NEWSLETTER MAY 1978 Vol . 6, No . 4 W.E . Keenan, President Joan Mackie, Editor ANNUAL MEETING LACAC NOTES DATE Wednesday, May 31, 1978 LACAC has recently been asked by several 9 :06 p .m . citizens to recommend that certain struc- tures in the city be designated heritage PLACE National Research Council properties under the terms of the Ontario Auditorium Heritage Act, 1974 . Included are the 100 Sussex Drive Parliament Buildings, the house on the (Opposite Lester B . Pearson Build- northeast corner of Daly and Chapel ing . Parking available behind the streets, and the Minto Bridges . N .R .C ., overlooking the scenic A Ottawa River . Bus no . 3 stops sub-committee has been formed to prepare directly in front of the building .) a brochure which will explain to the public the designation process, and the obliga- tions and TOPIC The importance of LACAC to prerogatives of owners of Ottawa's_ heritage designated properties, and which will give advice on the renovation and upkeep of The Local Architectural Conserva- such buildings . tion Advisory Committee (LACAC) plays an important role in preserv- A recent motion was carried suggesting ing the heritage of the community . that bronze plaques of traditional design affixed properties designated At the 1978 Annual Meeting, it is be to under the a privilege to have two guests to Ontario Heritage Act . speak about the work of this Several properties have been so designated . committee . In October 1976, City Council designated Alderman Georges Bedard , chairman Lisgar Collegiate and the Armstrong house . a of LACAC will give a general out- at 35 Armstrong Street Jim Taylor, line of the mandate of LACAC, and LACAC member, has kindly supplied the following list of properties designated Christina Cameron , architectural Council 1978 : analyst with the Canadian Inven- by City in tory of Historic Building, will 183-185 Rideau Street 149 Daly Avenue speak specifically about many of 336 Daly the buildings which LACAC has Avenue recommended that City Council 188-192 Stewart Street 245 Laurier Avenue East designate to be of heritage value . 2087 Riverside Drive This being the Annual Meeting, .s8-54 Elgin Street reports of the past year's activi- 335 Laurier Avenue East ties will be given, and the elec- 395 Laurier Avenue East tion of the forthcoming year's 464 Besserer Street Board of Directors will take place . 451 Besserer Street 500 Wilbrod Street 326-328 Somerset Street West 236 Metcalfe Street 103-113 James Street 419-423 Sussex Drive Jennifer Roddick JUNE MEETING - HERITAGE OTTAWA PICNIC HERITAGE OTTAWA GALLERY DATE Thursday, June 29, 1978 4 :30 p .m . "National Capital Region Heritage" con- tinues until the end of the month at the PLACE The Phillips' Place, Cantley, Fraser Schoolhouse, 62 John Street . Open Quebec weekends from 1 :00 until 5 :00, the exhi- bition is a colorful collection of photo- The June Newsletter will carry details of graphs by Ewald Richter, taken for the the event, and maps to assist in locating National Capital Commission's handsome the Phillips' place . book of the same name . HERITAGE OTTAWA, P.O. Box 510, Stn . B, Ottawa, Ontario, Kl P 5P6 6 EAST BLOCK RESTORATION On the interior, the rooms are being pre- pared for mechanical and electrical services, East Block passersby, attracted by a flurry and the work is out to tender in anticipa- of activity, may be curious to know what is tion of awarding the contracts in July . happening on the roof, behind the hoard- up Five of the rooms, declared to be of prime ing, the flying dust . Last and under historic and architectural significance, autumn Ottawa members were treated Heritage are being carefully restored to their historic building and a to a tour of this original state : the Sir John A . Macdonald talk the proposed restoration work ; about room, the Sir George-Etienne Cartier room, now the well underway . work is the Governor-General's office, the Privy DPW's Project Manager Bruce Lorimer talked Council Chamber and the Privy Council about the progress to date in an interview anteroom . The original ducts will be used in early May . That's a new copper roof for heating and cooling, and gas lighting one sees