Supplication to the Kalachakra Masters

Supplication to the Kalachakra Masters

!,,.R<- 2- ;/- =$- S$- 0:A- $?R=- :.J2?, Supplication of the Six Subsidiary Yogas Verses of Invocation to the Glorious Jonang Kalachakra Lineage Masters 1 $?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R, I supplicate! SA/- &/- l- 2:A- ]- 3- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To my kind root master, I supplicate. l- 2- 2o.- 0:A- ]- 3- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the root lineage masters, I supplicate. 2o.- 0- ;A.- 28A/- /R<- 2- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To this wish-fulfilling jewel lineage, I supplicate. 2o.- 0:A- LA/- _2?- :)$- 0<- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To this lineage infused with blessings, I supplicate. LA/- _2?- ~A%- =- :)$- 0<- LA/- IA?- _R2?, Those infused with essential blessings, bestow your blessings! ~A%- $A- 3/- 0- ?J=- 2<- LA/- IA?- _R2?, Those who dispel essential darkness, bestow your blessings! ]- 3- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the masters, I supplicate. (R?-eJ- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the sovereigns of the teachings, I supplicate. ;2- Y?- 5S?- LA/- IA?- _R2?, Spiritual fathers and sons, bestow your blessings! $8A- 2.J- $>J$?- ~A%- 0R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the ground enlightened essence, I supplicate. 92- =3- hR- eJ- =- :LR<- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the profound path of Vajra Yoga, I supplicate.2 :V?- 2- V=- :V?- (R?- {- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the ultimate dimension of reality, The fruition that is the result of freedom, I supplicate. .3- 0- .%- 0R:C- ?%?- o?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the sublime primordial Buddha, I supplicate. (R?- {- hR- eJ- :(%- (J/- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the ultimate dimension Vajradhara, I supplicate. =R%?- {- .- GA- :#R<- =R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the resplendent dimension Kalachakra, I supplicate. 3=- {- >G- ,2- 0- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the emanation dimension Shakyamuni, I supplicate. (R?- o=- ?3- &- l- s- =$?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the thirty-five Dharma Kings, I supplicate.3 P2- (J/- .?- 82?- 0- (J/- 0R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the great accomplished Kālachakrapāda the Elder, I supplicate.4 P2- (J/- .?- 82?- 0- $*A?- 0- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the great accomplished Kālachakrapāda the Younger, I supplicate.5 2 o=- Y?- /- =Jj- 0- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the victor's heir Nālendrapa, I supplicate.6 0/- (J/- ^- 2- 3$R/- 0R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the great scholar Somanātha, I supplicate. 1- 2+<- :VR- !R/- =R- o- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the translator Dro Lotwawa, I supplicate.7 ]- 3- z- eJ- |R3- 0- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the master Lhaje Gompa, I supplicate. ]- 3- 1R- !R/- $/3- 2lJ$?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the master Droton Namseg, I supplicate. ]- 3- P2- (J/- ;- 3R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the great accomplished master Yumo, I supplicate.8 Y?- 3(R$- KkJ- I- <- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the supreme ancestor Dharmeshvara, I supplicate. 3#?- 0- /3- 3#:- :R.- 9J<- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the learned Namkha Odzer, I supplicate. 3- &A$- 3=- {- )R- :23- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Machig Tulku Jobum, I supplicate. ]- 3- P2- ,R2- ?J- (J/- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the master Drubtob Sechen, I supplicate. (R?- eJ- :)3- .L%?- $?<- 3- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the Sovereign of Dharma Jamyang Sarma, I supplicate. !/- 3HJ/- (R?- {- :R.- 9J<- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the Omniscient Chöku Odzer, I supplicate. 35%?- 3J.- !/- %%?- (R?- eJ- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the incomparable Kunpang Chöje, I supplicate.9 3 L%- ?J3?- o=- 2- ;J- >J?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Changsem Gyalwa Yeshe, I supplicate. 3#?- 24/- ;R/- +/- o- 35S- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the learned and righteous Yontan Gyatso, I supplicate. !/- 3HJ/- .?- $?3- ?%?- o?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the omniscient Buddha of the three times, I supplicate.10 (R?- o=- KR$?- =?- i3- o=- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the King of Dharma Choglé Namgyal, I supplicate. 35%?- 3J.- *- 2R/- !/- .$:- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the incomparable Nyawon Kunga Pal, I supplicate. P2- (J/- !/- .$:- ]R- PR?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the great accomplished Kunga Lodro, I supplicate. :)3- .L%?- .!R/- 3(R$- 29%- 0R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Jamyang Konchg Zangpo, I supplicate. :SJ/- 3(R$- /3- 3#:A- 35/- &/- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the supreme guide Namkhai Tsenchan, I supplicate. 