ANNUAL REPORT 2007/08 © Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority This report in copyright under the Berne Convention Copying of this report is permitted providing that the meaning is unchanged and the source is acknowledged. Published November 2008 Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority Locked Bag 2048, Goulburn NSW 2580 ISBN 978 0 7347 5275 8 Copies of this annual report can be downloaded from the Hawkesbury-Nepean HNCMA’s website at www.hn.cma.nsw.gov.au. Cover Photo: Members of the Barragal Landcare Group inspect a planting site on Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institue property, Camden 2 The Honourable Carmel Tebbutt, BEC MP Deputy Premier, Minister for Climate Change and Environment, Minister for Commerce Level 30, Governor Macquarie Tower 1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 28 October 2008 Re: 2007/08 Annual Report for the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority Dear Minister, We have great pleasure in presenting the Annual Report of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority for the financial year, 1 July 2007 – 30 June 2008, for submission to Parliament. This report has been prepared in accordance with section 17 of the Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003, and the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984, and the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Regulation 2005. This year’s report has also been prepared in response to advice that has been received from the Premier’s Department and NSW Audit Office. This report details our annual accounts as audited by the NSW Audit Office as well as the activities and achievements of our organisation and the relevant statutory and financial information for the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority. Yours sincerely John Klem Chairperson Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority Bernie Bugden General Manager ANNUAL REPORT 2007/08 3 QUICK FIND INDEX Acronyms 144 Identification of audited financial statements 83-84 Access/addresses 21 Investment performance 10-16, 78-81, 130 Aims and objectives 20-21 Key performance results 10-16 Audited financial statement 82 Land disposal 133 Biodiversity programs and projects 28 Legal change 132 Board members 22-23 Legislation 21 Budget for the year ahead 17 Letter of submission to the Minister 3 Charter 20-21 Liability Management Performance n/a Chair’s Foreword 6-7 Management activities 8-16, 79-81, 108-120 Consultants 132 Management and structure 124 Consumer response 141 Monitoring and Evaluation 76-77 Corporate Governance 24-27, 108-116 Performance and numbers of executive officers 126 Credit card certification 131 NSW Government action plan for women 128 Disability plan 129 Occupational Health and Safety 129 Disclosure of controlled entities n/a Payment of Accounts (including time) 134 Disclosure of subsidiaries n/a Privacy Management Plan 141 Economic or other factors 6-9, 78-81 Production costs 141 Electronic service delivery 138 Profile of the region 18 Energy management 137 Promotion/publications 141 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) 126-127 Public availability inside front cover 2 Ethnic Affairs Priority Statement 126 Research and development n/a Estuary projects 50 Risk management and insurance activities 131 Evaluation 10-13, 78-81, 76-77 River Health programs and projects 42 Executive (principal officers) 124 Soil and Land programs and projects 52 Financial statements 82-107 Strategic Planning 27, 111-112 Freedom of information 139-140 Summary and review of operations 10-16, 79-81 Funds granted to non-government Threatened species projects 34-37 community organisations 133 Waste management 136 General Manager’s Message 8-9 Wetland projects 47 Guarantee of service 138 Human resources 124-129 4 CONTENTS Chair’s Foreword 6 Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting 76 General Manager’s message 8 Financial Reporting 2007/08 78 Key Performance Results 10 Finance Audit and Corporate Governance Looking Ahead 2008/09 17 subcommittee report 78 Profile of the region 18 Financials for 2007/08 82 Who we are 20 Appendices 108 Our Board 22 Board & Partnerships 108 Corporate Governance 24 i. Board and subcommittees 108 Strategic Planning 27 ii. HNCMA representation on significant committees 119 Biodiversity 28 iii. Service level agreements 121 State Target 1 – Native vegetation extent and condition 30 Human Resources & Personnel 124 Case study: Bushland Conservation Project 32 iv. HNCMA Organisational structure and Case study: Native Vegetation Management 33 employee classification 124 State Target 2 – Sustainable populations 34 v. Personnel Policies and Practices 125 State Target 3 – Threatened species and communities 35 vi. Senior executive service officers 126 Case Study: Broad-headed Snake Recovery Project 38 vii. Ethnic Affairs