Oÿahu Zone 9 (Greater than 100 inches rainfall per year, 1,000 to 3,000 feet elevation) Oÿahu Zone 9, Fern/Fern Ally Height Spread Species Common name End/ind/pol (ft) (ft) Adenophorus abietinus N/A Endemic <1 1 Adenophorus haalilioanus N/A Endemic <1 1 Adenophorus Pai, palai huna Endemic <1 1 hymenophylloides Adenophorus oahuensis N/A Endemic <1 1 Adenophorus oahuensisi x A. N/A Endemic <1 to 3 1 pinnatifidus Adenophorus periens Palai läÿau Endemic <1 to 2 1 Adenophorus pinnatifidus N/A Endemic <1 1 var. pinnatifidus Adenophorus pinnatifidus N/A Endemic <1 1 var. rockii Adenophorus tamariscinus Wahine noho mauna Endemic <1 1 var. tamariscinus Adenophorus tripinnatifidus N/A Endemic <1 to 2 4 Amauropelta globulifera Palapalai a Kamapuaÿa Endemic 2 to 4 4 Arachniodes insularis N/A Endemic 1 to 5 3 Asplenium acuminatum Lola, spleenwort Endemic 2 to 6 4 Asplenium aethiopicum ÿIwaÿiwa a Käne, spleenwort Indigenous <1 1 Asplenium contiguum var. Spleenwort Endemic <1 to 2 2 contiguum Asplenium horridum var. ÿIwa, ÿalae, spleenwort Indigenous 1 to 4 4 glabratum Asplenium horridum var. ÿIwa, ÿalae, spleenwort Indigenous 1 to 4 4 horridum Asplenium insiticium Piÿipiÿi lau manamana, spleenwort Indigenous 1 to 4 4 Asplenium kaulfussii f. Küau, spleenwort Endemic 1 to 4 4 bipinnatum Asplenium kaulfussii f. Küau, spleenwort Endemic 1 to 4 4 dareoides Asplenium kaulfussii f. Küau, spleenwort Endemic 1 to 4 4 gemmiparum Asplenium kaulfussii f. Küau, spleenwort Endemic 1 to 4 4 kaulfussii Asplenium lobulatum Piÿipiÿi lau manamana, ÿanaliÿi, spleenwort Indigenous 1 to 4 4 Asplenium macraei ÿIwaÿiwa lau liÿi, spleenwort Endemic? 3 to 2 2 Asplenium normale Spleenwort Indigenous 1 to 4 2 Asplenium polyodon Pünana manu, spleenwort Indigenous 1 to 4 4 Asplenium unilaterale Pämoho, spleenwort Indigenous <1 to 2 2 Prepared for the City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply by Gregory A. Koob, PhD. All rights reservedGregory A. Koob Page 1 4/11/2004 Oÿahu Zone 9 (Greater than 100 inches rainfall per year, 1,000 to 3,000 feet elevation) Oÿahu Zone 9, Fern/Fern Ally Height Spread Species Common name End/ind/pol (ft) (ft) Athyrium microphyllum ÿÄkölea Endemic 2 to 5 8 Christella boydiae N/A Endemic <1 to 2 2 Christella cyatheoides Kikawaiö, kikawaioa, pikikawaiö Endemic <1 8 Christella cyatheoides x C. N/A Endemic 3 to 8 8 dentata Cibotium chamissoi Häpuÿu, Hawaiian tree fern Endemic 4 to 23 8 Cibotium glaucum Häpuÿu, häpuÿu pulu, Hawaiian tree fern Endemic 4 to 23 8 Cibotium menziesii Häpuÿu ÿiÿi, ÿiÿi, iÿiÿi, Hawaiian tree fern Endemic 8 to 27 8 Coniogramme pilosa Loÿulu, bamboo fern Endemic 1 to 3 2 Ctenitis latifrons ÿÄkölea Endemic 3 to 6 3 Cyclosorus interruptus Neke, swamp cyclosorus Indigenous 2 8 Deparia prolifera N/A Endemic 2 to 4 6 Dicranopteris linearis f. Uluhe, unuhe, false staghorn Endemic 4 to 8 38 emarginata Dicranopteris linearis f. Uluhe, unuhe, false staghorn Indigenous 4 to 8 38 linearis Diplazium arnotii x D. N/A Endemic 3 to 6 8 sandwichianum Diplazium arnottii Höÿiÿo, pohole Endemic 3 to 6 8 Diplopterygium pinnatum Uluhe lau nui, giant uluhe Endemic 4 to 10 38 Dryopteris crinalis var. Palapalai, ÿaumakua Endemic 1 to 3 1 crinalis Dryopteris fusco-atra var. ÿIÿi Endemic 1 to 4 2 