Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1983 The ommeC nt, September 29, 1983 Bridgewater State College Volume 57 Number 15 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1983). The Comment, September 29, 1983. 57(15). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/475 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. THE CO MENT ~ Vol. ·LVII No. 15 Bridgewater State College September 29, 1983 Phys·- Ed Chair Resigns "Claims administration incompetence~' By Robert Flynn maneuvers (by the adminis­ Braun's resignation, calling tration) to impose an author­ the situation "an unfortunate The chairman of the itarian relationship has misunderstanding" and that Health, Physical Education, cleaved two natural allies past administration deci­ and Recreation Department, (the Athletics Department sions have been made in Dr. Edward A. Braun, has ten­ and the Health, Physical Edu­ accord with what is "standard dered his letter of resignation cation, and Recreation in athletic administration as chairman, citing, "The Department) into mutally over the country and0 what Vice President of Student, exclusive camps." has worked well consist­ Services (David P. Deep) has David P. Deep denies ently." Rondileau maintains,· failed to honor any of his Braun's charges adding, "Dr. "It is premature to evaluate commitments" in the restruc­ Braun's resignation was sub­ the effectiveness of the turing of the newly estab­ mitted at his own choosing. I Athletic. Department until it lished department. ' regret that this misinterpreta­ has had a chance to Braun states he "was tion of the situation function." manipulated by the adminis­ occurred." Dr. Braun's resignation will tration" to create the new President Adrian Rondi­ become effective the end' at Dr. Edward A. Braun Photo: Ed S.ntllll department and "corollary leau also commented on of this semester. Commuter Group Forms ·By Margaret. Ffah~rty first ,me.~ting. Jhf;) problems aired.at the meeting fell into Wednesday September two categories: parking 21st marked the first meeting problems and inadequate of BSC newest student disemination of information organization. The Off Cam­ valuable ·to commuting1 pus and Commuter Student students. Alliance is the brainchild of Co-founder Brassil. point­ Peter Hartel!, the newly ed. out that while· 80% of au appointed advisor to off cam­ students are commuters, res­ pus students and Bill Brassil., ident students use 90% of the the chairperson of The colleges services, partially Friends of Bridgewater.. because commuters simply The organization's pur­ do not know thatthe services pose as staled by Hart ell· uis exist. to overcome the. fragmenta­ Brassil and Hartell hope tion of BSC's 3000 commu­ that OCACSA can provide a ters and to represent. the central informat,ion location unified needs of those accessable to all commuters. .... , .. students." This t1nification covid also '.':'.:·,·::·-;:.,,.:?/.i:-.,:·'.\::·._ ·.:·-,:, .. ·.... -:·., .. ·: These aims were presented. hopfully lead to increased to the dozen or so charter communication with the cof- Has this happened to you? p~·~~~~··,·~~~·~~·)~·~~'• members who attended the See Commuter page 9 ?1 ...................................................................................11! .............. ~ ................. ~,........... ~ IStill No Information Tools Age I Booth still unmanned Confirmed . = !=.By Biii Brassil trucks parking behind Tilly. by Marjorie L. Payne When the work is finished on; I The little red information the booth, it should enhance§ Last Spring, a preshistoric lbooth sticks out like a sore the entire area around it.11 I tool-making site ·was disco­ !thumb and its shiney metal The work he mentionedE vered on campus by Dr. Cur­ !surfaces clashes . with the includes .adding a brick sur~ tiss Hoffman's Public ~rchitecture of the older facefo the booth to bring it ini Archaeology class. An age of !buildings on campus. Worse tune with the other buildings; 2500 to 4000 years has been jyet, it has been unmanned surround~ng the quadrangl~.§ confirmed for one of the arti- ;since the opening of school, The S.G.A. has also donated! . facts found. It is believed to itherefore failing fuctionally money for plants, shrubbery,§ be a dart point for hunting. 1as well as aesthetically. and a bench to add to the5 Planned construction on j However, there may be booth's attractiveness. i campus threatened do des­ ~hope yet. According toDave Finally, the wiring for thei troy the site. However, ;Wilson, director of Commun- booth is scheduled to·be bur-! further investigation showe.d iity Services, and. the man ied underground. "The§. that what remains of the site iresponsible for the outdoor work", Wilson says, "should§ is well out of. the area of con­ ilnformation Booth, steps begin in about three weeksJ struction. The.