BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Statuwr.vlnstrurnent No.102 l~f2014 CUSTOMARY COURTS ACT (C<ip. 04:05) ESTABLISHMENT AND JURISDICTION OF CUSTOMARY COURTS ORDER, 2014 (Published on. 15th August, 2074) ARRANGEMENT OF PARAGRAPHS PARAGRAPH 1. Ciwtion 2. Recognition and establishment 3. Area of jurisdiction 4. Jmisdiction of coun 5. Jurisdiction [n respect of stock theft and drugs and re-lated substances 6. Revocation of S .I. No. 68 of 1972 SCHEDULES IN EXERCISE of tJw powers conferred on the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development by section 7 (3) of the Customary Court;; Act, the following Order is hereby made - Citation 1. This Order may be cill•d as the Establishment and Jurisdiction of Customary Courts Order, 2014. Rcx:<:>gnition ar.d 2. Tht.' customary courts listed in the flrst column of Schedule l hereto have ~stohi i shment by warrant been recognised and established as customary couJts \Vi thin the districts named in the said column. Area of 3. The area of jurisdiciion of each court shalll:>e the area stated in rdation jurisdiction to the Court in the second column of Schedule l . Jurisdiction 4. Subject to paragraph 5, the jurisdiction of each court in respel:t of civil of court and criminal matters shall be that indicated by ktters in relation to its name in the third and fourth columns respectively of Schedule 1, which letters refer to the maximum awards, fines or punishments which may be imposed, infl icted or granted by ihe court and which arc more fully indicated in s(.~hcd ulc 2. 1L;ri~,.diction in 5, (I) Where a person is convicted of the offcn<.~e of ste[lling or attempting respc~t of stvck to steal stock, contrary to the Stock Theft Act, by a customary court s pecified thtlft :-md Jn.lf;; in the first column of Part 1 of Schcdllle 3 (under the district within which it anc.i related substances has been recognized or established), the court may, for that offence, sentence Ca;>. 09:01 the person so convicted - (a) w a fine not exceeding the amount specified in the corresponding entry in the second column of the Schedule; and (b) to a period of imprisonment not exceeding the number of years specified in the corresponding entry in the third column of that Schedule. (2) Where a person is convicted of an offenc~: contrary to the Drug;; and Related Substances Act, by a customary COULt specified in the first colum11 of P11rt li of Schedule 3 (under the district within which it has been recognized m established}, the court may, for that offence, semence the person so convicted - (a) tu a fine nol exceeding the amount specified in the corre~po ntling entry in the second t~olumn of the Sch<odule; and (b) to a period of imprisonment not exceeding the number of years specified in the corresponding e.ntry in the third colunm of that Schedule . Revocation of 6. The E.~fabl i .shment and .Turi~diction of Customary Comts Order is hereby SJ. Nc>. 6S revoked. of 1972 731 730 731 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA SCHEDULE l Customary Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Ngwato Bamangwato A E Kgosi!Mothusa Kgosi Tribal Territory Moemela Kgosi Bobonong B F yo mogolwane Gweta Letlhakane Mahalapye Mmadinare Mookane Nata Palapye Ramokgonami Sefuare Shoshong To nota Tsienyane Tutu me Moemela Kgosi Dukwi c G Kalamare Lecheng Lerala Machaneng Maitengwe Maokatumo Mathangwane Mathathane Maunatlala Mmadinare Mogapi Moiyabana Molalatau Mosetse Mopipi Mosu Mmashoro Mokubilo Makalamabedi Nkange Paje Pilikwe Radisele Sebina 732 732 733 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customar,y Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Moemela Kgosi (cow.) Sefophc C G Semolale Serule Tsetsebjwe Tumasera Bonwapitse D H Boro!ong Chadibe ChadibefBorolong Changate Chokat'ihaa Dag\vi Damuchojenaa Dibete Dimajwe Dovedale D:wroga For!ey Gobojango Go<>t<~u Gosh we Gojwane Kgagodi Khumaga Kedia Khwec Kodibeleng Kudumatso Kut:amogoree Lepashe Lephephe Lepoko1e Mabeleapudl Mabesekwa Mal aka Mogapinyana Mabolwe Makobo Matlhako Matlhakola Majwaneng Mabuo Malatswai 733 732 733 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customary Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Kgosana (cont.) Makalamabedi D H Makwate Manxotae Marapong Marobela Matobo Majwanadipitse Matsitama Mhalapitsa Mmadikola Mmandunyane Mmaphashalala Mmashoro Mmatshumu Mmutlane Mogorosi Moletemane Mokgenene Mokobeng Mokoboxane Moreomaoto Moshopha Mosolotshane Mosu Motlhabaneng Motlopi Motshegaletau Mafungo/Hobona Maposa Maape Mokoswane Moralane Moremi Mmea Matolwane Mokgware Mogome Mogapi Moreomabele Natale Nswazwi Nkange Nshakashokwe Palla Road Poloka 734 734 735 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customary Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Kgosana (cont.) Radisele D H Ratholo Robelela Scleke Semolale Sepako Senete Semotswane Seolwane Sbashemooke Sbakwe Tamasane Taupye Tlhabala Tobane Topisi