www .lh enews enl erpri se. com EWS- John Hardin boys, North Review: 'My Week With Hardin girls debut in state championships Marilyn' onj)VD PULSE, SPOAlS, Bl I HUHS OAI lUR CH 22, 2D1 2 • SERY IMG HUD IN COU NTY SINCE 1914 aEAC H SU BSC RI BER SER VICES AT (21D) 5D 5- 1T7D 50 t ints ed'puppy E'town mill' busted hires events Vine Grove coordinator July4 celebration on her agenda couple each By BEN SHEROAN b.... fOIUl@th . n .....nt«pri ... rom Described by Eliza­ dependence and the charged bethtown Mayor Tim city's establishment on Walker as ~very enthusi· that date in 1797. astic, very energetic, ft a T h , with 89 28-year-old Central third all- ,-...,.-, Hardin High School n u a I graduate begins work C rubin' counts of next week as the city's in the first evenl:i coordinator. H ea r t ­ The new position, land car cruelty which pays $311,000 an­ show is nually, was offered to t h r e e Sa rah Vaughn, who weeks By AMBER COULTER later and """,,1"r@lh<n""""nt.rpm..<om stagL>ti the street-paint­ ing festival Via Colori the fourth weekend in About 100 do~ and the past tWO years as August is reserved at puppies are being held 3.'1 part of her job with the Freeman Lake Park for evidence against two Vine Mvocacy and Support the Heartland Festival. Grove residents who have Center. ~ I t's very important been charged with 89 "I'm very excited,ft thal the events coordi­ counts of second-degree she said. ~Really, really, nator hits the ground cruelty to animals. really excited." running, ~ Walker said. Brian McCarthy, 48, Vaughn was selected With that heavy Sl,UlI' and his wife, Joyce Mc­ from a group of 47 ap· mer schedule, Vaughn Carthy, <17. were arrcst(."(\ plicants, Wal ker said e~ts to be on the go. ~ I probably won't Wednesday on tho!le Wednesday. be charges, which are Class A She said her involve­ sitting in m:r. chair misdemeanofll and punish­ ment with Via Colori much," she sai . In addition to staging able by up to one year in taught her many lessons evenl:i, Walker said tile jail, Vine Grove Police she wiU usc in the city new position will serve Capt. Dale Rlggs said. position, including net­ as a resource for the There is evidence the working, fund raising Historic State Theater, dogs were being sold, he and volunteer recruit­ ment. While she de­ Heritage Council, Eliza­ $aid. bethtown Sports Park When officials and vol­ scribes it as her ~stand ­ and Kentucky High out experie n ce,~ she unteers arrived, they found School Basketball Hall unsanitary conditions, a said school, family and of Fame. church functions also foul odor and a few dead The job was created dOI9> including one in a preparLod her for this op­ to fill a void in coordi­ portunity. cage with ib nursing moth- nating community ~ I' ve been doing evenb after the Hardin ". some kind of event· The dogs were witilout County Chamber of water and in a room that Haldln County Animal ContrOl offleer Mike Pettel$On on Wedne$day earrles $evellil ChihuahuH planning thing my en­ Commerce chose to Into the Animal Cont rol building to be .orted, vaccinated and fed aftar a IUSpaeted "puppy tire life, ~ she said. ~Crc­ was about 80 degrees, redirect its energies to­ mlll ~ In Vine Grove was raided. More than 100 Chihuahuas were found In a mobile home. RiS/,'lI said. ating things from the ward business and in­ Officers received a re­ groWld up .~ home at 103 Gaylene rooms they searched and in unsanitary conditions dustrial development. quest for assistance from Her first task is a first­ Vaughn, who begins Hardin County Animal Drive, acccording to an ar­ estimated when they re­ and without water. A pre­ time event. Elizabeth­ liminary count put the work March 28, recog· Control and were told by rest citation. ceived permission to town wants to stage a nizes the importance of Brian McCarthy they Officers counted more search the rest of the house number of dogs there at Fourth of J uly celebra· could search the mobile than 40 dogs in the two there were about 100 dogs Tum Lo DOGS. A I2 tion to mark national in· Tum Lo VAUGHN, 11.7 Public invited to screening Upton neighbors rally around of i\merican Teacher' film ailing infant and her family By KE.LLY CANTRALL shown around the state to start a 1tc ... tnI]@.... n ....... nt·'vrioo.roon dialogue about careers in educa· tion and the profession's impact By AMBER COULTER Local educational oq,'ani7.a­ OWUh ..