fusco-atra Dryopteris glabra var. glabra Kïlau, hohiu Endemic 1 to 4 2 Dryopteris glabra var. nuda Kïlau, hohiu Endemic 1 to 4 2 Dryopteris hawaiiensis N/A Endemic 1 to 4 2 Dryopteris unidentata var. ÿAkole Endemic 4 to 8 3 paleacea Dryopteris unidentata var. ÿAkole Endemic 4 to 8 3 unidentata Elaphoglossum alatum Hoe a Mäui, ÿëkaha, stag's tongue fern Endemic 1 to 2 3 Elaphoglossum alatum x E. Stag's tongue fern Endemic 1 to 2 2 fauriei Elaphoglossum crassifolium Hoe a Mäui, ÿëkaha, stag's tongue fern Endemic 1 to 3 2 Elaphoglossum fauriei Hoe a Mäui, ÿëkaha, stag's tongue fern Endemic 1 to 2 2 Elaphoglossum paleaceum Mäkuÿe, stag's tongue fern Indigenous <1 to 2 2 Elaphoglossum wawrae Laukahi, hoe a Mäui, ÿëkaha, stag's tongue fern Endemic <1 to 2 2 Prepared for the City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply by Gregory A. Koob, PhD. All rights reservedGregory A. Koob Page 2 4/11/2004 Oÿahu Zone 9 (Greater than 100 inches rainfall per year, 1,000 to 3,000 feet elevation) Oÿahu Zone 9, Fern/Fern Ally Height Spread Species Common name End/ind/pol (ft) (ft) Gonocormus minutus N/A Indigenous <1 2 Grammitis hookeri Mäkuÿe lau liÿi Indigenous <1 <1 Grammitis tenella Kolokolo, mahinalua Endemic <1 1 Haplopteris elongata ÿOheÿohe, mana Indigenous <1 to 2 2 Huperzia erebescens x H. Gemmiferous fir moss Endemic <1 1 serrata Huperzia erubescens Gemmiferous fir moss Indigenous <1 1 Huperzia filiformis N/A Indigenous <1 1 Huperzia nutans Hanging fern moss Endemic 1 1 Huperzia nutans x H. N/A Endemic 1 to 2 1 phyllantha Huperzia phyllantha Wäwaeÿiole Indigenous 1 to 3 1 Huperzia serrata Gemmiferous fir moss Indigenous <1 8 Hypolepis hawaiiensis var. Olua Endemic <1 to 6 4 hawaiiensis Lepisorus thunbergianus Päkahakaha, ÿëkaha, ÿäkölea, puaÿa Indigenous 1 to 2 1 Lindsaea repens var. Laukahi Endemic 1 to 2 8 macraeana Wäwaeÿiole, huluhulu a ÿiole, hulu ÿiole, Lycopodiella cernua Indigenous 3 to 4 2 Christmas tree club moss Lycopodium venustulum var. N/A Indigenous <1 8 venustulum Marattia douglasii Pala, kapuaÿi lio, mule's foot fern Endemic 5 to 10 21 Mecodium recurvum ÿÖhiÿa kü Endemic <1 2 Microlepia speluncae N/A Indigenous 3 to 6 4 Microlepia strigosa var. Palapalai, palai Indigenous 1 to 4 4 strigosa Microsorum spectrum var. Peÿahi Endemic 1 8 spectrum Nephrolepis cordifolia Kupukupu, ÿökupukupu, sword fern Indigenous 1 to 3 8 Nephrolepis exaltata ssp. Niÿaniÿau, ÿökupukupu, pämoho, kupukupu, Endemic 1 to 4 8 hawaiiensis palapalai, sword fern Ophioderma pendulum ssp. Puapua moa, laukahi, adder's tongue Indigenous 1 to 2 1 falcatum Pneumatopteris hudsoniana Laukahi Endemic 4 to 6 4 Pneumatopteris sandwicensis Höÿiÿo kula Endemic 1 to 4 2 Polypodium pellucidum var. ÿAe, ÿae lau nui Endemic 2 1 pellucidum f. pellucidum Prepared for the City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply by Gregory A. Koob, PhD. All rights reservedGregory A. Koob Page 3 4/11/2004 Oÿahu Zone 9 (Greater than 100 inches rainfall per year, 1,000 to 3,000 feet elevation) Oÿahu Zone 9, Fern/Fern Ally Height Spread Species Common name End/ind/pol (ft) (ft) Pseudophegopteris Waimakanui, ÿäkölea, ÿalaÿalai Endemic 8 to 11 27 keraudreniana Psilotum complanatum Moa, moa nahele, pipi, flat-stemmed whiskfern