Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1970-1979 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 10-1972 The aG zette October 1972 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19701979 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette October 1972" (1972). LU Gazette, 1970-1979. Book 7. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19701979/7 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1970-1979 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. y.t . - Ax. V W e l c o m e Hom ecom ers Langston THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1972 o > Coronation - Gayles Gymnasium - African Attire 8:30 p.m. Coronation Ball - Gayles Gymnasium -Follows Coronation Celebrates FRaDAY, OCTOBER 13,1972 Hospitality Hours - Faculty Clubhouse 6:00 • 8:00 p.m. Senate Meeting - Harrison Library 8:00 - 11:00 pjn. Langston Homecoming Hospitality Hours - Faculty Clubhouse 11:00 p.m.-l:00a.m. Pre-DaWn Dance - Hale Student Union 2:00 • 6:00 a.m, 44 Focusing on the Future*’ is SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14,1972 the theme for Homecoming Week at Langston University October 9- Senate Meeting - Harrison Library * 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Parade 11:00 a.m. 14. Many activities are planned Open House (All Dorms) 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. to delight the 1972 Homocomers. FOOTBALL GAME - Langston Lions vs. University The main events will start with the Coronation and the Coronation Southeastern Savages (Anderson Field) 2:00 p.m. Concert - Kool and the Ga% - I. W. Youi« Audi* 6:30 pan. Ball on Thursday* October 12. Concert - Kool and the Gang - I. W. Young Aud. te30 p.m. The Ball will be held in Gayles Admission for Guests - $2.50 Gymnasium at 8:30 p.m. All Homecoming Dance - Gayles Gymnasium the Sweethearts on Langston's Admission for Guests - $1.50 10:00 p.m. • 1:00 ami. Gazette campus will be honored during the Coronation. The sweethearts £S • • and their escorts will be dressed LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, Vol. XXML No. 2, Qg«nbpr , 1972 in African attire. Miss Ruby Hardin, a senior Elementary Education major from Memphis, Tenn. is Miss Langston for 1972. The Coronation Ball will follow the crowning of Miss Langston. Hospitality Hour for Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and Friends will be held Friday, Oct. 13 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Faculty Clubhouse. The Langston University ann­ ual Senate Meeting of the Alumni Association will be held Friday evening from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., in the Harrison Library. Another Hospitality Hour will follow from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Faculty Clubhouse. A Pre-Dawn Dance will be held in the Hale Student Union Building from 2 a.m. to 6 ajn. The Alumni Senate Meeting wiU resume Saturday morning, from 8:00 to 10:00 in Harrison Library. The Parade, in which campus organizations vie for prize-win­ ning floats, will start at 11:00 a.m. Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded tcrthe organi­ zations whose floats best depict the Homecoming theme. The University will Sponsor an Open House of all residence halls from 10:00 a.m. to l:9jl p.m., Saturday. Kick-Off time is 2:00 p.m. The spectators will see the Lang­ ston Liops^pitted againstthe South­ Ruby Hardin eastern Stdte CoUegOv Savage s. Raycene Brown Last year, Langston defeated the Miss Langston University Panhandle Aggies 42-27. Miss Football Queen Kool and the Gang will be Miss Ruby Hardin' has been Miss Hardin was featured featured in two concerts Home­ Miss Raycene Brown Miss Brown will be pre­ chosen Miss Langston University on the 44Now Generation*’ tele- has bisen selected 1972-73 sented during the Coronation, coming evening, at 6:30 p.m. and for the 1972-73 school year, vision program on Channel 5, 8:30 pan. The price of admission Miss Hardin is a senior from^KOCO-TV, on Sunday, October 8, Football Queen for Langston 12 and during half-time University. Miss Brown is a the Langston Lions and the for guests will be $2.50. The Memphis, Tennessee. She is ma- 1972 at 12:00.I. SheSheal also appeared senior from Detroit, Michigan Southeastern State Salvages concerts will beheldinthel. W. joring In Elementary Education on the ,4Ida B Show” which will majoring in Physical EDucation football game Oct. 14. Kick-off Young Auditorium. and minoring in Foreign Lang­ air on Thursday, October 12, The Homecoming Dance will uage. 1972 at 8:30 a.m. also on KOCO- and minoring in Education. time *s 2:®0 Pm» be held in Gayles Gymnasium Miss Hardin is very active in TV, Channel 5. Miss Brown has been AdmissiSn for guests is $1.50. campus activities. She is a mem­ Miss Hard) n wiU be crowned very active :in campus activi­ Homecoming tickets, r e now ber of Who's Who Among Ameri­ on Thursday night, October 12, ties. She is a former presi­ on sale for the football game. can CoUeges and Universities for during the annual Coronation of dent of Gandy Hall, member The price is $2.50 for adults, 1972, Delta Sigma Theta Soro­ Miss Langston. The Coronation 6f Delta Sigma Theta Sonority, LANGSTONITES!! $1.50 for students, aid $1.00 for rity, Inc., the Elementary Educa­ will be held In Gayles Gymnasium Inc., and has been a member ^ - children. tion Club, Student Education As­ at 8:30.