first The News! Tot Value—Shop The Ad* Th« Largest And Beit Shop*, Sor* Of The Town ic«i In The Area Are Our Adrer- Home-Town P»per nbent- titert, Patronize Them I ' X-XXVHI-—No. 14 Published Bvery Thursday WOODBRIDGK N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1946 . ICptered an necomi class mattar at 11 Green St., Woofbrldge, N, J. Rt tha Pout OBlce, Woodbrldg*, N. J. PRICE FIVE GENTS High School Musicians In Band Concert May 17 Clean-Up Mind If We N» J. Adopts weetness Boast Just AND Week' Set A Wee_Bit? Own Route Light May 13-18 Steady Growth 01 Our S-100 Plan Newspaper Shown In ,. dmrlrt E. Gregorr Bailey Urges All House- Today's 18 Pages • Original Line From v ,„. without encour- holders To Dispose Of Bonhamtown to Port h WOODBRIDGE—Tod«r'. !•• ,.,„ i ihink I could write 'Junk And Rubbish' me of The INDEPENDENT- Reading Is Accepted ^,,,niuH commentary LEADER hit 18 ptg«». WOODBRIDGE -- "Clean up Naturally, we point out thi» n liiilr|>fnrtMlt-I,t»d«r) priiiocratic admin- IV :I your buck yards, cellars and other fnct with tome pride" (or it re- TRENTON--On a rccommend*- iim ,„ HK; county Prp- places collecting rubbish," Health prdenti the fruiti of long, tion of C'lmiies M. Nobel, Stats .,--.-. iillirc put two de- Officer rtnrold J. Bailey adviser often discouraging •ffortl to Highway Engineer, formal adop* build our newipaper to that it tion of Route 100 alignment from .\, Township residents today in an- ,,'(,,runs nut on a ljmb- would merit the confidence and Route '1U ncur Bonhsmjown, R»ri- ,\ nouncing that Clean-up Week wil mppnrl not only of thii com- tan Township, through. Wood1- ' ., |jr|iulilicJiti adminis- be conducted here May 1H-18. munity but the entire «re» it bridge Township to the Port Rea'd-' Minniptly sawed off Mr. Bnilty declared thiit he Inn wrvti. We believe that the iiiR R.iilroad, was announced today , • tcady growth olf The INDE- |,,.nr;i!li them. pvi'.sonatly been making inspoc by State" Highway Commissioner PENDENT-LEADER ai evi- ,.,-illv sink' my teeth Spencer Miller, .Ir. »' tions throughout the Township denced by lodny'l Jltue indi- The location selected i& that , lHr| (li/ccption of this flnil has ordered householders, in cates a consistently widening which was displayed o'h ft map ,,,,1-iiciilarly when'it is neccptance of the paper by our several cases, to get rid (if junk at the Township Engineer's office lubicriberi and advertiien j,,.,l ,m ;t couple of and rubbish they have collected mid at the public hearing held by nlikc, for they are inter-depen- l, , when the the State Highway Department in i v lh Abort are pictured memlxsri of the Woodbridge High School Jamei Janucci, Rudolph Gutwein, Jfttnei Mazza, Alex Tarcz, on their premises. dent. , itv thick a year Trenton on April 11. (i or Senior Band which will piny at the annual concert of the Raymond Holzheimer, Jamei Auburn, Benjamin Den Bleyker, The Health Officer also urged We are'happy, naturally, that Commissioner Miller stated no ,,. ihi'ic hiking it while Woodbridge High School Auditorium. LWft to right, they are! Robert Obropta, Dominick La Penta. residents "to clean up that lot next we can ftihion a newspaper Bottom row, Barbara Lakatoi, Dorothy Loval, Richard Larten, door, too." He said he realized that alternate proposals were submit* lH1htiiiaiis back home Fourth row, Edward Sleczkowiki, Jamci Dauda, Robert Gaw- whose content and editorial Dominick Cavallero, Howard Pcndcr, Joieph Silagyi, Robert the "lot next door" usually be- ted by Knritnn Township or Wood-, into their roniak, Leo Chrittemen, Ralph Anzevino, Thomai Maney, WiW itnmina are lufficiently attract Burrowt, John O'Neill, Steve Olah, Nortna Wnldmnn, Lorraine longs to someone else bill, hi ivc to permit independent judg bridge Township engineers and jlmoling empty liam Boehm, Clifford Knudien, Gerard Novak. Top row, Lafayette Wargo. pointed out that if a little effor n\cnt lo prevail over the petty the State's plans- were deemed the very best that could be devised I (if the side of Second row, Paul Benyola, Daniel RtmcU, Cataldo Luoo, Ken- Livingtton, William Bennett, Edward Gunther, Calvin Barrett, was used in cleaning it up that i tlirusti of a casual detractor. with the minimum encroachment hs about what neth Manning, William Wiegeri, John Moilcy, George Pappai, Rodney Birong, Conductor Theodore H, Hoopi, Robert Chinchar, would enhuin'e the surrounding upon developed property. to do for Warren Barber, Joieph D'Altxandri. Third row, John Nagy, Donald Painter, Charlei Davii, Richard Popovich, property. 