DARIEN RESOURCES INC. Trap Rock Project Long Township, Sault Saint Marie Mining Division Report on Trenching, Drilling, and Bulk Sampling, Claims 4219196,4223995, and 3009531 Long Township -by- RECE\VED ~!0\l 2 4 'LO\\ GEOSCIENCE ~SSESSMEN1 Jamie Lavigne, MSc., P.Geo. OFFICE November, 201 1 - 1 - TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION... ...................... .... .... .......... .. ............. .... ... ...... 2 PROPERTY, LOCATION, ACCESS, AND TOPOGRAPHY. .. ..... .. .. ... ... .. 2 HISTORY AND PREVIOUS WORK...... .. ...... .. .. ... ... ... ...... ... ... .... ...... 2 REGIONAL AND PROPERTY GEOLOGY..... .................... ........ ... ..... 5 NIPISSING DIABASE..................... ............... ................................ 7 2011 WORK PROGRAM . .. ... .. 7 DISCUSSION OF PROGRAM AND RESULTS ............................... ... ... 7 Trenching Mapping Drilling Chip Logging Sampling Sieving and Crushing Geochemistry CONCUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ... ......................... ......... 11 REFERENCES... ................................. ... ..................................... 11 AUTHORS CERTIFICATE.................. ....... .................................... 12 APPENDIX 1: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS LIST OF FIGURES: Figure 1: Location Map ... .................. .. .............. .. ......... ... ... .. ... .... .... 3 Figure 2: Claims, Location, and Access Map.. ....... .. ................ ... ........ .. 4 Figure 3: Property Geology... ......... ........ .. ........... ... .................... .. .... 6 Figure 4: Trench Location Map .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 Figure 5 - 1: Pictures of field work ............................................................. .. after 11 LIST OF TABLES: Table 1: Claims... .. ............................ .. ..... ... .. ................ ..... ............ 5 Table 2: Chemical Analyses .............. .. .. ........ ................... ................... .. .. ......... .... 10 - 2- INTRODUCTION Darien Resources Inc. (Darien) holds title to 3 claims located in Long Township south ofElliot Lake and approximately 1 km north of Lake Lauzon. The claims are underlain by the Huronian Supergroup and post-Huronian gabbroic rocks which have been mapped and interpreted by previous workers as Nipissing Diabase. Darien is in the process of evaluating the potential of the Nipissing Diabase to host a high quality aggregate resource. As part of this assessment, Darien completed a program of drilling, blasting, trenching, and removal of an approximately 68 tonne bulk sample. The bulk sample is being prepared for sub-sampling and physical properties testing. PROPERTY, LOCATION, ACCESS, AND TOPOGRAPHY The property is located approximately 140 km west-southwest of Sudbury, at 83° W and 46° N adjacent to the north shore of Lake Huron (Figure 1). The property is located north of Highway 17 and is accessed via a trappers trail originating from the end of Pronto Road. The property is also accessed by boat travel to the north shore of Lake Lauzon and then bush traverse for approximately 1 kilomtre (Figure 2) The topography ofthe area is variable from relatively flat lying, gentle relief in the area of highway 17 and the north shore of Lake Huron where the elevation is approximately 180 metres ASL to relatively rugged and a maximum elevation of approximately 300 metres ASL on the claim block .. The topography is controlled by bed rock features and the Nipissing Diabase forms topographic highs with locally steep scarps into lakes and drainages. The property comprises 3 claims located in Long Townships within the Sault St. Marie Mining division (Table 1). All ofthe claims are 100% owned by Darien Resources Inc. PREVIOUS WORK The geology of Long Township has been mapped by James A. Robertson and was published in 1970 (Robertson, 1970). This, and adjacent reports by Rpbertson (Robertson, 1964), form a comprehensive description of the bedrock geology including the Nipissing Diabase. In 1996, the Ontario Geological Survey completed and published a study on the assessment of the industrial mineral potential of the Nipissing Diabase in a corridor from Massey to Blind River and including the North Channel Islands (Ontario Geological Survey, 1996). This study considered two sites in the area of the Darien property- one site approximately 1.5 kilometres east of the Darien property (SRA-4) and one site approximately 3 kilomteres west of the Darien claims (SRA- j \ ~/' ~~~ <b - ) ! ' '\ p t;:j_..,.,r_~- .........__ I ' I ( .... .. I ,.. ,.... ~~ . ~~ ' ,~ ,...,.; ...... Darien Resource ~nc 0 150 300 Figure 1: Property Location ' :r- 4223995 4219196 3009531 I I lake Lauzon Pronto Road, --1_ ..... - -v...-:~-=-~~---:-- .... ...