Toromoja Tshokwe Tshimoyapula Xhomo X ere Selebi-Phikwe Botshabclo B F Customary Court lkageleng President Kagiso (Urban) Deputy Court Botshabelo c G President Ikagclcng Kagiso Kweneng Bakwcna Tribal Kgosi/Mothu.m Kgosi Territory A E Moemela Kgosi Gabane B F yo mogolwane Kopong Lentsweletau Lephepe 735 734 735 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customary Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Moemela Kgosi Letlhakeng B F yo mogolwane (cont.) Mmankgodi Molepolole Mogoditshane Motokwe Salajwe Takatokwane Thamaga Moemela Kgosi Ditshegwane c G Gabane Khudumelapye Lentsweletau Letlhakeng Metsimotlhabe Mmopane Mmankgodi Mogoditshane Molepolole Thamaga Kgosana Diphuduhudu D H Gakgatlha Gakuto Gamodubu Gabane Hatsalatladi Kgope Kotolaname Kopong Kweneng Kaudwane Khudumelapye Lesilakgokong Lentsweletau Lephephe Letlhakeng Malwelwe Medie Monwane Mogonono Mantshwabisi Metsimotlhabe Mmopane Mogoditshane 736 737 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Custoi1Ulry Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Kgosana (cont.) Molepolole D H Motokwe Ngware Salajwe Sesung Shadishadi Sorilatholo Seriname Tshwaane Thamaga Ngamiland Batawana Tribal A E Kgosi/Mothusa Kgosi Territory Moemela Kgosi Etsha 6 B F yo mogolwane Gumare Makalamabedi Nokaneng Sehitwa Sepopa Seronga Shakawe Shorobe Tsau Moemeia Kgosi Chanoga c G Etsha 6 Kareng Makalamabedi Matlapana Ngarange Phuduhudu Qangwa Toteng Kgosana Beetsha D H Bodibeng Botlhatlogo Chukumuchu Etsha 13 Eretsha Etsha 1 Gudigwa Gunotsoga 736 737 737 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customary Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Kgosana (cont.) Habu D H Gani Ikoga Kauxwi Kajaja Khwai Koman a Mabebe Mababe Makakung Matlapana Matsaudi Mohembo-West Mokgacha Mogotlho Nxamasere Nxau-nxau Nxaraga Phuduhudu Sankoyo Semboyo Samuchima Somelo Sekondomboro Tubu Tsodile Tobera Xakao Xaixai Xau-xau Xhanoga Qhonootsha Ngwaketse Bangwaketse Kgosi/Mothusa Kgosi Tribal Territory A E Moemela Kgosi Kanye B F yo mogolwane Many ana Mmathethe Mabutsane Molapowabojang Phitshane-Molopo 738 738 739 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customary Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Moemela Kgosi yo mogolwane (cont.) Moshupa B F Ran aka Moemela Kgosi Digawana c G Kanye Khakhea Lotlhakane East Mabule Maokane Molapowabojang Mokgomane NtJhantJhe Sekoma Kgosana Digawana D H Gasita Gasegwagwa Gathwane Kanye Keng Kgomok.asitwa Khonkhwa Kokong Lekgolobotio Lefboko Loporung Lorolwane Lotlhakane West Majaalela Magoriapitse Many ana Moshupa Mmathethe Mabutsane Magotlhwane Metlobo Mmakgori Mogojogojo Mogonye Mokhomma Morwamosu Moshana Pitseng 739 738 739 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customary Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Kgosana (cont.) Phitshane- Molopo D H Ranaka Samane Sedibeng Selokolela Sese Seherelela Thankane Tshidilamolomo Barolong Barolong Tribal A E Kgosi/Mothusa Kgosi Territory Moemela Kgosi Goodhope B F yo mogolwane Moemela Kgosi Hebron c G Papatlo Pitsane Kgosana Bethele D H Cwagare Cwaanyaneng Ditlharapa Kgoro Metlojane Mokatako Pitsane-Potlokwe Phihetswane Rakhuna Ramatlabama Tlhareseleele Kgatleng Bak:gatla Tribal A E Kgosi/Mothusa Kgosi Territory Moemela Kgosi Artesia B F yo mogolwane Bokaa Mmathubudukwane Oodi Moemela Kgosi Malotwana c G Morwa 740 740 741 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customary Courr Area Civil Crim.inai Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Moemelu Kgosi (cont.) Mochudi c G OJifants Drift Rasesa Ramotlabaki Sikwan.e Kgosana Bokaa D H Dikgonnye Dikwididi Kgomodiatshaba Leshibitse Mabalane Malolwane Matebele Modipane Mokatse Pilane Kgosana (cont.) Ramonaka D H South East Bamalete Tribal A E Kgosi!Mothu. .m Kgosi Territory Moemela Kgosi Ramotswa B F yo mogolwane Moemela Kgosi Mogobane c G Otse Taung Kgosi/Mnthu.m Kgosi Batlokwa Tribal A E Teritory Moemela Kgosi T!okweng B F yo mngalwane Gaborone City Broadhurst B F Court President Gaborone (Urban) Gaborone West Naledi 741 740 741 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA Customary Court Area Civil Criminal Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Deputy Court Broadhurst c G President Gaborone (Urban) Gaborone West Naledi Kgalagadi Bogogobo c G Kgosi/Mothusa Kgosi Bokspits Hukuntsi Kang Lehututu Lokgwabe Makopong Middlepits Tsabong Werda Kgosana Draihoek D H Gakhibane Hereford Hunhukwe Inalegolo Kang Khawa Khuis Kisa Kolonkwaneng Kokotsha Maralaleng Me Cathy Maubelo Middlepits Mal ashe Ncaang Omaweneno Phuduhudu Rapplespan Struzendam Tshane Ukhwi Vaalhoek Zutshwa 742 742 743 BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA BLUE BOOK - BOTSWANA C ustornary Cou.rt Area Civil Crimimd Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Ghanzi Ghanzi (Urban) _B F Court President KgosiJMothusa Kgosi Charlcshill c G Kalkfontcin
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