$2.2M$2,200,000 $2,100,000 $2,000,000$2.0M Congratulations $1,900,000 $1,800,000 Class of 2020 $1,700,000 $1,600,000 MOTORS $1.5M$1,500,000 THE TEAM AT WAINALTA MOTORS WISHES THE CLASS OF 2020 ALL THE BEST IN THEIR JOURNEYS AHEAD. $1,400,000 AS A GIFT FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK, WE’RE GIFTING YOU WITH A LUXURIOUS DETAIL OR OIL CHANGE FOR YOUR PERSONAL VEHICLE. TOLLTOL FREE: 1 (888) 842-4471 $1,300,000 DON’T DRIVE YET? NO WORRIES WE’LL GIVE YOU A NO EXPIRY GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR WHEN YOU VISIT HOME. 2110211 15 Ave. Wainwright, AB $1,200,000 Come and Visit Us at *Available to all 2020 Graduates from the Wainwright High School, Blessed Sacrament, Irma, Chauvin, Edgerton, Hughenden & Provost. $1,100,000 www.wainalta.com Must register by June 30th to Qualify. Call for details. $1.0M$1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $0.5M$500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 1909-14 Ave. Wainwright $000,000 780-842-2010 PLEDGED COMMITMENT SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 10:30-12:00 CT SCANNER PROJECT ŘWK$YHQXH Building Better Communities OPEN ŘQG6WUHHW Donations can be made at all June 26, 2020 HOUSES ŘWK$YHQXH Wainwright Banks and Each Star News Inc. Wainwright AB. Volume 7 Number 36 Our mission: To serve our readers with news and advertising of high integrity. Encompass Credit Union in the area. WHS Class of 2020 celebrates in style Wainwright High School’s Class of 2020 could not have asked for a nicer day to celebrate their Photos: Zak milestone achievement on Saturday, June 20. The graduates and their families took a motorcade tour McLachlan through Wainwright on Saturday to celebrate their graduation. Zak McLachlan Wainwright, passing Wain- [email protected] wright High School, roll- ing down Main Street and meandering throughout his was an unusual a number of residential Tyear for graduation cel- streets. ebrations, as high schools Socially-distanced around the Wainwright crowds gathered all along area were forced to cancel the motorcade route as peo- or postpone their usual ple clapped, cheered and graduation ceremonies due celebrated along with the to COVID-19. graduating class. But that didn’t get Wain- Wainwright RCMP, wright High School’s Class Wainwright Fire and Res- of 2020 down. The gradu- cue and the Canadian ates donned their finest Armed Forces also took part graduation attire and cel- in the celebration. ebrated their big milestone It was a beautifully by taking part in a gradu- sunny day to celebrate a ates motorcade around group of well-deserving Wainwright on Saturday, graduates as they wrap up June 20. their high school careers The parade began in the and take the next step in PMM parking lot before their journey. winding its way through EDGE Cornerstone Co-op VintageVi Ink BreadB & BarB Dog WINE & FOOD Virtual Wine WildW White ƵƩĞƌ CabernetC SELECTIONS (Canada) (USA) SauvignonS PROVIDED Tasting RoseR BY sour patch warm brie (USA) June 26, 2020 @ 7PM kids candy cheese OR old cheddar OR Join us for wine club in the comfort roasted cheese OR A of your own home with Zoom! pineapple almonds BBQ chips RSVP [email protected] 2 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | Friday, June 26, 2020 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | Friday, June 26, 2020 19 Win Classified ads get results! To place a