KeySIGN THE COMPREHENSIVE SIGN DESIGN PROGRAM Version 19.5 TOC Copyright Notice 14 Chapter 1 - Introduction 15 1.1 Welcome to KeySIGN 15 1.2 Overview of this Manual 16 1.3 Installing KeySIGN 17 1.4 Softlock Licencing 18 1.5 Error Messages and Backups 18 1.6 Upgrading from Earlier Versions 19 1.7 Conventions Used in this Manual 19 1.8 Help is at Hand 20 Chapter 2 - Drawing Commands 22 2.1 General Concepts 22 2.2 The AutoCAD Window 23 2.2.1 The Ribbon Menus 24 2.2.2 The Command Line 25 2.2.3 The Pull-down Menus 26 2.2.4 The Toolbar Menus 26 2.2.5 The AutoCAD Status Bar 27 2.2.6 The Drawing ‘Canvas’ in a New Document 27 - 2 - 2.3 File Handling Commands 27 2.3.1 Starting New Drawings: NEW, QNEW 28 2.3.2 Opening Existing Drawings: OPEN 28 2.3.3 Saving Your Work: SAVE, QSAVE, SAVEAS 28 2.4 Basic AutoCAD Commands and Functions 29 2.4.1 Grid & Snap Drawing Aid 29 2.4.2 Command Selection 29 2.4.3 Object Selection 31 2.4.4 The Pan Command: PAN 32 2.4.5 The Zoom Command: ZOOM 33 2.4.6 The Line Command: LINE 34 2.4.7 The Polyline Command: PLINE 35 2.4.8 The Arc Command: ARC 36 2.4.9 The Move Command: MOVE 37 2.4.10 The Copy Command: COPY 38 Chapter 3 - Overview of Sign Design with KeySIGN 40 3.1 Design Methodology 40 3.1.1 Sign Design Basics 40 3.1.2 The GRID Drawing Aid Used for Sign Design 41 3.1.3 The SNAP Drawing Aid Used for Sign Design 42 3.1.4 Command Selection 42 3.2 KeySIGN Text 43 - 3 - 3.2.1 Transport Fonts 43 3.2.2 Drawing Transport Font text 44 3.2.3 Text Display Representations 45 3.2.4 Text Kerning 47 3.2.5 Special Keyboard Keys 47 3.2.6 Mixed X-height Signs 48 3.3 Inserting Symbols and Arrows: SYMBOL, ARROW 49 3.3.1 Inserting Symbols: SYMBOL 51 3.3.2 Inserting Arrows: ARROW 52 3.4 Drawing Map Type Signs 52 3.4.1 Some Basic Principles 52 3.5 Drawing Borders 54 3.6 Detailing the Finished Designs 55 Chapter 4 - Detailed Command Reference 56 4.1 Text Commands 56 4.1.1 Transport Font Text: HEAVY, MEDIUM, MWAY and MBAY 56 4.1.2 Destination Block: DESTINATIONBLOCK 59 4.1.3 Drawing Routes and Route Patches: ROUTE 63 4.1.4 Route Cancelled Slash: RTCANCEL 65 4.1.5 Changing the Appearance of Signs and Text 66 Simplex Rep 68 Outlined Rep 68 - 4 - Real Rep 69 4.1.6 Initial Text Settings: KTS_TEXTREPRESENTATIONSETTINGS 69 4.1.7 Real Text 71 4.1.8 Distance Text: MILES 72 4.1.9 Text Limits: UKCMARK 73 4.1.10 Adding Tile Marks to Any Sign Elements: CMARKBOX 74 4.1.11 Primary and Regional Destinations: DESTINATIONS 74 4.2 Bilingual Signing (Wales and Scotland) 75 4.2.1 Accents 76 4.2.2 Bilingual Destinations 78 4.2.3 Welsh Library Signs 80 4.2.4 Welsh Brackets and a Welsh patch 81 4.3 Map Symbol Drawing Commands 83 4.3.1 Standard Round Roundabout 84 4.3.2 Oval Roundabouts 84 4.3.3 Mini Roundabouts 85 4.3.4 Other Layouts 85 4.3.5 Adding an Entry Arm to a Roundabout Symbol: ENTRYARM 86 4.3.6 Adding an Exit Arm to a Roundabout Symbol: EXITARM 86 4.3.7 Adding a Stub Arm to a Roundabout Symbol: STUB 87 4.3.8 Adding a ‘Ghost’ Stub to a Roundabout Symbol: GHOSTSTUB 88 4.3.9 Inserting a Cul-de-sac Symbol on a Roundabout Exit Arm: CULDESAC 89 - 5 - 4.3.10 Implementing the ‘Two Thirds’ Rule on Horizontal