Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 9-16-1965 State College Leader - September 16, 1965 State College Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging to all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation State College Leader Staff, "State College Leader - September 16, 1965" (1965). University Leader Archive. 156. https://scholars.fhsu.edu/university_leader/156 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. '.;i I • I I \ , ''• . d· ·_ .. ····· m_pu-s .T o.ay ..1--..;;;---.;._~---_...;;;:.__.;....:,;.._~----~----~-..;...;.~---------------t . '"'··,.;·. ,. ;. ,, . !' * ·* * * * * * * Governor ·Ends Week 1 ' ! Volume~v-rnu~ LIX Fort Hays Kansas ~rnuua~~.~~rurn~rnState College, Hays, Kansas 67602 Thursday, September 16, 1965 · No. 2 ----·---------.:..------ .Of Visiting·Institutions r Governor William H. Avery and a delegation consisting ( At Annual Retreat ... of nine state officials will tour FHS campus this afternoon. \ Avery is expected to arrive in Hays at 1 :50 p.m., after a tour of Larned State Hospital. Included in Avery's party are > ·Students, Faculty Analyze- lsstJes Senator Glee Smith, Larned; Mar- tin M. Kiger, executive director, ker, Osborne junior: Linda Ohlemeier, La Department of Administration; A combination of 42 students and 32 faculty members Crosae senior; Pat Spomer, Hays senior; Ron will discuss "The Roles of the Student In A Campus.Commun- Home. Hays senior: John Duff. Beloit senior:. James Bibb, director, Budget Di- Judy Johnson, Hays senior; and Fred Bongo, vision; James -Canole, state archi- ' ity" at the fourth annual Student-Faculty ·Retreat Saturday Leopoldville, Belgium Congo junior. Kerry Thalheim ,Great·B·end junior: Blaine tect; Henry Knouft, director, at Camp Pecusa on Webster Lake near Stockton. _ Roberts, Hays senior; Diane Smith, Spring- : purchasing division; Roy Shapiro, field, Va. senior: Gary Kisner, Great Bend --Tfre--group-wi-ll- lea.ve-from Me- include James Forsythe, Dr. Cal- junior; Larry Watkins, Garden City sopho- controller, accounts and reports di- morial Union at 7:45 a.m. Satur- vin.,Harbin ·and Garwood. Students more; Judy Sipe, Den\'er, Colo. junior: Jean vision; Max. Bickford, executive of- Oborny, Timken senior; and JoAnne Murphy, day and at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Bill Jelli- serving on the committee are Jean Rwsell sophomore. ficer, Board of Regents, and Robert -~on, dean of men, will open the Oborny, Timken senior; Judy Sipe, Marilynn Wilson, Great Bend junior; Dave Haines, director; institutional man- Meckenstock, Ha)'ll junior; Cheri Ruder, Oak- 'd119's activities with a speech en~ Dnever, Colo., junior; and Dave ley sophomore; Tom Riffe, Stockton senior : agement. ,~ t~d "Role of the Student in the l\leckenstock, Hays junior. Roy Brungardt, Hlll City senior; Jim Rusco, Ujiversity." · · · Great Bend graduate student ; Sue MaPeS, · President 1\1. C. Cunningham Natoma junior: Sharon Zimmennan. Mullin- 'The purpose of the retreat is to formed the Student-Faculty ,, Rec- ville junior: ·Sue Hudson, Hutchinron junior: BULLETIN gh·e students and f aculiy members reation Committee to plan the re- Cheryl Cain, Hays senior; Janet Nelson, Gol·ernor William H. A,•er)·'s Hays senior: Pat.sl Bale, Sublette junior; and . an opportunity to discuss problems treat each year and to assist in Dan Gl~h. Enten>ris-e junior. scheduled tour of FHS was shell"ed of mutual interest," Dr. John Gar- i m p 1 e m e nt i n g the discussions Chris Conklin, Abilene senior; Annen at press time today, when his plane Ruud, Jamestown senior: Janet Papes, Wa· wood, dean of the faculty said. throughout the year. Keeney sophomore; Robert o~born, Stockton was grounded at Topeka airport. The thre~ topics on tap are "The The day's schedule of events, fol- junior: Keith Bunselmeyer. Hudson sopho- more: Jim Bird.."4!11, Ellis senior; Jon Peten>, Academic Role," "The Role of a lowing Dr. Jellison's opening talk, Oberlin junior: Jerry Lohrmeyer, Loizan During Avery's two-hour stay on Responsible Citizen" and" The Role is as follows: At 10 a.m. Le Cafe . :sl'nior; Gary . McFarland, Almena ..enior: campus, he will take a bus tour of Karen Gilchrist, Rexford junior: Delbert of a College Policy Maker." In- du Matin; The Academic Role at Martin, Tribune senior: Bill Smith, Milton· the housing area, meet with FHS cluded in the three topics are var- 10:15 a.m.; Erholung at 11:30 a. ,·ale junior; and Delbert Stout, Morland jun- administrators in the Memorial ied subtopics ranging from the sig- . m.; and Le Dejeuner at noon. ior. ' . Union and take a walking tour of nificance of the student's academic Starting the afternoon's activity the campus proper. role on and off campus to questions is the second topic, "The Role of· FHS. Sophomore Vying Highlighting the afternoon's ac- concerning the "overplay" or "un- the Responsible Citizen." Follow- tivities ,vm be President M. C. derplay" of the student's role in ing is Le Cafe de l'apresmidi at Fo~ State Dairy Crown Cunningham's talk in the Memorial college policy. 