THSADA NEWSLETTER Presented by Home Team Marketing July 2017 THSADA State Conference and Professional Development Program 2017 Conference Review T he 46th annual THSADA State grown significantly over the past sev- Committee Chairs Conference and Professional eral years and averages an increase of 20 Development Program, concluded a suc- Exhibitors per year. Publications: Bernie Mulvaney cessful four-day Conference at the Waco – Director of Athletics-Goose Creek ISD Convention Center. This was the first THSADA membership growth is reflec- tive of the interest and involvement of Professional Development: time the THSADA State Conference was Debbie Fuchs – Clear Creek ISD held in Waco and it proved to be a great Athletic Administrators throughout the location. State of Texas. THSADA membership Awards: is at 850 and has increased significantly Randy Cretors – Harlingen CISD The THSADA State Conference saw each year. The goal for this upcoming over 420 attendees during the four-day membership drive year is to be well over Membership: Conference which included, Athletic 1,000 THSADA members. Jennifer Roland – Alamo Heights ISD Administrators, Head Football Coaches and Athletic Staff. The Tradeshow was The State Conference opened on Special Events: also the largest the THSADA has ever Sunday with a meeting of all THSADA Vince Sebo – Tomball ISD had with 161 Exhibit Booths lining the Committee Chairs followed by a meet- Football Advisory: Chisholm Hall at the Waco Convention ing with all eight of the THSADA Cliff Odenwald – Garland ISD Center. The THSADA Tradeshow has Committee’s. Basketball Advisory: Philip O’Neal – Mansfield ISD Quotes from some of our first-time Exhibitors: Officials Advisory: “First Class conference, we want in again next year.” Johnny Tusa – Waco ISD “The time, energy, and money was well worth it. The interaction with the AD’s The two Sunday sessions featured Mr. and other vendors was fantastic. I have highly suggested to both of my systems Chris Gilbert-Partner-Thompson & distributors that this is a “MUST” for the future.” Horton, LLC. Mr. Gilbert gave an ex- cellent two-hour presentation on those “We had a great time, and had some fantastic discussions. I’ve spent the week legal issues critical and conducive to following up in person and via email with the coaches and ADs.” Athletic Administrators. Mr. Gilbert’s presentation was followed by the an- “Thank you once again for putting on such a great show and conference. nual Enviro-Turf/Hal Mumme Football The conference was great.” Poolside Kick-off Reception. Attendance “It was GREAT being a part of the THSADA Annual Conference! This was at this event was outstanding as this was held at the Hilton Pool area and was our first, but can promise it will not be our last, wonderful people, wonderful attended by both attendees and exhib- experience.” itors. This event has become an excel- “Thank you for all of the work you and your team put in to make the convention lent way for Exhibitors to socialize with the Conference attendees before the such a success.” Conference begins. “We enjoyed the conference and plan to attend next year as well.” Story continued on page 2... THSADA NEWSLETTER / July 2017 2 ...Story continued from page 1 (2017 Conference Review) Monday morning featured the annual Tuesday morning saw the Tee-Off of Executive Director-TAPPS and moder- address by both the UIL and TAPPS. the annual Hellas Construction-Benny ator Craig Way addressing the topic of Each Executive Director and staff ad- Carter Memorial Golf Tournament “The State of High School Athletics in dressed their respective attendees as the held at Cottonwood Creek Golf Course. Texas”. This was a tremendous exchange sessions were split between UIL schools This annual event is a highlight of the and sharing of information and many and TAPPS schools. A special feature Conference and raises funds, along with important issues and positions were during the UIL session was an address a contribution from Whataburger for delivered. This session lasted about an by SEC Chair-Mike Motheral. Dean the THSADA-Whataburger Scholarship. hour and a half and was one of the high- Linke-Hellas Construction delivered a It was another great event put on by lights features of the State Conference. presentation on “Championship Prep” Hellas Construction and a good time that was well received by the attend- was had by all! After the UIL-TAPPS session the ees. Afternoon sessions featured panel THSADA had a General Session discussions highlighted by an Industry Opposite the Golf Tournament we held where sponsors were invited to speak Panel where representatives from spe- our annual Athletic Administrators and an update of the Texas Athletic cific industries sat on the panel to dis- Academy for those individuals not Administrators Certificate program cuss questions sent in by the attendees. playing golf. The Academy is a series was shared with the attendees. The Companies represented on this Industry