Indigenous <1 to 2 1 Psilotum intermedium (P. N/A Endemic 2 1 camplanatum x P. nudum) Moa, moa nahele, pipi, ÿoÿomoa, upright Psilotum nudum Indigenous <1 to 2 2 whiskfern Pteridium aquilinum var. Kïlau, kïlau pueo, paiÿä, bracken fern Endemic 1 to 6 8 decompositum Pteris excelsa Waimakanui, ÿiwa Indigenous 4 to 10 8 Pteris lidgatei N/A Endemic 1 to 4 2 ÿAmaÿu, maÿu, maÿumaÿu, puaÿa ÿehuÿehu, Sadleria cyatheoides Endemic 6 to 13 10 ÿamaÿumaÿu ÿAmaÿu, maÿu, maÿumaÿu, puaÿa ÿehuÿehu, Sadleria pallida Endemic 4 to 13 10 ÿamaÿumaÿu, ÿamaÿu ÿiÿi, ÿiÿi, ÿiÿiÿi ÿAmaÿu, maÿu, maÿumaÿu, puaÿa ÿehuÿehu, Sadleria souleyetiana Endemic 4 to 15 10 ÿamaÿumaÿu Sceptridium subbifoliatum Makou Endemic 1 to 2 1 Schizaea robusta ÿOäliÿi makaliÿi, haili o Pua Endemic <1 to 2 <1 Selaginella arbuscula Lepelepe a moa Endemic <1 to 2 5 Sphaerocionium lanceolatum Palai hinahina Endemic <1 2 Sphaerocionium obtusum Palai lau liÿi Endemic <1 2 Sphenomeris chinensis Palaÿä, palapalaÿä, päÿü o Palaÿe, palaÿe, lace fern Indigenous 1 to 3 2 Tectaria gaudichaudii ÿIwaÿiwa lau nui Endemic 1 to 5 2 Vandenboschia cyrtotheca N/A Endemic 6 to 8 2 Vandenboschia davallioides Palai hihi, kïlau Endemic 6 to 8 2 Vandenboschia draytoniana N/A Endemic 1 to 2 1 Prepared for the City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply by Gregory A. Koob, PhD. All rights reservedGregory A. Koob Page 4 4/11/2004 Oÿahu Zone 9 (Greater than 100 inches rainfall per year, 1,000 to 3,000 feet elevation) Oÿahu Zone 9, Grass/Sedge Height Spread Species Common name End/ind/pol (ft) (ft) Agrostis avenacea Heÿupueo, bentgrass Indigenous 1 to 2 <1 Carex alligata N/A Endemic 2 to 6 1 Cyperus hypochlorus ssp. ÿAhuÿawa Endemic 1 to 3 2 hypochlorus Cyperus polystachyos N/A Indigenous 1 to 2 1 Cyperus sandwicensis N/A Endemic 1 to 5 2 Dichanthelium koolauense N/A Endemic <1 to 1 2 Eragrostis grandis Lovegrass Endemic 6 to 8 6 Fimbristylis dichotoma N/A Indigenous <1 to 3 1 Gahnia beecheyi N/A Endemic 2 to 5 4 Machaerina angustifolia ÿUki Indigenous 1 to 5 5 Machaerina mariscoides ssp. ÿAhaniu, ÿuki Endemic 2 to 3 2 meyenii Oreobolus furcatus N/A Endemic <1 4 Paspalum scrobiculatum Mauÿu laiki, ricegrass Indigenous 2 to 5 2 Possibly Schoenoplectus californicus Kaluhä, ÿakaÿakai 3 to 15 6 Indigenous Prepared for the City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply by Gregory A. Koob, PhD. All rights reservedGregory A. Koob Page 5 4/11/2004 Oÿahu Zone 9 (Greater than 100 inches rainfall per year, 1,000 to 3,000 feet elevation) Oÿahu Zone 9, Herbaceous Plant Height Spread Species Common name End/ind/pol (ft) (ft) Adenostemma viscosum Kämanamana Indigenous 2 to 4 2 Anoectochilus sandvicensis Jewel orchid Endemic <1 to 2 2 Astelia menziesiana Kaluaha, puaÿakuhinia Endemic 1 to 6 4 Bidens campylotheca ssp. Koÿokoÿolau, koÿolau Endemic 3 to 15 8 campylotheca Bidens macrocarpa Koÿokoÿolau, koÿolau Endemic 2 to 8 4 Bidens populifolia Koÿokoÿolau, koÿolau Endemic 2 to 3 4 Bidens torta Koÿokoÿolau, koÿolau Endemic 4 to 10 8 Coprosma granadensis Mäkole Indigenous <1 3 Dianella sandwicensis ÿUkiÿuki, ÿuki Indigenous 2 to 8 6 Gunnera petaloidea ÿApeÿape, ÿape, hähä Endemic 4 to 23 11 Joinvillea ascendens ssp.
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