· need for !have been taken to alleviate and ·Should only take a day~ immediate excavation no hhis problem. - - and a half to complete." · ~ longer exists and work on the § "The area that the booth is The booth is to be staffed; site has been postponed. The· Women's Fleld Hockey team con11nues their 4 game shu­ iin", ·Wilson says, "is unattrac- by work-study students. "It~ tout streak by defeating ·the University of Southern Maine ~~}.Y.~ .. !?.~!?.~~.~~.. ~.L!r..~.. 9~J~.. !:.n2 ............................~.!! .. ~2~.~~.. P.!.\1!.. !J See Tools page 9 team 4-.;.o. See related story on page 1o. Photo: Ed Sanum 2 The Comment Thursday, September 29, 1983 Letters to the Editor S.G.A. Three Cheers POSITIONS AVAILABLE Dear Editor elections would have. It seems my fears are al ready The S.G.A. wishes to announce the following openings: Three cheers for Jeannie surfacing, and the academic ·Pantanella and her article in year has just begun! I find it this week's Comment entitled disappointing and embar­ "Our Student Government: rassing to learn that our Stu­ Whose Side are they on Any­ dent Government No. of way?!!" Jeannie's ,article Association is in the hands of POSITION Vacancies reminded me of a letter I people who are ignorant of addressed to you last semes­ their responsibilitis. ter regarding the outcome of I would hope that this the SGA elections at that situation improves itself, for I time. I was concerned then fear that the SGA may. be Student Affairs Committee 1 about whether or not the stu­ made a mockery of through dents who voted as they did the actions of some of the were aware of the issues and higher ranking officials and All College Committee 1 the qualifications of the can­ of the election process itself. didates, and wondered what Sincerely effect the outcome of the D.ebra A. Desnoyers These positions are available for the 1983-84 academic year. Interested students should Pen Pal flWout an information sheet at the S.G.A. office. on the third floor of the Student Union. Personals Print your personal on a clean piece of unshredded paper Editor: old-marriec;f-single. People and bring it to The Comment office. When submitting person­ who would not mind corres- als you must show your Bridgewater ID. Your name is for our 1 wo':'ld appreciate it very ponding with a lonely con­ records only, and need not appear in print. Remember if we much if you could please -fined prisoner-me. can't read it we won't type it! print this letter for me in your.\ · I am 23 years old-white­ college newspaper. single-lonely-5'11"-195 lbs.- l_am a lo~ely confined pri.;. stocky buiit.. ·brown curly soner who 1s presently con- hair-brown eyes. Aquarius is fined at the Chautaugua my sign. County Jail ~ Mayville, New t will explain all about York. Jam presently awaiting myself to those who do cor­ ..J:F ~·· '_./· to be sentenced to 71h - 15 respond with me. So will you I years for possession. I will be please correspond with me. / ..n.i_,.,. ; Do you enjoy writing, report­ sent to Attica Correctional Write to: Norman c. Butts -l. ;t/ih(df: ing, reviewing or photography? Facility - Atti?a, New York. Chautaugua C9urty Jail: If you do and would like to join I am seeking correspon- . Box 128, Mayville·, !\Jew York, . the staff or just contribute, then dance - with people-young- 14757. come to a Comment meeting to find out how. The Comment holds meeting every Tuesday at 11 :00 am. Get involved with your newspaper. The Comment invites members of the BSC commun­ ity to use this space for a forum_ for their ideas, com­ ments, and personal views. Letters should be typed tJnd mus-t be signed. All submissions must be made before noon. on Monday. Tuesday: Deadlines Sports Entertainment The Comment News Mc:mday: Features (Established 1928) Advertisements Wednesday Personals Late News Classifieds Emergency Bulletins Editor-in-Chief =.t Announcements Cartoons Stuart E. Gardner !. Letters to the Editor Graphics Managing Editor .c:Q.I Edward D. Huntress .::: Fall 1983 _Publication Schedule 0 All of the following dates are Thu:rsday_s and are .§ subject to change. ti Sept 22, 2~, Oct 6, *, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, *,Dec ""= 1,8,15,* News Entertainment Sports a0 * indicates a week without a paper. Editor Editor Editor ! The ,Comment is a student supported and operated Robert C. Flynn Kevin Roberts Gregory Mathis U'J weekly newspaper serving the academic community of Staff Staff Staff. I~ Q.I Bridgewater State College. Editorial policy is dete.r­ .c: Bill Brassil, Margaret Flaherty, Matt Donoghue, Scott Esau, Eo-t minea by the Editor-in-Chief in Consultation with the Debbie Morrell, Beth Ward Michael Ricciardi, Bob Smith Deb Santheson, Mike Storey Editorial Board. Re-publication of all material herein is prohibited without the expressed written permis- Features Production Office and Management sion of the Editor-in-Chief. All materials submitted Editor Typist Business Manager become the property of The Comment.
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