Zirbt Tkertittb trait Vol. XXXVIII Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, Mass., June 3, 1964 Number 12 165 Deerfield Seniors To Graduate; Charles C. Noble Speaks To Group 0 Baseball Ends Season Against Cushing; Herbert Gezork Speaks At Dinner Tonight Col- At ten o'clock this morning in the western University, Springfield After Memorial Building the Class of 1964 lege, and Williams College. held will formally graduate in Deerfield's being ordained in 1923, he he was 166th Commencement program. The several pastorates before the Chap- traditional exercises will begin with finally appointed Dean of published the passing of the 165 graduation- el at Syracuse. He has educational study bound seniors between two ranks of many articles and author of underclassmen. After the diplomas units for youth and is the are distributed, the Rev. Mr. Charles Faith for the Future. C. Noble of Syracuse University Baseball Plays Cushing will deliver the Commencement An honor guard gathers in the graveyard for the annual salute The graduation exercises will be address. honoring those who have died in wars. followed by a luncheon for parents Mr. Noble is the Dean of the and guests at 12:15 in the Dining Hendricks Chapel at Syracuse Uni- Hall. The student body will picnic The Rev. Mr. Charles C. Noble Academy, Community Combine versity, where he coordinates the at the same time behind Hitchcock religious programs of the 16,000 House. At 2:30 varsity baseball students there. As senior chaplain will end a successful season in its Roger Bond Nichols For Celebration Of Memorial Day of the University, Dean Noble traditional duel with Cushing. preaches at services, counsels stu- 0 The senior class will be honored dents individually, and acts on be- Gives Baccalaureate The Deerfield community cele- '53, Associate Director of Admis- at the Academy Dinner in the Gym- half of the institution in establish- brated Memorial Day in a tradi- sions, delivered the keynote ad- nasium at 7:00. Parents and guests ing religious policies. He is active Sermon To School tional ceremony last Saturday, May dress. After discussing the history are invited to attend. Speaker for in the YMCA, serving as a director 30. Ringed around the Common, of the evolution of Memorial Day the occasion will be The Reverend of the New York State branch and The Reverend Mr. Roger four rows deep, were students from traditions, Mr. Harwell urged mem- Mr. Herbert Gezork of the Andover- Bond as a member of the organization's Nichols delivered the Deerfield, Bement, Eaglebrook, and bers of the audience to clarify their Newton Theological School. baccalaureate Frontier Regional schools, Boy often hazy and confused goals in International Committee. He was address to the student body last Scouts and Girl Scouts, as well as order to regain the national unity also the first president of the Na- Sunday, May 31. This sermon, tra- the veterans living in Deerfield. Af- present in the United States in 1944 tional Association of Chaplains of Mr. John Boyden Keeps ditionally the final religious service II. Universities and Colleges. before Commencement, was given ter an invocation, four Girl Scouts during World War SSAT Role placed wreaths on the Civil War At the cemetery Deerfield Brown- Born in Washington, D. C., in Instrurnental in the Brick Church. After scripture monument erected in 1867 by citi- ies placed flowers on several sol- 1898, Dean Noble attended Wilbra- readings and several hymns, Mr. zens of Deerfield "In grateful ap- diers' graves, and the honor guard ham Academy and Williams College Recently elected vice-president of Nichols spoke, directing his remarks preciation of the Patriotism and self fired a traditional gun salute. After and received his Bachelor of Divin- the Secondary School Admission primarily toward the graduating sacrifice of her lamented sons and a brief pause an Academy bugler ity degree from Union Theological Test Board, Mr. John C. Boyden, class. He pointed out several moral soldiers who for their Country and played "Taps." The ceremony was Seminary in New York City. He head of Deerfield's Admissions Of- precepts and tendered sound ad- for Freedom laid down their lives concluded with the return march to has received honorary degrees from fice, remains an instrumental figure vice to the departing seniors. As is in the war of the Great Rebellion." the Common, led by the veterans. George Williams College, North- in this nation-wide organization, customary on this occasion, the en- This was followed by a salute pre- after serving as its treasurer. In tire school was in attendance at the sented by the Boy Scouts. A mem- his position at Deerfield Mr. Boy- church. the ber of the Deerfield Grammar Emma Willard Is Host And Guest den was largely responsible for Spoke Often At Sings then