being installed to replace the old will be reinstalled . Period furniture will 1940's one, and thermal glazing (with grace the rooms, which will then be open to wooden frames that copy the original ones) is the public . taking the place of all of the old windows . Work continues on the exterior stonework -- Completion date is set for late 1979 . The chemical residues are being removed, often refurbished offices will probably be revealing cracked stones which must then be occupied by Members of Parliament and Sena- repaired . tors and their support staff . GLEBE HERITAGE SEMINARS BOOK REVIEW DATES Wednesday, June 7, 8 :00 p .m . Shirley Leishman Books, 88 Metcalfe Wednesday, June 14, 8 :00 p .m . Street, very kindly lent the following book to PLACE Glebe Community Centre, main Heritage Ottawa for review purposes . hall, 690 Lyon Street TOPIC Co-sponsored by Heritage Ottawa and the Land Use Committee of the Joan Finnigan with photographs by Erik Glebe Neighbourhood Plan , the two Christensen . " I come from the Valley ." seminars will provide opportunities Toronto : NC Press Limited, 1976 . 160 pp ., to learn more about such topics as many illus ., $9 .95 (paper) the history and heritage of the "I come from the Valley" is a pleasing mix- Glebe, what has been done for the ture of poetry, short stories, plays, and heritage of other neighbourhoods, interviews depicting life in the Ottawa how individuals can preserve the Valley at the turn of the 19th Century . heritage features of their own homes, and what technical resources Joan Finnigan, whose family comes from the are available to provide assistance valley, grew up in Ottawa . She has been to home owners wanting to upgrade active in teaching, theatre, television, their properties . radio, film, research and writing . Her intense love of the valley is especially A panel of speakers will be present evident in the introduction where she des- at each session . Discussion and cribes valley humour and mannerisms using questions will be invited . For her own happy memories . further information, call the Glebe Neighbourhood Planning There are numerous photographs by Erik Office at 563-3379 . Christensen in the book . For reasons un- known, they seem to be a little out of fo- cus, granular, and overexposed . creating a dark, harsh effect . This could have been an attempt on the part of Mr . Chris- APT CONFERENCE tensen to achieve a desired effect, how- ever this reader found them unpleasant . Heritage Ottawa is acting as host organi- I recommend this book as an enjoyable zers for this international conference to learning experience of particular interest be held September 20-24 . Free accommoda- to Ottawa Valley history buffs . tion is needed for student participants for four nights during the conference . Jennifer Roddick Please volunteer to billet one or more students by telephoning Gerry White at 234-2873 (evenings) . TOUR OF HERITAGE PROPERTIES IN THE CAPITAL Tickets are selling quickly for Heritage Ottawa's September 23 tour of heritage CITY OF OTTAWA ARCHIVES properties in the capital . Use the form at the end of this Newsletter to order "French Canadians of Old Lowertown", an your tickets now . The cost of $6 .50 exhibition of photographs and artifacts of includes lunch, a brochure detailing the the early settlers of Lowertown will be properties' historic and architectural opened on May 29 at 8 :00 at the City of merits, and entrance to the following Ottawa Archives, 174 Stanley Avenue . The houses : the Billings House, "Maplelawn", exhibition will run through the summer the Belgian Embassy, the Davison Residence, months, and may be visited between the hours the Northgrave Residence, the log house of 9 :00 a .m . and 4 :00 p .m ., weekdays . on Riverside Drive, and St . Bartholomew's Admission is free . Anglican Church . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HERITAGE OTTAWA - TOUR OF HERITAGE PROPERTIES IN THE CAPITAL Please send . tickets at $6 .50 each to Name . Address . Please enclose cheque or money order payable to Heritage Ottawa, and mail to [louse Tour 43 Blackburn Avenue Ottawa, Ontario KlN 8A4.
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