COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 12,2001 -- SESSION OF 2001 185TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 45 i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES . PLEDGE ,OF ALLEGIANCE The House convened at 12 m., e.d.t. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and visitors.) THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) I PRESIDING I JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED PRAYER The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal of Friday, June 22, 2001, will be postponed until printed. FR. FRANK D. ALMADE, Ph.D., Chaplain of the House of The Chair hears no objection. Representatives and Secretary for Social Concerns, Catholic ~ioceseof Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Loving God, creator of all things and all people, we praise and bless You for the bounty You pour out on ths nation and No. 1838 By Representatives STETLER, CAPPELLI, this Commonwealth. CORRIGAN, J. WILLIAMS and YOUNGBLOOD We are gathered here in another moment of the ongoing An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania American experiment in democracy. Our trust in the decency Consolidated Statutes, prohibiting the use of radar detectors or similar and goodness of the citizens of this State is an imperfect but devices. valuable mirror of the complete trust we place in You, 0 Father. Bless Your newly elected servant, Michael Turzai, as he Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, June 27, begins hspublic service today. Bless his family and friends, his 200 1. mentors and teachers and colleagues. Give them the grace to help him assume his new responsibilities as a member of the No. 1839 By Representatives STETLER, CAPPELLI, House of Representatives. Assist him in thls new role to speak CORRIGAN, CURRY, LEWIS, RUBLEY, B. SMITH, and act on the moral dimensions of public life from the values STEELMAN, STEIL, STURLA, TIGUE, C. WILLIAMS, he holds dear, in a manner consistent with the hlghest ideals of J. WILLIAMS and YOUNGBLOOD public service and our nation's founding principles. Assist him and, we dare to say, all his colleagues in this legislature and An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania State government to enact policies and craft laws which defend Consolidated Statutes, authorizing the use of radar by local police human life, promote the health of families, pursue social justice, officers who meet certain qualifications. support the common good, and build up the opportunity for workers to participate in meaningful labor and for employers to Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, June 27, provide living-wage jobs for all who desire them. Help him to 200 1. enhance the right of all our children to receive quality education, to promote affordable and accessible health care, to No. 1840 By Representatives STETLER, D. EVANS, support our senior citizens, and to fight against hunger, poverty, THOMAS, L. I. COHEN, CORRIGAN, DALEY, FRANKEL, and racism. HARHAI, JOSEPHS, MELIO, PISTELLA, ROONEY, This new century and new millennium requires a new kind of C. WILLIAMS and J. WILLIAMS politics, focused more on moral principles than on the latest polls, more on the needs of the poor and vulnerable and families An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, prohibiting sales of firearms and than on the contributions of the rich and powerful, more on the explosives by mail. pursuit of the common good than on the demands of special interests. Our presence here allows us to recommit ourselves to Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, June 27,2001. more civil dialogue and less cynicism, to more engaged citizenry and less partisan posturing. No. 1841 By Representatives STETLER, D. EVANS, We ask You to bless Michael and all who serve in public life THOMAS, FRANKEL, CORRIGAN, DALEY, JOSEPHS, with wisdom and humility. We pray by calling on You holy MELIO, ROONEY, C. WILLIAMS and J. WILLIAMS name, now and forever and ever. Amen. .. .. ? LEGISLATIVE JOURNALHOUSE JULY 12 An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the An Act providing for the duties of unlicensed health care personnel Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further authorizing political and for enforcement by the Department of Health; and imposing subdivisions to impose additional requirements on the ownership, penalties. possession, transfer or transportation of firearms. Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, June 27,2001. SERVICES, July 11,2001. No. 1842 By Representatives STETLER, D. EVANS, No. 1846 By Representatives DAILEY, VANCE, FRANKEL, ROONEY, CORRIGAN, DALEY, JOSEPHS, MANDERINO, METCALFE, WILT, ROSS, ARMSTRONG, MELIO, C. WILLIAMS and J. WILLIAMS BEBKO-JONES, HERMAN, LAUGHLIN, CRUZ, HENNESSEY, CREIGHTON, RUBLEY, BASTIAN, An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further authorizing political HARPER, STABACK, ADOLPH, E.Z. TAYLOR, MANN, subdivisions to impose additional requirements on the ownership, SOLOBAY, MUNDY, SAYLOR, TANGRETTI, WALKO, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms. YUDICHAK, SHANER, WATSON, WANSACZ, LEH, GEIST, GABIG, FLICK, BARRAR, HORSEY, TIGUE, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, June 27,2001. L. I. COHEN, YOUNGBLOOD, KENNEY, STEELMAN, T. STEVENSON, FICHTER, SEMMEL, C. WILLIAMS, No. 1843 By Representatives EGOLF, ADOLPH, BUNT, TULLI, SCHRODER, KELLER, THOMAS and ARGALL, BASTIAN, BEBKO-JONES, BELARDI, PETRARCA BENNINGHOFF, BROWNE, BUNT, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, CLARK, COLAFELLA, CORRIGAN, An Act providing for the protection of health care professionals who report inadequacy or quality care in connection with a health care CREIGHTON, DALEY, DeLUCA, FORCIER, GABIG, facility; imposing duties on the health care unit within the Office of GEIST, GEORGE, GRUCELA, HARHAI, HENNESSEY, Attorney General; and imposing penalties. HERSHEY, HESS, HUTCHINSON, JAMES, KAISER, KELLER, LEDERER, MAHER, MARSICO, METCALFE, Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN R. MILLER, PALLONE, PHILLIPS, PISTELLA, ROSS, SERVICES, July 11,200 1. SATHER, SAYLOR, SCHRODER, SHANER, SOLOBAY, STERN, THOMAS, TIGUE, TRELLO, TRICH, WALKO, No. 1847 By Representatives DAILEY, VANCE, WANSACZ, WASHINGTON, WATSON, YOUNGBLOOD, MANDERINO, WILT, ROSS, ARMSTRONG, ZIMMERMAN and DIVEN BEBKO-JONES, HERMAN, LAUGHLIN, CRUZ, HENNESSEY, CREIGHTON, RUBLEY, BASTIAN, An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the offense HARPER, STABACK, ADOLPH, E. Z. TAYLOR, MANN, of sexual abuse of children; and providing for the unlawful use of SOLOBAY, MUNDY, TANGRETTI, WALKO, YUDICHAK, computers for solicitation or procurement of minors. SHANER, WATSON, WANSACZ, LEH, GEIST, GABIG, FLICK, HORSEY, L. I. COHEN, YOUNGBLOOD, KENNEY, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, June 27,2001. HARHAI, T. STEVENSON, FICHTER, SEMMEL, C. WILLIAMS, BUNT, TULLI, SCHRODER, THOMAS and No. 1844 By Representatives METCALFE, CAPPELLI, PETRARCA FAIRCHILD, HALUSKA, BARRAR, BIRMELIN, CLARK, CLYMER, DeWEESE, EGOLF, FORCIER, GEIST, HORSEY, An Act amending the act of July 8, 1986 (P.L.408, No.89), known as the Health Care Cost Containment Act, further providing for the HUTCHINSON, LEH, McILHATTAN, R. MILLER, powers and duties of the Health Care Cost Containment Council; and PISTELLA, READSHAW, ROHRER, STABACK, making an appropriation. T. STEVENSON, R. STEVENSON, J. TAYLOR and WILT Referred to Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, hther providing for firearms not SERVICES, July 11,2001. to be carried without a license and for firearm licenses. No. 1848 By Representatives STETLER, C. WILLIAMS, Referred to Committee on JUDICIARY, June 27,2001. BARRAR, BELFANTI, BROWNE, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, COY, CREIGHTON, CURRY, FRANKEL, No. 1845 By Representatives DAILEY, VANCE, GABIG, GEORGE, GORDNER, GRUCELA, HALUSKA, MANDERINO, WILT, ARMSTRONG, BEBKO-JONES, HARHAI, HERMAN, HORSEY, JOSEPHS, LAUGHLIN, HERMAN, LAUGHLIN, CRUZ, HENNESSEY, LESCOVITZ, LEVDANSKY, MANN, McCALL, McGILL, CREIGHTON, BASTIAN, HARPER, STABACK, ADOLPH, MELIO, R. MILLER, MUNDY, PETRONE, SAINATO, E. Z. TAYLOR, MANN, SOLOBAY, MUNDY, TANGRETTI, SAYLOR, TANGRETTI, E. Z. TAYLOR, TIGUE, TRELLO, WALKO, YUDICHAK, SHANER, LEH, GEIST, GABIG, TRICH, WALKO, WOJNAROSKI, YOUNGBLOOD, FLICK, BARRAR, HORSEY, TIGUE, L. I. COHEN, YUDICHAK, THOMAS, STEELMAN, DIVEN and YOUNGBLOOD, KENNEY, HARHAI, STEELMAN, PETRARCA FICHTER, SEMMEL, C. WILLIAMS, BUNT, TULLI, SCHRODER, KELLER, THOMAS and PETRARCA An Act amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, NO.^), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, defining "biotechnology company" and "emerging technology company"; further defining "Pennsylvania 200 1 LEGISLATIVE J( qualified research and development"; and further providing for the time No. 1854 By Representatives McILHINNEY, CAPPELLI, period of and limitation on technology tax credits. HARPER. THOMAS and WATSON Referred to Committee on FINANCE, July 1 1,2001. An Act amending the act of May I, 1933 (P.L. 103, No.69), known as The Second Class Township Code, further providing for insurance. No. 1849 By Representatives McILHINNEY, BELFANTI, BROWNE, CAPPELLI, CLYMER, L. I. COHEN, FEESE, Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT, FRANKEL, FREEMAN, GODSHALL, GRUCELA, HARPER, July 11,2001. HERMAN, JOSEPHS, KIRKLAND, MANDERINO, McGILL, MELIO, R. MILLER, PALLONE, PIPPY, RAYMOND, No. 1855 By Representatives McILHINNEY, CAPPELLI, RUBLEY, SAINATO, SATHER, SCRIMENTI, STEELMAN, CLYMER, CREIGHTON, DAILEY, FREEMAN, HARPER, E. Z. TAYLOR,
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