![1919-12-16 [P 15]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
" boxing | mmm RIAN MEE'IS BILL} Windsor Five Here For The Melting Pot PAGER BIG HIE THOMPSON THURSDAY Return Tomorrow Sport News Boiled Down Game vs. Another card of fights has been ar- Colby Mick. will The following has been received But our man was game, if nothing ranged for Lhe Amboy Sporting Club The six round semi-final event who Colby of Chroma Fein DEFEAT from a fight fan of the fair sex. else on Thursday night, and the prog'im bring together young and KEPPGRT Tha basketball fans will thmong to around team work. Schelling seems to be quute a backer of the And still came up for more. will consist of one e ftht, one six nd and Henry Mick of I3rookIyn. Colby the Auditorium Court tomorrow night fast men a dead ot will be the forwards, two "iia.be Ruth of boxing" Al Roberta. three four round bouts. has been meeting with great to see the Windsor Big Five and the The Pacer Big Five of this city local w'ho have In wonderful “To AL” But he is only Just a kid Hyan vs. TIumipHon. success in the ring, having ap- team action for pttfortned traveled to last night, where local Auditorium in Keyport, h.m a to learn. the peared in preliminaries and scmL-flnal the local court already this There was a young fellow Let's give chance In the main event. Willie Hyan. the second time this season, the first style on they defeated the Aero Flyers of that all around box- His first naano was Al And u hen ho gets experience fc.st climbing vvel'er of New Bruns events. His speed and the decision season. Solador will be at center, a the first defeat for that team game ending in being place, name he'll earn. of ing ability has made him a favorite of boosted His second name was Roberts A easily wick meet Willy Thompson award I'd to the local combination by pivot man who put up wonderful this year, and incidentally vv^ll Hie IrcaJ fans. His on And he was a mighty good pal. Brooklyn. Ryan has been doing light opponent the referee when the visitors refused gjune against “Dutch" Dehnert in j the record of the local team to four Mick ol Tho writer In the Tribune says: sonu» groot fighting both in the local Thursday night, Henry to an extra scssi 'n, the score at South Amboy on Friday night and al- straight games. The final score of has been well play He got Into the fighting game "Flxit Roberts from the ring" ring and other arenas and when put Brooklyn showing up the end of the second half being 28— so put up a creditable exhibition on the the contest was 80-19. in and Is sure to a And I’ll say he was a star But when this >oung man A1 comes up against Thompson, a man tha-i prelims put up good 28. Those who come out to see this local court In previous appearances. Each member of the Amboy team the Chrome pugi- Until ho got a manager buck matches up will w.th him. a good go against speedy attraction will surely be repaid for Clark, and Scbwankert, are the two aided In the scoring, with Bob Hand- list. Who wasn't up to par. A different song they’ll sing. fight can be expected. Thompson se- their as the clever Newark suc- star guards of the Newark team, who erhan and Gloehau as high men. j Fn*t Preifma. trip, cured a knocloout victory over Ted tion shod basketball will strive held Cantlon and Schwab scoreless in Kenefer featured for the losing com- Three four round bouts plavers j The other night Al had a fight They say. “That Staten Island Burns, who fought here sometime preliminary hard to a victory home with the 'Riverside game last week. bination with two field goals and will the and the bring Wi:.h a scrapper old and wise Champ ago, B.nd this victory speaks well for complete card, fight- them. Schwankert also held McCreery score- | nine fouls. ers in shorter bouts are sure to bo And when the fight was over Ne'er did know how to fight" the ability of the Brooklyn tighter. the The Windsor combination has been less in a game on the local court, some On Thursday night the local team so that the bouts will j They praised Reich to the sklesi But lot them wait a year or two Hyan has fought twice in the local picked oarly wondtrul ball In and around time ago. This combi-nation la euro will travel to Parlin where they will