of short, impactful deliveries by ei- THSADA hopes to rollout the TAAC at Panel were: Hellas Construction/ ther a speaker or panel on specific sub- the July THSCA Coaching School. jects and topics significant to Athletic Daktronics/Musco Lighting/PBK The last session featured Jeff Altman Sports. Varsity Brands and SuperFanU Administrators. This year there were split sessions for both UIL and TAPPS from Whataburger announcing the 2017 also delivered corporate presenta- THSADA Hall of Honor inductees along tions and both sessions were well at- schools. The highlight presentation of the Athletic Administrators Academy with the Vice President candidates and tended as was a session on Booster Club the Whataburger Scholarship Award management. was a presentation sponsored by Field Turf and Dr. Michael C. Meyers on the winners. The final session concluded The Monday keynote speaker for the latest in football injuries as it relates to with the annual Mega Drawings. State Conference was Baylor University artificial turf. We would like to thank all those Head Football Coach Matt Rhule. Coach THSADA members and non-mem- Rhule delivered an incredible presen- After the conclusion of the Athletic Administrators Academy, Hellas bers that made the effort to attend the tation on Leadership, Attitude and Conference, network with fellow ath- Commitment. Coach Rhule also took Construction handed out all the awards won at the Golf Tournament. letic administrators and attend the advantage of the opportunity to mix so- professional development sessions. cially with the AD’s after his session. Everyone then adjourned to the Hellas Construction Tradeshow Festival. Involvement with the THSADA, whether The Daktronics Tradeshow Festival took it be as a Board member, Committee place late afternoon and early evening On Wednesday, the last half day of the Chair or Committee member is signif- and attendance was at an all-time high. Conference, a very special feature was icant in the development and profile of There was good attendance and partic- held that was also taped by Jeff Power the Association. The THSADA is only as ipation by all attendees while many of and played on Fox Sports. This session strong and influential as is the involve- the Exhibitors were very complimentary featured Charles Breithaupt-Executive ment and commitment of its members. of the format and attendance. Director-UIL, Bryan Bunselmeyer- Letter from the President — John Crawford, THSADA President It is hard to believe that the 2016-2017 It has been another outstanding year tastic conference. school year is coming to a close, that it is for the Texas High School Athletic time to turn the page and begin prepa- Directors Association. Our member- Thank you to all committee mem- ration for another exciting year. I would ship numbers are at an all-time high bers, Regional Directors, and officers like to take this opportunity to congrat- and continue to grow. In March, we for the timeless sacrifices you make ulate all of you for the successes your had our State Conference in Waco with to serve and promote our Association. schools enjoyed on the field or court the most attendees and most exhibitors Congratulations to the new Hall of during the 2016-2017 school year. I that we have ever had. A huge “Thank Honor inductees, Bob DeJonge, Mark continue to be amazed at the tremen- you” goes out to our Executive Director Ball, and Tom Pruett. dously positive impact you all have on Rusty Dowling, Assistant Katy Mathis your coaches and student athletes. and to all who worked to put on a fan- Story continued on page 3... THSADA NEWSLETTER / July 2017 3 ...Story continued from page 2 (Letter from the Presdient) As we look ahead to the 2017-2018 riculum. The 2017-2018 school also of- Finally, I would like to thank you for af- school year, we will continue our com- fers our organization an opportunity to fording me the opportunity to serve as mitment to continued alignment and grow, expand, and excel under the lead- your president. It has been an extremely collaboration with the UIL, THSCA, ership and through the vision of our rewarding experience, one that I will al- and TGCA to grow our Association. new president. I would like to welcome ways cherish. I look forward to serv- Additionally, I am excited to eventu- Debbie Decker as our next President ing our Association in the years to come ally roll out a series of Texas Athletic of the Texas High School Athletic and I welcome our future successes. Administration Certification classes Directors Association and I wish the and I want to say thank you all of those best for her and our organization under — John Crawford who have worked to develop the cur- her leadership. Online Ticketing Solutions The online ticket service for high school We’ll let the companies speak for themselves to tell us what sets them apart from athletics, primarily football, is a grow- the competition..
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