Arms: ARM 89 4.3.11 Stretching Map Approach Arms Down to a Border: ENTRY 90 4.3.12 Stretching Exit Arms at any Angle: ARMSTRETCH 90 4.3.13 Junction Arms with signs: TRIARM, ROUNDARM 91 4.3.14 Cross Roads Map Symbols: XRDS 93 4.3.15 Common Road Symbols: 94 4.3.16 Adding a destination arm: MAPARM 95 4.3.17 Drawing Multi-way Junctions: MAPBUILD 95 4.3.18 Colour Filling Map Symbols: MAPSYMBOLJOIN 97 4.3.19 Filleting Joints Between Manually Drawn Map Arms: FILLET1 97 4.4 Alignment, Construction and Spacing Tools 97 4.4.1 ‘Shrink-to-fit’ Construction Boxes: SBOX 97 4.4.2 Destination Block Spacing Tool: BLOCKSPACING 98 4.4.3 Variable Block Spacing: VBLOCKSPACING 99 4.4.4 Alignment Tools: Various commands 99 ALIGNLEFTS, ALIGNTOPTOBOTTOM etc. 101 ALIGNCENTRES and ALIGNMIDDLES 101 CENTREGROUPH and CENTREGROUPV 102 4.5 Border Drawing Commands 103 4.5.1 Sign Border Drawing Commands: ONESTACK, TWOSTACK, THREESTACK AND FOURSTACK 103 4.5.2 Direction ‘Flag’ Sign Borders: FLAG 104 - 6 - 4.5.3 MoD Panel and Flag: MODFLAG, MODPANEL 105 4.5.4 Adding Route Patch Borders to Route Text: PATCH 106 4.5.5 Panel Borders: PANEL 107 4.5.6 Panel Borders with a Cut-out Corner: LPAN 108 4.5.7 Finger Post Border: FINGER 110 4.5.8 Panels and Sign Borders: Automatically resizing for contents 111 4.5.9 Adding Backing Boards: BACKINGBOARD 111 4.5.10 Drawing Sign Border to Size: XBlock 114 4.5.11 Light Baffle / Side Border Extension: BAFFLE 115 4.6 The Automatic Sign Commands 115 4.6.1 The AutoFLAG Command: DDFLAGSIGN 115 4.6.2 Automatic OneSTACK Sign Command: DDONESTACK 120 4.6.3 AutoPARK Sign Command: DDPARK 123 4.6.4 Automatic Text Only Signs Command: DDSIGN 126 4.6.5 Bus Lane Signs: BUSLANE 128 4.6.6 Other Automatic Standard Sign routines: SIGN 129 4.6.7 Sign / Supplementary Plate Command: SIGNANDSUPPPLATE 130 4.6.8 Parking Symbols and Signs: PARK 132 4.6.9 Inserting Bus Symbols: BUS 134 4.6.10 Inserting Hospital Symbols: HOSPITAL 135 4.7 Miscellaneous Sign Design Commands 136 4.7.1 Inserting Direction Arrows: ARROW, ARROWS 136 - 7 - 4.7.2 Colour Filling Signs: BORDERFILLSIGN 138 4.7.3 Changing a Border Colour: CHANGEBORDERCOLOUR 139 4.7.4 Reversing a Sign Colour Fill: UNDOBORDERFILL 141 4.7.5 Removing Symbol Fills: REMOVESYMBOLFILL 141 4.7.6 Adding Detail to the Completed Signs: DDETAIL 142 4.7.7 Adding Panel Details: PANDET 149 4.7.8 Edit a Panel Detail Block: EDITPANELDETAILS 153 4.7.9 Post and Foundation Design: WINDANALYSIS 153 4.7.10 Posts - WBPOST, PPOST & SIGNLIGHT 154 4.7.11 Lane Signs and Arrows: LANESIGNS, LANESIGNARROWS 154 4.7.12 Lane Sign Underline: LANEUNDERLINE 155 4.7.13 Overhead Gantry Arrow: OHARROW 155 4.7.14 Motorway Junction Number Patches: MJUNCT 157 4.7.15 Junction Number Ahead at Distance Sign: JCTNUM 157 4.7.16 Cycle Route Number Patches: CYCLEROUTENUMBER 157 4.7.17 Parking Place Indentifier Patches: CYCLEROUTENUMBER 158 4.7.18 Adding Diversion Symbols: DIVERSIONS 158 4.7.18 Real Text Colour Changing: RT-DUPON and RT-DUPOFF 158 4.7.19 TSRGD Diagram 2716 Underline: DIAG2716UNDERLINE 159 4.7.20 KeySIGN Options: ASIGNCONFIG 159 4.8 Selection Assisting Tools 160 - 8 - 4.8.1 Selection Commands: COPYSIGN, MOVESIGN, SELECTSIGN, ERASESIGN 161 4.8.2 Selection Commands: SGROUP, XSGROUP, MOVEGROUP and GROUPSEL 161 4.8.3 Moving/Copying a Finished Sign to a Map: MOVESIGNTOMAP, COPYSIGNTOMAP 162 4.8.4 Export Sign Design for Use on a Location Plan: EXPORTFORMAPLOCATION 162 4.8.5 Insert a Sign Design from File: INSERTSIGN 164 4.9 Dimensioning and Scaling Commands 165 4.9.1 Scaling Standard Signs: SCALESTANDARDSIGN 165 4.9.2 Stroke Width to Millimetres Conversion with Offset: MMOFFSET 167 4.9.3 ScaleMToSW and ScaleSWToM 167 4.9.4 Setting the Current X-Height: SET_XHEIGHT 168 4.9.5 Dimension Commands: ATS_DIMVERTICAL, ATS_DIMHORIZONTAL 168 4.9.6 Adding the SW Design Dimension to Dimensions: SWINDIMS 170 4.9.7 Checking the Size of a Finished Sign: SIGNSIZE 170 4.9.8 Rounding Sign Dimensions: ROUNDING 171 4.9.9 Producing Scaled Output in a Model View: SCALEVP 172 4.9.10 Quick, Semi-automatic Sign Dimensioning: SDIM 174 4.10 Display Changing Commands 175 4.10.1 Text Display Options: (representations) 175 4.10.2 Toggle the TILE Layer On or Off: TILE 176 - 9 - 4.10.3 Toggle the NOGO Layer On or OFF: NOGO 176 4.10.4 Colour Fill Toggle: BFIL 177 4.10.5 Drawing Background Colour Options: BLACKBACK, GREYBACK, GREYBACK2 and WHITEBACK 178 4.10.6 Changing the Colour of Transport Heavy Text: HEAVY2MAG, HEAVY2WHI 178 4.11 Drawing Labelling Utilities 179 4.11.1 Label Yellow Route Text: YELLOWROUTELABEL 179 4.11.2 Label Standard Sign or Symbol: BLOCKTEXT 179 4.11.3 Label X-Height: LABELXHEIGHT 180 4.11.4 Sign Location Symbol: SIGNSYMB 180 4.12 Miscellaneous Utilities 181 4.12.1 Zoom to Sign Design Area: SIGNSHOP 181 4.12.2 Zoom to Location Map coordinates: ZOOMTOMAP 181 4.12.3 Save MAP View for Quick Zooming: SAVECURRENTMAPVIEW 182 4.12.4 Drawing Titles: DWGTITLE 182 4.12.5 Edit Permitted Sign Variants: SDDATTE 183 4.12.6 Explode and Convert Permitted Variants to Text: UNBLOCK 183 4.12.7 Drawing Tidy Up: DWGTIDYUP 184 4.12.8 Automatically Purging the Drawing: APURGE 186 4.13 Miscellaneous System / Program Commands 188 4.13.1 The ‘What’s New’ Guide: ASIGNWHATSNEW 188 - 10 - 4.13.2 Reloading the KeySIGN Menu: RELOADKEYSIGNMEU 189 4.13.3 Reloading KeySIGN: KSIGN 189 4.13.4 Reset KeySIGN and AutoCAD System Variable to Defaults: RESET 190 4.13.5 Updating the Stored Dimensions for a Symbol: REVISEBLOCK 190 4.13.6 Browse the Sign Library: BROWSESIGNS 192 4.13.7 KeySIGN Command Aliases: ASIGNALIAS 192 Chapter 5 - Standard TSRGD Signs 194 5.1 Warning Signs 197 5.2 Regulatory Signs 199 5.3 Informatory Signs 201 5.4 Bus, Tram and Cycle Signs 203 5.5 Temporary and Road Works Signs 203 5.6 Scaling Standard Signs 204 5.7 Bus Lane Signs: BUSLANE 205 5.8 Adding a Backing board: BACKINGBOARD 208 Chapter 6 - Post and Foundation Design (Wind Loading) 210 6.1 Exporting Sign Face designs from KeySIGN 210 6.2 Exporting to KeyPOST 211 6.3 Roundtrip Launching KeyPOST from KeySIGN 213 6.4 Returning results to KeySIGN 213 Chapter 7 - Sign Design Tutorials 215 7.1 The Flag and Stack Type Signs 215 - 11 - 7.2 Stack Type Advanced Direction Sign (ADS) 1: Creating Destination Blocks.
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