ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda Revisions and Supplementals Note: This supplemental agenda is updated daily showing items that have been added, continued, deleted or modified. No new supplemental items will be added to the agenda following close of business on Friday. July 13, 2021 CONSENT 5. Deleted 11. Continued to 7/27/21, 9:30 a.m. DISCUSSION 28. Revised Title to read: County Executive Office - Approve grant applications/awards submitted by Sheriff-Coroner and District Attorney in 7/13/21 grant report and other actions as recommended; adopt resolution authorizing District Attorney or designee to execute grant award agreement and amendments with California Department of Insurance for Worker’s Compensation Insurance Fraud Program, 7/1/21 - 6/30/22 ($6,196,115); and making California Environmental Quality Act and other findings - All Districts THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS HAVE HAD CHANGES TO THEIR RECOMMENDED ACTIONS SINCE RELEASE OF THE AGENDA TO THE PUBLIC: Item: 28 S u p p l e m e n t a l I t e m (s) S28A. Social Services Agency - Approve contracts MA-063-21011347 with 22nd Century Technologies Inc., Tryfacta Inc. and Lloyd Staffing Inc. for temporary help services, 8/1/21 - 7/31/24 (aggregate total $3,130,000); renewable for one additonal two-year term; and authorize County Procurement Officer or authorized Deputy to execute contracts - All Districts S28B. Health Care Agency - Approve contract MA-042-21011772 with Charitable Ventures of Orange County acting through its fiscally sponsored Project Kinship, for enhanced care coordination services for reentry in response to COVID-19, 7/13/21 - 1/31/22 ($1,033,855); and authorize County Procurement Officer or authorized Deputy to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and execute contract - All Districts S28C. Chairman Do - Approve addition of various neighborhood, youth and Chamber of Commerce events for District 1 cities to FY 2021-22 County Events Calendar and make related findings per Government Code Section 26227 SCS3. County Executive Office - CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Tom Hatch RE: Terms and conditions of employment for non-represented employees REVISIONS AND SUPPLEMENTALS TO JULY 13, 2021 AGENDA - PAGE 1 OF 2 Document last updated: 7/13/2021 8:03 AM ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda Revisions and Supplementals Note: This supplemental agenda is updated daily showing items that have been added, continued, deleted or modified. No new supplemental items will be added to the agenda following close of business on Friday. SCS4. County Executive Office - PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b): Title: Executive Director, Office of Independent Review SCS5. County Counsel - CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1): Name of Case: Max Chance, III v. County of Orange Case Number: 30-2021-01188076 SCS6. County Counsel - CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2). Number of Cases: One Case REVISIONS AND SUPPLEMENTALS TO JULY 13, 2021 AGENDA - PAGE 2 OF 2 Document last updated: 7/13/2021 8:03 AM Agenda Item AGENDA STAFF REPORT 28 ASR Control 21-000065 MEETING DATE: 07/13/21 LEGAL ENTITY TAKING ACTION: Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT(S): All Districts SUBMITTING AGENCY/DEPARTMENT: County Executive Office (Approved) DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON(S): Peter DeMarco (714) 834-5777 Cynthia Shintaku (714) 834-7086 SUBJECT: Grant Applications/Awards Report CEO CONCUR COUNTY COUNSEL REVIEW CLERK OF THE BOARD Concur Approved Resolution to Form Discussion 3 Votes Board Majority Budgeted: N/A Current Year Cost: N/A Annual Cost: N/A Staffing Impact: No # of Positions: Sole Source: N/A Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A Funding Source: N/A County Audit in last 3 years: No Prior Board Action: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION(S): Approve grant applications/awards as proposed and other actions as recommended. 1. Approve Grant Application – Sheriff-Coroner’s Department – FY 2021 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program – $2,000,000. 2. Approve Grant Application – Sheriff-Coroner’s Department – FY 2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Formula Program – $427,301. 3. Approve Grant Award and Adopt Resolution – District Attorney’s Office – Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud Program – $6,196,115. 4. Receive and File Grant Report. SUMMARY: See the attached Grants Report. Page 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: See the attached Grants Report. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A STAFFING IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENT(S): Attachment A -Grants Report Attachment B- DA Workers Compensation Resolution Page 2 Attachment A DRAFT County Executive Office/Legislative Affairs July 13, 2021 Item No: 28 County of Orange Report on Grant Applications/Awards The Grants Report is a condensed list of grant requests by County Agencies/Departments that allows the Board of Supervisors to discuss and approve grant submittals in one motion at a Board meeting. County policy dictates that the Board of Supervisors must approve all grant applications prior to submittal to the grantor. This applies to grants of all amounts, as well as to new grants and those that have been received by the County for many years as part of an ongoing grant. Receipt of grants $50,000 or less is delegated to the County Executive Officer. Grant awards greater than $50,000 must be presented to the Board of Supervisors for receipt of funds. This report allows for better tracking of county grant requests, the success rate of our grants, and monitoring of County’s grants activities. It also serves to inform Orange County’s Sacramento and Washington, D.C. advocates of County grant activities involving the State or Federal Governments. On July 13, 2021 the Board of Supervisors will consider the following actions: RECOMMENDED ACTIONS Approve grant applications/awards as proposed and other actions as recommended. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Approve Grant Application – Sheriff-Coroner’s Department – FY 2021 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program – $2,000,000. 2. Approve Grant Application – Sheriff-Coroner’s Department – FY 2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Formula Program – $427,301. 3. Approve Grant Award and Adopt Resolution – District Attorney’s Office – Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud Program – $6,196,115. 4. Receive and File Grants Report. If you or your staff have any questions or require additional information on any of the items in this report, please contact Cynthia Shintaku at 714-834-7086 Page 1 of 8 CEO-Legislative Affairs Office Attachment A Grant Authorization eForm GRANT APPLICATION / GRANT AWARD Today’s Date: July 3, 2021 Requesting Agency/Department: Sheriff-Coroner Department FY 2021 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Grant Name and Project Title: Program to Support Law Enforcement Agencies Sponsoring Organization/Grant Source: (If the grant source is not a government entity, please provide a brief U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs description of the organization/foundation) Application Amount Requested: $2,000,000 Application Due Date: July 26, 2021 Board Date when Board Approved this N/A Application: Awarded Funding Amount: N/A Notification Date of Funding Award: TBD Is this an Authorized Retroactive Grant Application/Award? No (If yes, attach memo to CEO) Recurrence of Grant New Recurrent Other Explain: If this is a recurring grant, please list the Applied for $2,000,000 in 2020; no funding amount applied for and awarded in award was received. the past: Does this grant require CEQA findings? Yes No Other Type Explain: Competitive What Type of Grant is this? Formula program Yes __50%_Match_ No County Match? How will the County Match be Fulfilled? In-kind expenditure (Please include the specific budget) Will the grant/program create new part or full- time positions? No Provide a summary and brief background of why Board of Supervisors why Purpose of Grant Funds: should accept this grant application/award, and how the grant will be implemented. The goals of BWC PIP are to support the purchase of body-worn cameras (BWCs) by law enforcement agencies and to ensure that they are implemented as part of a comprehensive body- worn camera program that embodies evidence-based and problem-solving approaches. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) is among the largest in the nation, providing exemplary law enforcement services focused on a collaborative, dedicated, and innovative approach to public safety. In line with the core values of professionalism in the performance of duty and vigilance in safeguarding our community, OCSD is implementing a body worn camera (BWC) program and integrated Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) in the Fiscal Year 21/22. If awarded, these funds will assist with the cost of providing network infrastructure to the existing deployment of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department’s body worn cameras. Nine separate OCSD sites require internet bandwidth upgrades for 3,000 gigabytes of video and audio evidence uploaded daily. Grant funds will also be used for training costs of sworn and support personnel. Page 2 of 8 Grant Authorization e-Form CEO-Legislative Affairs Office Attachment A Grant Authorization eForm The performance period will start on October 1, 2021 and will end on September 30, 2024. Sheriff intends to return to the Board to request approval to accept the grant funding if awarded. Board Resolution Required? Yes No (Please attach document to eForm) Deputy County Counsel Name: Nicole Sims, Supervising Deputy County Counsel, reviewed the (Please list the Deputy County Counsel that approved the application packet attachments (allocations, special conditions, etc.). Resolution) Recommended Action/Special Instructions (Please specify below) Authorize the Sheriff-Coroner or designee to submit, on behalf of the County of Orange, the FY 2021 Body- Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program to Support Law Enforcement Agencies, to the U.S.
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