Pftge 20 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, April 14,1963 ' Garwood artist... Kenilworth sign exits-fwm parkway. ,7 gifted students.. .gym Democrats squabble... show...tax rate... tax hike... school 3' dances, .page' computers...page 18 USPS 136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 25 CENTS stacks up. At VOL. 91 N6.16 Published Every Thursday Thursday, April 21,1983 Serving Cranford, Keniluprth and Garwood The beets are sweet. The beans are tender and tasty. The home-fries taste it. Because the low Special prices in our shopping list below and the delicious. The spinach and broccoli have a rich color to match their hearty JJnadyertised Specials at your Kings store will let you stock up on a whole showers precipitate town record flavor. The frozen flounder and sole cook up moist, flakey and flavorful. The pantryful and freezerful of good foocff% tuna does you proud in salads and sandwiches. The juices have the fresh taste of :. And to insure that our White Rose products measure up to, your expectations the best-known brands. The spring water is fresh. and ours, our Consumer Affairs department conducts comparisons with other The name for all this good food—and more—is White Rose. supermarket house and name brands on a weekly basis.. And White R(jse is the brand of canned and frozen foods that we selected Check the color, the cut, the consistency, the look as well as the taste and years ago. to be Kings money-saving alternative td famous-name brands! aroma. And see if you don't find that White Rose, like so many other good If you've ever—or never—tried White Rose brand foods, this is the week to do foods at Kings, is worth every penny—and then some. , The Grocer's Corner The Dairy Corner The Farmer's Corner The Deli Corner The Butchers Corner White Rose Solid White Tuna Ask About Our% l99 Sale in Oil or Water '•-'- • 7 oz. can Snovf Crop •J— • , _•-;-_-.— 't^Importedj from Chile 5 At the Sliced to Order Counter American Grown USDA Choice White Rose 'Five Alive $ es i 79' Homemade Fruited Baked '/2 gal. 1 Black Ribier or Red Emperor Virginia Ham 14.1b."$ 1,99 Legs of Lamb $1 89 Fruit Beverage whole or butt half ib. _ Apple c Rich's or Marvel Solid White Meat Voplait French Style Yogurt6 oz. 2/79 Large Extra Fancy Grade $ llb.9oz. jar S Caterers Turkey Breast fc lb. 1.99 American Grown USDA Choice Lamb: 59 La Yogurt Plain Yogurt : qt. - 1.Q? Washington State Red or Golden S C Hormel Burgermeister Shoulder Chops Blade Cuts lb 4.89 White Rose: Friendship Soiir Cream pt. 99 Delicious Apples . : $ J C Hard Salami -'•• ~ • M lb. *1.99 Rib Chops Middle Cuts _Jb. 3.59 Apple Juice •• i/2 gai i,i9 King Dips Onion or Chive 8 oz. 59' Controlled Atmosphere lb. 69 C Mosey's Corned Beef or , Loin Chops Well Trimmed lb. '3.99 Green Beans Cut or Large Western Anjou Pears __lb. 69 C Steady rains boosted by a dose of snow this week (left) resulted in a in 1980. The April average is 3.56 inches. Rains have turned dry J Axelrod Pastrami Round '. M lb. U.99 Breast of I_mb______Jb. 69 French Style .15.5 oz. 3/ l Florida Indian River Hormel Pepperoni & Neck of Lamfe for Stew: lb. *1.19 cumulative 8.96 inches of moisture for the month so far. That's a basins like Brookside(right) into.,wet stormwater brakers. Peak $ record for April already. Raymond Daly of the Union County College Rahway River flow last weekend was 1,360 cubic feet per second, 60 Sliced Beets , • _lb. can 3/ l Cottage Cheese Seedless Grapefruit Cheese Loaf ' }h lb. *1.99 USDA Choice Beef: White Potatoes Red or White, Large 36 Size _3/$l CobperatlverWeather Station says, the previous high was 7.73 inches c.f.s. below last week's level. Photos by Greg Price. All Varieties lb. 99 Top Round London Broil _lb. '2.79" Sliced or • Whqlev •• __. Jb. -can-3/»l- Valencia Oranges for Juiee Schickhaus — 'Round Cubes or Cubed Roundlbr*2.69 Dorman's Natural Large 100 Size 12 in bag H.49 $ Fresh Lean Ground Beef fat content White Rose Muenster Slices__ _6 oz: 1.29 Bologna or Grapefruit Kraft Natural Aged Snappy Fresh Tender not to exceed 27% 1h 't.69 Liverwurst lb. Paramount Plump & Tender Roaster sewer fit to Swiss Slices 8 oz. H.69 qt. 14 oz. can Green Beans ib Hot from the Spit! with pop-up timer, 5-7 lb. avg.lb. 69C 69 Coon Brand Extra Sharp ~ 99 $ Agar Vac Pac Trimmed Smoked Hams Regular or Pink . White Cheddar __JQ oz, 2,09 Sweet & Crunchy California Carrots Cornish Game Hens. Doing the^bfinors: Michelle Rogers, a young neighbor friend of the Water-Added: Bwaekhamer famHyrcuts ribbon-a^dedicatiorro^ch^ldrert1&roonTof