Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CIII PASSAIC, N.J., MARCH 12, 2014 NUMBER 5012 Assembly 162 Hosts Patronal Feast Day Observance in Clifton, N.J. 23rd International Men’s Basketball, Jr. Varsity “3 on 3” and Mixed Volleyball Tournament Set for DuBois, Pa. This year’s 23rd annual international Men’s Basketball and Mixed volleyball tournament is scheduled for the weekend of April 26th and 27th. The site for this year’s event will be DuBois High School in DuBois, Pa. Our 2014 tournament headquarters will be at the nearby Fairfi eld Inn & Suites in DuBois located just minutes from the high school. Our 2014 International tournament will once again feature three (3) divisions namely, the Men’s Basketball, Mixed Volleyball and our Jr. Varsity “3 on 3” competition. This divi- sion was adopted for our youth a few years ago and proved to be very popular for our younger members. As in the past, we will allow Groups to submit up to four (4) teams per division. In the Jr. Varsity division the teams can be comprised of male and female players but must be be- tween the ages of 13 – 15. These same players can play on the senior men’s basketball or mixed volleyball teams. This year’s competition will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday April 26th and will continue throughout the day. We will utilize all avail- able courts throughout the day with the Semi-fi nal and Final games scheduled for Saturday evening. This year the Men’s basketball com- Allen J. Benko, fourth from the left, was among the 50-year members honored at the annual patronal petition teams will play a double elimination format and the sched- feast day observance of Assembly 162 held at SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish in Clifton, N.J. on Feb- ule will be determined prior to the event by the Tournament Director. ruary 9. Principals shown with him on the photo include, from the left, Attorney John D. Pogorelec, The team’s ranking will be determined prior to the tournament by the Jr., Assembly 162 president; Rev. Martin Kertys, who celebrated the Slovak Mass; Supreme Secre- Tournament Director. The mixed volleyball competition and the Jr. tary Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C., Msgr. John J. Demkovich and our General Counsel and Honorary “3 on 3” basketball event will once again be an all day “round robin” President of Assembly 162, Attorney John D. Pogorelec. Additional photos from the celebration may tournament. be found on page 11. In an attempt to draw more participants, the volleyball competi- tion will be a mixed format. Each team must have a minimum of three women on the fl oor at all times. Complete rules will be forthcoming. Thoughts from the Supreme Chaplain Lodging will be the responsibility of each group. The necessary arrangements have been made at the Fairfi eld Inn & Suites, however The Great Season of Lent you must contact the hotel and secure your team’s lodging before by Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic March 28th. The hotel is located at 2219 Bee Line Highway, DuBois, “The annual observance of Lent is not sung or said during Mass PA 15801. The telephone number at the hotel is (814) 371-2260. As in (from Ash Wednesday until the from the beginning of Lent until the the past, the Supreme Assembly managed by the Tournament Direc- Mass of the Lord’s Supper, March Easter Vigil. Neither is the Gloria tor will cover the cost of the rooms. (4 participants per room) In addi- 5th to April with one exception (March 19th the tion a breakfast will be available both Saturday and Sunday mornings 17th) is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Spouse at the hotel. Saturday evening we will feature a buffet dinner. special sea- of the Blessed Virgin Mary). I am sure that the 2012 championship teams will all be prepared son for the During Lent the altar in Church to defend their respective titles. I am in the process of securing a priest ascent to the should not be decorated with fl ow- to have our Holy Mass of Obligation for Sunday. holy moun- ers, and musical instruments may Entry forms may be found on our website or a copy can be tain of Eas- be played only to give necessary emailed to you by simply requesting them from me. All tournament ter. Through support to the singing. However on entry forms must be returned to me with their entry fee per team, no its twofold the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laeta- later than March 28th. Please make your checks payable to: Slovak theme of re- re) and on Solemnities and parish Catholic Sokol - Sports Account and send to my home