2: 15 p.m.; "The Role as a Policy A Fort Hays State sophomore Union to the government party. Plans for the retreat were made · l\faker" at 2:45 p.m., Erholung at from Bucklin, Linda Miller, is one Cunningham will present a general by the Student-Faculty Recreation 4 p.m.,and Le Diner at 5 p.m. of 10 ·candidates c·ompeting for the briefing about FHS to Avery and Go,·. William H. A very Committee, composed of three fac- Students attending the retreat title of Kansas Dairy Princess at -his delegation. members and three students. are as follows: · the Kansas State Fair in Hutchin- P'aculty members on the committee. Elaine Thoma~. Hay5 junior: Robin Par· son, Saturday. -Another Floor Ready In ·McMindes Wing Within a matter of days, · Mc- ings. The new wing also has two l\Iindes Hall fourth floor will be elevators and a reading-listening occupied by ,..,·omen students now room, which will be carpeted dur- ..> temporarily- quartered in Agnew ing- the first week of October. Hall South and Custer Hall, Ed Women residents will be assisted Johnson, director of housing, said in mo,;ing by the housing office. Tuesday. Residents waiting to occupy floors Representatives from the State one and two are living in Custer - Architect's office in Topeka · in- and third floor women are being spected fourth floor W ednesday, housed in Agnew North. and following completion of ceil- Housing director Ed Johnson ings, the floor ,.,;u be ready for said that Oct. 15 is the target date residence. for completion of the entire Mc- At present, floors five ·and six Mindes wing. house 106 women, in rooms decor- ated entirely with white furnish- Board Reviews Leader Meeting Slat_ed For Reporters, Staff Soph Parking The first meeting for reporters and staffers on the State College Leader is slated for .S :30 p.m. to- On FHS Campus day, nccording to Managing Editor Sophomores living in the cit)· of Gary Kisner. · Hays will have to walk to class if I' Anyone interested in working on the Board of Regents approves A the Leader is asked to attend the recommendation from FHS's Traf- meeting. ,.,-hich will be held in fie Tribunal, Sept. 23 and 24. :',fartin .Allen Hall, Room 106. Sal- The Tribunal took the action aried reporter positions are still __ during the spring term to nlle"•iatc I. a,·ailahle. · the parking problem on cnmpus, where less than 1,000 pnrkinJ: spac- I es are available. Present student parking fees are IYearbooks Ready I goin~ jnto a fond to build n park- ing lot adjoining the new library, All students who have not pick- when it is completed. Sophomore!! ed up 1965 Reveilles nre urged to who commute from nearby com- get books this week. Copies may he secured nt the yearbook office on munities nre being issueii permits. IC the measure is not approved , the first floor of Martin Allen Hall. Student!-< who hnve lost receipts by the Board of Re~ents. sopho- for yearbook photo a ppointments more!! will be allowed to purC'ha!le permits. may secure duplirntes nt the Rev- eille office next week. Picture np- pointments may he made \\·ith n FHS Sheaf Accepting photocraphy secrell\ry in the Un- ion. literary Manuscripts Photoi,rraphy will begin at 8 a.m. ~f anusc-ripts fo r the $hf'A.f. th r- ~ton<iay in the Homestead Room. rnmpus lit('rary marrnzine. ma :-· N It i!- imperntive that students keep submitted to R. Paul Day, instni, · picture nppointments M the four- tor in En£li ~h. ~t artin A llf'n 1-11111. week ~chedule is ti~htly planned. Room 202. If c-hanjZ'es in dnss sc- heiiules neces- ( reative wMk. !IU, h a~ poetry , sitate c- hnnginiz appointmenL~. ~hort ~torie~ nn<l play~ S\r(' printed SEPTF.'.\1 RF.R'S I.EA DER Jant-t Rarnet~ by th«- 1-f'adu Atatf and a Mmteflt it111 lw!ld eTery please report to the photo1TT11 pher·~ in th" <1 tUdt>nt puhlirnti,m.
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