The Official Newsletter of the Society for E Personality and DIALOGU Social Psychology Volume 24, No. 1 Spring, 2009 Spring, 2009 Co-Editors: Hart Blanton & Diane Quinn Inside the Current Issue: SPSP Goes to Vegas in 2010 President’s Col- 1, 3, The 2010 SPSP convention The hotel recently completed to)! Rooms will be priced umn on SPPS 4 will be at the Riviera Hotel in a $50 million renovation pro- lower than in past years Las Vegas, Nevada, January ject that involved upgrading (around $160 per night), and 28 – 30. This famous hotel, rooms (including the creation the many relatively inexpen- Call for SPSP 2 located right on “The Strip,” of more non-smoking rooms), sive direct flights to Las Ve- 2010 Proposals has been featured in a number and improving the sizeable gas from various parts of the of films, including Austin convention space attached to country should lower the State of SPSP 2, 19 Powers: International Man of the hotel. The block of rooms costs even more. Mystery, Casino , and Ocean’s for SPSP will be in a tower The 2010 Convention Com- Publication Commit- 4 Eleven . Its original opening, that is totally non-smoking, tee Report mittee includes Monica Bier- in 1955, was hosted by Joan and conference goers will not nat (Chair), Wendi Gardner, Crawford and Liberace, and have to walk through the hotel and Toni Schmader. Chairing Travel Section: 6,7 its owners over the years have casino when going from the Marketing the Program Committee this included Harpo Marx, hotel rooms to the non- year are Serena Chen and Gummo Marx and Dean Mar- smoking convention hall Will Fleeson. APA Council Report 7,10 tin. (unless, of course, one wants 10 Ways to In- 8,9 crease a Paper’s President’s Column: More Than You Wanted to Chance of Success Training Committee 11 Know about the Founding of SPPS Report By Richard E. Petty, ment in the new journal is was the recommendation for concerned, I’ll begin the saga the society to explore the es- Dear Me! 11 2009 SPSP President with a special publications tablishment of a new short task force that was charged by reports journal modeled after Determinism is Not 12, 15 As I write this, our new jour- 2007 SPSP President Harry the highly successful Psycho- Just Causality nal, Social Psychological and Personality Science (SPPS ) Reis to look into changes in logical Science, but focusing has opened its doors (or web publication practices (e.g., exclusively on personality and The Will is Caused, 13, 15 “open access”) and new pub- social psychology. Short re- Not “Free” portals) for business for two weeks. In just the first week lishing opportunities. This ports were becoming an in- Graduate Student 14,15 of operation alone, 35 papers task force was chaired by then creasingly popular format in president-elect Jack Dovidio longstanding social psychol- Committee Report were submitted. In the next week, a similar number of and included Matt Lieberman, ogy journals with the current Trends and Hot 16,17, papers was added. Clearly, Julie Norem, Nicole Shelton wave perhaps being stimu- Topics in Social 19 this rate cannot continue, but and Eliot Smith as members. lated when Russ Fazio created Psychology SPPS seems to be off to an David Dunning and Harry a special section for brief re- exceptionally fast and healthy Reis served in an ex officio ports in JESP. start. What follows is a brief Diversity and Cli- 18,19 capacity. The task force As many long time mem- summary of how our new mate Committee made several key recommen- bers of SPSP might recall, our journal came into being – at dations to the SPSP Executive very first journal, PSPB , be- Report least as far as my sometimes Committee (EC) at its 2008 gan as an outlet for short re- faulty memory allows. And Away We Go! 20 annual meeting in Albuquer- ports with rapid publication. As far as SPSP’s involve- que. Of most relevance here (Continued on page 3) 2 GUE DIALO Call for Proposals: SPSP 2010 The SPSP Program Committee invites Poster Sessions ing a balanced and broadly represen- proposals for symposia and posters to be Poster sessions will involve standard tative program. presented at the Eleventh Annual Meet- poster presentations, which will also be ing of the Society for Personality and printed as poster abstracts in the Pro- General Submission Information Social Psychology (SPSP), which will ceedings. Poster submissions must in- An individual may be first author on be held January 28-30th, 2010, in Las clude the title, the authors’ affiliations, only ONE submission (symposium or Vegas, Nevada. The submission dead- and an abstract of up to 250 words. poster) and may serve only ONCE in a line is July 20, 2009. symposium speaking role. Individuals Submission Content may, however, be co-authors on more Submissions may be in the form of sym- • Abstracts must contain the specific than one paper (symposia and posters). posia or poster presentations and must goals of the study, the methods used, Please note that discussants are no be submitted electronically via the con- a summary of the results, and conclu- longer allowed in regular symposia sub- ference organizer’s website. E-mailed sions. missions. It is incumbent on symposia Calls for Proposals will provide the • Data must be collected prior to ab- organizers to verify that speakers in their internet site address for submission. stract submission. We will not con- symposia have not submitted their Deadline for submission is soon: July sider abstracts for studies that have names as speakers in other symposia. 