Priority Statement 126 State Target 4 – Invasive species 39 viii. Equal Employment Opportunity 126 Case study: Removing Privet on the Putty River 41 ix. NSW Government Action Plan for Women 128 River Health 42 x. Occupational Health & Safety 129 State Target 5 – Riverine ecosystems 44 xi. Disability Plan 129 Case study: River Restoration Project 45 Finance & Operations 130 State Targets 6/7 – Groundwater & Marine 46 xii. Investment performance 130 State Target 8 - Wetlands 46 xiii. Risk management and insurance activities 131 Case study: Wetlands Management Project 47 xiv. Credit card use 131 State Target 9 – Estuaries and coastal 48 xv. Legal changes 132 Case study: Estuary, Coast and Marine Program 50 xvi. Consultants engaged 132 Soil & Land 52 xvii. Funds to non-government community organisations 133 State Target 10 – Soil condition 54 xviii. Land disposal 133 Case study: Catchment Protection Scheme 55 xix. Payment of accounts 134 State Target 11 – Land capability 57 HNCMA Sustainability 136 Case study: Improving land capability 59 xx. Waste management and purchasing 136 xxi. Energy management 137 Community & Partnerships 60 HNCMA Service & Response 138 State Target 12 – Natural resource management decisions 62 Case study: HNCMA Landcare/Community Support 63 xxii. Guarantee of service 138 State Target 13 – Community Capacity Building 64 xxiii. Electronic service delivery 138 Case study: Collaboration with the Blue Mountains World xxiv. Freedom of information disclosures 139 Heritage Institute 66 xxv. Consumer response 141 Case study: Upper Lachlan Biodiversity xxvi. Privacy management 141 Planning Framework 67 xxvii. Cultural heritage management 141 Reporting against NRC Standards 68 xxviii. Publications 141 Case study – Developing a system to collect, store Miscellaneous 142 & share knowledge within the HNCMA 69 xxix. Vegetation management activities 142 Case study – scale: Wheeny Creek river restoration 70 xxx. Acronyms 144 Case study – collaboration: HNCMA Investment Prospectus 72 Case study – engaging the community on the River Lett 74 5 CHAIR’S FOREWARD I am pleased to present the took us to the end of the former Natural will maximise improvements in natural Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Heritage Trust Program funding. I am resource condition across NSW. The Management Authority’s (HNCMA) proud to be able to report we exceeded NRC submitted its report, “Allocating annual report for 2007/08. or met all 27 of our Catchment Action Plan NRM funding between NSW Catchment targets this year. Management Authorities”, to the Premier The HNCMA’s projects have contributed on 4 April 2008. This report articulates key to increased vegetation cover, and Since 2004, the Hawkesbury-Nepean methodology placing significant emphasis improvement in riverine environments, CMA has invested $65 million (including on the HNCMA catchment for improved wetlands, and agricultural land partner contributions) to catchment future funding allocations because of our management. These achievements improvements to see: performance and the social, economic are in line with the Australian and NSW • 978 projects carried out on landholder and environmental significance of the Governments’ efforts to reduce greenhouse properties catchment. This report is available at gas emissions. Overall, the catchment’s www.nrc.nsw.gov.au natural resources are improving. • 5113 hectares of native vegetation protected Climatic conditions over the past 12 This is the first year the HNCMA will be months have had an impact on our reporting against “management action • 543 kilometres of riverbanks restored programs throughout the catchment, targets” in our 10-year Catchment Action • 8677 hectares of gully erosion but in some regards it is a tale of two Plan. There are 27 of these HNCMA rehabilitated catchments. The lower catchment, on targets which directly contribute to the the urban fringes, has seen numerous NSW Government’s 13 natural resource • 526,031 local native plants established significant rainfall events in the past 12 management targets under the State Plan • 469.6 kilometres of rivers, gullies and months including significant flooding of the – Priority E4. wetlands protected with fencin Colo and Macdonald rivers and Mangrove It has been a very hard-working year − Creek. While in the upper catchment, During the year, the HNCMA finalised the fourth in the HNCMA’s history − for particularly around Goulburn there still its Corporate Plan which sets the all our clients, partners and staff. In most remains drought-like conditions. As a organisation’s values and objectives for instances we have exceeded our financial consequence some revegetation projects our work over the next four years. The and non-financial milestones in terms of have been delayed due to dry conditions, Corporate Plan was adopted by the
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