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Events dedicated the world scientiˇc community and included in the road to this remarkable date were held in JINR Member States. map of development of the European scientiˇc infrastruc- Besides, 2016 was an important year for JINR due to ture. In 2016, a historic agreement was signed between the accomplishment of the seven-year programme of JINR JINR and the government of the Russian Federation on the development for 2010Ä2016, summing up the results and implementation of the NICA project. switching to the implementation of the plan of JINR devel- In November 2016, an ofˇcial ceremony was held for opment for 2017Ä2023. The new ambitious programme, the start-up of a high-technology line for assembling and approved by the JINR CP, includes highly elaborate tasks testing of superconducting magnets. The Factory is located that will demand concentration of all resources of our In- in the area of over 2500 square meters. It is equipped with stitute. the latest technological facilities, and qualiˇed specialists The results of the previous seven-year programme are ready to assemble and test 350 magnets for the NICA demonstrate its successful accomplishment: a whole se- project and 310 magnets for the FAIR project (Darmstadt, ries of world-class results was obtained practically in all Germany). main scientiˇc trends of research at JINR. The most impor- Another important achievement of 2016 is the suc- tant and brightest result of 2016 is the acknowledgement cessful launching of the linear accelerator of heavy ions of the JINR priority in the synthesis of new superheavy (HILAC) of the collider complex NICA, with the progress elements at the border of the Mendeleev Periodic Table in the construction of the collider buildings and in the by the International Unions of Pure and Applied Chem- upgrade of the systems of electric and heat supply. istry and Physics (IUPAC and IUPAP) and conˇrmation Experiments at the Nuclotron continued, including of their names. Element 115 was named moscovium (Mc); those in which our colleagues from universities and sci- element 118, oganesson (Og). Further research in this entiˇc centres of the USA and Europe participate. Con- ˇeld is connected with the development of the world's siderable success was achieved in these experiments in ˇrst Factory of Superheavy Elements. In this context, the the research of polarization phenomena and spin effects in year 2016 was extremely important; in December the as- nuclear interactions, nucleon correlations structure in re- sembling of the main magnet of the basic facility of the actions of deuteronÄproton scattering, in search for hyper- SHE Factory Å the new cyclotron DC-280 Å was com- nuclei, studies of the nuclear matter states, etc. pleted. The construction of the main technological systems Theoreticians of JINR obtained new interesting results is conducted according to the schedule. It is doubtless that in 2016; they started the work-out of the programme ©The launching of the SHE Factory will allow the Institute to Theory of Hadron Matter in Extreme Conditionsª which maintain its leading role in the synthesis and studies of is important for the support of the NICA project. Work SHE properties, which is one of the key trends of modern continued to increase the accuracy of calculations that are nuclear physics. necessary for the studies of the Standard Model (SM) at JINR is entering a new era of its development as all energy inaccessible at accelerators. A speciˇc computer the world is watching now how the unique project to con- code was designed to ˇnd values that depend on the en- struct the superconducting collider of heavy ions NICA ergy scale of the SM parameters. The key feature of the is progressing for the research of fundamental properties code is its openness. It allows immediate reproduction of of the superdense state of baryonic matter. It is an in- results that refer to the issue of the SM vacuum stability 5 and upgrade them with an account of new experimental Nowadays, the solution of scientiˇc tasks is imposs- data. The code can be the starting point for studies of ible without the latest achievements and work-out of new various new physics models. methods in computer and telecommunication technologies, Studies are started of superheavy nuclei whose struc- high productive computer systems and programming. Sim- ture fundamentally inuences their production cross sec- ulation, processing, analysis and storage of petabytes of tions in reactions of full fusion with application of actinide data, including those in the experiments at the NICA com- targets. The strong shell effect at Z = 120−126 makes it plex, demand the development of a distributed heteroge- possible to expect production of new nuclei with Z = 120 neous grid-cloud information-computing complex. During in the near future in fusion reactions of nuclei heavier than 2016, a unique centre of storage, processing and analysis 48 Ca with actinides. of data from the global grid infrastructure developed ac- In the framework of the neutrino programme of JINR, tively Å the Multifunctional Information and Computing work is actively in progress to develop a unique set-up in Complex (MICC), which is one of the basic facilities of Lake Baikal Å the deep water neutrino telescope of the cu- JINR. bic km scale (NT-1000) Å the Baikal-GVD project. Since JINR radiobiologists managed to obtain new bright re- April 2016 the ˇrst full-scale cluster ©Dubnaª installed in sults that are signiˇcant in various ˇelds of medical biolog- Lake Baikal has been accumulating data. One of the big ical sciences. These are, primarily, the studies of ©clusterª achievements of the year is the launching of a new control DNA damages whose formation in cell genetic structures centre of the neutrino telescope in the lake, fabrication of was predicted and theoretically founded at the Institute for electric supply systems, control, primary processing and the ˇrst time more than 20 years ago. storage of data. Multifaceted pluridisciplinary character of research at The antineutrino detector DANSS was put into oper- JINR makes our scientiˇc centre different from other cen- ation at the Kalinin NPS for remote measurement of the tres where studies are conducted in a narrow range of reactor parameters in real time. tasks. In this connection it is important to attract scientists Seven isotopes with simultaneous record of energy and from JINR Member States, talented young specialists and tracks of double beta decay events were studied in the provide them with opportunities for studies in the widest NEMO-3 experiment. Due to the big mass, results of ˇeld of modern science trends. The activities of JINR in 100 82 Mo and Se stood out in the research. education are systematically aimed at the implementation JINR physicists took part in the ATLAS experiment of this task. where new physics was studied in high mass resonances In 2016, 440 students took courses at the Univer- in muon and electron decay channels, opportunities were sity Centre of JINR at basic chairs of MSU, MPTI, studied to search for supersymmetric gluinos in their decay MEPhI, ©Dubnaª University, and universities of Member in the ˇnite state that contained the electron and the muon, States. Summer and work-practice courses were organized several hadron jets and large missing transverse momen- for 238 students of higher education institutions. Over tum in protonÄproton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy 160 persons took part in the annual summer student prac- of 13 TeV. Search for new resonances with mass larger tice in JINR research trends. than 250 GeV decaying to a Z boson and a photon was The engineer-physics tutorial for students, postgradu- performed. ates and young scientists from JINR Member States con- In studies of femtoscopic correlations of kaon pairs tinued to be held. A series of in-laboratory training courses produced in PbÄPb collisions at an energy of 2.76 TeV is organized in its framework in various ˇelds: from the at the ALICE facility (CERN), a group of scientists from basics of nuclear physics and radiation safety to the design JINR obtained new results for 1D femtoscopic correla- of accelerators and elementary particle detectors, SHF- and tions that showed good agreement with predictions of vacuum hardware, beam diagnostics methods and automa- R.
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