Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1944 212 SECURITY TRUST COMPANY ALL TYPES OF LOANS — SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES AT MODERATE CHARGES IVIAliM AND AA/'ATER Cutoll Air (Mae) (Cutall's Beatr) 107 Nortb b 961 Cytkln Anne asst Interviewer 34 State rm 100 r 48 D it .M Restaurant (Mrs Adora C Flerson) 556 StFul Nortoa Maria Daansen Cornelius L (Marie W) h 1076 Clinton av S —^Anna vid Guy h 63 Irondequolt -Eli (Era) tailor b 48 Maria —Edw (Eliz M) Inspr 1372 Main E b 153 Bartoo —Auguatlne (Florence) (Cutall'a Spaghetti Beetr) Cyron Chas elk 11 Market r 480 Hudson av —Laura M sten 183 Main E r 1076 Clinton av S 25 Broad b 495 Webater ar Czadslck Bertha maid 444 Oxford DobanoS BaDI, Delco r 963 Plymouth av N —Catharine elk r 96 Alexander —Henry (Clara) prsr h 253 WUkins Dabbcrt Artb U (Madalynn M) cbauf b 15 Oak HID —Florence bench trkr 850 StPaul h 9 ArerlU a? —^Louise C halrdrsr r 253 Wilklns View —Noiina wld Frank died Feb 9, 1943 Czadzeck Carl A (Edith) asmblr 850 Hudson av b 654 —Augusta Mrs r 60 Enterprise email's Bestr (Air CutMD 107 North N Greece rd Gr —Caroline wld Odolf drsmkr 420 Lyell av h do —Spaghetti Bestauront (Augustine CntoU) 25 Broad —Elsie J payroll dk 850 Hudson ar r 6S4 Nortb —Odolf (Caroline) died June 15, 1943 W Greece rd Qr Dabney Saml E (0111) truck driver b 59 Kelly Cutara Jerry (Oiace) shoe vkr b 73 Eretgrecn Czalplnski Jos (Bernlce C) toUor fa 19 Aurora DaBoli Cyrus G (Grace H) b 555 Seneca plw CntblU Airred Q (^dred E) meter reader 89 Bast —Btta B dk 33 Capron r 19 Aurora —Piano Co (WUson H DaBoll) 203 Kenwood av ST b 243 Brandon rd Irond Czamink Coslmer L (Anna B) macta opr b 33 Kesd- —Wilson H (Ruth E) (OaBoU Piano Co) 203 Bo- (MtclUTe Arthur F (Bertha M) bmter 173 Bryan b usko wood av h do —Wilson H Jr, USA r 203 Kenwood ar do —Edw J (Julia E) mach b 484 Avenue D Cotero Anthony (Mary) (Cutero Bros Q>) 11 Fur —Eleanor J dk r 1481 Nortb Dabrody John J (Stella A) mach Rochester Box a nace r 3231 l^ke ar —^Florence B Intervlewa' 250 Main E r 1481 Nortb Lumber h 201 StCaslmlr —Bros Co (Oomlnlck and Anthony) leather remnants —Jas pntr r 21 Dnirerslty av Dobrowski Frank (Helen) (FrankUo Realty) 202 Dick inson h do 11 Furnace —Jos L paper etr Aqueduct bldg r 626 WUUns —Oomlnlck ((hitero Bros Co) 11 Fnmace r 3231 Lake —Maiyann B tool crib atndt 565 Blossom id r 90 Dacey Jas W b 38 Windsor Kosdusko ar Dscb Edw (Jeonette) pastry cook 421 East av b 188 —Mlehl (Stanlsla) r 33 Kosdusko Charlotte Cnthbert Oeo M tool mkr 335 Bernard r 3285 Dewey —Stanley aamblr The Ffaudler Co, West-ev ezt b 165 Daclo Anna cbarwn 183 Main E r 38 Beed pk ar Oialford rd Or —Dmytro (Nellie) h 38 Beed pk —Thos eng NTC 419 Atlantic ar b 666 N Good- —Stanley P baka r 67 Wazsaw —John, USA r 48 Merrimac —Vincent T (Fiancesca) tailor