderate projections for future temperature are now the predicted levels. If mitigation measures are not imple- mented, severe adaptation measure will be. What does this mean for city and regional planning? We must incorporate three approaches to balance long-term, short-term, and aspirational planning: sustainable development, urban resilien- cy, and regenerative design. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Intergenerational equity provides a foundation for urbanism that requires envi- ronmental stewardship, economic development, and social equity. Sustainable development is at the heart of planning. ISOCARP represented professional plan- ning at the Habitat III conference, and the Society is a leader in advocating and implementing the global, Sustainable Development Goals. These goals include Climate Action, and ISOCARP is a founding member of the UN-Habitat Planners for Climate Action. 2 ISOCARP REVIEW 14 ↑↑ TOC ISOCARP PRESIDENT’S FOREWORD RIC STEPHENS URBAN RESILIENCY The long-range vision of sustainability must be complemented by consideration for contemporary disaster preparedness and risk reduction. Climate change, population growth and displacement, and fiscal instability all contribute to more frequent and severe disasters. To counter these issues, the Society is a member of the Global Alliance for Urban Crises and affiliated with the United Nations In- ternational Strategy for Disaster Reduction. ISOCARP member projects and pro- grams
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