White Rose: T ~ ~ Promise Margarine 1 lb. celio bags in imported from Entfandrr C C Shank Portion Jb. '1.29 the library in honor of the late Farris Swackhamer, under the admiring Spring Water _____gal. 49 made with Sunflower Oil lb. qtrs. 89 California Fresh Green Broccoli Caerphilly or eye of his widow, Louise. Another photo by Greg Price on Page 5. ( Butt Portion Jb. '1.39 be mothballed without a debut Bleach ;.i M iarge 14 size bunches M.29 Cheshire Cheese V4 lb. U.99 g The Freezer Corner Ham Center Slices Jb. '1.99 By STUART AWBREY tains a considerable amount of metal.. Paper Towels _ $ Fresh Spinach ' '' Imported from Austria: Faceij with the order and the potential _jumbo roll 2/ l Jb. W Swift Premium: A $7 million plant designed to dewater fines, RVSA proceeded with a sludge Incineration involves the same "ther- Facial Tissues ~ Gruyere Cheese sewage-sludge from-this area will be - dewatering plant which was 75 percent mal reduction" approach that the coun- $ All Meat Franks _ Jb. '1.29 Assorted Colors pkg. of 200 2/ l From Florida Long Green Yellow or White __lb. 4.99 Momeweck mothballed upon its completion this underwritten by federal monies and 25 ty seeks in its proposed solid waste What we Super Select Imported from Holland: All Beef Franks. Jb. '1.29 summer. , percent by the authority. resource recovery plant in Rahway. But Sunshine Cheez-It $ J C White Rose Gouda or Edam Cheese Vi lb i.99 Smoked Sliced Regular Baconlb. '1.59 In Brief (Bonus Pack) 15 oz. pkg. 89 . The facility was ordered and largely Ted Torgersen, Cranford's represen- the proposed burning, of both sanitary C Lazy Maple Bacon lh. '1.69 underwritten by the federal government send to sea Keebler Zesta Saltjpes _lb. pkg. 89 Orange Juice 12o z Cucumbers 3/ l All Natural Lorraine Swiss Cheese at school tative to the. RVSA, said that taxpayers and s.plid wastes faces DEP refusal to 99 but will stand idle because of a dispute 99% Sodium & Brown & Serve Sausage must' underwrite maintenance costs issue permits because of air pollution Cranford, Garwood . and Bold Laundry White Rose: Garden Fresh over the ocean dumping that it was even though the facility is mothballed. worries. J C Cholesterol Free _!4 lb. »1.99 all varieties _8 pz. pkg. '1.09 Kenilworth contribute about 22 per- Detergent _5'lb. 4 oz. pkg. 3.49 C Chicory or Escarole. Jb. 59 Bus ordered designed to alleviate and k maze of Tokarski and other sewerage Apple Juice 12 oz. 79 C Chicken Cordon Bleu, Lucerne, The plant lacks an incinerator so if the cent of the total sewage handled by Cocktail Cherry Tomatoes pt. bskt. 99 regulations that inhibit the land disposal authorities believe that economics and the Rahway Valley Sewerage GreeG n Beans Cut or The Pasta Corner Kiev or Royale 12 oz. pkg. '2.69 • The new senior citizens bus is be- that it was built to accomplish. process is ever approved it adds to the Dynamo Laundry • C ing built in North Carolina and is environmental policies Will combine to cost, says Tokarski. Authority. This means that about French Style Q oz. 49 Weaver's: •••:•-•'• By ROSALIE GROSS , The plant occupies' an acre at the keep ocean dumping at the current site $449 C Green Zucchini scheduled to be in service Here in Three other dewatering plants in the 38,500 tons of residual wet tons of Detergent 3 qt com. Spinach leaf or Chopped 10 oz. 49 Fresh Pasta Cut to Order; Spinach, Variety Pack 32 oz. pkg, '3.59 Samuel Morneweck was elected presi- Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority off Sandy Hook. In the words of Charles waste from the three communities C September, "the modern vehicle will dterit ofthe Ct-aMord Board bt Education metropolitan area including one in Garden Peas ______ 10 oz. 59 Egfc"Ibmatt Or WhflhrWheVr— Bitter DlfiHJd dr Dutch Fry! > carry 24 passengers and cost $27,000. about four miles down the Rahway Sheldon, former Rtiselle Park mayor Lihden.are similarly idled.- -"" '••;'" will be dumped- in the; o*ean thia Palmolive: C Squash Monday. Broccoli Spears _10 oz. 69 No Preservatives _lb. *1.99 Breasts 97 oz. pkg. $3.69 the Esscees have raised more than" He Is beginning his sixth year on the River from Cranford, where 175,000 wet and the authority's attorney,"RVSA has year. The mothballed dewatering Liquid _ __qt. com. '1.49 C US No. 1 Southern Yams __4 lbs./*l two thirds of the cost. Photo and tons of sanitary wastes are processed been left "sitting with our white The federal EPA's 1976 edict ordered Cauliflower _10 oz.
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