classified ad by, call (780) 842-4465 Beautiful day for a celebration CLASSIFIEDS email [email protected] or visit our website at www.starnews.ca. We take credit card payments by phone for your convenience. for a FOR RENT EMPLOYMENT CABIN AT ͞ŵĂŶǁŚŽƐƚŽƉƐĂĚǀĞƌƟƐŝŶŐ YEAR $9$,/$%/(,0 5 & *5$17 SHORNCLIFFE LAKE 0(',$7/< +ROGLQJV/WGRD ƚŽƐĂǀĞŵŽŶĞLJŝƐůŝŬĞĂŵĂŶǁŚŽ %HGURRP WRZQ 7LP+RUWRQV Open concept Kitchen, ƐƚŽƉƐĂĐůŽĐŬƚŽƐĂǀĞƟŵĞ͘͟ KRXVH ,V FXUUHQWO\ ORRN living room area with full PRQWKSOXV LQJIRU)RRG6HU Ͳ,ĞŶƌLJ&ŽƌĚ SRZHUDQGGDPDJH YLFH6XSHUYLVRUV bathroom, 1 bedroom GHSRVLW LQFOXGHV /RFDWLRQ downstairs, 2 bedrooms JDVDQGZDWHU &DOO WK $YHQXH upstairs. CALL US TODAY! :DLQZULJKW $% (780) 842-4465 7: $ Call Rick @ 780-806-3530 ',))(5(17 ǁǁǁ͘ƐƚĂƌŶĞǁƐ͘ĐĂͻϭϬϮϳͲϯƌĚĂǀĞ͘ 7HUPVRI(PSOR\ FOR SALE %8,/',1*61RZ PHQW 3HUPDQHQW 6HFXULW\ &DPHUDV )XOO WLPH 3DUW IRU\RXUSURWHFWLRQ 7LPH'D\(YHQ %DFKHORU $SWV The Wainwright High School's Class of 2020 graduation motorcade was a sight to see on Saturday, June 20. Graduates dressed in snazzy suits and Photos: Zak LQJ1LJKW:HHN 6WDUWLQJ DW Viking Auction beautiful graduation dresses paraded their way through Wainwright, as the community flocked to the motorcade route to celebrate alongside the McLachlan HQG 6KLIW 0RUQ A Day too Late? graduates and their families. The graduates were met with a special surprise gift of a rose at the Wainwright Flower Cart on Main Street. Despite not 6PDOO%HG LQJ(DUO\0RUQLQJ being able to take part in the normal graduation ceremony at the PMM this year, the Class of 2020 celebrated in fine fashion this past weekend. URRP$SWV6WDUWLQJ Market Ltd. 6DODU\KRXU $OOXWLOLW 780-336-2209 %HQHILWV Corner of Hwy 26 & 36 LHV LQFOXGHG LQ 6WDUW'DWH$6$3 Wainwright ERWK HYHQ SRZHU ([SHULHQFH\HDU DQGFDEOH&ORVHWR Rotary Club WROHVVWKDQ\HDUV +RVSLWDO&DOO (GXFDWLRQ1RGH JUHHFHUWLILFDWHRU REGULAR CATTLE SALES YARD SALE GLSORPD 3OHDVHFRQWDFWIRU every Tuesday @ 9:00am "BEER <$5' 6$/( ,1 MREGHVFULSWLRQ EDFN $YH +RZWR$SSO\ for 6DW-XQHDP ,Q3HUVRQRUPDLO WR SP DQG 6XQ $WDERYHORFDWLRQ -XQHDPWR %\HPDLO a YEAR" SPSURFHHGVWRJR ZDLQWLPV#JPDLO We've got you covered! WR &7 6FDQQHU FRP SURMHFW %\ ID[ Read the EDGE every Friday Cliff Grinde 780-336-6333 Take a Swig for all your local news Darcy Sheets 780-336-6485 & Events! Robert Kunnick 780-336-6301 Mel Pydde 780-933-0048 Buy a ticket from any Ed McCormack 780-787-0083 Rotarian or at Mike’s PetroCan and help us raise funds fo Classifieds phone: 780-842-4465 (102) the CT Scanner. Classifieds email: [email protected] ZZZVWDUQHZVFDŘŘUGDYH ǁǁǁ͘ǀŝŬŝŶŐĂƵĐƟŽŶŵĂƌŬĞƚ͘ĐĂ 1st Prize: Molson BEER FOR A YEAR (Supplied by Wainwright Liquor & Cold Beer Store & Molson/Coors) (value $1,000) EMPLOYMENT 2nd Prize: Automotivemotive Service & RepairR Molson BEER FOR A YEAR #3 1235-1 Ave. Wainwright, AB. (Supplied by Wainwright Rotary Club) (value $1,000) URGENTLY REQUIRED POSITION FOR BUSY SHOP EMPLOYMENT 3rd Prize: Looking for a third or fourth-year OPPORTUNITY (Supplied by Wainwright Apprentice or licensed technician. Patio Set The Buffalo Trail Public Schools is accepting applications for: Canadian Tire) (value $850) Wages commensurate with experience, top of the industry scale. Electrical diagnosis aptitude and BUS ROUTE CONTRACTOR PR-12 Student leadership is at the heart of what we do at Lakeland College. Join a team that 4th Prize: comprehension is a must. Must provide references. thrives on challenging, meaningful work. Help our students take the lead not only into the future, but today. LOOKING FOR A CAREER? Ř 6HUYLFLQJ VWXGHQWV LQ WKH +XJKHQGHQ$PLVN 7UDQVSRU- BBQ (Supplied by Wainwright Canadian Training and Apprenticeship available to WDWLRQ 6HUYLFH $UHD DWWHQGLQJ WKH +XJKHQGHQ 3XEOLF Instructor, Animal Health Technology - 1129 GARTH ROWSWELL, MLA Tire) (value $650) mechanically inclined individual. 