The renovation of the 72 stop Klaisorgan The big organ in Hallgrímskirkja, built in Johannes’ Klais world-renowned Orgelbau in Bonn in Germany, is the largest musical instrument in Iceland. It was inaugurated on December 13th 1992 and celebrated its twentieth anniversary 2012. Its size, elegant design and sound coupled with the acoustics and splendid interior at Hallgrímskirkja have Hádegistónleikar á fimmtudögum kl. 12 made this grand organ a much sought after instrument all over the world. Lunchtime concerts on Thursdays at 12 noon The Hallgrímskirkja Friends of the Arts Society has from the organs inauguration organized an ever increasing number of organ concerts, especially during the summer when thousands of tourists attend the International Organ Summer, an annual festival from June until August. Each year, around 40 organ concerts are given in Hallgrímskirkja and advanced students at the Music Academy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland frequently receive lessons at this excellent instrument. Hardly a day goes by without Hallgrímskirkja’s Klais-organ being played. At the beginning of 2013 representatives from the Klais Orgelbau in Bonn arrived in Iceland to clean the organ and renew various pieces of hardware, worn due to much strain. During this process all 5.273 organ pipes had to be removed. This presented an excellent opportunity for modifications on the organ’s computer equipment, called for by new technology and increased demands. At the completion of this extensive project it can be said that the Klaisorgan in Hallgrímskirkja is as new, every pipe has been polished and retuned and the organs electronic operating system has been updated to the year 2013, with many fascinating new possibilities. Information and a collection-pipe may be found at the church entrance, where friends of the organ and its music can support us in this expensive project. The Hallgrímskirkja Friends of the Arts Society expresses its heartfelt gratitude to all supporters. Happy International Organ Summer 2014! Hörður Áskelsson, Music Director of Hallgrímskirkja New CD with Hörður Áskelsson Hörður Áskelsson has been organist at Hallgrímskirkja since 1982, when he returned to Iceland from his studies in Düsseldorf, Germany. He has played a key role in building up the church’s artistic activities, founding the Hallgrímskirkja Friends of the Arts Society, the Hallgrímskirkja Motet Choir and the Schola cantorum chamber choir. Two acclaimed events on the Icelandic music calendar, the biennial Festival of Sacred Arts and the International Organ Summer concert series, were devised by Áskelsson, who is their artistic director. Many composers have dedicated their work to Áskelsson who has performed at important festivals and cathedrals in Europe such as Notre Dame in Paris, St. Sulpice and Cologne Cathedral. His new CD was recorded at the beginning of the year 2014 and is to celebrate the renovation of the Klais organ. The renovation of the Schola cantorum 72 stop Klaisorgan Hádegistónleikar á miðvikudögum kl. 12 The big organ in Hallgrímskirkja, built in Lunchtime concerts on Wednesdays at 12 noon Johannes’ Klais world-renowned Orgelbau in Bonn in Germany, is the largest musical instrument in Iceland. It was inaugurated on December 13th 1992 and celebrated its twentieth anniversary 2012. Its size, elegant design and sound coupled with the acoustics and splendid interior at Hallgrímskirkja have Hádegistónleikar á fimmtudögum kl. 12 made this grand organ a much sought after instrument all over the world. Lunchtime concerts on Thursdays at 12 noon The Hallgrímskirkja Friends of the Arts Society has from the organs inauguration organized an ever increasing number Í samvinnu við Félag íslenskra organleikara of organ concerts, especially during the In cooperation with Icelandic Organist Association summer when thousands of tourists attend the International Organ Summer, an annual festival from June until August. 19. júní/June 19 Helga Þórdís Guðmundsdóttir, Each year, around 40 organ concerts are Víðistaðakirkja/Iceland given in Hallgrímskirkja and advanced students at the Music Academy of the 26. júní/June 19 Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland frequently receive lessons at this excellent Hafnarfjarðarkirkja/Iceland instrument. Hardly a day goes by without Hallgrímskirkja’s Klais-organ being played. 