the playing | And they'll say. "Al's all right.” ring since his return to the ring, de- compare favorably with long ut often times this does not to work the Auditorium five hard meet the undefeated Dupont Y. M. C. bouts A number of local aro Newark,b J Reich made him hit the canvas, I thank you, feating Joe Honan in an eight round J fighters mean in this as has the game. A. combination In what Is expected to take in anything vicinity, throughout Pull three good times or four I FI. W. bout and a knockout over Ray expected part these bouts, on scoring when local After a hard session, tho to be the hardest the --------- heen the case, managers practice struggle Hatfield in the or.her bout. and when the IocaJ boys are put In, boohed the best from that section and local five feel capable of outplaying local team's schedule. will they aro always sure to give a good go hi ■ The battle on Thursday night, found the teams could not put the Newark wonders, as they have de- the Nationals drop from a Ip for from the start. some of Ueyport bring together two boxers, who are The preliminary bouts but the another Newark repre- G. F. Tl. fourth to next to the cellar position. ns sure to be In- up creditable exhibitions, feated strong matched and who have a g od arranged are found as Jonn O.sen's Hectors still have a evenly Windsors have played good ball on the sentative basketball team. Manager I Harris, f 0 0 0 teresting as he main goes ami record. local court and also In South Amboy Booz will count on h!s regular strong Kenefer, f 2 9 13 mortgage on this sub-department Elks In order to out must make a where they were defeated by the team to turn the trick, "Blackie" Re- j Drake, c 1 0 2 Bowling get big In the next two or threo match- Riversides last Friday night by the gan and "Scrub" McCreery In the ad- Mannel, g 2 0 4 rally HOUR ENDURANCE GOODWILL-ARROWS j e. EIGHT fccore of 80—19. vanced positions; “Hank" Thomas Bennett, g 0 0 0 | Neall was man for tho PLAY FAST KNIGHTS In the lineup of the Windsor team pitted against flolador; “Pete" Han- high average CONTEST HERE JAN. 1 j Data night with 15b. High score went to will be found a combination that Is son and "Chick" Evans in tho guard- j 5 9 19 League Larsen, of the Star Kish combination. noted for its passing, shooting and all ing positional Pacer Big Five The Goodwill-Arrow basketball G. F. Tl. 180 Hoyler, auchor of the Nationals, An Eight-Hour Endurance Howl- team of this city will travel to New led his team In average, 148. 1 0 2 on the Cun- Brunswick tomorrow night, where "Yl" Hibbard, f Standing In Elk League ing contest will be held f... 4 0 8 they will play the strong Knights of "Freddy" Gloehau, P. W. I* PO Tho scores! ningham alleys under the manage- c.. 3 2 8 St. Peter's team of that city. Ray Handerhan, Ironclads 21 16 6 .762 Nationals. Richard’s on Now Riversides For 1 0 2 ment of Howard Tim local team handicapped Roessler, g Ready Strong Mad .sons .. 21 IS 6 .714 Vereb 112 15t 151 to start not able to a home .... 5 0 10 Year’s day. It is planned being secure court, Bob Handerhan, g Pacers 21 11 10 .624 Smith 155 145 140 put up two wonderful games on out Sterlings 21 10 11 .476 Weaver 105 136 119 bowling about 2 o’clock In the after- Five This 14 2 80 of town courts, but were forced to Hoboken Star Fish 24 11 14 .458 138 158 118 Friday Hlckwood. noon, have twenty two-man teams en- to Big go down defeat. Tomorrow U *mv-IT. night's rt|MXXIWil)8 111, Baby Elks.21 9 12 .429 162 148 135 Hoyler tered. and finish bowling about 10 game is expected to start the locals The Speedway's, a fast Junior Nationals 24 10 14 .876 By 8peof.il o'clock a.t night. on a way and Sul- Corespondent. Amboy. basketball team from this city secured Rectors 21 6 16 .238 672 738 668 winning Manager SOUTH AMBOY, Dec. 16:—The Richard’s would like to have the livan will hia team from Glo- This Friday night It Is predicted their fourth straight victory, when The Star FlshVGlants, led by their Star Fish. pick who said that basketball names of all local teams that would chau. Hibbard, Holzheirner, Miller pessimists the crowd he the that they defeated the etrong Junior repre- peerless captain.
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