@ II>omc.....,nterpri ... ,coo' on students and SOCiety. The tions hope a new documentary film follows the careers of four sparks a dis<:ussion about teach­ Harlie Brook Currie Wi\:i expected to be public school teachers. ing as a career. stillborn. Snt Silberman, executive di­ Several organizations arc After her birth, doctors expected she only teaming up to host a viewing of rector of Ihe P1ichard Commit­ would live for hours. When she exceeded that, the film MAmetican Teacher" by tee for Academic Excellence, they gave her days, then weeks. Vaness..... Roth from ti to 8 p.m. said the committee encouraged Her mother, Tiffany Currie of Upton, Tuesday at the Perfonning Arts viewings because it wanted to thinks doctors gave Harlie a prediction of a 6· Center ,,' T.K Stone Middle see the public begin talking month lifespan because the tiny infant kept SchooL Free seating is available about the loss of good teachers. outliving all the bleak outlooks. by registering at www.anlerican People need to talk about what ~She is one heck of a fighter," Currie said. should be done to hold on to "She kept beating all these odds {hat they were teacherky.com. Coi.o1ooI''''''' (;ijmo ,_ The documentary is being Tum t.:> FIlM. All Tum t.:> lIAll.l.IL 11.7 Tiffany Currifl kino he r daughter. Harlle. INSIDE WEATHER • TODAY'S OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED INSIDE Dorothy Newton Comer ABBY ..............A. MOVIES ......... 810 .!:Ioone l'ilialrCau, ':J7 Results of Wednesday'S 1M NtwJ­ CALENDAR ....... A4 NEIGHBORS .. .. A8 Janet Muriel King, 71 Enttrpristonline poll, as of 7 p.m.: ClASSIAEOS ... 8S 08ITUAR IES ..... A4 Denver OUer, 72 QUESTION: Have you eVL'T con­ COMICS ........ B11 OPINION .......... A6 Mary N. Olszewski, 59 HELOISE ........ Bl0 PULSE ........... A10 tributed to a food program for ~hil­ Martita Harris Reed dren ovCTSCas? LOnERIES ...... 82 PUZZLES ....... 810 Charles Allen "Chuck~ Yes: 50 percent No: 50 percent MONEY ............ A9 SPORTS .......... B1 Sparks, 61 TELEVISION ... 810 Ada L Wilkins, 84 STO HANCE TODAY'S QUESTION: Are you satisfied • COMPI.(T[ 06l1VARtES . .. with the punishments levied on the New Orleans Saints by the NFL? 80/61 Follow fni the poll QI,lCStion ~the 'opiIion' meru at • OOMPLEfE REPORI. A2 us: ..-.~ tIfPI\&II.com A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE THUUOAY, lURCH 22. 2m LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES FROM AROUND KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK DAILY BRIEFING ON TlUS DATE IN 1765, the FRANKFORT British Parliament passed Expo of prevention the Stamp Act to raise mon­ Proposal would ey from American colonies, clarify merged which resisted the ta>;, IN 1312, Pope Clement V Hardin Memorial Hospital's health fair offers government iSSUL-d a papal bull ordering The question about a dissolution of the Order of screenings, meetings with medical professionals merger of city and county the Knights Templar. govemments is, ~ How By AMBER COU LTER would it work?" The Senate IN HARDIN aoulfTY Spring is a good time to present healthy lifestyle choices, Blaiklock aroullm@'h.M ....nk>rl'n ...oo'n State and Local Govern­ 30 YEARS AGO, Lottie Rob­ provide attendees with a fresh per· said. spe<:tive on their health and to There also will be infonnational ment Committee has pas· inson, a teacher in ELiza­ Hardin Memorial Hospital rep­ sed a bill that would attempt ~howcase good lifestyle choices, booths on health-.care issues and bethtown schools for 38 resentatives wanl to help area resi· to an$wer that question. said Karen Blaiklock, community medical services, such as cancer yean. wa.!I honored a.s Citi­ dents become more aware of thei r Rep. Jimmie Lee and and industry education manager care, diabetes management, diges· zen of the Month by the heallh and make sure they're suffi· Sen. Dennis i'arrett, both Elizabethtown Rotary Club. for Hardin Memorial Hospital. tive disorders, weight manage· ciently infonned to make good de­ Area residents are more likely to Eli7-<lbethtown Democrats, She previously taught at the cisions about iL ment. prenatal care, and hip and brought the bill before the Bond-Washington school spend time outside in spring, $he knee replacement. Hardin Memorial Hospital said, a time of year when they committee Wednesday, until its closing. In 1982 she Blaiklock said it's important for Health Expo 2012 presents an op­ should consider how well they're where it unanimously was taught al Valley View Ele­ a regional health·care system to portunity to learn about risk fac· pursuing New Year's resolutions. approved. It was prompted mentary School. keep families informed about by discussions in Hardin lors for heal th concerns and help ~ This is an opportunity for us to 20 YEARS AGO, 'Ierry M. health-care services available in County. altendees leam how to prevent re-evaluate our health status,~ she Joy of F.lil.abcthlown was the community and provide them such issue$. $aid. "11'$ a good opportunity for U$ Lee explained the bill grand-prize winner in a The fair a1so showcases health· opportunities to speak with med· would clarify how the pro· Monument Builders of to look at where we want to go for related services in the area and the rest of the year.
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