• Staff Sergeant Stephen IV. Landoy {,,Tny Serial Numter 33266G94), Field \^ ilrtillerj'-, Lbited States Jirniy-, for distinguishing hiraself by heroic service in con- y^_Jul^^t, nection with militai-' operations against an enemy of the United States in Hollandi on 2G October 1944-. altered the military service from Painsylvania. Sergeant Glen E. Hoop (Army Serial Number 2053G65. Fldld ..rtillcrv. United States «my, for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with military operations against an onemy of the United States in Holland, on 28 October 19A4-. Entered the military service from Indiana. Technician Fourth Grade Kermit D. Sandquist (urmy Serial Number 37175293), ', Field ivrtillery. United States Army, for distingui'shing hlioself by heroic sorvi-^o in connection witJi miDJ+Arycpcretious against on enemy of tho Jnited 5>tato9 In Holland, on 28 October 1944* Entered tlie military service from Minnesota. Corporal (then Private First Glass) Ho\7ard Hollovmy (iirmy Serial Number 33313731), Field i^rtillery. United States .*nny, for distinguishing himself ty heroic^ scrvico in connection with military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland, on 29 October 1944. liitored tlie. militarj'- service from Pennsylvania'. , Corpordl Fitxncis V. Jorrionaon (Army Serial Number 37544442), Field .^rtH- lory, United States .iirmy, fcrp^istinguishing hixiself bj/-heroic service in connection with rdlitary operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland, on 28 ' October 1944. Entered the military service from Minr.esota. Corporal Ch-arles A. M., Lee (Army Serial Nvu.iber 37493125), Field Artillery, „ United States .irmy, for distinguishing himsolf ty heroic service in coiuiection with ? nalit'.i.JL^'- operations against on enemy of the United St:\tes in Holland, on 27 and 26 Octobor 1944. Entered the ndlitary service from Missouri, .Corporal ;.U.lie Mays (..rmy Serial Number 3807954?) p Field i^rtillery, United States ...rmy, for distinguishing hirsolf by heroic service in connection v/ith military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland, on 26 October 1944. 2atored. the tdlitary service from TcxaG. - 3 - •• ... R,E 3 T K I C T E D . '•Recevw^ci The. ^'route^ ^T^h / (GO 95, Hq 7th Arnd Div, 257, U S ..ray, 22 Nov Cont'd) 7^ Corporcd Thoodoro H. Myr-ir, (anny Serial Number 37j/^A377), Field artillery, . Unitod States .aiiay. Tor distinguishing hirself by heroic ourvice in connection \7ith uiiliUciy oporutions a^jainct an oncny of the Unitod States in Hollmid, cn 23 October 1944. iiitoi'cd tiiQ luilitary service from North Dakota. Technician Fifth Grade Gilbert D. CaiM'bcai (..rmy Serial Nur.ibor 37467993), Field ilrtlllcry, United States ..rnry, for diatinguisliiii£ hiiBclf b^^ heroic scr/ico 7 in connection with irdlitary opcrf:«tions against an cnony of the United States in Holland, on 26 and 29 Octobor 1944. iiitcred the military service xror.i Nebraska. Technician Fifth Grade Leonard 2. Btzol (..n.iy Serial Numter 375/»4448), Field .i.rtillciy, United States Army, for distinguishing himself bf>' heroic service in ccr.ncction with military'- opeictions against an enemy of the United States in ?' Hollrnd, on 23 and 29 October 1944. Entered the militar;.' service froi-i Minnesota. Technician Fifth Grade Enrl R. Gibson (Armj' SerirJ Number 33267C74), Field 2) i^rtillery, United States Army, for distinguishing himself by heroic service in con- ^ nection ^rlth tdlitarj'- operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland, on Z-y Octo^r 1944. Entered tho military service from Peimsylvania. Technician Fifth Grade Jar.os H. Reese (:.imy Serial Number 37493126), Field /T'. Artillery-, United States /ixm.y, for distinguishing himself by hoi-cic scivice in con- .(j'>*^ncction with military' operations against m. enemy of the Unitod States in Holland, on 2u October 1944. Entered the military service from Missouri. Technician Fifth Grade .Toacph F. Velez (iimy Serial Number 37467950), Field Artillery, United States Arr.'y, for distinguishing hixiself by heroic service in con- P ncction with military operations against an enemy of tlio United States in Holland, on 27 and 26 October 1944. Entered the military service from Nebraska. Private First Class Oliver .