★ WEDNESDAY, JULY 19,1995 / PAGE A1 JAMES BOVARD DANTHOMASSON the FBI agents had suspended the Constitution when they fired atsur- Ruby Ridge fallout over the Waco landscape vivalist Randy Weaver, and he merely slapped the wrists ofthose r I Ihe^he demotion ofFBIDeputy __ - baby" has been especially contro-contro < l ) involved inthe nightmare in Idaho. I Director Larry Potts last versial.Thepromptnesswithwhichversial. The promptness with which C Tb most veteran observers it was I Friday for his actionsdur- theFBIsnipergunnedthe FBI snipergunned down allthe A X WWAX iJ just business as usual at the FBI. A ingingandafterand after the theFBI'sFBI's 1992 suspects makes the FBI Hostage . J 1 • Then, In a shocking, incredible confrontation with Randy Weaver J rv•#-*-* r\-r\ Rescue TfeamIbam look more like a S5-S^- CTAAX/Ql*/!C lIlT^ display ofcallous disr^ardfor thou is stark evidence that the Ameri-Ameri II^ ifIIII III|1 vadoran death squad than an Amer-Amer WCU. UtJlXXI^ sands of Americans incensed over canran mihlirpublic is losingInsinir itsit5 tolerancetolprnnrA icantpnn law enforcementpnfniwmpnt linit.unit. A the bureau's actions not only in for federal law enforcement ram At the subsequent trial, the gov Idaho but also at Waco, Tfexas, Mr. pages. Yet, much of the most ernment claimed that Mr. Weaver ^•'^he infamous incident at FYeeh promoted Mr. Potts, the man damning evidenceon this case has the relatively insignificant under and Mr. Harris were shot by Mr. I Ruby Ridge, Idaho, has who was in charge of both opera not yet been made public. Con lying charge." Horiuchi because Mr. Weaver had I claimedyet anothervictim tions. gress begins the first serious hear Yet, even at this point, some gov threatened to shoot at a helicopter A — Lawrence Potts, No. 2 Regrettably, a very green US. ings on Waco today, and since ernment officials recognized that containing FBI officials. Strangely, man at the FBI. Attorney General Janet Reno many of the same FBI officials and this was a penny ante case; "OnJuly Mr. Horiuchi emphatically (and Mr. Potts'distinguishedcareerin signed off on this classic piece of snipers who participated at Waco 9,1991, a deputy US. marshal told incorrectly) denied that Mr. Weaver the bureau officially ended last Fri insensitivity. If there is a better were also at Ruby Ridge, the evi an associate of Weaver's that if he was carrying a gun at the time tliat day when FBIDirector Louis Freeh exampleofMiss Reno^ lack ofcom dence of gross misconduct and surrendered, the charge against Mr. Horiuchishot him. (The report removed him as his top deputy. mon sense, I wouldn't know where coverups at Ruby Ridge is more him for failing to appearat the trial noted, "At trial, Horiuchi was Actually, Mr. Potts' future in law to find it. relevant than ever. could be dismissed" and "that the adamant that he neversaw a gun in enforcement was finished the Even if the promotion of Mr. Potts A Justice Department task force sentence on the weapons offense the hands of Randy Weaver, even moment a sniper under his com had not been the worst kind of completed a S42-page investigation would be minimal because Weaver though Weaver was armed at the mand fired a bulletinto the brain of cronyism (Mr. Potts and Mr. Freeh on the case last year, but the report did not have a criminal record." time he was struck by Horiuchi's Mrs. Randy Weaver as she stood are fast friends and had worked hasnotyetbeenmadepublic. L^l Thereport found that the August first shot.") On the basis that the evi holding her baby in the doorway of closelytogether in at least two m^or Times acquii%d a copy of the report 1992 timing ofthe federal govern dence was insufficient, the federal prosecutions when Mr. Freeh was a andgenerously plac^itontheInter ment's showdown with Mr. Weaver judge threw out the federal charge US. attorney), it was a downright net Fbllowingaresomekey passages was largely a matter of political that Mr. Weaver and Mr. Harris stupidpolitick move in the faceof from the report that illustrate a pat convenience for Henry Hudson, the threatened the helicopter. growing anger in Congress and tern of misconduct and dishonestyby acting chairman of the US. Mar FBI officials, in theirsubsequent among militant groups over what federal agencies far worsethan most shals Service. The report noted, statements to the media in Idaho, they see as increasing highhanded Americans imagined. "The plan to apprehend Weaver stressed that all possible precau ness of federal law ei%)rcement. This case began after Randy wasdelayed for^reemonths pend tions were being taken to protect Anyone with even a few years Weaver was enticed by an under ing the confirmation of Henry Hud the Weaver children. But, after the experience in Washington could cover Bureau of AJcoliol Tbbacco son as the Marshals Service Direc sniper killed Vicki Weaver and have predicted what would happen and Firearms agent to sell him