TEN GIRLS LEAVE TO BECOME BENEDICTINE SISTERS : R E N I H E CATHOIIC ART FIVE MOKE F R i CANON QTY ^ SEEN» BY ACADEMY TAKE VOWS IN O K ‘S A N M ’ OF SPANISH PADRES AT CEREMONIES IN CHICAGO Chappell House Exhibits Recall Church’s Work Unusual Record of Vocations From St. Scho- for Culture Am6ng Her lastica Academy of the Royal Gorge People Is Reported A (By Millard F. Everett) Within the past few days ten Colorado girls have left for Alike in Catholic feeling and religious expression and The National Catholic Welfare Conference Newt Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. the motherhouse of the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago, where produced at approximately the same time, in other particulars We Have Also Our Own Extensive Special Service, the 1C of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the they intend to enter the novitiate. there could hardly be a greater contrast than that shown be­ Fides Service and the California Catholic Press Service Lorraine Schmitt of Canon City, Mary Ball of Denver, tween two types of art exhibited at the Denver Art museum, Louise Erlandson and Estelle Valdez of Alamosa left Canon Chappell house, Ithe last two weeks. A collection of old VOL. XXVII. No. 3. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1931. $2.00 PER YEAR City for Cliicago August 23. Pauline and Catherine Frede, masters and tapeistries from the Paul & Long galleries. New also of Alamosa; Mary Jane Cornelia of Florence and Anna York, featured especially two pictures of the Madonna and Rohrer of Pueblo followed August 30. Alma Trainhaile and Child, one of Italian and one of Flemish work, and a tapestry Leaders at Los Angeles’ 150th Birthday Elizabeth Lucius of Canon City, who have attended St. depicting a procession of the Medici, once in possession of the Scholastica School for Girls, Chicago, have made arrangements Vatican, along with panels of a nun’s delicate needlepoint em­ to enter the novitiate September 8. broidery on what was once part of a cope or chasuble. This, Five graduates of St. Scholastica work, representing the Renaissance at its height, is strikingly It was just a trifle ghastly to read of the Royal Gorge were among those wm a few days ago that Judge Ben Lind­ who took vows in the Benedictine or­ different in treatment from the museum’s permanent collection sey was near death and then, a few der at the August profession in Chi­ of “ Santos” and “ Bultos,” sacred images and statues produced hours afterward, to see a syndicated cago. Sister Miriam, formerly Helen by the early missionaries in the Southwest and natives taught newspaper article in which he came Russell of. Trinidad; Sister Charlotte, by them. The latter work, seemingly rather crude at first to the valiant defense of the Reno formerly Evelyn Welch of Steamboat divorce mill, with the pretense that Springs, and Sister Mary Grace, for­ glance, represents an intensity of religious feeling that was it helps family life to give people merly (Catherine Patterson of Lead- to find another expression in the organization of the “ Peni- their ^“ freedom' in order that they ville, made perpetual vows. Sister tentes.” It formed the beginning of an entirely new culture, X may marry once more. We heard M. Cornelfa, formerly Harriet Scott one in many respects distinctively American, that is a valuable again this week that the little judge’s of Pueblo, and Sister M. Eileen, for­ glib defense of neo-pagan standards merly Mary Tangney of Chicago, contribution to the art of this country. is working havoc among the non- both of the class of '29, made their The exhibition of tapestries and Catholics in Germany. first or simple vows. Two prominent members of the paintings, which ended at the mu­ hierarchy, who now head dioceses of If seum this week, was brought here by Merle Thorpe, editor of The Na­ tion’s Business, published in Wash­ their own, ■ but who in years past Capton M. Paul of the Paul & Long were high officials under -famous galleries. New York, and represents ington, D. C., ha* been lecturing in Denver and getting plenty of atten­ Archbishops, were Denver visitors parts of collections owned by royal R[GIS COLLEGE TOthis week. The Most Rev. Edward F. and noble families of Europe. Mr. tion because he is a brilliant writer. Mr. Thorpe, however, is. not repre­ Hoban, D.D., Bishop of Rockford, Paul had an exceptional opportunity was here Monday, on his way back to acquire these masterpieces by sentative of sound'economic thought. He is an out-and-out spokesman for East, after visiting in California and virtue of the fact that he is the son Nevada. The Most Rev. Thomas A. of the late Dr. Michael Dogolevitch, big business and showed his hand RESOME EVEIG