SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES FANWOOD VOLUME 28 • NUMBER 44 SCOTCH PLAINSFANWOQD, N,j, OCTOBf R 31, 1i85 25 CENTS Raider Band does it again! Winning has become presented: Best Percus- synonymous with the 1985 sion, Best Fronts and the Scotch Plains-Fanwood prestigious Mayor's High School Raider Show Trophy for best overall Band, Participating in performance. Scotch competitions in Plains-Fanwood High Piseataway and North School garnered all three, Hunterdon last week, the The percussion unit of Raider Show Band, under the Raider Show Band, the direction of Vincent under the direction of Joe HAPPY Turturiello and Robert Reo and Captain John Brown, marched away Ritter, features a snare with all the "gold" on line routine of dynamic HALLOWEEN both occasions, stick choreography. The On Sunday, October snare line includes David SPFHS Raider Show Band Squad Captains (I to r) WICKED WITCH WINNERS 13th the marching band Monson, Chris Costello, Susan Santiehen, Sheila Thompson, John Ritter, Lia monopolized the award Darren Pass, Bob Kloss Cangemi and Dave Monson, Band President presentation at the Super- and AI Brown, (center). chief Band Festival in On Thursday night, Oc- School for the 4th Annual ticular evening was not Piscataway, Other than a tober 17th, the Raider Golden Lions Marching unlike many that had participation trophy, only Show Band travelled to Band Festival to compete proceeded it over the three top awards were North Hunterdon High against six other high years. The outcome was school bands, including unique, For the first time S,P. sets hearing the Piscataway Super- in the history of the chiefs. The Superchiefs, Raider-Superchief battle also ranked as a Superior for best band, the Scotch on Revenue Grant band, have been the Plains-Fanwood Raider Mayor Gabriel Spera Revenue Sharing Commit- Raiders' most consistent Show Band upset its for- announced a public hear- tee. Nineteen towns in competitor for many years midable rival. ing will be held pn the Union County are involv- and its nemesis, as well. Demonstrating unparallel- HUD Revenue Sharing ed, and all projects must The scene on this par- Please turn to page 14 Block Grant Twelfth Year have a 2/3 majority of the funding on November 7, total Committee member- at the Municipal Building, ship approval in order to DECA holds 16th annual 430 Park Avenue, Scotch become reality. Plains, at 7:30 p.m. Installation of Officers "We are setting our Applicants for projects own priorities and want to will be available at T.eft to riant-Nicole Maroulakos, Lee Spector and Peter Kane display pumpkins won in the Wicked know how our citizens feel Township Hall, and com- Witch Contest, Pumpkins were donated by Sprague the County allocation plete instructions concern- should be spent," said ing project eligibility. All Flower & Garden Center in Fanwood. See page 6 for Mayor Spera. applicants must be sub- the artist's drawings. Scotch Plains has mitted to the Community benefited from Communi- Development Revenue "FANWOOD FACTS" ty Development funds Sharing Committee by Mayor Patricia Kuran will introduce two guests on since 1975 ammounting to November 20, 1985. Suburban Cablevision's Channel 3 on Tuesday, Nov. more than $1,700,000. It Projects funded 5, at 6:30 p.m. The first of the guests will be Norman is expected that approx- throughout the nineteen O.Geuder, Sr., Construction Official for the imately $5,000,000 will be member municipalities in- Borough of Fanwood since Jan. 1, 1977. available to Union County eluded: housing Mr. Geuder, who has served on the Planning for twelfth year funding, rehabilitation, High School Principal, Dr. Terry Riegel, welcomes Board for 20 years, will discuss construction projects The hearing will be neighborhood preserva- new DECA officers and reviews DECA's planned ac- within the Borough and will detail which home im- chaired by Thomas C, tion, code enforcement, tivities for the year. Students pictured (from left to provement projects require permits under State Douress, Shirley Capone, senior citizen facilities, right) are Linnea Makin, Denise A versa, DECA's statue or Borough code. James W. McCann, and child care facilities, and Ne*w President, Staei Eckstein, Susan Belli, Donna Chief Anthony Parent! will be the second guest Ray D'Amato, official various social service pro- Kuszma, Anne Woerner, Maria Aguilar and Steve with some discussion of Police Dept. programs and Township delegates to the grams. Weining-Davis. timely tips on ways to avoid becoming a victim of The Scotch Plains- tending Northeastern crime. The Chief will also offer the latest status Board Bulletin Fanwood High School University in Boston. report on Terrill Road bridge, a project he has been At the Board of Edca- November 18, 1982 and Chapter of the DECA students paid involved in on a day-to-day basis since its preliminary