address at: pentance and Feasts, musical instruments may be 2821 Waterman Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15227. This year the cost of baptism, the season of Lent dis- played and the altar decorated with each team’s entry is $300.00 before the deadline date and $350.00 per poses both the catechumens and fl owers. team after the March 28th date. The entry fee for the Jr. 3 on 3 will the faithful to celebrate the paschal If marriages are to take place be $50. mystery. The faithful, listening during Lent, couples are to be re- If you have further questions or concerns please do not hesitate more intently to the word of God minded that wedding plans should to contact me directly at my home at (412) 881 – 3506 or email me and devoting themselves to prayer, respect the special nature of the li- at [email protected]. Looking forward to seeing you in DuBois!! are prepared through a spirit of re- turgical season, they should refrain Zdar Boh! pentance to renew their baptismal from too much pomp or display. promises” (Ceremonial of Bishops, Sometime toward the conclu- Edward D. Moeller 249). sion of the season of Lent it is rec- Supreme Director of Sports and Athletics One will notice that the Alleluia (Continued on page 6) PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, MARCH 12, 2014 Our Sokolka of Assembly 257 Pope Francis Begins Lent by Receiving Rebecca Kona-Stanciu takes fi rst place honors in Ashes from Cardinal Tomko at Santa Sabina Pole Vaulting at TAAC Middle School competition On May 16, 2013, as a sev- Also, on that day, Rebecca along enth grader at Ottawa Hills Ju- with three other teammates, took nior/Senior High School, Re- second place honors in the Girls 4 becca Kona-Stanciu, placed fi rst x 100 meter relay and third place in the Girls Pole Vault with a honors in the Girls 4 x 200 meter height of six feet, six inches, at relay. the Toledo, Ohio Area Athletic This was the fi rst year in which Conference(TAAC) - A Middle Rebecca participated on the Ot- School Championship held at tawa Hills Junior High School Gibsonburg High School in Ohio. track and fi eld team. She was elated to win as a fi rst time track and fi elder. This school year, as an eighth grader, Rebecca enjoys playing on the Ottawa Hills Junior High School volleyball team again and looks forward to her second year of track and fi eld competition as a Pope Francis receives ashes from Cardinal Jozef Tomko on Ash member of the school’s team this Wednesday. spring. Rebecca is our Sokolka of As- Continuing in a centuries-old Ash To continue this tradition, every car- sembly 257 in Chicago, Ill. She Wednesday tradition, Pope Francis dinal, regardless of where they re- hails from a long line of Assem- journeyed to the Aventine, one of side, is named as a titular priest of bly 257 members. Her maternal the seven hills of Rome, to begin a Roman church. Thus, Cardinal great-grandfather, Albert Mis- his Lenten pilgrimage on March 5. Tomko is the titular pastor of Santa tina was among the founders of As a pilgrim, he led the penitential Sabina. And from the Middle Ages, the lodge which was founded at procession from the Basilica of San the priest of Santa Sabina was given the former SS. Cyril and Metho- Anselmo to the Basilica of Santa Sa- the privilege of giving ashes to the dius Slovak Parish in Chicago. bina. To a chanted litany of saints, the Pope on Ash Wednesday. He served for many years as an Pope walked with Benedictines from During his homily, Pope Francis offi cer of the lodge and was ac- San Anselmo, Dominicans of Santa said that Lent is meant to wake up tive in Group 4. Other family Sabina as well as cardinals and bish- Christians and help them see that members belonging to the Chi- ops who work in the Vatican. At San- God can give them the strength to cago lodge include her mother, ta Sabina, Pope Francis blessed the change their lives and their surround- Dr. Lindy Kona, her sister, Jes- ashes and celebrated the fi rst Mass ings. In one of the liturgy’s readings, sica Kona-Stanciu as well as her of the Lenten season. At the begin- the Prophet Joel, he said “reminds us grandmother, Professor Martha ning of the liturgy, the Pope was the that conversion can’t be reduced to Mistina Kona. fi rst to receive ashes from Cardinal exterior forms or vague resolutions, Our congratulations and frater- Jozef Tomko, retired Prefect of the but involves and transforms one’s en- nal best wishes go out to Rebecca Congregation for the Evangelization tire existence, starting with the center as she continues to promote the of Peoples.
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