20! not been conducted. Failing to do so may result in a symposia • The title of the abstract should clearly being rejected. Individuals are not al- Presentation Formats define the work discussed. lowed to switch who fills the speaker • After listing authors' names, give the role after submission. Symposia name of each author's institutional The 2010 Program Committee : Symposia will be 75-minute sessions affiliation. Serena Chen ( Co-Chair) that include three or more talks on a • Use only standard abbreviations. William Fleeson ( Co-Chair) common topic, printed as symposia ab- • Submissions will be reviewed with David Amodio stracts in the Proceedings. Symposium regard to: scholarly/theoretical merit, Veronica Benet-Martinez proposals must include a title, abstracts soundness of methodology, relevance Lorne Campbell of up to 250 words for each talk, and a to social and personality psychology, Melissa Ferguson 250-word (maximum) summary describ- clarity of presentation, significance, Mike Furr ing and justifying the symposium theme. and originality. Final selection among Kate McLean Please include audio/visual require- submissions deemed meritorious will Stacey Sinclair ments. be made with an eye toward achiev- Jeanne Tsai Iven Van Mechelen State of SPSP: Notes from the Executive Committee Meeting The SPSP Executive Committee held its Dialogue for a listing of current and Vegas (see the call for submissions bi-annual meeting following the SPSP newly elected members). above). Also on the horizon is the 2011 convention in Tampa Florida, on Febru- conference site, which will be in San th th Below we mention just a few of the top- ary 8 and 9 , 2009. Headed by Presi- ics covered in the meeting. Please see Antonio, Texas. The committee is now dent Rich Petty, the meeting explored the more extensive committee reports working on a site for 2012. The commit- new ways of expanding the informa- throughout this issue. tee also expressed a desire to build on tional reach of the society by growing some of the strong program coordination membership, improving interactions Membership and Treasurer’s Report . efforts of program committee co-chairs, with media, promoting society publica- SPSP membership continues to rise and, Sam Gosling and Wendi Gardner. The tions and on-line forums, and expanding as of January 2009, membership was at committee felt the emphasis on schedul- ongoing training efforts. These goals an all-time high of 5,637. Increased ing debates was a success. One good were greatly benefited in the past year membership, combined with increased “problem” the program committee con- from a conservative investment strategy. income from journals have also provided fronts is that the convention is attracting Monies not hidden under Rich Petty’s the society with a buffer it needs to so much high-quality work the there is mattress were placed in accounts with no good way to feature all of it with weather short-term downturns. secure returns, and as a result the society symposia. The EC discussed the addi- maintains broad freedom to pursue its Convention Committee. Coming off a tion of another day to the convention goals in the coming year. Any sugges- successful meeting in Tampa, Florida, schedule, but they concluded this was tions for the direction SPSP might take this year’s convention committee is hard not feasible given the success of precon- should be forwarded to members of the at work organizing the 2010 meeting in ferences. They concluded that a goal for SPSP Executive Committee (see back of (Con’t on page 19) 3 GUE DIALO President’s Column (continued from page 1) The short report tradition continued until pointed me to make connections with a certain editor of PSPB (that was me, I specific other societies and report back – the four of us decided to have a joint guess) decided to remove the highly at the mid-year August, 2008, meeting in venture agreement prepared that we restrictive page limits as a requirement Boston. I first set a meeting with Linda could pass by our respective societies for for submission.
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