April 10, 2008 Vol. 44 No. 13 The University of Western Ontario’s newspaper of record www.westernnews.ca PM 41195534 THE ‘oTher’ TOWER Middlesex College is nearly 50 years old and reporter Paul Mayne scrambles up the tower for an inside look at the biggest clock on campus. Page 9 What if a small Just One Channel city disappeared B Y DAVI D SCOTT Her work with Amnesty Inter- national helped lead the member If 18,000 women in Canada of the Mohawk community to her went missing, would people take decision to run for president of notice? the Native Women’s Association The equivalent number of of Canada (NWAC) in October women in terms of Canada’s 2004 and put her legal practice national Aboriginal population at Six Nations Grand River Ter- has gone missing since 1957. ritory on hold. She continues to Many were murdered. Few were secure funding for Sisters In found alive. A lot are still unac- Spirit, a research, education and counted for. And those are just policy initiative aimed at raising the known cases. public awareness about Canada’s Beverly Jacobs presented some missing and murdered Aboriginal powerful and disturbing facts and women. numbers as part of her guest lec- Jacobs held an eagle feather ture on April 2 at Dan and Mary during her presentation given to Lou Smoke’s First Nations in the her by one of the victim’s families News Media class. to help her when she spoke. “It’s Jacobs, a lawyer by trade who a very emotional and spiritual holds a law degree from Univer- issue. We’re talking about miss- sity of Windsor and a masters of ing spirits, murdered women. law from University of Saskatch- Unresolved murder of Aboriginal Paul Mayne, Western News ewan, was instrumental as lead women.” researcher and consultant for For the past few years she has Complete with weather, event listings, video feeds and even a Western News link, a news display screen Amnesty International’s Stolen been hearing more and more project has been launched on campus. With two large screen displays – one in the UCC atrium and this one Sisters Report released in 2004. stories from families of miss- in the USC office being checked out by USC President Tom Stevenson – viewers keep up-to-date on the latest The groundbreaking document ing daughters, sisters, aunts and happenings at Western. The project, initiated by Communications and Public Affairs (Joyce Peralta), King’s highlighted racial and sexual vio- mothers. Jacobs often becomes University College (Tim Bugler) and CHRW (Grant Stein), will see additional screens erected in the future on lence against Aboriginal women campus and at the affiliated colleges. in Canada. Continued on page 13 New program attracts women to engineering B Y BO B KLANAC opment Program which has subsequent increased demand for neers Without Borders organiza- road,” he says. attracted a remarkable number housing, roads, infrastructure, tion itself, dealt with international There are currently 20 students A few years ago, Ernest Yanful, of female engineering students. safe water, energy and food in development and the energy and in the Civil Engineering and Inter- Chair of Civil and Environmental According to Western Engi- the developing world, noting that enthusiasm of the students proved national Development Program Engineering at The University of neering, five of the eight students most of these issues deal with infectious to Yanful. with some having moved over Western Ontario, thought about who have selected International civil engineering. “I came back and made the pro- from the environmental engineer- future international development Development for second-year But it took a trip to an Engineers posal to the dean,” he says. “He ing program. The curriculum sees issues and the growth of female studies are female, a notable Without Borders conference for said ‘wow’.” the students take a mix of civil students in the faculty. uptick in a faculty that is 22 per Yanful to see how this pressing Yanful saw the program pro- and environmental engineering But the ‘aha’ moment where he cent female. world issue could be addressed by posal through the various levels of courses and two courses on inter- put the two issues together didn’t “The underpinning rationale Western’s engineering faculty. approval including faculty coun- national development. come until he saw the commit- is that over the next 20 years the “About 500 people were at cil and senate and it was launched “Following the completion of ment of women at an international population of the world is going to the conference, many of them last September. third year they go oversees on a development conference. Out of increase by two billion people and women,” he recalls. “Most of them “We are trying to respond to a four month summer internship,” that