b 1481 Nortb —Jos r 38 Beed pk —Vema B typist 333 State r 487 Thrrington td —Walter J (Matyann B) dk PO b 00 Kosdusko Dsck Harold E (Jean) lab h 26 Austin Irsnd Czarnlkow Geo K ((hiarlotte L) mecb eng 850 Hudson Docks Geo (Mercedes C) phys 265 Alexander r 26 —Vfm prea opr Bocb MTg (M, Bocktrood pi r 487 av b 21 Hanrood Plckford dr Br (USA) Docona Vincent shoe wkr 250 N Ooodman b 5 Bits Tarrlngton rd Inmd Czarnowsky Edw J optical wkr r 98 Sciantom —Wm L b, mecb eng 338 State r 487 Harrington —Genevlere Inspr 850 Hudson av r 99 Scrantom Dacqutsto Andrew chart washer 300 State r 49i Oak- rd Ir^ man —^Leo L (Anna) Imis grinder 850 Hudson av b 937 —Carmelo (Concettlna) died Jan 28, 1343 Cuthbertson Ismy trld Thos r 605 N Ooodman Clinton av N —Concettlna wld (kirmelo b 221 Hebard —Jas B (Oertnide I) rem to (MlUomla —Pauline optical wkr b 38 LIU —Jos (Mary A) plater EK Co h 33 Walbar —Mildred Mrs b 40 Tremont —^WUbelmina wld Blebd b 99 Scrantom —Lucille dlspr r 227 Hebard —Thos H eng NTC b 506 N Goodman Czebatol John (Stella) gro 1001 Joseph av h do (hitler AmyJ wld J Warren b 94 Merrlman Czebatul Bronlslaus (Beglna) taUor h 145 Weeger D'Acqulsto Ceclle Mrs beauty shop 20 Grove r do CUTLER BUILOIHQ ,_ ^ —Jennie halrdrsr 145 Weeger r do —Frank, USA r 54A Lowell offica reani sa. 42 Cost xtenoe td Stone 60IM —Stanley, USA r 145 Weeger —Jos F (Ceclle) asmblr b 20 Grtwe —Gertmde trld Bert r 128 Grlffltb Czekalskl Hden r 114 'Ernst ' —Stefano (Catb) b 64A LoweU —Grace r 1972 Lake ar (hienkas Bug design drftsmn The Pfaudler Co, West-av —Steph, USA r 64A Lowell —^Tolanda talloress r 54A Lowell —Malt Chute Co, Oeo A Brldgmon pres James V ezt r 154 Duroan (hindon r-prcs Wlllard A Wrl^t see-treas 76 An Czeplel Helen Inspr EK Co r 15 Gothic Dad's Grocery (Jos I'almlere) 38 Stonewood av derson av —Joan optical wkr r 410 Bernard Daddazlo Angelina r 0 Qlfton —Onion U of B, Onlrerslty av nr N Goodman at —John student r 15 Gothic —Anthony J (Agnes A) b 428 Jay Cutt Albert (Folrence L) b 686 Lextngton av —Jos (Teollla) optical wkr h 15 Gothic —Camillo (Boalnal lab b 21 CHfton —(hrrll (Irene M) clothing etr r 475 Btroy —Grace elk r 6 Clifton —Kazlmer Z (Bolblna) Iwlr 585 Hudson av b 410 —Nicholas (Mary) mach opr h 21 Clifton Cmten Oeo Barton Bev acting pres Colgate Boebester Bernard Dldnlty School 1100 8 Goodman h 111 Bast —Peter, USA r 428 Jay —Leocadla N optical wkr r 410 Bernard —Vincent (Jessie) lab h 6 Glfton av Czerkas EmU ((iatb C) asmblr 45 Crouch b 43 Man Doddetta Arth P, USMM r 189 Adams Cutwa John A (Louise E) auto mecb 193 Sclo b 01 chester —Bocco (Cormela) lab b 199 Adams omi tcr —Erven H (Lillian J) mach shop 45 Crouch b 43 Dode Lincoln (Betty) r 221 Columbia av Cutstlo SOQhIe elk 1165 Clinton ar N b 601 WUUn Manchester —Boy (Madeline) garage mn h 28 Bronson av Cuva Graala