FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 19T0 Average Daily Net Pr6ss Run The Weather PAGE TWENTY-FOUR For Hie Week Ended Clear tonight with frost or ilan rlifstp r Siipnitis i|px'ali> October 10, 197(1 freezing, temperatures; low in considerable attention and re­ upper~^s to low 30s. ’^^omonrow Key women of CSiurch Worn- The American Legion Auxlli- sunny, cool; high about 50. quests for copies from librarians 1 6 ,0 0 0 en United who have tickets for ary will meet Monday at 8 jf.m. 3 To Speak Monday fair, milder. About Town the Good Will luncheon to. be at the Post Home. The Auxill- within arid without the state. Manchester—-A City o f Village Charm The Women’s Guild of Trlnl- held Oct. 28 at noon at the Man- ary has been invited- to attend Hunt will address the 1,800 ty Covenant Church will spon- Chester Country Club are re- the joint installation of officers At Session teachers and librarians expected VOL. L X X X X , NO. 15 (SIXTEEN PAGES —• TV SECTION) (ClMSlfled Advertising on Page 18) PRICE TEN CENTS sor a rummage sale tomorrow minded to have ticket returns of the Rocky Hill American to attend on the nature of science MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1970 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Com- in by Oct. 20. Legion and its Auxiiiary on On Readinjy fiction and its relationship'to munity Y, 79 N. Main St. ----- Thursday, Oct. 2.1, at 8:30'p.m. literature iri general. He said he ----- Polish Women’s Alliance j^e Stevens School, 322 Three Manchester people h.ave regards it as a highly Imaglna- ’The Junior Girls Choir and Group 246 will meet Sunday at orchard Sti, Rol!ky Hill. been invited, to speak at the and creative form, which be- Luther Choir of Emanuel 2:30 p.m. at the Polish-Ameri- ___ afternoon session of the 21st ]Qj,gg m the literary program o f . Lutheran Church will rehearse can Club on Clinton St. Grace Group of Center Con- Annual Connecticut Reading any educational institution. U.S. Economists See Report on Kent Riot tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in Luther ----- gregational' Churcli will meet Conference. It will be held at jgckson will discuss the Hall of the church. The Bell The Zion Lutheran Church Monday at ^8 p.m............... in the................ Robbins New I.x)ndon High School under ^ameipai library’s role in the Choir will rehearse tomorrow at Grade 7 youth instruction will church. Robert the sponsorship of the Connecti- reading habits of townspeople Production Recovery Sharply Critieized 10:16 a.m. at the church. meet tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at „ Gotham of Glastonbury will cut Reading Council and State improvement of services to the church. speak about his experiences .as Board of Education. patrons through communication HOT SPRINGS, Va. (AP) — confidence have all edged up re- By THE ASSOCIATED FBtiSS The Rev. Clifford O. Simp­ The South United Methodist ^ Peace Corps volunteer in Aspects of science fiction from schools. To put it more suc- Twenty industry economists as- cently. Because of high recent The special state grand jury’s report exonerating son, pastor of Center Congrega­ Bured the Bustoess Council to- rates of saving>, consumers have Church Grade 7 Fellowship will Brazil. three viewpoints will be the pinctly he said, “The name of Ohio National Guardsmen involved in the fatal shooting tional Church, will conduct a subjects of .John F. .lackson, the game is to reach out.’’ day that the economic slowdown ample spending money. Auto of four Kent S’tate University students has t^en sharp­ service Sunday at 8:16 a.m. on at 7:30 in the Church Women United will head librarian; Gilbert Hunt, has touched bottom and a sales are foreseen at 9.6 million radio station WINF. The pro- lounge, Gracyalny, who will fly in ly criticized by parents of the dead students. have a forum meeting ’Tuesday Manchester High School Engli.sh moderate recovery is under vehicles or more, about 5(X),0<X) “ I have lost faith in Justice in gram is sponsored by the Man- . department Chairman; and John Jrom Case at 9:30 a.m. at Community Bap­ more than in 1970. America,” said Martin Scheuer, Chester Council of Churches Keeney St. School will tist Church. a'^Gracyalny, MHS 1970 gradu- in ^Cne— Omo. ’The consensus of the council’s There was general agreement and the Clergy Association of sponsor a bake sale tom o^ w of Youngstown-, Ohio, whose 20-, I / " * 0 panel of professional consult- that anti-inflation efforts have year-old daughter Sandy Lee Manchester. ^.m. to 2 p.m. at CTs- The invitation is the outgrowth describe the high j c h ^ l ___ pino 8 Supermarket on Hartford ants was delivered at a closed beg^m to show measurable re- was amongnot thosethnfip slain.niftin. Waddell School