inspiration came a unique 95 per cent of these people will be paid their own way.” future trend by training a differ- says Yanful. “We want to place civil-engineering program that living in developing countries,” he “I couldn’t believe that students ent type of civil engineer with the them in a context to use their civil looks to the future for its suc- says quoting recent data from the would pay to go to a conference in skill set, exposure to and under- engineering background to solve cess. American Society of Civil Engi- Ottawa, and pay to stay in a hotel standing of development issues some problems such as water Yanful created the Civil Engi- neers. for three or four days.” so they can deal with the kind of neering and International Devel- Yanful goes on to point out the The conference, like the Engi- issues we see coming down the Continued on page 6 INSIDE: Careers 15 | Classifieds 16 | Coming Events 15 | Letters to the Editor 4 | Student Services 15 | Public Space 5 2 APRIL 10, 2008 WESTERN NEWS CAMPUS DIGEST TREATS ONLINE Jack Fairs, BSc’46, LLD’05; and EVENT CANCELLED sis works. Three Men in a Tub feature numerous sessions and Great Hall Catering has a the Mustangs Football Team of Due to health concerns, Ger- explores the concepts of the con- video presentations on diving new website. Check out www. 1939 (Joe Krol, Al Hurley, Roy maine Greer’s event on April 19 stant monotony in a life, and why and the historic wreck itself. For greathallcatering.ca and browse Kent and Morley Thomas will at Althouse College has been can- some choose never to leave that ticket information call 519-473- through the menu packed with represent the team). The event celled. For ticket refunds, bring situation while others opt to shut 1360 or visit uwo.ca/museum and tasty treats. Among the new fea- takes place April 24 at the Great your receipt to the Customer Ser- themselves away from it or deny click on events. tures for the Western commu- Hall with a 6 p.m. reception. Tick- vice Desk at The Book Store at it. The concert is free and held in nity is the Campus X-Press online ets $150. RSVP 519-850-2548 or at Western or Books Plus on West- Talbot Theatre at 8 p.m. ordering form. The form features [email protected]. ern Rd. For more information, GRAFFTI INVESTIGATION many traditional office coffee call 519-661-3520 ext. 84573. CONTINUES service favourites, is available EDMUND FITZGERALD Campus Community Police Ser- for delivery on campus, and pur- FACEBOOK SITE EVENT vice, along with assistance from chases can be charged to a uni- With all the recent news about POSITIONS OPEN The sinking of the freighter London Police, are continuing to versity account. Campus X-Press a Ryerson University student fac- Positions are open with the Aca- Edmund Fitzgerald in Lake Supe- investigate a pair of anti-Semitic orders received before May 2 ing discipline for coordinating a demic Pension Board and Admin- rior 33 years ago is the focus of a graffiti messages recently left in are eligible to win Lunch for Two Facebook study group, it should istrative Pension Board. Active one-day event by The University a Weldon Library bathroom. The in Michael’s Dining Room. Also be noted Western has its own offi- contributing members of the of Western Ontario’s Museum messages were removed imme- available at 519 661-3048. cial Facebook site. The address Western pension plan may stand of Ontario Archeology. The diately through Western’s graffiti (below) is impossibly long so it for election. Individuals must be event takes place April 19 at the eradication program. If you have may be simpler just to Google the able to serve until June 30, 2012. museum site, 1600 Attawandaron information on this, contact Cam- SPRING CLEAN-UP university and Facebook. The site In addition, a one-year vacancy Rd., in London. Billed as an under- pus Police at 519-661-3300. London’s annual Clean and is a work in progress, and likely is open on the Academic Pension water heritage event, the day will Green effort is slated for April to play an increasingly important Board. The deadline is April 21. 18. Residents are encouraged to role, particularly in event plan- For information visit: www.uwo. spruce up the area around them ning. www.facebook.com/pages/ ca/humanresources/facultystaff/ to clear away the clutter of win- London-ON/The-University-of- comp/pension/gov_plan_idx.htm 25 YEARS AGO IN WESTERN NEWS ter. Individuals can register at Western-Ontario/7616007794. www.cleangreen.london.ca or call 519-661-4570. The project started SHOWCASE FOR NEW n Someone came clean – a dish thief mailed a package of more 13 years ago as a single-day event WHOLE LOTTA WALKING COMPOSERS than 20 pilfered plates and other dishes from Montreal.
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