1, and if, they "We must, get rid of rubbish, "Owners <>r homes tlllil may be " junk and refuse," he concluded, Vet Welcome affected." the commissioner stat- "and at the same time wo will help ed, "will be prrmitted to retain Board To AirJunior, Intermediate And Senior B. Of E. Names to eliminate mosquitoes, rats and ownership of their buildings eo 11 II.' tradition of my disease." Plan Studied that they may be moved to new locations. though, I will put School Aims School Staffs During Clean-up Week residents i,. I'nri1 pleasure and take Bands Rehearse For Concert may leave any type of junk or WOODBIUDGE — A mcetiiiE "The construction proposed for refuse at the curb for pick-up on as been called for Monday even- the, immediate future will be limi- I left off last week with SEWAREN —The WOODBRIDGFJ —All employes Laubach, Robert Jogan, Theodore the regular collection day. ng of the Mayor's Committee to ted largely lo grading to permit ,1 .if Education, or the Township Civic Conference will Students Ot Various on clerical, secretarial, janitorial, lolosky, Ferdinand Schultz, Sam- the settlement, of tills. Our nego- IH.Wcrs thereof. meet at the Sewarcn School on teaching, supervisory and adminis- New Schedule Fixed |)lnn a suitable method of wel- Schools To Take Part uel Stratton; Hopelawn School, tiators for the acquisition of the Thursday, May 9th, at 8:15 P.M. trative staffs, who are now under The Health Officer announced omiiig home the community's Donald McCabe, Andrew Nagy,- necessary hind will approach their ll'ii.illy, ;is is any taxpayer, Residents from a!l sections of the In Annual Recital tenure, were reappointeri'for the that summer garbage collection James Benyola, Robert Ziegler, t,r»(l(l men and women who served tusk in a friendly manner to reach , ii'i'i-pu'd with the prevailing Townahip' arc invited. school year 1H4R-47 by the Board schedule will be in force during WOODBR1DGE — Rehearsals Edward Szuch, Richard Yura, June, July, August and Septem- n World War I!. settlements that will he fair to within the Board paying There will be a discussion of the of Education at an adjourned both to the owner and to the are being held for the annual con- (Continued on Page 6) ber. Starting June 1 garbage will The muetiiiK will be held in the piiitiial obligations with problems confronting the Board meeting last night. In addition all SUitc." cert of the Woodbridge Township other teachers, who were under bo collected twice weekly :is fol- •(•creation room of the INDEPEN- UNI. As I figure it now, of Education, and the meniborif 6 Miles Long School Bands May 17, at 8 P. M., 0 contract for the present school lows: .t;;iiv increase, new em- of the board have been invited DENT-LEADER at 8 p. m. and This new link'of New Jersey's year, but. not, under tenure, were 1 i;, a i'i|uipnient and sun- to present their views. Qf parti- in W'oodbridge High School Audi- New Minister Monday and Thursday: Noiil ill committee members are urged first freeway will lie six miles in rcuppointed. Michael J. Trainer, i-i- Hems, we're in the bag cular importance is the elimination torium. Three bands, the Junior, of Main Street and Wondhridgi length. The right-of-way will be who serves as Custodian of School to mako a spc-cinl effort to attend. !V something like $1H.OOO of the double session at the Ilinh Intermediate, and Senior or Con- proper, Avenel and Iselin. HOO feet wide iuul the travelled i Funds, was also renamed. At, this session, reports will be |ln.-h we had no opportunity School. This should be of interest cert Hand, will participate, under Assigned Here Tuesday and Friday: South o thoroughfare is to he free of all received on the canvass that has -. mi or the hell with it, to all parents and taxpayers A somewhat lengthy debate was Main Street, Edgar Hill, Sewaren truffle lights,, and intersections the direction of Theodore H. been nude of individual service ir.; may be poor, but throughout the Township inas- WOODBRIDGE' — Rev. Fred held on the proposed salary to be and Port Reading. and grades with center safety Hoops, director of school bands. men and the various service organ- niliei's which automatic- much as this discussion Is well erick W, Poppy, of Linden, who offered, to Theodore Hoops, band islands to lessen the dangers of Wednesday and S a t u r d a y izations on the mlinner in which 1 Alien they learn of such in advance of any effective date A.s is customary, the program was assigned as pastor of the instructor for Township schools. head-on collisions. Fords, Hopelawn ;uul Ken&bcy. ' they prefer the townfolk to ob- planning ins this that will be arranged tn show the prog- Woodbridge .Methodist Church at Heretofore Mr. Hoops, as a special change. serve the occasion..No plana w.l)at- CoimnissioiKT Miller explained ij:r Township piled up a s of hoys in the band depart- the concluding session of the an- teacher, worked four days a week The plans for the expansion of i'Ver have been made by the com- that the fte-owny will initiate a ment from the time they enter nual Newark Conference of the at a salary of $3,050.
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