^usluy (.xni.y Serial Number 34399616), Field ^ Artillery, United States i^rmy, for distinguishing himsclx by heroic service in con- r ncction \.'ith i;dlitary operations against an enemy of tho United States in Holland, or. 28 and 29 October 1944. filtered tho r.llitary service from .Jamra. 'OiM^*'*^^^^^ Private First Class Robert G. Grovn (Amy Serial rumbor 333^'965), Field Artiller;-, United States Army, for distintjuisl)!;.^^ hii-..:;o.l i bv h.:;iric service in ccn- vfr^ nection \;ith r.llitary'- operations against -in ona.y of : >v i'.ilLcd St-^.tc:: in Holland, ^0^on PO October 19/J^, Entered tlie rdlitary cer/icc fro.: : r.ryl -nd. Irivate First Class Con:oii,C. ho;::-rv (..r-'.y S.;v.ivl K'umbor 37^52005), Field *irtillorj-, United ot.it-s iar.iy, for di^tiiii;i;i.-l.i-f' ^ JJI:! UX' by ivroic svxvicc in con• nection with mLlitar;>' operations against an onoi-y cl United Status in Holland, ? on 26 and 29 October 1944. Entered tho mllitar,- sornjce iro:- lc\/:.'., • 1 . U - RE£TRI.CThii ..RESTRICTED.. ::'..P:7 / ^ , (GO 95, Hq. 7th .Armd Div, /vPO 257, U S Amy, 22 Nov 44, Cont'd) )^£/eM^ I Private First Class Ginoyevo J. Ruiz (Array Serlad Number 3734004S), Fiela ' J Artillery, United States /Irmy, for distiiguishing himself by heroic service In con• nection vrith military opemtions against an enemy of the United States in Holland, • ' on 29 CTctobor 1944. filtered the military service from Colorado. YYMM-ct^ r Private Cjedig A. iuiderson CArmv Serial Number 37652333). Field .irtiljery. - United States Arra^', for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection v/ith ' 1 military operations against an enemy of tho United States in Holland, on 2& October .1944. ^tered the militaiy aervice from Iowa. Private Sam J. .Brvant (Atmv-Serial Number 1ZDZ.?59lK field artillery, United States kr^, for distinguishing himself by heroic sor/ice in connection wibh , military operations against on enemy of the United States in Holland, on 29 October 1944.; filtered tho military service from Mississippi. frivate John A. Burka (Army SerialiNunber 42080159), Fiold Artillery,: "'^ United states Army, for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with • inilitarjr operations against an .meoy of the United States in Holland, on 23 and 29/= October, 1944« Ilntored the military service from New Jorsey. ' "..^i' Private Rayncnd Frazeo (Arny Serial Number yiUdllOi^., Field artillery, l^^! Uttitod Statds Army, for distinguishing himself by heroic service In connection with military''operations against an enomgr bf the United States in Holland, on 27 and 28 October 1944. • Satered the military service frora 2^-^ Private V/illiam IH. Gill (Anay Serial Number 37466202), Field xortUlary, pioM*^ -United States Army, for distinguishing himself by heroic service in connection with V enemy of -Uie United States in Holland, on 26 October 1944. Entered the military Boivlce from jMobraska. , Private George L. Humphrey i.-.rvxn Serial Number 34^21055), Field Artillery, United States'Amy, for distinguishing himself by heroic service In connection with 7 military operations against an oiiemyof the Unitod States In Holland, on 28 Ootober: 1944. Entorod the military service from South Carolina. Private Rudoloh A. Johnson (Army Serial Nurjbor 37544723), Field ivrtillery, United States Arr.^, for distinguishing himself by heroic service in coiinection with r military operations against an enemy of the United States in Holland, on 27 and ;^ Octobor 1944. Entered the military seivico from North Dakota. Privqto Ernest L. Merrill (;vimy Serial Number 37467453). Field Artillery, ; United States Amy, for distinguishing himself by hercic service in connection with ? military oporationa against an enemy-of the United States in Holland on 28 Octobpr 1944. Entered."the Mlitary aervico from 5out}i DcfKota, Private MnrtinL. Sonn (Army Serial Number 343695^), Fiold Artillej^* United States Army, for distinguishing himself ty heroic service In connection with tnllltaiy operations ago in st an enemy of the United States in Holland, on 26 October. 1944. Entered the J^ilital'y'soivico from South Carolina. > • v> ' - 5 n . .
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