6FKRROLQ+XJKHQGHQ$OEHUWDDQGWKH$PLVN $33/( Vermilion-Lloydminster-Wainwright &HQWUH 6FKRROLQ$PLVN$OEHUWD ( Supplied by Meatco :LL*\Y[PZ[VÄUKV\[TVYL*HSS All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Phone: 780-842-6177 Meat Package Ř0LQLPXP3DVVHQJHU%XV or email [email protected] permanent residents will be given priority. If suitable Canadian citizens or [email protected] Sales)(value $100) Ř:LOORSHUDWHDSSUR[LPDWHO\NPSHUGD\ permanent residents cannot be found other individuals will be considered. Ř&RQWUDFW7HUPLVIRUWKHVFKRRO\HDU&RQWUDFW Those selected for an interview will be contacted. Tickets $5 VFKHGXOHGWREHJLQ6HSWHPEHU Buffalo Trail Ř$SSOLFDQWV UHTXLUH D FXUUHQW GULYHU DEVWUDFW IXQFWLRQDO All resumes are to be submitted electronically on our website We are pleased to announce Draw Date: November 21, 2020 DVVHVVPHQWDQGFULPLQDOUHFRUGDQGYXOQHUDEOHVHFWRU www.Lakelandcollege.ca Public Schools FKHFN6DIHW\)LWQHVV&HUWLƓFDWHDQG2SHUDWLQJ$XWKRULW\ Read The Rotary Club members: Devon James Schatz VDIHW\DQGPDLQWHQDQFHSODQ:&%DQG*67QXPEHU FOR DETAILED INFORMATION REGARDING THIS EMPLOYMENT Wainwright Bev Brilz FULL TIME OPPORTUNITY VISIT LAKELANDCOLLEGE.CA has successfully completed George Bunz CUSTODIAL POSITION Applications for a Bus Service Contract and required his dissertation and on Calvin Clark information can be picked up at the address below or May 29, 2020 received his faxed upon request or on our website at www.btps.ca Barry Hall Buffalo Trail Public Schools is now accepting under the Careers tab. Contractor selection is based on Phd in Chemistry from the E-Edition Roger Holmes applications for a Permanent Full Time Custodian Administrative Procedure 701.5 Awarding of Transporta- University of California-Irvine. at Wainwright Elementary School in Wainwright, tion Contracts (701.5AP.Exhibit 2) which is also available online weekly at Doug Morgan on our website. David Neville Alberta. The position is for six (6) hours per day He received his bachelor of Science, StarNews.ca to commence as soon as a suitable candidate is Bryan Perkins Payment for service provided will be as per the current with specialization in Chemistry with And check us selected. The rate of pay is $18.05 per hour, accord- BTPS School Bus Transportation Service Contractor distinction, June 4, 2015 from the Arthur Schwentner ing to the CUPE Collective Agreement. Agreement. University of Alberta. out daily on Shelden Welch Applications to be submitted to: Charlie McCormick For further information contact the Director of Transporta- facebook Buffalo Trail Public Schools Devon has accepted a position with Ann Marie Nicklin tion Services, Mrs. Chrysti Mannix at (780) 806-2051. Ap- Gilead Sciences as a research scientist. facebook.com/ Attn: Jennifer Schneider, Custodial Supervisor plication deadline is Friday, July 10, 2020 at noon. Please Jennifer Taylor 1041 – 10A Street put route number (PR-12) on the application form.
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