INCS I ffT ER 0 IS CI Pl IN AR f NINETEENTH-CE~rrunY STUDIES #:l~- ;,;... ..:.! F 4' . \_ r"'fi~ I ' ~~:"f~}~')U ~}~~ .~ 7th ANNUAL INCS CONFERENCE 1992 BORDERS OF CULTURE, MARGINS OF IDENTITY APRIL 10 & 11, 1992 L.Oyola University New Orleans Host Institution PROGRAM 7th ANNUAL INCS CONFERENCE 1992 BORDERS OF CULTURE, MARGINS OF IDENTI1Y Loyo!a University New Orleans, Louisiana INCS Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Seventh Annual International Conference Loyola University, Host Institution in cooperation with Tulane University, University of New Orleans, and Xavier University New Orleans April 10-11, 1992 Borders of Culture; Margi.ns of Identity PROGRAM Thursday, April 9, 1992 5:00- 7:00 P.M. Registration Lobby, Avenue Plaza Suite Cash Bar Ashley House, Avenue Plaza Suite 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Executive Board Meeting Ashley House Friday, April 10, 1992 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. Registration; Continental Breakfast Audubon Room, Danna Center SESSION I PANEL 3: Nietzsche and the Failure of 19th Century Claibornell 9:00 - 10:30 A.M. Imagination PANEL 1: Confrontations with the Self Octavia II Jesse Nash (Test Review Institute, Loyola University), Moderator I Panelist: "Priests and Other Women: Bronte, Dickens and Nietzsche" Frederick Burwick (English Department, University of California at Los Angeles), Moderator I Panelist: "John Clare as Lord Byron: Brittain Smith (Modem Foreign Languages, Loyola University): Madness and the Margins of Identity" "Nietzsche Contra Wagner, or: Aphorism vs. System" Patrick Cahill (History of Consciousness, University of California, James Watson (Philosophy Department, Loyola University): "Our Santa Cruz): '"Something Savage and Luxuriant': Whitman's Appro­ Inner Beasts: Dolmance, Hop-Frog, Zarathustra" priation of Native American Names" Anthony Harding (English Department, University of Saskatchewan): PANEL 4: Icons of Danger: Female Sexuality Claiborne I "The Unstable Subject: Cazotte, Lewis, Hogg" Pat Boyer (English Department, Tulane University), Moderator Eugene Hollahan (English Department, Georgia State University): "On the Borders of a Literary Career: Hopkins Against the Tradition Elizabeth Claman (Comparative Literature, University of Oregon) for Lyrical Assortments" "Danger at the Edge of the Field: Representations of 'la fille publique' in Parent-Duchatelet and Victor Hugo" PANEL 2: Social Class and Self-Construction Octavia I Elizabeth Katrovas (English Department, University of New Or­ leans): "Promiscuous Swans: The Iconology of the Romantic Balle­ Carl Dyke (History Department, University of California at San rina" Diego), Moderator Jane Kristof (Art Department, Portland State University): "Apples Sophia Andres (English Department, San Jose State University): and Snakes: Eve in the Late Nineteenth Century" "Domination and Subjugation, Loss and Gain in Daniel Deronda" Gary Wells (Art History, Ithaca College): "Class Consciousness, 10:30 - 10:45 A.M. Coffee Bohemianism, and the Artist-as-Outsider: Reconsidering a Fable of Audubon Room Modem Art" William Wilson (English Department, San Jose State University): SESSION2 "The Bourgeois Pygmalion and the Ideology of Victorian Love" 10:45 .: 12:15 P.M. Susan Zlotnick (English Department, Vassar College):"The Incom­ PANEL 5: Constructing the Literary I: Gendering the Octavia I plete Lyre: Working-Class Women's Poetry and the Construction of a Poetic Identity" Literary Chris Vanden Bossche (English Department, Notre Dame Univer­ sity), Moderator 2 3 Caroline Gebhard (English Department, Grinnell College): "Gender New Hampshire), Moderator I Panelist: "Christian and Infidel: The and Literary Greatness in Nineteenth-Century America: James Feni­ Clash of Two Cultures in French Restoration Tragedy" more Cooper and Harriet Beecher Stowe /1 Julie Cochran (Art History, Southern Methodist University): "Victor Lisa Lowe (Literature, University of California, San Diego): "British Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris, the Gothic Revival and the National­ Educational Policy in India and the Formation of Colonial Subjects" ist Spirit in France" Anne Mellor (English Departme11t, University of California at Los Laura Sebastian-Coleman (English Department, University of Roch­ Angeles): "Romanticism, Gender, and Genre" ester): ''The Gendered National Subject: Irish Subjectivity and Women of 'Ninety-Eight" Thais Morgan (English Department, Arizona State University): "Constructing Masculinities in Victorian Criticism: Swinburne and Irene Stocksieker Di Maio (Foreign Languages and Literature, Louisi­ Pater" ana State University): "Unification as Integration: Fanny Lewald's Prinz Louis Ferdinand and Die Familie Darner" PANEL 6: Re-Presenting Wordsworth Claibomel PANEL 8: (Re)locating the Margins in Victorian Fiction Claibomell Nancy