List of Recognised Ph.D. Guides Faculty of Arts Sr. BUTR No Name & College Subject Category Remarks No. Date 1. 6166 Dr. Dagwale Lata Rangnath Marathi PG by Paper 20/9/2004 to 3/11/2004 Ahmednagar College, 19/9/2009 Ahmednagar M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 19/9/2012 2. 6171 Dr. Smt. Patil Shobha Marathi M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 3/11/2004 Vishwas 19/9/2012 Annasaheb Magar College, Hadapsar, Pune-28 By Research 20/9/2004 to Ph.D. 19/9/2012 3. 6065 Prof. Shaikh Shahabuddin Hindi M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 2/11/2004 Niya Mohammed 19/9/2012 Shri Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya, By Research 20/9/2004 to Newasa-414 603, Ph.D. 19/9/2012 Dist. Ahmednagar 4. 6111 Prof. Sahasrabuddhe Supriya English PG by Paper 20/9/2004 to 2/11/2004 Shankar 19/9/2009 Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune-53 M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 19/9/2012 By Research 20/9/2004 to 19/9/2012 5. 6114 Prof. Khedkar Sandip English M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 2/11/2004 Prabhakar 19/9/2012 Shri Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya, Newasa, Dist. Ahmednagar 6. 6116 Prof. Patil P. F. English M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 2/11/2004 Arts, Commerce & Science 19/9/2012 College, Lasalgaon, Dist. Nashik By Research 20/9/2004 to Ph.D. 19/9/2012 7. 6124 Smt. Mathkari Muktaja Vikas English PG by Paper 20/9/2004 to 2/11/2004 Fergusson College, Pune-4 19/9/2009 M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 19/9/2012 8. 6132 Shri. Chindhade Shirish English M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 2/11/2004 Vasant 19/9/2012 M. U.College of Commerce, Pimpri, Pune-17 By Research 20/9/2004 to Ph.D. 19/9/2012 9. 6094 Dr. Acharya Swati Milind German M.Phil. 20/9/2004 to 2/11/2004 Department of Foreign 19/9/2012 Language, Ranade Institute, Pune-4 10. 7369 Dr. (Mrs.) Patil Smita Satish English M.Phil. 11/8/2005 to 31/8/2005 N.D.M.V.P. Samaj's Arts, 10/8/2013 Science & Commerce College, Uttamnagar, CIDCO, By Research 11/8/2005 to Ph.D. 10/8/2013 Nashik-9 11. 7370 Smt. Agte Malati Keshav Applied Arts M.Phil. 11/8/2005 to 31/8/2005 S.N.D.T. University, 10/8/2013 Karve Nagar, Pune 12. BUTR/Arts/ Smt. Jadhav Ujjwala Prakash Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-2 Babuji Avhad Mahavidyalaya, Papers/Research 19/2/2016 Tal. Pathardi, Dist. Ahmednagar 13. BUTR/Arts/ Shri. Bhailume Rajabhau Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-3 Vinayak Papers/Research 19/2/2016 C.T. Bora College, Shirur-412 210, Dist. Pune By Research 20/2/2008 to Ph.D. 19/2/2016 14. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Shelar Sudhakar Kisan Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-4 Ahmednagar College, Papers/Research 19/2/2016 Ahmednagar-414 001 15. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Lalit Balkrishna Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-11 Ramchandra Papers/Research 19/2/2016 C.T. Bora College, Shirur-412 210, Dist. Pune By Research 20/2/2008 to Ph.D. 19/2/2016 16. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Shekade Subhash Nivrutti Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-12 K.V.N. Naik Arts, Commerce Papers/Research 19/2/2016 & Science College, Canada Corder, Dist. Nashik-422 002 17. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Erande Ashok Vishnupant Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-13 Shri Dnyaneshwar Papers/Research 19/2/2016 Mahavidyalaya, Newasa-414 603, By Research 20/2/2008 to Dist. Ahmednagar Ph.D. 19/2/2016 18. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Deshmukh Ganesh Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-15 Dinkarrao Papers/Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 K.J. Somaiya College, Kopargaon-423 601, Dist. Ahmednagar 19. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Dhekane Archana Anil Marathi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-17 College of Arts, 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 Holkarwada, Jejuri-412 301, Dist. Pune By Research 20/2/2008 to Ph.D. 19/2/2016 20. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Vedpathak Leela Haripant Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-19 Anantrao Thopte Papers/Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Mahavidyalaya, Bhor-412 206, Dist. Pune 21. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Rongate Tukaram Barku Marathi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-23 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 Commerce & M.V.R. Shinde College, M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to Nana Peth, Pune-411 002 Papers/Research 19/2/2016 22. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Dhone Ekanath Sayaji Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-24 R.B.N.B. College, Papers/Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Shrirampur-413 709, Dist. Ahmednagar By Research 20/2/2008 to Ph.D. 19/2/2016 23. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Niphade Bhaskar Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-27 Vinayakrao Papers 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 R.B.N.B. College, Shrirampur-413 709, Dist. Ahmednagar 24. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Shelke Bhasakar Trimbak Marathi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-34 Shri Shiv Chhatrapati 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 Mahavidyalaya, Junnar-410 502, Dist. Pune M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to Papers/Research 19/2/2016 25. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Nemade Ranjana Shrikant Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-37 T.C. College, Papers 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Baramati-413 102, Dist. Pune 26. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Wadkar Dhundiram Marathi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-39 Sambhajirao 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar-414 001 M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to Papers/Research 19/2/2016 By Research 20/2/2008 to Ph.D. 19/2/2016 27. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Upadhye Baburao Dattu Marathi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-42 R.B.N.B. College, 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 Shrirampur-413 709, Dist. Ahmednagar M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to Papers/Research 19/2/2016 By Research 20/2/2008 to 19/2/2016 28. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Rokade Vaishalee Marathi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-43 Suryakant Papers 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Arts, Commerce & Science College, Sonai-414 105, Tal. Newasa, Dist. Ahmednagar 29. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Pawar Ishwar Jankiram Hindi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-50 C.T. Bora College, Papers/Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Shirur-412 210, Dist. Pune 30. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Kotame Popat Vitthal Hindi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-51 K.T.H.M. College, Papers/Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Gangapur Road, Nashik-422 002 31. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Shewale Dhanaraj Dalpat Hindi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-52 M.S.G. College, Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Malegaon Camp-423 105, Dist. Nashik 32. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Shaikh Aqila Mahboob Hindi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-53 Arts, Commerce & Science Papers/Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 College, Akole-422 605, At Post : Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar 33. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Bhosale Sadanand Hindi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-54 Kashinath 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 K.J. Somaiya College of Arts, Commerce & Science, M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to Kopargaon-423 601, Papers/Research 19/2/2016 Dist. Ahmednagar 34. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Sayyad Manjar Chandbhai Hindi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-57 Arts, Commerce & Science 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 College, Satana-423 301, M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to Dist. Nashik Papers/Research 19/2/2016 35. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Rai Shashikala Ramanuj Hindi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-61 Department of Hindi, Papers/Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 University of Pune, Pune-411 007 36. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Prof. Bhandari Sadhana Hindi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-62 Chandrakant 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 Waghire College, Saswad-412 301, Dist. Pune M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to Papers/Research 19/2/2016 37. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Thorat Gorakh Nivrutti Hindi By Papers 20/2/2008 to 948-66 S.P. College, 19/2/2013 17/3/2008 Pune-411 030 M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to Papers/Research 19/2/2016 38. BUTR/Arts/ Dr.Babar Suresh Janardhan Hindi By Research 20/2/2008 to 948-67 New Arts, Science & Ph.D. 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Commerce College, Ahmednagar-414 001 39. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Singh Savita Ajit Hindi M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-70 Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts, Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Commerce & Science College, Akurdi, Pune-411 044 40. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Jain Ranidas Suwalal English M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-82 C.T. Bora College, Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Shirur-Ghodnadi, Dist. Pune 41. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Kulkarni Anand English By Research 20/2/2008 to 948-83 Bhavnidas Ph.D. 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Arts, Commerce & Science College, Narayangaon, Dist. Pune 42. BUTR/Arts/ Smt. Lokhandwala Munira English M.Phil. by 20/2/2008 to 948-88 Abhas Papers/Research 19/2/2016 17/3/2008 Abeda Inamdar Sr. College for Girls, By Research 20/2/2008 to Pune-411 002 Ph.D. 19/2/2016 43. BUTR/Arts/ Dr. Madge Vijay Malhar English M.Phil.
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