0/- (J/- /3- 3#:- .0=- 29%- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the great scholar Namkha Palzang, I supplicate. =R- (J/- <_- S- Q- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Lochen Ratnabhadra, I supplicate. :)3- 3$R/- P2- 0:A- .0:- 2R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Jamgon Drupay Pawo, I supplicate. .0=- w/- !/- .$:- PR=- 3(R$- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the illustrious Kunga Dolchog, I supplicate. ]R- $?=- o- 35S- 2.J- .IJ?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the clear minded Gyatso Deje, I supplicate. 4 ,$?- Y?- 3#?- P2- i3- 5S- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the heart-son Khadrup Namtsol, I supplicate. :)3- .L%?- !/- .$:- ~A%- 0R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Jamyang Kunga Nyingpo, I supplicate.11 2N- >A?- o=- 35/- .0=- 29%- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Tashi Gyaltsen Palzang, I supplicate. H2- 2.$- 1R=- 2:A- 3$R/- 0R- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the universal lord Drolway Gonpo, I supplicate. }R/- .%?- <A/- (J/- o- 35S- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Ngonjang Rinchen Gyatso, I supplicate. 3#?- P2- ]R- PR?- i3- o=- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the learned and accomplished Lodro Namgyal, I supplicate.12 P2- (J/- %$- .2%- UA/- =?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the great accomplished Ngawang Thinley, I supplicate. %$- .2%- 2!/- :6B/- i3- o=- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Ngawang Tenzin Namgyal, I supplicate.13 %$- .2%- 3#?- 24/- .<- o?- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Ngawang Khatsun Dargyay, I supplicate. !/- 29%- :UA/- =?- i3- o=- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Kunzang Thinley Namgyal, I supplicate. /?- w/- z/- P2- o- 35S- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Nudan Lhundrup Gyatso, I supplicate. .!R/- 3(R$- :)A$?- 3J.- i3- o=- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Konchog Jigmed Namgyal, I supplicate. %$- .2%- (R?- :1J=- o- 35S- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Ngawang Chöpel Gyatso, I supplicate. 5 %$- .2%- (R?- GA- :1$?- 0- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Ngawang Chokyi Phakpa, I supplicate. %$- .2%- (R?- :6B/- o- 35S- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Ngawang Chözin Gyatso, I supplicate. %$- .2%- (R?- GA- i=- :LR<- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To Ngawang Chökyi Naljor, I supplicate.14 SA/- &/- l- 2:A- ]- 3- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To my kind root master, I supplicate. ]- 3- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the masters, I supplicate. (R?-eJ- =- $?R=- 2- :.J2?, To the sovereigns of the teachings, I supplicate. ;2- Y?- 5S?- LA/- IA?- _R2?, Spiritual fathers and sons, bestow your blessings! $%- 8A$- ..- 0?- ]- 3:A- 5S$?- i3?- =, 5K- :.A<- g$- +- $?R=- 2- :.J2?- L?- /, 2.$- ?R$?- o.- =- ]- 3- :.A- .$- $A, ;J- >J?- ?J3?- .0:A- LA/- _2?- :)$- 0<- >R$, In this lifetime, may I and all those who have faith in these masters, Through continually making supplications to these lineage masters, Be infused with the blessings of these wisdom beings! 6 *J- 2- !/- +- ;%- .$- ]- 3- .%, :V=- 3J.- (R?- GA- .0=- =- =R%?- ,R.- &A%, ?- .%- =3- IA- ;R/- +/- <2- mR$?- /?, hR- eJ- :(%- $A- $R- :1%- L<- ,R2- >R$, In all my lifetimes, may I not be separated From these genuine masters and the glorious teachings of the resplendent dimension, And through perfectly completing the qualities of the stages and paths, May I realize the state of Vajradhara! Notes 1 The author of this supplication was Jetsun Tāranātha up to his immediate predecessor. The author of the list of lineage masters succeeding Tāranātha is not listed. 2 Vajra Yoga is synonymous with the six subsidiary yogas of the Kalachakra completion phase practice. 3 The thirty-five Dharma Kings are the seven Kings of Shambhala, the twenty-five Kalkins of Shambhala plus Tsangpa (tshangs pa), Lhawang (lha dbang), and Od Sung ('od srung). There is also another system of numerating these thirty-five Dharma Kings which counts eight Kings, the twenty-five Kalkins plus Tsangpa and Lhawang. 4 Kālacakrapāda the Elder is also known as Jamyang Dorje. 5 Kālacakrapāda the Younger is also known as Śrībhadra. 6 Nālendrapa is also known as Bodhibhadra, 7 This is Dro Lotsawa Sherab Drakpa. 8 This is Yumo Mikyo Dorje. 9 This is Kunpang Tukje Tsondru. 10 This is Kunkhyen Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen. 11 This is Jetsun Tāranātha. 12 Lodro Namgyal was a disciple of Jetsun Tāranātha who traveled to Dzamthang Tsangwa Monastery from Central Tibet and spent twelve years at Dzamthang Tsangwa Monastery in Far Eastern Tibet. 13 From Ngawang Tenzin Namgyal on, these are supplications to the Vajra Masters of Dzamthang Tsangwa Monastery. The Vajra Yoga masters that preceded Ngawang Tenzin Namgyal in this lineage supplication are from Central Tibet. 14 The Vajra Masters from Dzamthang Tsangwa Monastery that followed are Ngawang Kunga Palden, Kunga Kultrik Wangshik, Kunga Tenpa Salshib, Ngawang Dorje Zangpo, Ngawang Konchok Dargyay, Ngawang Lodro Drakpa, Ngawang Yontan Zangpo, and Ngawang Jigme Dorje is the present Vajra Master. Translated by Michael R. Sheehy (Ngedon Tenzin Dargyay). © 2006 All rights reserved. Jonang Foundation ( 7.

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