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Call Today ~ .... releases 3 l1Pwhnnkc; power inOf 313-343-5577 -18 -Ie N~ws • Grosse POinte Shores IS lookmg for photographs of Its first four presI- dents Pictures will be hung m the Presidents Gallery at Village Hall Page 3A • Property owners will be responsI- ble for the safe disposal of ash wood tnmmed dunng DetrOit Edison's hne By Carrie Cunningham clearance program, now laking place StaffWnter The polley stems from a l3-eounty The age-old conflict of the quarantine on transportmg ash wood burden of taxes versus the Page 9A need for revenue for sel'Vlces • A housebreaker IS ac~ve In the has erupted over a measure Grosse POlntes Pohce have a descnp- called a smkmg fund sup- tlon and ask reSidents to report SUSpi- ported by the Grosse Pomte CIOUSactIVIty Page 9A Board of Education Palmer Heenan s81d whJIe The measure would he embraces the school sys- • The party's on to honor Grosse Impose a levy of 1 rmll to tem, the tax would dampen POinte Woods volunteer commiSSion- rrose $2 8 rmlbon for each of home values ers Page 3A SIX years to pay for rmd- "I love our school system range reprors such as roofs. It IS one of the reasons we • Harper Woods students Willhave a floonng, cellmgs and park. have such mgh values," he safer walk to school after the croSSwalk Ing lots At Its Monday, Jan s81d, but then added, "If we at Woodland and Lrttlestone IS gIVen a 12 meeting, the board keep ralsmg taxes, the new stnpmg configuration and addition- approved a move to call an (home) values WIll eventual- al warning signs are put In place Page electIon on the DHItter for lOA ly go down No one can come Tuesday, March 16 Into the communIty and • The Farmer Jack on Harper at ReSIdents already pay 6 7 buy" Morass Will not be left vacant but rmlls for hold harmless rmll- "It IS unnecessary and replaced by a Food BaSICS Page lOA age, wmch mcludes 57 rmlls unWIse," echoed Park resI- for a general fund and 1 rmll dent Theresa K1aasen at the • Regina High School students wel- for technology ThIs rmllage board meeting on Monday, comed Bishop Earl Boyea to ti,e school has decreased, however, Jan 12 "Property values on Wednesday, Jan 7 Page lOA smce 1995 when It was 8 4 WIll not be sustamed " rmlls AddItIonally, Pomters Other leaders and reSI- WIll pay 1 15 rmlls per year dents, hke counCIl member for 25 years for the $64 rml- LoUIS Theros and Shores WEEK AHEAD bon capItal Improvement reSIdent Chns KaczanowskJ, Photo by Brad Lmdberg bond passed m September say the electum IS a surrep- saturday, Jan. 17 2002 titIous way to get revenue, Shoplifters' warehouse local leaders and resI- and the community will be Harper Woods residents are inVIted dents say the added tax averse to It to recreate thel r favonte story book Lt. James FOll:. a detective with the City of Grosse PoiDte. from the sInkIng fund WJ11 "They're gOing to look at characters with a free program from spends Sunday aftemooD cataloging swag allegedly stolen from dlssuade people from mov- thIS as a sneak attack," Arts & Scraps at the Harper Woods Vlllage merchants by a family of shopUfters from Southfield. See SA. Ing to the Pomtes Theros s81d Public Library from 2 to 4 p m stolY. Page Opponents further questIon "The tIrmng of thIs IS ter- the rmllage vote bemg held nbly wrong," said Monday, Jan. 19 In March when many KaczanowskJ Board members and resi- Crty offices In Grosse POinte Farms Auto thefts surge in Park semors are not back from dents say the money IS need- and Grosse POinte Park, all branches of their wmter homes By Bonnie Caprara "They" accordJng to HIller, have ed to main tam the qualIty the Postal Service, and all Grosse Pomte board mem- us Staff Wnter tended to be DetroIt youths programs of schools Secretary of State offices Willbe closed bers, adminIstrators and In the past few months, the hot cars "What we're findlng IS that they "I'm very rmndful of com- In observance of Martin Luther King Jr some reSIdents countered m Grosse POinte Park have been don't want to tske a bus home, they're these assertIOns by argumg ments of not pnClng our- Day Dodge Caravans and IntrepJds and stealIng cars Often, they nde them the fund IS essentIal m a clI- selves out of the housmg Rubbish Willbe collected as sched- Jeep Grand Cherokees untIl they run out of gas" mate of state budget cuts for market," saId board presI- uled In all of the Grosse POlntes and Of the 79 cars stolen