3. júlí/July 3 Kári Allansson, Háteigskirkja At the beginning of 2013 representatives from the Klais Orgelbau in Bonn arrived in & Anna Jónsdóttir soprano, Reykjavík Iceland to clean the organ and renew various pieces of hardware, worn due to much 10. júlí/July 10 Steingrímur Þórhallsson, Neskirkja strain. During this process all 5.273 organ pipes had to be removed. This presented an excellent opportunity for modifications on the organ’s computer equipment, called for by & Hallveig Rúnarsdóttir, soprano, Reykjavík new technology and increased demands. At the completion of this extensive project it 17. júlí/July 17 Sigrún Magna Þórsteinsdóttir, can be said that the Klaisorgan in Hallgrímskirkja is as new, every pipe has been polished Akureyrarkirkja/Iceland and retuned and the organs electronic operating system has been updated to the year 24. júlí/July 24 Jón Bjarnason, 2013, with many fascinating new possibilities. Information and a collection-pipe may be found at the church entrance, where friends of Skálholt Cathedral/Iceland the organ and its music can support us in this expensive project. 31. júlí/July 31 Stéphane Rigat, orgel & Olivier Gillet The Hallgrímskirkja Friends of the Arts Society expresses its heartfelt gratitude to all trumpet, Marseille/France supporters. 7. ágúst/August 7 Eyþór Ingi Jónsson, Happy International Organ Summer 2014! Hörður Áskelsson, Music Director of Hallgrímskirkja Akureyrarkirkja/Iceland 14. ágúst/August 17 Gunnar Gunnarsson, Fríkirkjan í Reykjavík/Iceland Schola cantorum Hádegistónleikar á miðvikudögum kl. 12 Lunchtime concerts on Wednesdays at 12 noon Eins og fyrri sumur stendur kammerkórinn Schola cantorum fyrir hádegistónleikum í sumar í Hallgrímskirkju. Fluttar verða kórperlur eftir íslensk tónskáld ásamt íslenskum þjóðlögum. Hádegistónleikar á fimmtudögum kl. 12 Tónleikarnir hafa jafnan hlotið lof áheyrenda en með þeim Lunchtime concerts on Thursdays at 12 noon gefst gestum kirkjunnar tækifæri á að upplifa hinn mikla hljómburð kirkjuskipsins. Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 12:00 og standa í u.þ.b. hálftíma. Aðgangseyrir: 2.000 kr. Miðasala við innganginn. 19. júní/June 19 Helga Þórdís Guðmundsdóttir, Víðistaðakirkja/Iceland Schola cantorum chamber choir of Hallgrimskirkja presents 26. júní/June 19 Guðmundur Sigurðsson, an excellent opportunity to experience the great acoustics Hafnarfjarðarkirkja/Iceland of Hallgrimskirkja. The repertoire consists of Icelandic 3. júlí/July 3 Kári Allansson, Háteigskirkja contemporary music for a capella choir as well as Icelandic & Anna Jónsdóttir soprano, Reykjavík folk songs. 10. júlí/July 10 Steingrímur Þórhallsson, Neskirkja The concert starts at 12 noon and lasts around 30 min. & Hallveig Rúnarsdóttir, soprano, Reykjavík Admission: 2.000 ISK 17. júlí/July 17 Sigrún Magna Þórsteinsdóttir, Tickets by the entrance. Akureyrarkirkja/Iceland 24. júlí/July 24 Jón Bjarnason, Skálholt Cathedral/Iceland 31. júlí/July 31 Stéphane Rigat, orgel & Olivier Gillet trumpet, Marseille/France 7. ágúst/August 7 Eyþór Ingi Jónsson, Akureyrarkirkja/Iceland 14. ágúst/August 17 Gunnar Gunnarsson, Fríkirkjan í Reykjavík/Iceland Listvinafélag Hallgrímskirkju 31. starfsár Hallgrimskirkja Friends of the Arts Society 31st season Schola cantorum Ágætu tónleikagestir Hádegistónleikar á miðvikudögum kl. 12 Ég býð ykkur velkomin á Alþjóðlegt Orgelsumar 2014 í Hallgrímskirkju. Lunchtime concerts on Wednesdays at 12 noon Tónleikaröðin er haldin undir merkjum Listvinafélags Hallgrímskirkju og er þetta 22. sumarið sem orgelhátíð er haldin yfir sumartímann, eða allt frá því að Klais-orgel kirkjunnar var vígt 1992. Alþjóðlegt Orgelsumar í Hallgrímskirkju hefur ætíð laðað að sér alþjóðlegar orgelstjörnur og er árið í ár engin undantekning eins og sjá má af dagskrá sumarsins. Það er líka sérlega ánægjulegt við orgelhátíðina í ár að tveir ungir íslenskir organistar sem hafa nýlega lokið mastersprófi við tónlistarháskóla erlendis eru meðal flytjenda. Á hverjum degi fyllist Hallgrímskirkja af ferðafólki og það er okkur mikil ánægja að geta boðið upp á vandaða tónleika yfir hásumarið. Í sumar, frá 14. júní til 17. ágúst verða fernir tónleikar á viku; Kammerkórinn Schola cantorum heldur hádegistónleika á miðvikudögum kl. 12. Íslenskir organistar eru í öndvegi á hádegistónleikum á fimmtudögum kl. 12. Orgeltónleikar með alþjóðlegum þekktum organistum verða á laugardögum kl. 12 og á sunnudögum kl. 17. Ég vil líka benda á að organistar Alþjóða orgelsumarsins taka þátt í helgihaldinu í Hallgrímskirkju með því að leika eftirspil í messu sunnudagsins. Kæru tónleikagestir, ég vona að þið njótið tónleikanna hér í Hallgrímskirkju. Björn Steinar Sólbergsson, organisti Hallgrímskirkju Dear guests Welcome to The international Organ Summer in Hallgrímskirkja 2014, a series of concerts hosted by the Hallgrímskirkja Friends of the Arts Society. Summer organ festivals have been held here since the church’s Klais organ was inaugurated in 1992, making this the 22nd festival. The International Organ Summer holds an important position in Reykjavík’s cultural environment and enriches the experience of tourists during the summer. Alþjóðlegt orgelsumar Once again Iceland is expecting a large number of visitors
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