- The dress is African at­ of the Langston Univ^jsity Limited housing wilibe avail­ sociation, L.U. Dance Majoret­ tire, preferably. Immediately cheerleaders for three years. DON’T MISS KOOL AND able for Homecomers on the tes, and a prospective member following the Coronation, the Co­ After receiving a degree Langston University campus. of Kappa Delta Pi National Honor ronation Ball will be held in the from Langston in Physical Ed­ THE GANG IN CONCERT The fee is $5.00 per person, Society. Gayles Gymnasium. ucation Miss Brown plans to Miss Langston will also be return to Detroit and attend plus $2.50 linen and key depo­ Miss Hardin*s future plans include furthering her education the center of attraction during Wayrie State University Mediaal sit. Those interested in cam­ at Memphis State University in the half-time performance OhSat- School. She hopes to obtain O' I.W. YOUNG AUD. pus housing should contact the urday, October 14, at the Langston Memphis or the Univerity of In­ a certificate in Physical Ther­ Student Development Center, diana in Terre Haute, concentra­ vs. ^Southeastern State football Langston University, Langston, ting in the area of guidance and game. Kick-off time is 2:00 p.m. apy, and enter the'field of a 6:30 and 8:30 p.m . Oklahoma 73050. counseling. General Medical Practitioner. 2, Laqgeuoe Gesette, October 1972 i ___ C* Biology Dept. <r Faculty S u m m e r News J o b News Langston University has s Terry Hammond, sophomore crutch to bear, by virtue of the fact that it is a Black institution. agricultural economics major at Progress is slow and apathy is L.U., completed three months of training in Stillwater with the abundant. It is a situation most of us readily accept. But atti­ U.S. Dept of Agriculture, Soil tudes are taking a new turn in Conservation Service (SCS). The student-trainee pro­ Hamilton Hail. One of the many gram consists of planned on- new programsiin the Biology De­ partment is Dr* Arthur C. Wash­ the-job training during the sum­ mer, and is coupled with atten­ ington’s Slime Mold Research project, which helps bring new dance at college for the dura­ fUnds into the school and opens tion of the scholastic year. It new job opportunities. The bi­ is recognized that the work- ology department has beenfUrthor training and attendance at the educational institution are es­ honored to have Mr. Lesll* L. sential parts of the duties of Love, a biochemist-technician, the position. The intent of the from the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. specific program in which Terry Dr. Love, co«t worker with Dr. participated was to provide an Washington, is also co-author opportunity for him to work with of approximately ten publica­ the SCS each summer at a diff­ tions, attended Illinois State Uni­ erent location in Oklahoma to versity, and has been doing inde­ Dr. Joy Flasch, Professor learn the SC S’s organization and pendent research on the chemical of English, Langston University, purpose, and to train in the aspects of the SUm9 Mold for 12 has been notified that her name various technical fields with the years. Mr. Love stated that he has been put forward for bio­ expressed goal, upon graduation, feels Langston University has graphical and pictorial inclusion Convocation of becoming a professional Soil great opportunity and tremendous in “ The World Who’s Who of Conservationist. foundation to go further into sci­ Women - 1973." She recently Terry, a native of Bristbw, ence. He will be here for only a completed a critical biography Dr. Thom-.; Eugrn was received Ids high school diploma Dr. English is a member week, but he expects to return of Melvin B. Tolson, Black poet the speaker at the Formal in 1971 from Bristow High School of the Oklahoma County and* " sometime next year. and former professor of Eng­ Opening of Langston University where he was an honor student State Commue’ty Coordinated Through a summer program lish and drama at Langston Uni­ for the 1972-73 academic year.
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