tion's regular public adopting IHF-RA Distributive Education tribute to Carvalho for his planning. Chief Parent! has over 28 years with the meeting on October 24, Graduation Rules & Clubs of America official- three years of dedication Fanwood Police dept. and has been its chief since the following action took Regulations dated Oe- ly began its year with to DECA and presented 1975. He is also Founder and President of the N,J. place: tober 24, 1985. DECA's 16th annual In- him with a personalized Police Traffic Officers Association. •Motions were approv- 'Progress reports were stallation of Officers- gavel for his service, Aver- ed adopting the following heard from the following Initiation of Members sa who is employed by ELECTION '85 job descriptions: GBI-RY- committees: Finance, Ceremony held in the Sears as part of her train- Building Curriculum Buildings and Grounds, High School's Multi Pur- ing in the school's Facilitator dated October Legislation and the Ad pose Room. Among the Marketing program swore 24, 1985, GBI-RZ-District Hoc Curriculum/Instruc- 150 guests who witnessed in the incoming officers. Curriculum Facilitator tion Committee. the formal candlelight The newly installed of- dated October 24, 1985 *Mrs. Dillon of the ceremony were parents, ficers of the 1985-86 and . GBI-RAA- Community Relations school staff members, DECA Action Team are Continuing Educa- Committee commented on town officials and DECA Aversa, President; senior lion/Community Schools several district events* Alumni. Marc Sorkin, 1st Vice Coordinator dated Oc- among them the fact that Senior Denise Aversa President; senior Stefanos tober 24, 1985, "Perspective" won the was installed as President Pantagis, 2nd Vice Presi- *A motion was approv- Award of Excellence in of the nationally acclaim- dent; junior Steve Don't forget to vote. ed rescinding Rules & the Annual Workshop ed DECA Chapter by Weining-Davis, 3rd Vice Tuesday, November 5th. Regulations for Gradua- School Communications outgoing President Frank President; senior Vanessa tion, IHF-RA dated Please turn to page 13 Carvalho who is now at- Please turn to page 14 A Laurel Place resident From The Mayor's Desk Police News told police cash had been Winners take prizes stolen from a locked closet in Fail Spelling Bee on the 24th, Police were called to At the old-fashioned Coles School, emerged the South Ave., on the 25th, spelling bee at Scotch Hills winner. Zahid Quaraishi, to investigate an assault. Country Club by the attending Brunner, was se- Complaints were signed. Recreation Commission, cond. OS That same day, burglars one fact emerged with a While the number of u SCOTCH PLAINS attempted to gain entry to cautionary note; do not competitors from the sixth CO On October 24th, a home on Marian Ave., learn to spell words used grade was not as o burglars entered a home in through a rear basement in TV commercials! One numerous, Jennifer Di the 1300 block of Terrill window, but were unsuc- youngster was tripped up Pace proved she was the o Road by breaking a rear cessful. by this when asked to spell best this year by correctly window, Jewelry was On the 28th, burglars the word for dry condi- spelling commerce, with a IX reported missing, attempted to enter a home tions in the desert.,,she "c," Jennifer, a student at by Fanwood Mayor Patricia Kuran S A vehicle, parked in the gave arid two r's like the H on Terrill Road by jimmy- St. Barts, has been a con- 2500 block of Route 22, ing a rear door lock, but deodorant. What you see sistent winner, having U was stolen on the 27th. Many of the telephone inquiries I receive in the ac were apparently scared is not always correct. been the best speller as a Mayor's office arc about the timetables for ongoing The next day, burglars off. However, the fourth fifth grade competitor in stole 20-30 .cases of soda or projected projects, I often review the status of A Rainier Road resident graders who led off in the the past. Matthew Ponzio, projects at monthly Listening Posts at Borough Hall and cash from a service told police a woman called challenge of spelling-down also from St. Barts School station on Route 22, and on the monthly television program, "Fanwood to say that her husband proved to be excellent was awarded the second Facts", shown on Channel 3 the first two Tuesdays was being held hostage spellers and overcoming place prize. of the month at 6:30 p.m. Bear with me, and I will FANWOOD and a ransome of cash was the spelling of really dif- repeat them here. On October 23rd, a demanded, Lt. Carboy ficult words, Brian Daly Thanks go to all the chain saw was stolen from asks any resident, receiv- of St. Bartholomew's parents and friends of the The Terrill Road bridge will open to traffic before a rear shed on Montrose ing such a phone call, to School took first place.
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