m Grosse Because most of the suspects are schools and dlrmnIshed local dent Joan DlndofTer but Harper Woods POinte Park m 2003, 56 have been JuveDiles, HIller Bald the Wayne control of how to raIse rev- then argued, "If we want to Chrysler products, and 47 of those 79 County Juvemle Court has been mamtaln a competitive Gel to know your fllness profile at the enue Grosse Pomte schools cars have been stolen between reluctant to prosecute edge, we want to mamtam GirlS Fitness Night at Assumption have to make mId-year bud- October and December Four cars, "Unless we catrh them m the act, our programs If we have to Cultural Center at 7 30 P m get cuts totahng $900,000 three of whIch were Chrysler prod. we can only charge them WIth posses- cut those programs, we There Willbe demonstrations In aero- The sInkIng fund IS needed, ucts, have been stolen out of the Park S10n of a stolen vemcle, and Wayne won't be a destmy of chOice biC dance, yoga, tal chi, Pllales-hke mat they say, to maintain the smce the begmnlng of 2004 County WO'1'ttake those cases," Hiller It's a dehcate balance" work and personal training Wear com- excellence of Grosse POInte The Chrysler products have been S81d "We have cut enough We fortable clothing schools targets because that's what mter- In the past few weeks, the Park has need to be proactIve In look- To register or for more Infonnatlon, VIewed theft and attempted theft sus- stepped up patrols Wlth plam clothes At a meetmg of local lead- call (586) n9-61ll pects said they've been taught to officers posted m areas and times of ers on Thursday, Jan 8, steal, accordmg to DaVId HIller, puh- day WIth the Jughest theft rates The Grosse POinte Park Mayor See SCHOOLS, page 2A The City of Grosse POlnte,Grosse hc safety dIrector department has also been shanng POinte Woods and Harper Woods City auto theft mformatIon WIth councils meet at their respectIVe City olen fl.......... nearby law enforcement halls at 7 30 P m St Cars' ag~o~:~f thl' stolen vehIcles 30 11..-Poilte Park 2003 Tuesday, Jan. 20 have been returned to theIr The Grosse POinte Shores Village owners Council meets In the Village hall at 7 Home: Grosse Pomte 2S "We've been recovering pm these cars wlthm two to Park three days," HIller saId Age: 47 20 "We've had a 9O-plus per- centage recovery rate, and Family: husband, we're gettmg these cars back WIth mlmmal damage _ Denllls, and son, Ken 14 Opinion.... .. .. 6A usually punched door locks Occupation: Pastel and IgllltlOns At least we're pamter, member of Harper Woods 10A 11 not gettmg total stnp Jobs ~ 10 Grosse Pomte ArtiSts Obltuanes. 11A Hiller recommended the ASSOCIatIOn 7 followmg tIpS to prevent Busmess 12A auto thefts Quote: "When pros ask Schools 13.15A • Put your car m the me what art school I garage Seniors 58 went to. I ~ay the o • Make ~ure your car ha~ "Larry BloV1t.~School of Entertainment 78 an alarm ~y~tem Threl'.Day Workshops' • Don t Ip~ve Items like ClaSSified ads 6C -portmg /'qUlpment and cell See story, page 4A phon/'~ In c~r' :r-------------~-,Cou on Book l IIn OUr ~ 22-1ssue I I ~ < 1'1; 11 • ~", Q...:::::> I L_ ~ eN. '~Aha Sa~e ~ ~ 2A News January 15, 2004 Grosse Pointe News 50 years ago this week yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this week glass wlDdows to be me<:hamsm Involvmg prop- • The toughest sentences Installed m the nave of St erty taxes ever meted out for cIgarette MIChael's EpISCopal Church "It's a rnghtmare," Bry811t smugghng In MIchIgan are m Grosse Pomte Woods wi tells the EastSIde handed to SIX members of a be dedIcated tills Sunday by Repubhcan Club "Our com. cnmInal nng headed by a the rector, the Rev Edgar H mumtles eXIst because of 41-year-old Grosse POInte Yeoman our schools WIthout that, Farms man He got three to ThiS wmdow IS the gUt of property values WIll go five years m pnson Mr and Mrs John W down " Members of hIs gang Bennett, In memory of her • The Grosse Pomte receIved two-year sentences parents, Charles MerVIne school system contmues Its from Recorder's Court Judge Mumford and hIS WIfe, quest to become the first Paul Krause Margaret Isabella. It was public entity 1D the Pomtee Krause says the nng 18 deSIgned by the WIllet to broadcast Its board meet- the same one caught In Standard Glass Company of lIlgB on cable teleVISIOn PhIladelphIa Buffalo, NY, m 1951, whIch "We thInk (broadcastmg dIdn't make a bIt of drlfer.
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