Welch, D.D., Bishop of Duluth, was personal physician to the late Czar when he declared this week that “ too much dependence has been placed on here from Monday . to Wednesday, Nicholas of Russia. The entire ex Hi* Excellency the Mo*t Rev. Pietro Fuma*oni-Biondi, Apo*toIic Dele­ when he left with Bishop Vehr to hibit is valued at about $1,000,000 governmental assistance and failure gate to the United States, and the Most Rev. John J. Cantwell, Bishop has been the result in most eases.” attend the great celebration Sunday Christian Brothers Will Arrive It is to be disposed of to private col of Los Angeles and San Diego, who will be distinguished figures at CLASSES SEPT. opening the one hundred and fiftieth It has been noticeable lately that 21 lectors and museums in this country anniversary of Los Angeles, Cali­ in Diocese Next the ceremonies marking the ISOth anniversary of the founding of the various spokesmen for the high fi­ Regis College will begin its third This is the first time it has been ex fornia. He and Bishop Vehr will re­ city of Los Angeles, Calif. The Apostolic Delegate will be celebrant nancial powers are trying to create year of evening classes on Septem­ Monday hibited west of New York, and Den turn to Denver about Wednesday, of a Solemn Pontifical Mass to be sung in the Los Angeles municipal a prejudice against governmental ber 21. Registration will be. held on ver people had a wonderful oppor September 9. Word has been received that the stadium Sunday, September 6, at which more than 100,000 persons are bond issues for the creation of September 18 and 19. Courses will tunity to see some real art in its stay expected to attend. Bishop Cantwell has taken a very active interest in Bishop Hoban, who was ordained in following Sisters of the Precious here. employment or anythiftg of the kind be offered in the departments of Blood will arrive here to found the the sesquicentennial celebrations and has received the co-operation of that might bring Heavier taxation to accounting, biology, drawing, eco­ 1903, became Auxiliary Bishop of community that will take charge of Old Master* Included citizens of the city and state regardless of creed.— (Photos by Harris & the very wealthy. Mr. Thorpe give* nomics, English, French, mathe­ Chicago in 1921 and Bishop of Rock­ the domestic work at the Episcopal The old masters included paintings Ewing and Boye) the Pollyanna advice that “ fear and matics, philosophy, physics, psychol­ ford in L928. Bishop Welch, ordained residence, 1536 Logan: Rev. Mother by Gainsborough, Romney, Reynolds hesitation should be thrown aside” ogy, religion and Spanish. All lec­ in 1909, was consecrated Bishop of M. Agreda, superior general of the and others, but of most interest to and that “ each business man should tures and laboratories will be con­ Duluth in 1926. He was closely af­ community, who is coming to establish Catholics were the Madonnas by Fra reach out to obtain new business in­ ducted at the college at 7:30 o’clock filiated with two famous Archbishops the new convent; Sister Ursula, Sister Fillipo Lippi and the Master .of CHURCH IN CHINA GROWING, stead of waiting for something to in the evening. of St. Paul— Ireland and Dowling. Dolores and Sister Mary Ann, who Bruges. The beauty of the colors in happen.” Brother C. Arechaga, S.J., who is He was secretary to Archbishop Ire­ will remain here. The sisters are ex­ these paintings is a feature especially . The advice is not had for that known to many generations of stu­ land, 1910 to 1919, and Chancellor pected to arrive in the early part noticeable. Lippi played a part of PRIEST VISITING HERE SAYS type of mind that needs constant dents at Regis college, left on of the archdiocese, 1918 to 1923. He of next week. Mrs. Lucy Christensen, the utmost importance in the evolu­ stimulants in order to keep at work, September 4 for St. Stanislaus sem­ also served as Vicar General of the who was housekeeper for Bishop J. tion of the Renaissance and has been but it is simply absurd to think that inary, Florissant, Missouri. archdiocese. Bishop Hoban, after Father Cairns, M.M., Tells of Thrilling Experiences as “ Guest” serving from 1909 to 1921 as Chan­ Henry Tihen and who has been acting called the incarnation of the invinci­ of Bandits in Kwang Hoi the present world-wide depression Father John Gibbons, S.J., ad­ for Bishop Vehr pending the arrival ble naturalness of this period. His can be cured by methods Coue tried dressed the St. Vincent’s Aid society cellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago, of the nuns, will go to the Holy Ghost power springs exactly from this at­ a few years ago in treating physical last Tuesday.
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