wld Anthony b 304 N Union —Bug drftamn r 154 Durnan —Roy Jr, mason r 78 Bronson av —Louis A (Helen N) tool cTlb atndt b 128 4tb —Frank (Mary) blpr 408 StPatd b 54 Wokefldd DaDo Dorothy H tel opr 95 N Fltzhugh r 860 Culvtr —Martin r 133 Plymouth av 8 —Philip (Gloria) mason h 242 1st rd Coreller Doris B appr 168 HoUenbeek r 233 Denver —Theo lab b 133 Plymouth av S Dadson L Raymond (Genevleve) charge innse Bocb —^Vltold toalmkr 408 StPoul r 2006 Hudson av —Elliott heater 188 Murray r 69 Mill Ontario State Hosp h 33 Highland av —^Flcnd K still opr 765 Bldge rd b 308 Bleaker rd Czeinlak Carl (Amelia) lob b 186 Indoieitdenee —Harjorle L switchboard opr r S3 Highland av —^Harrison E, USA r 233 Denver —Florian W raacb 100 Carlson id r 180 Child —Seward mach 565 Blossom rd r 304 Wlnton rd N —Jake (Fhnnle M) stock dk 1000 University av h —Nell W (Pearl L) bakar b 206 Ly^urst —^Victor A (^ossle) wtchmn h 62 HuhbeU pk 233 Denver —^Wonda wld Tbadeus h 180 CbUd Dady Anna K wld Geo S h 153 HelvlUe —Temon B (Leona M) electn 1000 Unlvetslty av b Czerwle Jos (Josephine) optical wkr b 61 SoUeaki —Florence A wld Fred T h 40 Pembroke 63 Allandole —Josephine B asmblr 350 Hudson av r 61 S^leskl —Geo 8. USA r 153 MelvUIe (bmrwin Edw J (Victoria) optical wkr h 292 Berlin Cuykendoll Earl B (OUre A) fOnnn 333 State b 895 —Thos H. VSN r 153 Melvine . —Jos L (Agnes C) driver 45 Fulton av h 621 WU- —^Wm B (Evelyn R) laboratory appr 666 Driving Pars ninton rd N klD F Bntb, EK CO r 995 Wlnton rd N av h 50A Rowley ' CzerwinsU Veronda wld Jos h 276 Berlin Dofner Agnes Mrs loller Monroe County JaU 180 Bx- _Heniy B. USA r 895 Wlnton rd N Czesnot Aug optleal wkr r 463 Qlnton av N ^WlUard A (Hellen C) Inspr h 25 Myrtle ehonM r 70 Alexander CzlwinskI Mary wld Jos h 441 Hudsra av Dagata Pfacldo ((Jarmela) lab h 92 Lyndfauist Cuyle Grace M wld Albert 0 b 477 Unlveislty av Cdonka Leonard mach Boebester Products r 103 8t- D'Agata Rosarlo L (Frances) mason b 7 Miller Cnyler Bertha B tehr 51adl«in Hldi seb r 163 Earl Costmlr Inen M Mrs r 180 Orange Dagen Arth J (Esther D) dentist 25 North nn 1158 —Loretta, EK Co r 163 StCaalmIr b 1S4 Roosevelt rd Br Willis B (Leola B) h 60 Linden —^Martin (Frances) taUor h 163 StCaslmlr Cwallna Henry J (Maredla V) moeb mecb b 179 Bt- —Corlton F (Laura P) elee .designer 89 East av b 76 —Theo B, U8N r 163 StCaslmlr Margaret OudBlr Czmola Danl (Eva) taUor h 42 Catharine Cybut waiter (Loretta) sbee okr h 119 KoUy Daggor John J (Maud C) stmftr 1237 Main E b ^tdewlcs Agnes Inspr SALO Co r 715 Norton (^uba Eva wld Steph h 6 Vose 447 Glide Josephine r 715 Norton —Frances mach opr r 6 Vose Dagge Minnie A wld Wm b 111 Blver Peter (Stella) tailor h 715 Norton Czubachowskl Andrew (Bose) pishr h 102 Boyeroft dr —Minnie H r 111 Blver .
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