PTA will of the publication of “ Beyond ence fiction ^ v^ue m t li Rd meeUng of high government suits. The industry economists ’’You mean you can get away ’The youth ministry committee ___^ sponsor a pumpkin sale tomor­ All Worlds’’ in June. It consisted for « economic officials and top-rank voiced continuing concern, how- . with murder in this country?” Told to Keep oMhe N o ^ e in (^nnecUc^ Dls- ^ row from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in of a.list of 100 brief critical re- entation be Wterary ^ scienU- indilstry executives at the coun- ever, over the federal ^dget asked Bernard Miller, of Plain- trict of the Lutheran Church ^ elected nresident the school parking lot. views of 92 .science fiction books, f‘0- He will a oil’s fall meeting here. deficit, the pressure of rising field, N.Y., father of Jeffrey will meet tomorrow from 1 to 4 recently was elected president submitted by student and faculty dience specific suggesUo^ for . „ ______, r of the Manchester Memorial ‘"nie outlook is for continued costs on prices, and the balance Miller, 20, one of the slain stu­ p.m. at Emanuel Lutheran Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bates of afficionado.s of the genre at a, club to provide benefit and Improvement through 1971, de- of payments problems, Calm Attitude Professional Nurses ^3^ ESt..will be host and dents. Church. Miss Christine Bensen _ *i » xt ............... MHS. Mary Cheney Library enjoyment for students, spite the impact of the current The panel discussion will be “ This is murder,” he contin- and Mark Ahlness, membere of Con^cUcut lenses Sunday afternoon at RAVENNA, Ohio (AP) — The printed the list for distribution It’s another ■ year and new strike against General Motors," replayed on Sunday at the White ued. “ I’ve said it before and president of Kent State Univer- Emanuel, will attend the meet- Association, and Mrs. Sue Wilson Junior Museum. He will among patrons. Lynn Beaulieu, membership in the MHS scl- said the forecast, presented to House. President Nixon has In- Injr n® secretary of the unit, at a f^n with rocks and min- I’ll say it again. These are Robert I. White, has asked Learning About Poseidon Missile, a 1969 MHS gradu.ate and mem- ence group, which has changed the business organization by the vlted the participants to discuss recent meeting at Mott’s answer questions klds-not with weapons-they jtg jl.OOO students to take in her of the Mary Cheney staff, its name from ‘'Beyond ^ 1 chairman of Ite economic com- the outlook with him. They will Community Hall. Mrs. Ansaldl individual’s personal Mid.shiprnan .Tames E. Schreiben of Mand»«ster discusses a Poseidon missile were throwing abuse, not bul- gtride a grand Jury report which created the cover design. Worlds’ ’ to “ The Armageddon mlttee, Blmy Mason Jr. board Washington Sunday mom- lets. It’s ridiculous. They cannot exonerated Ohio National succeeds Mrs. Phillis Hufford. collection. model with Ronald S. Macaldo, guidance counselor at Manchester High School. Maealdo was one of a group of area educators recently completing a three- “ Beyond All Worlds” received Foundation’ ’. chairman of Union Carbide ‘"9^ mountain resort. exonerate the National Guard Guardsmen knd criticized the Corp., New York. industry partlcl- The Sodality of the Blessed Harry Maidment of the Man- dav orientation program at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. The after students are maimed for university for disorders that left DAVE REPRESENTS THE Hie consultants predicted that James M. Roche, is Sacrament will sponsor a com- cbgster High School guidance lirogram covered such areas as admission reouirements and the new academic life and killed.” four dead and nine wouhded. TAXPAYER real growth in producUon next chairman of the ptrike- Nine students were wounded "vVe have long known that the ed beef and cabbage dinner department will discuss proccd- '•’ciiitnn. A 1970 graduate o f Manchester High School, Midshipman ONE DAY-SATURDAY ONLY! year will range from 2.4 per (Jeneral Motors Oorp. YEAR ROUND Sunday noon at St. John’s Par- ures for submitting applications, Schreiber is the s?on of Mr. aufl Mrs. George S. Schrieber of 464 Gardner St. in the May 4 shooting, which grand Jury report would create cent to 4 per cent. foUowing a industrialists took place after guardsmen problems,” White said Friday 7 Ish Hall on Golway St.- After f^aflnortesting infrtrmntinninformation, visitinP'visiting col- * dinner, members of the Friend- leges, and selectivity of col- MEN- year of virtually no real in- month-old were called to the campus to on a closed-circuit television a will feature flower arrange- terests of the congregation will crease in output in 1970.
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