- ---::-~-=-- ~ --- ­ ;:-- ----- / ' / / /• - -~'~ ~~- ~-· • • • Ub ll ty LJne s D Townships - Prima ry D clai ms Darien Resources Inc. -- Secondary Lake Tertiary WeUands -- Trails Figure 2: Claims Location and Access +-t Ra1lroa ds - Drainage Lines - 5 - Table 1. Claim data. Work Claim Number Township/Area Recorded Holder I Due Date , No. Of Units ) I Reauired 3009531 LONG (G-3297) DARIEN RESOURCES INC. ( 100.00 %) 2011-NOV-25 7 $2,800 4219196 LONG (G-3297) DARIEN RESOURCES INC. ( 100.00 %) 2011-DEC-08 15 $12,000 4223995 LONG (G-3297) DARIEN RESOURCES INC. ( 100.00 %) 2011-DEC-00 12 $9,600 4 Extension) (see Figures 2 and 3). Physical property tests completed on the sample taken from site SRA-4 indicate that the diabase at this site has a range of applications including high quality aggregate to be used in asphalt paving. The study estimates a potential resource of 40 million tonnes at SRA-4. No sample was taken at SRA-4 Extension. However, the continuity of the diabase from SRA-4 to SRA-4 Extension was noted and a potential resource tonnage of> 300 million tonnes was estimated for this site. The area of the Darien claims has been explored both for Uranium potentially hosted by the Huronian sedimentary rocks and for Copper potentially hosted by the Nipissing diabase. No sulphide occurrences have been documented on the property in the provincial mineral deposit inventory (Ontario Geological Survey, 2004). Darien Resources Inc. has completed geological mapping and sampling on claims covering the same parts of the diabase as the current claims. The previous claims expired and the current claims were staked and recorded on June 8, 2007 (claims 4223995 and 4219196) and November 25, 2009 (claim 3009531 ). The work on the previous claims is described in assessment reports filed by Darien. Previous work by Darien has determined that a sample of the Diabase in the area of claims 4219196 and 4223995 is suitable for use as aggregate in HLI and DFC asphalt pavements. Furthermore, previous work by Darien has determined the chemical composition of this sample and that it is comparable to the whole rock chemical composition ofNippissing Diabase at Bruce Mines where the diabase is quarried and is listed on the 'Designated Source for Materials' list by MTO. In October 2009, Darien reported work on claims 4223995 and 4219196 that included mapping, sampling, chemical analyses, and petrography. The results ofthis work supported previous work by Darien that the claims hold the potential to host a high quality diabase aggregate resource. REGIONAL AND PROPERTY GEOLOGY The property is located within the Southern Structural Province of the Canadian Shield which, in general terms, consists of an Archean basement overlain by the Early Proterozoic Huronian Supergroup and intruded by a number of felsic to mafic intrusive bodies that range in age from Early to Middle Proterozoic (Figure 3). The Archean rocks exposed on the property consist dominantly of massive to gneissic granitic rocks. Huronian rocks present on the property include the Lower and Middle Mississagi Formations (feldspathic quartzite, arkose and greywacke, siltsone, argillite respectively) and the Gowganda Formation (interbedded conglomerate, feldspathic quartzite, argillite, and siltstone). The southeastern part of the property includes mafic metavocanic rocks and related chloritic sedimentary rocks. Both the Archean granitic rocks and the Huronian sedimentary rocks are intruded by mafic intrusive rocks referred to as Nipissing Diabase (e.g. Robertson, 1970). The intrusion form west to northwest trending, vertical to c::JCiaims Geology c=J Midd le Mississag i Formatio c=J Lower Mississagi Formation .. Upper Mississagi Formation ~-.... ~ Pecors Formation / Darien Claims c=J Bruce Formation (exprred) c=J Gowganda Formation r=J Nipissing sills .. .. Fels ic Intrusives ~ Archean Granitic Roc k s X Selected Resource Location y (OGS MDC 32) Darien Resources Inc. Figure 3: Property Geology 700 1.400 1,800M~rs s Geological outlines from Bedrock ge ology of Ontario (Er1is Data Se t 6 and fonmat ion nomen clature from Robertson (1 970) - 7 - steeply dipping, dyke or sill-like bodies that typically range in thickness from a few metres to< 100 metres however, a number of thicker intrusions have been mapped. The dykes consist of dominantly of diabase, gabbro, and diorite. They are interpreted to have intruded during the Hudsonian Orogeny at approximately 2.15 Ga. (Robertson, 1970). NIPISSING DIABASE The Darien claims cover a part of a Nipissing intrusive body that trends approximately east-west over approximately 2 km of strike length and is located approximately 1-5 kilometres north of Lake Lauzon (Figure 3). On the Darien claims the dyke has a thickness that ranges from 150 metres to 450 metres. Previous mapping indicates
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