tor. The [[US. marshals] wounded Kevin Harris and Randy next. Congress would find some sawed-off shotguns. The Justice reconnaissance team expressed Weaver, FBI reports noted that way to get into the act over Waco Department report indicates that frustration over the delay because "two friendly shots [had been] and Ruby Ridge, and the result Mr. Weaver was set up to violate some believed the delay caused a taken." The Crisis Center Log at would be at least a grilling of Mr. federal law: "Based on the infor gap in their surveillance intelli FBI headquarters noted that Potts and others involved. And one mation available to us, there is no gence." evening that "two friendly sniper need only look at the history of evidence that Weaver proposed or On Aug. 21,1992, US. Marshals rounds fired into the Weaver house, these kinds of sideshows to predict was interested in selling weapons trespassed onto the Weavers' prop and reported a possible hit." Actu accurately that somewhere it will before the October 1989 meeting erty and shot 13-year-old Sammy ally, oneshot had been fired into the be found that someone covered up with Fadeley [the undercover Weaver in the back,killii^ the boy. house—but the nonchalanceofthe something. agent]. Although Fadeley had seen Kevin Harris, a family friend stay FBIreport makes a mockery of the In fact, it already has happened. Weaver on a number of occasions ing in the cabin, shota US. marshal Bureau's claims ofconcern for the It was learned that one of the Ruby with a variety of weapons, Weaver in self-defense during the gun bat children. Ridge participants in the bureau apparently had never said that he tle. After the marshals panicked The report also condemned Jus had destroyed some documents. wanted to sell guns." (The Idaho and falsely claimed to be "pinned tice Departmentattorneys for pro mm Mr. Freeh was forced to suspend juryconcluded that Mr. Weaver had down" for hours by the Weavers, viding false information to a feder one agent and reopen the investi been entrapped and found him not the FBI Hostage Rwcue Tfeam was al grand jury regarding the killing gation of Ruby Ridgejustbefore the guilty on violating federal firearms <^ed in. of Vicki Weaver: "In regard to the House subcommittee's hearings charges). charge in Overt Act 41 tiiat Randy into this and Waco. At a time when violent crime in The report noted, "We have been Weaver, Kevin Harris, 'and an Mr. FVeeh's initial appearance on big cities is rampant, many people told by observers on the scene unidentified female, probably Vicki the Washington scene hardly could have questioned why the federal that law enforcement person or Sara Weaver" attempted to shoot have beenmore successful. Hedaz government would devote millions nel madestatements that the matter atan FBI helicopter,' The pros Louis Freeh zled Congress during the confir of dollars of resources into going would be handled quickly and that ecution knew full well when Overt mation process and seemedto have after a two-bit violator like Randy the situation would be 'taken down Act 41 was drafted that Vicki the Clinton White House in the Weaver. The report noted that US. hardand fast.'" Frederick Lanceley, Weaver had been killed while hold her Idaho cabin in 1992. palm of his hand. He won budget District Court Judge Harold L. the FBI chief negotiator, heard ing open the door of the cabin for TVagically, Mr. Freeh, widely victories, expanded the bureau's Ryan "said that he thought scarce [FBI's Hostage Rescue Tfeam com the tluw persons who had respond praised two years ago as the almost international reach and quietly judicial resources were being wast mander Richard] Rogers declare at ed to the helicopter, one of whom perfect man for the directorship of tried to broaden its domestic ed on the large number of gun cases a briefing of the snipers the morning was a female.... The prosecution one of the most powerful investiga responsibility at the expense of brought in federal court and, in of the kUling of Vicki Weaver that had abundant evidence that Vicki tory agencies in the world, could otheragbncies. particular, he complained about there would be "no long siege." The Weaver had not run outside. Nam have avoided considerable embar "What Louie wants, Louie gets," undercover 'sting' cases involving report noted, "After attending this ing Vicki Weaver as one of the peo rassment for himself and the a top Treasury official confided firearms." Judge Ryan's views give briefing, Lanceley concluded that a ple who might have responded to bureauhad he not become afflicted when Mr. Freehs troops made an credence to the concerns of the tactical solution would be sought the helicopter could readily be with two maladies—arrogance and unabashed grab for some of the National Rifle Association, which without negotiations." interpreted as an attempt to assert bad judgment.
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