delivered the "Gettys- creation of the board several years School Born in Lynn, Massachusetts, Mr. ago. burg Address." Nichols attended Bowdoin College. At the conclusion of these prelim- As Deerfield Boys Attend Dances SSAT gives tests on three oc- After graduating in 1945, he served inaries, Mr. Robert E. Harwell, Jr., casions each year to students in in the Navy for two years and then grades seven through 12. Since its studied at the Episcopal Deerfield boys attended two con- Gym for a dance. After an hour Theologi- Dance inception it has enlisted nearly cal Seminary in Cambridge, Mass., secutive dances with Emma Wil- of dancing to the Deerfield New Members Join 300 testing centers in the United until 1949. In 1952 he was lard; the first was at Deerfield Band and the combo, the festivities chosen start- States and abroad, boasting a mem- rector of the Episcopal May 15, followed the next Friday were terminated as the boys Church of Cum Laude Society school. bership of close to 50 institutions. St. James in Greenfield. During his by a Glee Club dance at Emma ed their long ride back to seven years of service there he fre- Willard. May 19, the student body wit- quently spoke at Deerfield Sunday nessed the initiation ceremonies The evening's activities at Deer- night Sings. At that time he be- held to admit fifteen members to field began as the boys were intro- came closely acquainted with sever- the Deerfield Chapter of the duced to their dates in the Mem- al members of the Deerfield faculty. national Cum Laude Society. The orial Building before they adjour- He is now minister of Trinity newly-selected seniors and juniors ned for dinner. Afterwards the Din- Church of Columbus, Ohio. lecture by Robert C. ing Hall resounded to the music heard a Is Noted Speaker Townsend '53 of the English De- of Ruby Newman's band as new In his address at the baccalaur- partment at Amherst College. dance steps were seen around the eate service of 1958 Mr. Nichols Cheek, this year's presi- floor. Richard elaborated on the theme "Give Me began the proceedings by ex- Is Success dent, Glee Club Concert Some Men." Noted as an outstand- that "The Cum Laude plaining Emma Willard reciprocated the ing speaker, he combines sobriety Society recognizes superior scho- following week, inviting the Glee and humor in his style. lastic achievement on the secondary to concert-dance in Troy, school level." Secretary Alan Cohen Club a Following a 4:00 arrival, then delivered a brief history of New York. an hour-long rehear- COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM the society, which was founded at the boys held Slocum Hall, met their dates, the Tome School in 1906. Cheek sal in to dinner. The concert 10:00 a.m. and Cohen presented each of the and went Commencement at 8:15, and in- twelve seniors and three juniors followed, starting Ceremony by Deerfield with his Cum Laude key and scroll. cluded nine numbers Memorial Building and two by the Emma Willard In his address, Mr. Townsend choir. Highlighting the evening 12:15 p.m. Parent's Luncheon emphasized the need for young was the singing of three move- discover something that Dining Hall men to ments from Franz Schubert's Mass commands their interest and to in G Major by the combined groups 2:30 p.m. Varsity Baseball pursue that topic. Stressing the under the direction of Miss Ellen vs. Cushing numerous opportunities available, Sue Williams, graduate of Emma Townsend closed by advising the Willard. 7:00 p.m. Academy Dinner new members to use their power Gymnasium to make a contribution to their Following the concert, the Glee Ruby Newman's band provides music for Deerfield's ballroom —photo by Baker community. Club escorted their dates to the prodigies and their Emma Willard dates. 2 THE DEERFIELD SCROLL June 3, 1964 Can We Handle it? Commencement: Our society has always gradually and con- Its Colorful Past sistently undergone a process of change, of me- tamorphosis. due to the remarkable pro- "One of the final events in the Now, Commencement gress of technology, this society will experience a program comes striking and abrupt change in outlook on tonight when the Alumni Ban- most its quet will life and death, nature, and its code of ethics. be held in the big tent behind Boyden Hall." So read a Creating life in a laboratory is no longer portion of a front-page article in just the far-fetched scheme of a dreaming theo- THE SCROLL of June 12, 1929. rist. Biologists and chemists are constantly inch- Commencement at Deerfield ing nearer and nearer to the uiscovery of that was not always the way it is to- elusive something which will give their lifeless day. The "big tent" referred to chemical compounds the characteristics of living was long an institution on Com- protoplasm.
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