Easterlin (English Department, University of New Orleans), Moderator William Wilson (English Department, San Jose State), Moderator Kieth Hanley (English Department, Lancaster University), Modera­ Julie Codell (School of Art, Arizona State University): "Thrice Margi­ tor /Panelist: "Nation and Region: Wordsworth Living on the Edge" nalized: Woman I Artist I Socialist in Mrs. Humphrey Ward's Marcella and the Late Victorian Art World" Wilhelmina Hotchkiss (English Department, California State Univer­ sity, Long Beach): "Wordsworth's Fenwick Notes: Recovering a Laura Fasick (English Department, Moorhead State University): Poetic Autobiography" 11Aesthetics and Insularity in Thackeray" John L. Mahoney (English Department, Boston College): "The Rydal Ruth Haber (English Department, Worcester State College): "Rede­ Mount Ladies' Boarding School: A Wordsworthian Episode in Amer­ fining the Borders, Moving in from the Margins: The Handicapped ica" in Victorian Fiction" Stuart Peterfreund (English Department, Northeastern University): Ann Pedersen (English Department, Tulane University): "Absent "Unreal City: Wordsworth's Anti-Urban Ideology, the Miltonic In­ Weavers and Industrial Presence: Toward an Understanding of tertext, and the Beginning of The Prelude (Once Again)" Trade and the 'Middle' in Middlemarch" Arnold Schmidt (English Department, Vanderbilt University); "Alienation and Displacement: William Wordsworth and the Naval 12:30 - 2:00 P.M. LUNCHEON I BUSINESS MEETING Mutinies of 1797' Audubon Room Welcoming Remarks: PANEL 7: Nation, Culture, Self Octavia II Rev. George Lundy, S.J., Senior Vice President and Dean of Faculties, Barbara Cooper (Department of French and Italian, University of Loyola University 4 5 SESSION3 PANEL 11: Romantic Deployments of the Past Claiborne I 2:15 - 3:45 P.M. Glen Brewster (English Department, University of Tennessee), Mod­ Octavia I PANEL 9: The Scene of Crime I The Scene of Culture erator Ronald Foust (English Department, Loyola University), Moderator Brad Hollingshead (English Department, Duquesne University): "The Use of the Past in the Romantics' Dramatic Activity" Chuck Dyke (Department of Philo~phy, Temple University): "E. A. Poe and his Traveling Show: Eureka, on the Margin or the Lunatic Greg Kucich (English Department, University of Notre Dame): Fringe?" "Romantic Duality and the Eighteenth Century: Self-Representation and Historical Narrative" Derede Arthur (English Department, Stanford University): "Crimi­ nality, Class Identity, and Early Nineteenth-Century English Fiction" Peter Schock (English Department, University of New Orleans): "Byron, Blasphemy, and Satanic Subversion" Simon Joyce (Department of English, SUNY, Buffalo): "Resisting Arrest I Arresting Resistance: Nineteenth-Century Crime Fiction, the Clare Simmons (English Department, O:lio State University): "Bulwer­ Police, and Foucauldian Literary History'' Lytton's Zanoni and Trollope's La Vendee: Bad but Innocent?" David Lloyd (English Department, University of California, Berkeley): "Violence and the Constitution of the Novel" PANEL 12: Transgressions: Gender Against Patriarchy Claiborne II PANEL 10: Interiors Octavia II Nancy Anderson (History Department, Loyola University), Modera­ tor Barbara Deming (Historical Studies, Notre Dame Seminary), Modera­ tor Julie English Early (English Department, University of Alabama in Huntsville): "Slipping the Net: Margaret Fountaine's Love Among Mary Favret (English Department, Indiana University): "A Home For the Butterflies" Art: Painting, Poetry, and Turner's Petworth Interiors" Teresa Mangum (English Department, University of Iowa): "From Thad Logan (English Department, Rice University): "Foreign Objects: New Woman to Brave New World" Souvenirs and Exotica in the Victorian Parlor" Deborah Morse (English Department, College of William and Mary): Elizabeth Medina (English Department, Northwestern University): "Trollope's Lady Anna: 'Corrupt Relations' or 'Erotic Faith?"' "Women Framed and Fragmented: Painting and the Construction of Visual Space in Middlemarch and DanieLDemnda" Diana Postlethwaite (English Department, St. Olaf College): "Some­ times I feel Like a Motherless Child: Freud's Anna 0. and Austen's Rebecca Stem (English Department, Rice University): "Gothic Light: AnneE." Visibility and the Construction of Subjectivity in the Victorian Novel" PANEL 13: Visual Regimes Miller114 Therese Dolan (Tyler School of Art, Temple University), Moderator 6 7 Julia Ballerini (Art History Department, University of Hartford) SESSION 5 "Heritage Re-viewed: Reproductions of Sculpture as Pictured by 9:00 -10:30 A.M. Three Inventors of Photography-Bayard, Daguerre, and Talbot" PANEL 14: Culture and Canon: Intersections and Odavial Nadine Lemmon (International Center for Photography, New York Exploitations
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